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Category NOTES Session 2023-24

Topic Notes No. 3
Grade VI Subject

Name Date 06/02/2023

My Learning Objective:

-To elaborate the rotation of the earth

-To analyze the revolution of the earth & effects of revolution

-To explain the relationship between the Sun and the movement of the Earth
-To develop the effect of rotation of the Earth describe how the tilt and the position of the Earth affects
the seasons
-To reframe the effects of revolution of the Earth
-To define the concept of aphelion and perihelion
-To describe the cycle of seasons Procedure
1. Aphelion: the point in the orbit of a planet, asteroid, or comet at which it is furthest from the sun.
2. Equinox: the position of the Earth in its orbit on 21 March and 23 September
3. Perihelion: the point in the orbit of a planet, asteroid, or comet at which it is closest to the sun.
4. Revolution: movement of the Earth around the Sun in a period of one year
5. Rotation: the spinning of the Earth upon its axis in about 24 hours
6. Seasons: divisions of the year marked by distinct weather patterns
7. Solstices: the positions of the Earth in its orbit on 21 June and 22 December
Answer the following:

Q1. Differentiate between the following.

1. Spring equinox and autumnal equinox

2. Perihelion and aphelion

Ans: Spring equinox and Autumnal equinox:

1. Spring Equinox:

It occurs on March 21 when rays of the Sun fall vertically on the Equator. At this position, neither of the
poles are tilted towards the Sun, resulting in equal days
and nights at all places on the Earth.
Autumnal Equinox:
It occurs on September 23 when rays of the Sun fall vertically on the Equator.

At this position, neither of the poles is tilted towards the Sun resulting in equal days and

nights at all places on the Earth.

During this period the Northern Hemisphere experiences spring season, while it is the autumn season in

the Southern Hemisphere.

During this period, the Northern Hemisphere experiences the autumn season, while it is the spring season

in the Southern Hemisphere

2. Perihelion and Aphelion:

Perihelion: Around January 4, when the Earth reaches a point in its orbit where the distance between the

Earth and the Sun is the minimum (about 146 million km), then we say the Earth is in Perihelion.

Aphelion: Around July 4, when the Earth reaches a point in its orbit where the distance between the Earth

and the Sun is maximum (about 151 million km), then we say the Earth is in Aphelion.

Q2. Define a leap year.

Ans: Every fourth year has 366 days when February has 29 days. Such a year is called a leap year.

Q3. What do you understand by the “Circle of IIIumination”?

Ans: The 'Circle of Illumination' is the imaginary line that separates the lighted part of the
Earth (where it is day time) from the dark areas (where it is night time).

Q4. List two factors responsible for the phenomenon of seasons.

Ans: The factors which are responsible for the phenomenon of seasons are:

(a) the inclination of the Earth's axis at a fixed angle and direction

(b) the revolution of the Earth around the Sun.

Q5. Why do the places near the Equator have equal days and nights?

Ans: On places near the Equator, the Sun shines vertically throughout the year, so they have
equal daysand nights.

Q6. What is rotation? Discuss its effects.

Ans: Rotation is the movement of the Earth on its own

axis:Its effects are:

a. It causes day and night. A day consists of 24 hours.

b. The concept of direction is based on sunrise and sunset due to the apparent movement of the Earth.

c. Bulging of the Earth at the Equator and flattening at the poles are caused due to rotation.

d. Movement of winds, oceans, currents and fides are also caused due to it.

Q7. What is revolution? Write down its effects.

Ans: Revolution is the movement of the Earth on an inclined axis around the Sun. Its effects are:
a. It causes the cycle of seasons.

b. It causes the difference in the duration of day and night.

c. It is responsible for the difference in distribution of heat over the surface of the Earth.

Q8. Define the Earth’s orbit and explain the inclination of the Earth’s axis.
Ans: Earth's orbit is the fixed path on which it moves around the Sun.
The Earth's axis is neither perpendicular to the direction of the Sun's rays nor to the plane of the Earth's
orbit. It is inclined from the vertical line at an angle of 23 ½ degree.
It makes an angle of 66 ½ degree with its orbital plane which is formed by the orbit of the Earth around the
Sun. The Earth always remains tilted to one side while moving around the Sun. This tilt is called the 'inclination of
the Earth's axis'

Q8. Define the Earth’s orbit and explain the inclination of the Earth’s axis.

Ans: Earth's orbit is the fixed path on which it moves around the Sun.
The Earth's axis is neither perpendicular to the direction of the Sun's rays nor to the plane of the Earth's
orbit. It is inclined from the vertical line at an angle of 23 ½ degree.
It makes an angle of 66 ½ degree with its orbital plane which is formed by the orbit of the Earth around
the Sun. The Earth always remains tilted to one side while moving around the Sun. This tilt is called the
'inclination of the Earth's axis'.

Q9. What are solstices? Explain the winter and summer solstices.

Ans: Solstices are the position of the Earth when the midday Sun shines vertically overhead at the Tropic of
Cancer or the Tropic of Capricorn and the duration of the day is longest in the hemisphere.

(a) Winter solstice occurs on 22 December when the sun's rays fall vertically over the Tropic of Capricorn.

(b) Therefore, it is summer season in the Southern Hemisphere where the places experience the

longestday and the shortest night.

(c) The Northern hemisphere, which is turned away from the Sun, receives slanting rays of the Sun and the

days are short and the nights long. It is the winter season in the Northern Hemisphere.

(d) Summer solstice occurs on 21 June when the Sun's rays fall vertically over the Tropic of Cancer.

Therefore, it is summer season in the Northern hemisphere where the places experience the longest day and the
shortest night. The Southern hemisphere, which is turned away from the Sun, receives slanting rays of the Sun.
The duration of daylight is short and it is winter season in the Southern Hemisphere


Q1. Why are the Sun’s rays never vertical on the Arctic Circle?

Ans: Due to the inclination of the Earth's axis at a fixed angle and direction, the sun's rays fall vertically on

the Equator during the spring and Autumnal Equinoxes.

During the Summer Solstice, the Sun's rays fall vertically on the Tropic of Cancer and during the Winter

Solstice they fall vertically over the Tropic of Capricorn.

So, only those places which lie between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn receive
the vertical rays of the Sun at different times throughout the year. Hence, all other places outside this
region including the artic circle can never receive the vertical rays of the Sun

Q2. Why are days and nights at the North and the South Pole of six month’s duration?

Ans: This happens due to the inclination of the Earth's axis. During the period 23 September to 21 March

falling in the next year, the North Pole is tilted away from the Sun and does not receive any light and so it

is night during this period of six months. On the other hand, throughout this six month's period, the South

Pole is tilted towards the Sun and therefore it is daytime. Between 21 March and 23 September, the role is

reversed, so it is daytime at the North Pole and night time at the South Pole for six month's duration.

Value Corner:

Q1. The Earth completes one rotation in 24 hours. It moves continuously on its own axis without delay.

What do you learn from this quality of the Earth?

Ans: We learn that we should regularly do all our work, from waking up in the morning to going to bed in the

Night, according to a fixed schedule and without any delay.

Stay Safe - Stay Curious


Prepared By: Ms.Anju Anitha Verified By: Ms. Farha naaz

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