Notes - USST 7 Geography of South Asia

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Category Worksheet Notes Session 2022-23

Topic/Lesson Unit 3 Developments in Notes No. 3

South Asia
L1 - The Geography
of South Asia

Grade 7 Subject MSC

Name Date 11/01/2023

My Learning Objective:
∙ To discuss the importance of land ,people of south Asia.
∙ To engage in a discussion about the geography of the Indian Subcontinent.

∙ Indus River - The Indus is a trans boundary river and a trans Himalayan river of South and
Central Asia
∙Ganges Plain - large floodplains of the Indus,Ganges and Brahmaputra river system .
∙Himalayan mountains - a mountain range in Asia ,separating the plains of the Indian subcontinent from
Tibetan Plateau.
. Deccan Plateau - It is known as the peninsular Plateau or the Great Plateau,is a large plateau in India,making
up the majority of the southern part of the country.

Fill in the blanks:

1. South Asia is also known as the Indian subcontinent.
2. Mount Everest is the largest mountain peak in the world.
3. Volcanic kind of rock can be found on the Deccan Plateau.
4. The Vindhya Mountain separates the north from the south of the subcontinent.
5. The fourth feature of the Indian subcontinent is its Coastlines .
Answer the following:

1. What is called monsoon?

Ans: A monsoon is a seasonal change in the direction of the prevailing,or strongest,winds of a

2. Write a description of geographical features of Ganga river?

Ans: Ganga river is a great river of the plains of the northern Indian Plateau.It begins in the
southern Himalayas forming a canyon as it leaves the mountain.Its winds its way through
northern India,eventually emptying into Bay of Bengal.The Ganges many tributaries originate
from nearby countries of Nepal,Bangladesh, and china.

3. Write a description of geographical features of the Ganges River as it is from the Himalayas.

Ans: The headwaters of the Ganges River begin high in the Himalayan Mountains where
Bhagirathi River flows out of the Gangotri Glacier in India;s Uttarakhand state.As the
Ganges flows out of the Himalayas,it creates a narrow,rugged canyon.

4.Write a description of some features of the river found here at the city of Varanasi along the Ganges
River Plain?
Ans: Many hindus works of literature have personified river Ganges as a goddess purity is believed
that one who takes a dip in the river,gets rids of all his sins.The city of Varanasi is situated
along the banks of Ganges.It is also known as Benares,or Kashi city,south eastern
Uttarakhand state,north India.It was one of the first major urban settlements in the middle
Ganga Valley.

5. Write a description of some features of the source of the Indus River.?

Ans: The Indus is a trans boundary river of Asia and trans-himalayan river of south and central
Asia.The river Indus is also known as Sindhu.Its principal right-bank tributaries are
Shyok,Gligit,Kabul,Kurram.It is located in 3 countries- China,India and Pakistan.

6. Write a description of some features of the Indus River as it passes through karakorum ,Pakistan?.
Ans: The Indus originates from the Boker chu(glacier)in the northern slopes of Mt.kailash drains
the largest number of glaciers and mountain slopes of the karakorum, ladakh,Zaskarand
himalayan ranges.

7. Write a description of some features of the Indus river delta?

Ans: The Indus River Delta forms where the Indus River flows into Arabian sea,mostly in the
Southern Sindh province of Pakistan with a small portion in the Kutch region of
India.Together with the rivers Chenab,Ravi,Sutlej,Jhelum,Beas and the extinct Saraswati
River,the Indus forms Sapta Sindhu(Seven Rivers)deltas in the Sindh province of Pakistan.

Prepared By: Ms. Sumiya Jalal Verified By: Ms. Farhanaaz


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