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Republic of the Philippines



Name:____________________________________________________ Score:_________________
Year & Section:_____________________________________________ Date:__________________
General Direction:Read each item carefully. Follow the instruction strictly. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. It is an ancient story created to explain natural events. Gods, goddesses, and heroes are among the characters of this
a. Poetry b. Myth c. Novel d. Short story
2. A clear and direct, basically anything someone tells you in clear language.
a. Implicit b. Extended c. Explicit d. Intensive
3. The author’s attitude towards the audience, the subject, or the character
a. Tone b. Rhyme c. Mood d. Atmosphere
4. It is the poet’s attitude toward the subject.
a. Sound b. tone c. meaning d. mood
5. Also called as adverbial conjunction, transitional device, can used to join two independent clauses, making a
compound sentence.
a. Adverb b. adverbial phrase c. Parenthetical expression d. Conjunctive adverb
6. Beowulf was saved by his mail-shirt when he fought with Grendel’s mother. The underlined word means
a. Sword b. armor c. amulet d. church
7. Grendel visited the golden- shining hall every night for almost 12 years. The underlined word refers to
a. Camelot b. palace c. Heorot d. church
8. Which “kenning” does not refer to Grendel.
a. Dragon-slayer b. shepherd of evil c. guardian of crime d. sin-stained demon
9. Choose the appropriate synonym of the underlined word as used in the sentence: “The Prime Minister was killed by a
a. Murdered b. slaughtered c. slew d. assassinated
10. Choose the sentence with the correct comma placement.
a. Murdered b. slaughtered c. slew d. assassinated
II. Write the reflexive pronoun or intensive pronoun that will complete each of the following sentences.
11. Anton ____________ fixed the computer.
12. They were proud of the experiment that they have done _______________?
13. Daisy bought ______________ a new pair of rubber shoes.
14. We will speak to the police ______________ .
15. Ask _____________ what help you can give to community.
A. Determine the Mood of the following passage. Choose your answer inside the box.
a. horror or fear d. serenity or peace g. exultation
b. scorn or anger e. gaiety or happiness
c. depression or sadness f. somberness or gloom

16. I came to the top to breathe and dived again. I studied the mouth of a submerged cave. Two small snakes five feet
long came out of the cave and swam off through the reeds. Then large, terrible-looking head of an adult anaconda
appeared. I shot to the surface and scrambled up on the shore of the lake.
17. The church bells on the belfry slowly tolled the Angelus. The cool air shed a new stillness over the fading day. The
sun set and the wind died down to a whisper.
18. Furiously I slam crimson
With a loud-sounding whack!
Whirling lines, and crooked arrows.
Jagged scarlet flames
With orange, purple, black
19. The band paraded along the crowded street and the sky rockets filled the evening with golden showers. The air was
filled with excitement and the church bells proclaimed to the rest of the world that the dreary little town is alive with
laughter, music and friendly chatter
20. Afoot and lighthearted I take to the open road,
Healthy, free, the world before me
The long brown path before me leading wherever I choose.
B. Determine the Tone of the following passage. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
21. “What a place! Cockroaches everywhere, cobwebs and dust thick enough to plant potatoes in!”
a. bitterness b. disgust c. pride d. admiration
22. The room was damp and dark. Faded curtains covered the narrow windows and black covers shrouded the furniture.
A single black-framed photograph hung on the wall, catching a sliver of light through a tiny slash in the curtain.
a. Cheer b. dismay c. gloom d. sarcasm
23. “You should be ashamed of yourself, robbing that poor peddler of the happiness of making a sale! One peso more
would not have hurt your pocket but it would have brought a small banana for his supper.”
a. mocking b. apologetic c. condescending d. bitter
24. “Why should we live with such hurry and waste life? We are determined to be starved before we are hungry. Men
say that a stitch in time saves nine, and so they make a thousand stitches today to save nine tomorrow.”
a. Apologetic b. sarcastic c. mocking d. bitter
25. The gift, to be true, must be the following of the given unto me, corresponding to my flowing unto him. When the
waters are at level, then my goods pass hem and his to me. All his are mine all mine his.
a. Realistic b. philosophic c. condescending d. demanding
26. Which sentence does not describe the feature of epic poetry?
a. Epic is a long narrative poem about the exploits of a legendary hero.
b. Epic uses highly elevated language.
c. Epic characters possess superhuman qualities.
d. Epic uses common or ordinary language.
27. Which is not a type of lyric poetry?
a. Sonnet b. ballad c. ode d. elegy
28. Read the sentences a below and decide the correct order of events. Take note of the sequence markers.
A. First they built a high wall with their blocks.
B. Next they made building with their smaller blocks.
C. Jose and Pedro took out all their blocks.
D. When they were finished building, they knocked down the blocks and out them away.
What should be the correct order of events?
29. Each part of a story is out of a sequence. Arrange the sentences to form a complete story in proper sequence or
A. The first animal I saw was dog. D. After I saw a puppy, I saw two black kittens.
B. Next I saw some birds. E. The last animal I saw was a big black carabao.
C. I went to the pet store today.
What should be the correct sequence of the story?
30. The language in this type of text is imaginative and more colorful than the other types. What type of text is it?
a. Informative text c. Journalistic text
b. Literary text d. Narrative text
V. Identify what name, place, thing, etc. are being asked in the questions below. Get your answers inside the circle.



31. The King of Crete and husband of Queen Pasiphae.

32. Daughter of Cepheus and Cassiopeia, she is being offered to appease the serpent.
33. It is where the Minotaur contained, and one of many inventions of Daedalus.
34. The Greek goddess of wisdom, having no mother and her father is Zeus.
35. Terrible winged monsters who lived alone on an island. They had teeth like the tusks of a boar, hands of brass, and snakes
instead of hair.
36. A peasant girl who has a talent in weaving
37. He is a great hero and slayer of Medusa.
38. Any of the minor divinities of nature represented as beautiful maidens dwelling in the mountains, forests, trees, and waters.
39. The sea where Icarus fell and unfortunately died.
40. The wine of the gods and goddesses
41. He was a musician, poet and prophet in Greek mythology.
42. God of the sea and protector of all aquatic features
43. Daughter of Zeus and Demeter, and the queen of the underworld
44. Goddess of corn, grain, and the harvest.
45. Beautiful but dangerous creatures that lured the sailors with their beautiful voices to their doom
46. “The soft yellow glow of the moon peeked out behind the blanket of dark clouds.”
a. Imagery of sound b. imagery of touch c. imagery of smell d. imagery of sight
47. “Opening Grandma’s kitchen door, I was warmly greeted by the cinnamon sweet aroma of her ‘just baked’ apple
a. Imagery of sound b. imagery of taste c. imagery of smell d. imagery of sight
48. “The tang of salt spray from the sea”
a. Imagery of taste b. imagery of sound c. imagery of smell d. imagery of sight
49. “Her beams beneath the silvery thatch; Couched in his kennel, like a log.”
a. Imagery of touch b. imagery of taste c. imagery of smell d. imagery of sight
50. “Her radiant complexion appeared wearing the brilliance of a queen.”
a. Imagery of touch b. imagery of taste c. imagery of smell d. imagery of sight

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