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Perceived Parenting Style and Socialization Level Among College Students in

Laguna State Polytechnic University Siniloan (Host) Campus



AMOIN, Sedrich

DELA ROSA, Honey Joy

ORTEGA, Stephanie Grace

PADRE, Madeline

ROMERO, Richmond Josh

Perceived Parenting Style and Socialization Level among College Students in

Laguna State Polytechnic University Siniloan (Host) Campus


The environment and other people play a significant impact in the child’s

psychosocial processes as stated by Ceka and Murati (2016). According to Diana

Baumrind (1960) a developmental psychologist there are three main Parenting Styles

these are permissive, authoritative, and authoritarian parenting style. A child with

permissive parents is likely to perform a parenting type than a camaraderie type. On

the other hand, authoritative parents are aware of their children's needs. Lastly,

Authoritarian parents can be classified as strict and do not usually ask for feedback

and feelings of their children. These three styles have differences and similarities that

may cause a children’s behavior to differ in terms of their characteristics as well as

the level of socialization. Consequently, socialization is the process through which the

individual learns to become an accepted member of the society.

Parents, as primary agents of socialization, are traditionally obligated to play the

critical role of socializing their children into their social milieu. Several studies have

found that how parents interact with their children has a great influence on the child's

ability to socialize with others. Parents' perceived parenting styles can influence how

well their children adjust and feel comfortable in social situations. Furthermore, the

perceived parenting style received by a child will influence the type of person they


This study will be conducted to determine the relationship between the three

perceived parenting styles and practices and their association with the level of
socialization among college students of Laguna State Polytechnic University Siniloan

(Host) Campus

The relationship between parenting styles and short and long-term socialization

outcomes was examined in this study using a two-dimensional model of four types of

parenting styles. The socialization outcomes studied were self-esteem and social value

internalization (Garcia, Serra & Zacarés, 2018).

Attachment experiences are essential for emotional and cognitive development in

humans. According to the findings of this study, there is a significant relationship

between secure adult attachment and authoritative parenting style (Doinita &

Nijloveanu, 2015).

Karen Cherry (2023) characterized authoritarian parents to have high standards

but low responsiveness. Children under this parenting style are not usually getting

reasons for the rules set in place and there is no room for negotiation.

Karen Cherry (2022) characterized authoritarian parenting with reasonable

demands and a high level of responsiveness. While authoritative parents may have

high expectations for their children, they also provide them with the resources and

support they require for them to succeed.

Karen Cherry (2022) characterized permissive parents as typically very loving,

but they provide few guidelines and rules. These parents do not expect mature

behavior from their children and frequently appear to be more of a friend than a


According to the Journal of Genetic Psychology (2013), in urban China,

parenting of only children was predominantly authoritative rather than authoritarian.

These findings and conclusions, along with those of other recent studies, seriously
question the traditionalist view of Chinese parenting and beliefs and behaviors

regarding child socialization.

Authoritarian parenting, as provided by the parent and received by the child,

provides support and demand to socialize the child, possibly in terms of performance

in taking other people's perspectives and self-esteem. The current study supports the

propositions of symbolic-interactionist theory in explaining the importance of

authoritative parenting and its disparity in relation to the development of perspective

taking and self-esteem in children (Yeung, Cheung & Leung, 2015).

According to Mensah, K. (2013), parents influence a child's social development.

According to the study's findings, most parents use authoritative parenting techniques

to raise their children. As a result, it is recommended that parents attempt to adopt an

authoritative parenting style in order to help their children and wards grow up with

pro-social behavior.

According to Cheng, W. (2022), Attachment avoidance and friendship quality

moderated the association between negative parenting styles and social adjustment in

university students.

According to Foulkes, Fuhrmann, Blakemore, et. al. (2018), the younger people's

enhanced receptivity to social influence can result in beneficial effects.

According to Hirata, K. (2018), the majority of personal growth initiative

(PGI) and self-esteem subscales were not significantly impacted by an authoritarian

parenting style, but female students' readiness for change, a PGI subscale, was

significantly impacted. The permissive parenting style, on the other hand, had little

effect on PGI or self-esteem. These findings emphasize the importance of

authoritative parenting styles on the PGIs and sense of self of Japanese university


Authoritative parenting practices had the greatest impact on college students'

sense of self-worth, which in turn helped them adjust more socially, emotionally, and

academically (Moon-Seo, Sung, Moore & Koo, 2021).

According to Rawat, G. (2018), Adolescents thrive and develop emotional

stability when their parents treat them with respect, listen to them before reacting, set

clear boundaries and expectations, and provide opportunities that encourage


Democratic and permissive parenting styles by both parents—with minor

variations depending on the dimension studied—were most strongly associated with

higher levels of school engagement, whereas a permissive style by both parents has

the most positive effect on grades obtained in the case of academic performance.

(Fernández, Lasarte & Revuelta, 2018).

According to Mohanan & George (2022), the suggested model parenting styles'

structural relationship pattern, fathers and mothers' parenting styles differ from one

another. In the instance of the fathers' parenting style in this sample group, there was

neither a direct nor an indirect association between the predictor and the result.

However, in the mother's case, an authoritarian parenting style had a direct,

substantial association with academic achievement and a significant correlation with

school adjustment, goal-corrected collaboration, and emotional control.

Parenting styles have always been perceived as a major factor in children's

development, and it was conceptualized using Diana Baumrind's Pillar Theory in the

1960s. She emphasizes that a child’s behavior is associated with parenting styles as
they grow and interact with new people. Based on extensive observation, interviews,

and analyses, Baumrind (1960) initially identified three parenting styles: authoritarian

parenting, permissive parenting, and authoritative parenting,

Each category takes a distinct approach to how parents raise their children. First,

Authoritarian parenting is a style of child rearing that is demanding and rigid.

Baumrind (1960) did not believe that all authoritarian parents were abusive, but they

did demonstrate a lack of warmth and responsiveness. When their children do wrong,

parents also tend to punish them by withholding love and affection. Second, the

permissive parent is particularly receptive to a child's needs and does not impose

many restrictions or punishments. The term "spoiled" is frequently used to describe

the children of permissive parents. They do not set rules or boundaries on their

children and are very warm and kind. They also do not expect their children to be

very responsible. Permissive parents do not present themselves as authority figures.

Lastly, authoritative parenting is defined by a mix of expectations and warmth.

Parents present themselves as authoritative figures who demand their children to

behave, but they are also caring, loving, and attentive. They may discipline their

children if they misbehave, but they must also discuss the significance of the penalty

and how the child might change his or her behavior. Authoritarian parents tend to be

more open communicators than authoritative parents.

According to the 2007 study, as parent’s guide their young children from

complete infantile dependence to the beginning stages of autonomy, their caregiving

styles can have both immediate and long-term effects on children's social functioning

in areas ranging from moral development to peer play to academic achievement. To

ensure the best possible outcome for their children, parents must balance the maturity

and disciplinary demands they make to integrate their children into the family and
social system with maintaining an atmosphere of warmth, responsiveness, and

support. This study will support the connection between perceived parenting style and

the level of socialization among college students at the Laguna State Polytechnic

University-Siniloan (Host) Campus.



The research will be carried out at Laguna State Polytechnic University in

Siniloan (Host) Campus. All of the participants are LSPU-SC students, and each will

get an overview of the study's goals and conditions. They were also assured of the

research's anonymity. Participants will come from a variety of programs and there are

eight programs involved: CAS, CA, CCJE, CHMT, CBMA, COE, CTE, and CCS.

There are 200 participants were given the opportunity to be our participants; if they

are apparently interested in participating, they will be provided an answer sheet where

they will be thoroughly instructed. All participant data will be collected between April

and May 2023. The respondents age range from eighteen to twenty-three years old

and were first-year to fourth-year students. In this research, the researchers are

employing non random sampling technique. The purpose of this study is to collect

more in-depth insights on the relationship between perceived parenting methods and

socialization levels among LSPU Siniloan (Host) Campus students in general as well

as at the school site.

Research Instrument

The instrument that the researchers will use in this study is questionnaire. The

researchers will collect data via an online survey. The questionnaire will be

distributed through Google form.

The non-random sampling technique is selected in accordance with convenience

sampling procedure, because it involves 200 participants in different programs. The

researchers will also use the Likert Scale, that was introduced by Rensis Likert n

1932. Although there are different forms of rating scales, it is the most often used

method for sizing responses in survey research.

The Likert scale from Part 1: Perceived Parenting Style questionnaire will use

scores 5-point scale range from “Never” to “Always”. It consists of 13 questions to

Authoritative Parenting Style; 13 questions to Authoritarian Parenting style; and 4

questions to Permissive Parenting Style. The questionnaire for Perceived Parenting

Style that will use in this study is from Universal college of Paranaque and made by

Robinson, C., Mandleco, B., Olsen, S. F., & Hart, C. H. (1995). The part 2:

Socialization level questionnaire will use four response alternatives. These are (1)

Never; (2) Often; (3) Sometimes; (4) Always. It consists of 10 questions and about the

social skills of the participants. This study will use the questionnaire from Behavioral

Psychology/Psicologia Conductual designed by Caballo, V. E., Salazar, I. C.,

Olivares-Olivares, P. J., & Olivares J. (2014).


The start is to think of an idea on how to address the research background to the

research variables down on the statement of the problem. Once finished, start to

assess what kind of questionnaires involved in order to collect the correct data needed.

The researchers will prepare questionnaires about the study's objectives and inform

the respondents about the study's prior objectives. The researchers will attain or

achieve the target goal and respondents within the given scope, as well as go through

the data collection process. Furthermore, a Likert scale will be used to measure
respondents' attitudes by asking them their experience or how much they agree or

disagree with a specific question or statement, and the information will be collected

from respondents via an online survey. The respondents will choose from the

questions that accurately describes them. This research technique is used to assess a

person's opinions, attitudes, or behaviors. Bhandari and Nikolopoulou (2020) It

involves the findings of whether parenting style correlates with the socialization level

among college students.

Data Diagnostics and Analytic Strategies

The data will be analyzed statistically to interpret findings and results to know the

relationship of Perceived Parenting Styles and Socialization Level among college

students in Laguna State Polytechnic University Siniloan (Host) Campus from various

ages and gender under different program of first year to fourth year college students’

age ranges from 18 to 23 years old.

The present study utilized quantitative methodology. Quantitative research

focuses on statistical and numerical analysis with the use of questionnaires and

surveys as the study’s research instrument. The researchers will seek regarding

student’s population in the appropriate department with the use of Google forms as an

online platform where data is automatically stored when a respondent encodes their

answer to the survey questionnaire. This google form will serve as the primary

instrument. For secondary data articles, and websites are subjected.

The questionnaire was divided into 2 parts. Part 1 is about Perceived Parenting

Style among College students, which consist of their demographic profile such as age

and sex. Part 2 is about their socialization level. Each category is divided into many

concise questions. The survey also implies questions that may be applied as an
attribute to the study. The study will use five point and four point Likert scale. The

questionnaires will be analyzed using the descriptive statistics in order to collect the

frequency counts and percentages. They will be presented in the form of tables.

Conceptual Frameworks



Statement of the Problem

The aim of this research is to correlate the connection between parenting styles

and practices and college students' socialization levels. This study tries to understand

the underlying causes of how various parenting approaches and practices correlates

with students' social skills. The study specifically answers the following questions:

1. What are the respondents’ demographic profile in terms of?

1.1 Age

1.2 Gender

1.3 College Program

2. What Perceived parenting style is incorporated by the parents of the research


3. What is the respondents’ level of socialization?

4. Is there a significant relationship between the respondents’ demographic

profile and their socialization level?

5. Is there a correlation between the Perceived Parenting style and socialization

level of the respondents?

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