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Character Traits

Upon reading Plato’s second republic book which is the myth of ring if Gyges or
the myth of Gyges. The story surfaces as the philosopher, Socrates, and his student,
Glaucon, discuss why people act justly. Is it because it’s what’s right? Or because it’s a
convention that’s enforced through punishment and reward? Playing devil’s advocate,
Glaucon argues against Socrates and recounts the following story… Long ago, a
shepherd named Gyges was tending his flock when an earthquake struck, ripping an
opening to the ground. The chasm drew Gyges in. There, his eyes alighted upon a bronze
horse, the doors to its central chamber ajar. Peering inside, Gyges discovered the corpse
of a giant. On its finger, a golden ring, which Gyges pocketed before retracing his steps.
Later, he sat among the other shepherds, fiddling with the mysterious ring when,
suddenly, after absentmindedly twirling its stone, he became invisible.
When he turned the stone back in the opposite direction, he reappeared.
Emboldened by the ring’s powers, new possibilities bloomed before him, and a sordid
plan hatched in his mind. Gyges became a messenger to the king of Lydia, and, inside
the palace, used the ring to prowl undetected. He seduced the queen and convinced her
to betray her husband. And soon Gyges, once a humble shepherd, had murdered the
monarch and claimed the kingdom.

The story tells that Gyges became evil because of the power bested to him by the
ring. Is he are born evil? But in the beginning of the story, it says that he is a humble
farmer? So, are human being naturally good or bad?

Upon studying different theories and studies I came up with one conclusion,
humans are neither born with good or born with bad and it has nothing to do with their
environment, experience etc. but it was something to do with their genetics. Studies
suggest that people traits, characteristic, personality has something to do with their
genetics. They are bad because its in their genetics, they are good because it’s in their

As conclusion Humans can be born good or bad because it’s in our genetics
imprint. And has nothing to do with your past action, environment, community buts its
in our genetic imprint.

University of Edinburgh. (2012, May 16). Character traits determined genetically? Genes
may hold the key to a life of success, study suggests. ScienceDaily. Retrieved February 28, 2023

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