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Prep 4/Senior 3 – ATTWN Name: ________________



 Answer the following questions after reading chapter 4:

1) It was a clever idea from Mr. Owen to choose Constance Culmington to send the letter to the judge
2) What else did Justice realize? (Apart from the fact that Constance Culmington was not going to
Soldier Island).
3) What “The Voice” said was all lies…What is this making reference to? Expand.
4) What did Wargrave suggest doing?
5) Once the guests were in their bedrooms, three of them had some flashbacks (past memories) …Who
were they? What memories did they have?
6) “And Then There Were 9”…. Explain this.

Prep 4/Senior 3 – ATTWN Name: ________________


 Answer the following questions after reading chapter 4:

1) It was a clever idea from Mr. Owen to choose Constance Culmington to send the letter to the judge
2) What else did Justice realize? (Apart from the fact that Constance Culmington was not going to
Soldier Island).
3) What “The Voice” said was all lies…What is this making reference to? Expand.
4) What did Wargrave suggest doing?
5) Once the guests were in their bedrooms, three of them had some flashbacks (past memories) …Who
were they? What memories did they have?
6) “And Then There Were 9”…. Explain this.
 This is a jigsaw reading activity. Each student is assigned a character and has to read only the part about
his or her crime as homework. In the following lesson, T gives these strips of paper, which contain all the
information of the crimes, to different Ss (taking into account not to give a S the same crime he had to
read). One student starts retelling his/her crime, the S who holds the paper with that same crime checks
whether she/he is giving all the information, otherwise, he will ask him/her a question about what is
missing. Then, all the Ss guess who the character is.

- He “couldn’t remember” his patient’s name.

- It happened a long time ago when he worked in a hospital.
- People always think that when a patient dies is because he did sth wrong.
- (He did remembered: at that moment he was DRUNK but the nurse kept the secret).

- They looked after her until she died.

- Everything went wrong: stormy night, broken telephone, they had to walk to him.
- Too late …

- He was well defended.

- He didn’t look like a criminal.
- “I knew he was a murderer, I knew he had to die”.
- … that is what the court decided.
- His final speech sent him to prison and to his death.
- Did he know the accused? NO.

- He was one of his officers.

- He followed his boss’s orders and he was killed.
- It happened in war.
- His wife was the best woman in the world.
- His hands were shaking.

- Two children ran out in front of his car near Cambridge.

- It was just bad luck.
- That affected him very much and couldn’t drive for a year after that.
- Was he speeding?

- They were lost and he saved himself.

- Some friends and him took all the food and ran.
- He left his men to die to save his life.
- It was the only way…
- 21 African men lost their lives…
- She had always acted correctly.
- There was an uncomfortable feeling in the air.
- She didn’t need to defend herself.
- Nothing is known about her crime.

- She was looking after him.

- One day she wasn’t watching and he swam to the rocks.
- He drowned.
- His mother was very kind to her.


1) Because Constance Culmington was an old friend of Mr. Justice Wargrave and a letter from her was never a
surprise to him.

2) He also realized that ‘unknown’ knew a lot about them and because of that she/he made some terrible

3) The guests’ different crimes.

4) Mr. Justice Wargrave suggested leaving the island that night.

5) Mr. Justice Wargrave: thought about Edward Seton and about him sentencing Seton to death.

General Macarthur: he thought about Arthur Richmod (his good friend) and Leslie (his wife). He found out that
Arthur and Leslie had an affair.

Vera Claythorne: she thought about Cyril, the child she used to take care of, and Hugo, her lover.

6) While being in her room, Vera looked at the poem on the wall and realized that it was like her and the other
guests that evening.

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