Family's Letter

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Nuhzatul Ainiyah Indonesia

Dear host family,

We are Samsul Farikhin’s family. I’m Nuhzatul’s father. I’m a head master of junior
high school. I have three daughters and a son. Nuhza my first daughter studies at Al – Ishlah
Boarding School. Mandasari and Yoga my daughter and son study at Elementary School.
And Tasya is my baby. She was 3 years old. Nuhzatul Ainiyah I call her Nuhza or Nunu. As I
know Nuhza is diligent, we adapt her to be discipline person, to respect other people, to obey
to her creator etc.
We live in simple house, we are family with economy is mediocre but nevertheless.
We want our kids have best education. We teach it all since they are child until now we
always discipline, like not be late to work or at school and always be on time people.
As I know that Nuhza is good daughter, she respect her parents and loves her young
sisters and young brother. When she has a problem, she always express it to her mother, but
it’s no matter. When she was studying at kindergarten, she could read faster than her friends
until her teacher support us in order to study in Elementary School immediately so she was a
younger than her classmate.
Special about Nuhza, when she was a child, she was a clever, easy socializing so she
has many friends, likes to help her friends to do some homework.
She likes Math more than other lessons. When she was a child, we studied to gether at
home and I often got her a new math form that different written in the book, and the result is
same. I think she has a talent to be professor, maybe.
When Nuhza has a problem, I let her to look for a solution by herself. When I saw that
she could’nt solve it, I tried to help her.
As we know, that education is very important so we try to give the best education for
our family. I believe that experience is the best teacher. We are hopeful of the exchange
student program is golden opportunity for our daughter to get new experience in her life.
Finaly, we hope her to keep her duty as god servant, it’s praying five times a day
because based on our religion it’s one of our duties as a muslim.

Best Regards,

Samsul Farikhin

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