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Materials Today: Proceedings 45 (2021) 7690–7696

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Impacts of climate change on Moroccan’s groundwater resources: State

of art and development prospects
Naïma EL ASSAOUI a,⇑, Abdelaziz Sadok b, Imane Merimi c
Water and Environment Geosciences Laboratory, Center CRNE2DS, Mohammed V University of Rabat, Morocco
Mohammedia School of Engineers, Mohamed V University, Rabat, Morocco
Laboratory of Applied Analytical Chemistry, Materials and Environment, Mohammed First University of Oujda, Morocco

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The scientific knowledge of processes related to climate change impact on groundwater resources
Available online 17 April 2021 remains insufficient both nationally and internationally. This is due particularly to: the inadequacy of
databases both quantitatively and qualitatively; Insufficient accuracy of predictions by climate models,
Keywords: especially rainfall and their sensitivity to the choice of climate scenarios; Insufficient accuracy of
Water resources methods for estimating groundwater recharge; the difficulty of modelling surface water/groundwater
Groundwater interaction over large areas.
Climate change
The assessment of climate change impacts on groundwater resources requires reliable predictions of
climate variables; a good estimation of groundwater recharge and its spatial and temporal variability;
and the master of hydrodynamic response of the aquifer to different climate change scenarios.
Several research studies have shown that climate change has accentuated negative repercussions on
groundwater resources in Morocco. These studies were using different approaches: experimental, numer-
ical and statistical modelling. Many aquifer problems were investigated regarding: saline intrusion;
water resources quality; recharge, shortage of water reserves. This research works has rarely treating
the different process aspects involved with integrated approach.
Therefore, this paper focuses on the analysis of the effects of climate change on groundwater resources
using a global and systemic approach that would take into account the multidisciplinary nature of the
process: Climatic, hydrological and hydro-geological.
Ó 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the Fourth edition of the
International Conference on Materials & Environmental Science.

1. Introduction vegetation, as well as a reduction in groundwater recharge and

runoff. Similarly, this process affects the trajectories of precipita-
Vulnerability to the effects of climate change in Morocco affects tion both in terms of frequency and intensity, and therefore
several strategic sectors: water, agriculture, forests, coastline, etc. directly impacts the storage flows of surface and groundwater.
The climate trends observed in recent decades confirm this trend Other impacts are foreseeable, such as salt intrusion at the level
with a reduction in rainfall varying between 3 and 30% during of coastal aquifers, deterioration of water quality, scarcity of fresh
the period 1960–2005 [1–4]. Climate forecasts in Morocco, accord- water, amplification of extreme events (drought and floods), etc.
ing to different scenarios, optimistic or pessimistic, indicate a [5–12].
downward trend in cumulative annual rainfall varying between While it is now accepted that the state of knowledge regarding
10 and 30% by 2100. Average annual temperatures would increase the impact of climate change on surface waters has made very sig-
over the country as a whole by between 0.5 °C and 1 °C by 2020, nificant progress, the same is not true for groundwater, where fur-
and between 1 °C and 1.5 °C by 2050 and 2080 [1–4]. This climatic ther investigation and research is still needed [13–18].
disruption affects the hydrological cycle by directly increasing
evapotranspiration from the water surface and transpiration from 2. Objectives

⇑ Corresponding author. The aim of this research is to develop a global methodology that
E-mail address: (N. EL ASSAOUI). can help in planning groundwater in Morocco for middle and
2214-7853/Ó 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the Fourth edition of the International Conference on Materials & Environmental Science.
Naïma EL ASSAOUI, A. Sadok and I. Merimi Materials Today: Proceedings 45 (2021) 7690–7696

long-term horizons by providing: tendency of climate, hydrological the piezometric levels of the aquifers. Groundwater stress in Mor-
and groundwater parameters; and the interaction between climate occo, defined by the ratio between withdrawals and annual
and groundwater dynamics. recharge, is estimated to vary between 20 and 50% [22]. The sector
The main objective of this paper, is to establish the state of the most affected by water deficit remains agriculture, followed by
art regarding Moroccan’s and international studies of climate AEPI.
change impact on groundwater resources. Also, the development This overexploitation of groundwater resources threatens them
of a global methodology to study the impacts of climate change by accelerating their shortage and contributing to the degradation
on groundwater resources in Morocco. It is based on benchmarking of their quality (salinity, pollution). Consequently, it increases
methodologies developed at the international level, and analyzes operating and investment costs. As a result, operators in this field
its implementation in Morocco. are therefore confronted with several issues and challenges:
increased water consumption, particularly by pumping for agricul-
tural uses; abuse in terms of use because of the ease of access to
3. Water resources and climate change in Morocco these resources and the difficulties of regulation and control; as
well as the reduction of recharge under the effect of drought and
Water resources in Morocco are characterized by a continuous global warming. Consequently, there is unanimous agreement on
decrease and their irregularity, both spatially and temporally. In the alarming current situation and the future threats, particularly
fact, surface water is 51% produced in four watersheds, which due to the adverse effects of climate change.
cover only 7.1% of the country’s surface. They are subject to several
natural or anthropogenic constraints. Today there are approxi-
4. National and international previous research
mately 139 large dams mobilizing more than 10 billion m3 per
year out of a mobilizable potential of 13.5 billion m3 per year.
In this paper, we have considered an exhaustive bibliographical
The total volume of water resources that can be mobilized is esti-
research to benchmark literature review of scientific papers pub-
mated around 22 billion m3, (80% surface water resources and 20%
lished, focusing on the methodologies and tools used especially
groundwater resources) [1].
for arid and semi-arid environments. Indeed, the last two decades
The hydrological and climatic context of Morocco has been
have seen the emergence of studies using increasingly complex
influenced over the past decades by a very pronounced and often
methodologies and tools, taking advantage of the development of
severe inter-annual climatic variability. This situation has caused
conceptual analysis; computer science; databases and calculation
and amplified extreme events (droughts and floods). On the other
hand, flow inputs by runoff and rainfall, to the surface water and
groundwater waters are in continuous decrease. These difficulties
unfortunately continue to grow, and future forecasts of the effects 4.1. International studies
of climate change on water are worrying for the Maghreb in gen-
eral and for Morocco in particular [1,19]. The first research paper on the effects of climate change on
Groundwater resources in Morocco which constitutes a strate- groundwater resources dates back to the 1990s. For example, Vac-
gic water resource representing almost 20% of natural hydraulic caro [23] studied the impact of future climate variations on aquifer
potential, with a continuous decline in the stock and a disturbing recharge in the USA, using a climate generator (WGEN), and three
variation in the aquifers reaching values exceeding 2 m per year. global climate models (GCM). Since then, several works have fol-
According to the Ministry in charge of water [20], the national lowed attempting to improve predictions related to some impor-
groundwater potential is estimated at nearly 4 billion m3 mobiliz- tant aspects, such as the impact of recharge, and the
able per year, with an annual mobilization of about 3.5 billion m3. improvement of climate predictions at regional and local scales.
This groundwater potential represents nearly 130 aquifers, 98 of In relation to aquifer recharge modelling, several direct and
which are superficial and 32 deeps. Part of this 12% of groundwater indirect methods have been used depending on the context of
is used to meet the needs for drinking and industrial water (AEPI), the study in terms of data availability, tools used, etc. [24–30].
i.e. about 500 M m3 per year, with proportions reaching 90% in There are works based on empirical estimation [25,31], which have
rural areas and 40% in urban areas. The very large part of these linked the piezometric levels of the aquifer, and recharge, to cli-
water resources 88%, i.e., more than 3.5 billion m3 per year, can matic variables (rainfall and temperature, evapotranspiration) gen-
meet the irrigation needs of agricultural areas, and contribute up erally based on the aquifer balance. Other research work has used
to 40% of total water consumption in agriculture by irrigation. This hydrological tools such as HELP [32,33], which contains a module
represents about 450,000 ha irrigated based on groundwater dedicated to recharge estimation (WHI UnSat) [34–36] or the WET-
resources. In addition, they contribute to more than 50% of the eco- PASS tool [29,37]; EPIC-GRID [38]; USGS tools: WB, PULSE or
nomic value of irrigated areas. RORA; or SWAT [39].
These groundwater resources take the form of various geologi- Other research has attempted to couple climate and hydrogeo-
cal configurations: sedimentary basins with water tables and cap- logical models to analyze the effect of future climate change on
tive water tables (Souss, Tadla, Haouz, Saiss), karstic limestone groundwater resources. Most of this work, however, questions
massifs with large sources (Middle Atlas), alluvial valleys with the large errors generated by global climate models (GCMs) and
water tables closely linked to surface flows (Ziz valley, Draa valley). their impact on the variability of some key parameters such as
They participate in supporting the development of certain vital recharge [28,40–46]. They generally recommend the use of several
sectors, which often consume a lot of water, such as agriculture climate models to determine a likely range of variation in climatic
through irrigation. As a result, we have unfortunately witnessed factors such as temperature, rainfall and recharge. Other works
during the last two decades, an overexploitation of almost most uses more complex climate models called regional climate models
of the aquifers, as in the Souss region in the South [20,21]. Indeed, (RCMs), which use smaller mesh sizes and are more detailed in
the rate of mobilization of renewable groundwater resources (ratio terms of the physical processes involved. Moreover, the use of
between withdrawal and recharge) is considered high and several the spatial downscaling technique [46–51] allows a better repre-
aquifers are overexploited in Morocco [20]. The annual overex- sentation of climate variability at the local scale given the improve-
ploited volume of this groundwater is estimated to be around 1 bil- ment observed, but still insufficient, in the results obtained using
lion m3, leading to an almost continuous and widespread drop in this approach [6,9].
Naïma EL ASSAOUI, A. Sadok and I. Merimi Materials Today: Proceedings 45 (2021) 7690–7696

Among the research works that have been pioneering in the  The insufficiency of databases, both quantitatively and
coupling of climatic, hydrological and hydrogeological aspects are qualitatively;
cited for example [34,35,41,45,52,53]. Some research has  Insufficient accuracy of predictions by climate models, espe-
attempted to analyze the different sources of error in the process cially rainfall, and their sensitivity to the choice of climate
of numerical modelling of the effects of climate change on ground- scenarios;
water [41,42,44–46,54–56].  Inadequate accuracy of methods for estimating groundwater
In addition, in recent years we have seen the emergence of recharge;
research work that attempts to develop global methodologies that  the difficulty of modelling the interaction of surface water/-
integrate surface and groundwater. They are based on integrated groundwater over large areas.
tools such as MIKE-SHE [44,57,58], HydroGeoSphere [59], Parflow  Several impacts of climate change on groundwater resources
[60,61], CVHM [62]. InHM (Integrated Hydrology Model) [63], have been addressed, generally by numerical modelling. These
OpenGeoSys [64]. These computational resources require signifi- include: saline intrusion in coastal aquifers; deterioration of
cant human and financial resources, and are generally used within water resource quality; reduction or even shortage of water
the framework of large projects at the level of international scien- reserves; impact of recharge; land use;
tific cooperation. Many research works have yet used these tools  The dependence of groundwater resources on climate change
[44,45,55,61,62,65–67]. Examples of international research that can be explained by the direct interaction with surface water
have developed a context-specific methodology include: in the resources and the indirect interaction with recharge;
USA [68,70,71,72]; in Australia [48,43]; in Canada [34,69]; in Bel-  Assessment of the impacts of climate change on groundwater
gium [45,69]. in the UK and Germany [73–75]. On the other hand, resources requires reliable predictions of changes in climatic
rather exhaustive syntheses of different proposed methodologies variables (temperature, rainfall, evapotranspiration, etc.), as
have been discussed by: [65,71,76–84]. well as a realistic estimate of groundwater recharge and its spa-
Other research has addressed the indirect effects of climate tial and temporal variability, particularly on a seasonal scale;
change, including the demand for water from land plots in the case  Several general (GCM), regional (RCM) or spatial downscaling
of temperature increases, changes in evapotranspiration rates, climate models have been tested. The latter, despite their com-
increased demand for drinking, industrial and agricultural water, plexity and requirements as well as downscaling remain impre-
changes in irrigation techniques, changes in land use cise, particularly with respect to precipitation;
[41,4970,85–87].  Climate models can be coupled with hydrological models to
The use of models such as MODFLOW FARM PROCESS, allows the estimate recharge. The choice of greenhouse gas emission sce-
analysis of changes in pumping rate to represent increases in agri- narios, and the coupling of these models with a hydrogeological
cultural demand when temperature rises (summer, drought) [62]. model allows the simulation of the effects of climate change on
Other research has investigated the variation in errors gener- groundwater resources;
ated by climate, hydrological and hydrogeological models, as well  It is recommended to use several climate and hydrological mod-
as the impact of choices in terms of scenarios, climate models, els to assess the range of variation of important parameters
etc. Some studies have attempted to prioritize these errors, such such as recharge;
as [42,43,44,48,49,55,56,62,76,82,88]. It emerges that the largest  The use of the standard hydrogeological model MODFLOW is
errors are generally attributed to the choice of the couple: climate appreciated because of its reputation and reliability;
model/greenhouse gas emission scenarios, followed by the calcula-  The use of integrated models, requires sufficient data, and sub-
tion of the recharge. stantial financial means;

4.2. National studies 5. Towards global methodology

In relation to climatic aspects, the rainfall and temperature Over the last decade, some research works have developed glo-
regime has been studied by several researchers, notably bal methodologies to study the impact of climate change on
[6,7,9,10,12,89,90]. In relation to studies on the impact of climate groundwater resources adapted to their own context. The
change on water resources and the problems of water resource approach generally chosen is based on feedback from experiences
management and planning [8,21,91–100]. Other research works and research related to their aquifers. This research works can be
and studies have focused on the climate-surface water resources categorized into two different approaches:
relationship, based on climate models (HadCM3, ALADDIN) and The first one is based on a ‘‘Top-Down” or cascade coupling,
downscaling techniques (SDSM, MM5, ADS) [6–9,94,97,100–104]. considering the outputs of the climate model as input for the
Furthermore, research on the effects of climate change on hydrological model, and the outputs of the latter as input for the
groundwater resources is very scarce but in development hydrogeological model [34,69,122].
[105–121]. The second approach considers the outputs of the climate
Almost all of these research papers have considered only one or model as input to an integrated model (surface water/groundwa-
two aspects of the problem. Some works have addressed the cli- ter), such as MODHMS [123] or MIKE SHE [65]. However, in the
matic aspects related to rainfall using statistical technics. Others opinion of several researchers, for large aquifer systems, these
deal with the hydrology of watersheds or the impact on a particu- tools can generate simulations for both middle and long-term
lar sector such agriculture or on a hydraulic basin using systemic studies. For this purpose, it is important to better identify the
approach. Few papers have addressed the effect on groundwater importance of the different processes involved. This approach
water resources using global approach. More details are discussed should answer some relevant questions, in particular, the choice:
in El Assaoui Thesis [109].
 conceptual models’ representative of the climatology, hydrol-
4.3. Synthesis of bibliography ogy and hydrogeology of the aquifer;
 climate change scenarios, setting the greenhouse gas emission
Our state of knowledge of the problem of the effect of climate rates, and the targeted short, medium- and long-term horizons;
change on groundwater resources remains insufficient both  climate models to analyze the variability of climate parameters
nationally and internationally. This is explained in part by: in the future;
Naïma EL ASSAOUI, A. Sadok and I. Merimi Materials Today: Proceedings 45 (2021) 7690–7696

Fig. 1. Chart of global methodology.

 the method for analyzing groundwater recharge under the ogy and improve the results, or to study other scenarios, or other
effect of variation in climate parameters; variants in terms of management and planning variants of ground-
 objectives in terms of evaluating direct and indirect impacts on water resources;
groundwater resources; The overall methodology proposed can therefore, on the basis of
 the coupled or integrated hydrogeological model developed, its the above, be summarized in eight main steps (Fig. 1), in a sequen-
calibration and validation; tial and iterative approach, which allows flexibility in terms of the
 methods for error analysis in the simulation of the impacts of choice of approach (coupled or integrated), or of the tools to be
climate change on groundwater resources. used. The proposal global methodology to assess climate change
impact on groundwater studies is commonly based on modelling
The previous steps can be integrated into a comprehensive
climate projections, hydrological and groundwater response to
groundwater resources management process, using integrated
those changes. It involves eight steps, in a sequential and iterative
tools that couple the different aspects: climatic, hydrological,
approach, as shown in the Fig. 1. More details are given in
hydrogeological, through a single interface and a single computer
[108,109]. These steps are:
application Several tools exist, and are in continuous improvement,
such as: MIKE SHE [44,57,58], MODHMS [123], ParFlow [60,61],
 Greenhouse emissions scenarios;
HydroGeoSphere [59] and GSFLOW.
 Global climatic parameters variation in the future;
The model sensitivity analysis with respect to each climate
 Regional climatic parameters variation in the future;
change scenario; to the choice of climate, hydrological and hydro-
 Local variation of climatic parameters in the future;
geological models; to the choice of scenarios, etc., is also carried
 Local aquifer’s recharge variation in the future;
out. This approach allows the evaluation of the variation of key
 Aquifer’s groundwater flow modelling;
parameters such as groundwater stock, recharge, piezometric
 Numerical modelling of climate change impacts on
levels, etc.
The development of an integrated climatic-hydrological-hydro
 Analysis of simulation errors;
geological model, at the local scale, to establish, for example, sam-
pling maps at the level of wells and boreholes, the effect of artificial
recharge etc. . .; 6. Conclusion
Finally, it should be remembered that this ‘‘top-down” process
is iterative. Therefore, water resources operators can intervene at The Impact of climate change on groundwater resources
any stage, according to their objectives, to readjust the methodol- requires multidisciplinary research approach involving different
Naïma EL ASSAOUI, A. Sadok and I. Merimi Materials Today: Proceedings 45 (2021) 7690–7696

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