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Africa's rich history and culture are so diverse.

The culture of
each ethnic group holds together the authentic social fabric.
Traditional practices and rites such as music and oral literature
build our identity.
All major milestones of Africans are celebrated. Be it birth,
puberty, marriage, the elderly, death, and the afterlife. The whole
circle of life is celebrated.
Birth is celebrated with outdoorings and a child's dedication.
Even the names of our children have meaning and significance
associated with it. Puberty is also celebrated for boys and girls -
especially girls with excitement and expectations.
Marriage as we all know is celebrated beautifully in African
culture. Africans do not take marriage lightly. Traditionally,
childbirth follows marriage and not the other way around.
This approach promotes strong family living which serves as
the basis of a strong community.
The elderly are respected and their presence is acknowledged
at every gathering, their advice is south after. There are no nursing
homes. The elders are respected and taken care of.
And when death comes, it is done in an orderly fashion with
respect through the funerals and the rights that are performed. You
should visit West Africa Ghana to be precise if you want to know
more about elaborate funerals. If you have seen pallbearers
carrying coffins and dancing somewhere on the internet, yes, it
comes from Ghana.
So from Birth to death and everything in between is carefully
done in the African culture to promote life and continuity. Our
proverbs and symbols like the Adinkra symbols of Ghana and cote
devoir attest to this fact. You should check out the Adinkra
symbols and their meanings.
The Bible says Jesus talks to his disciples in parables. One of
the rich cultures of the African continent is the many parables that
we have and it makes communication interesting and rich.
So I start with this parable saying, "however long the night,
dawn will break."
The second largest continent of the world is Africa both in
size and population. It has 54 countries. Africa is a huge continent
divided into five sub-sessions we have North Africa, East Africa,
Southern Africa, Central Africa, and West Africa.
Africa is a distinctively unique continent among the seven
continents of the world. It has a very diverse culture it is rich in
cultural heritage and resources it offers breathtaking tourist
Today I'll present to you some facts about this amazing
continent. 50% of the population in Africa is under 20 and 60% is
under 25 years old. Making Africa the world's youngest continent
in population.
From Algeria to Zimbabwe Africa has an ancient complex
history, modern cities, and many languages. About 1.2 billion
people live in Africa. There are more than 2,000 different
languages spoken in Africa.
So I say totally in Genesis chapter 11 when God confused the
language of the people I believe it may have happened on the
continent of Africa with so many tribes and so many languages.
Africa has the world's most diamonds. As much as 95% of the
world's diamonds is from Africa. It also has 50% of the world's
gold. Africa also has the largest river the River Nile although
some researchers are arguing that the Amazon is the larger.
The Nile moves through many countries and is the main water
source for Egypt, Sudan, and South Sudan.
Africa makes 70% of the world's cocoa beans when we get
the chocolate from. In fact, most of the 70% comes from these
four countries: Ghana, Ivory Coast, Nigeria, and Cameroon.
Nigeria has the highest number of twins born in the world.
Nigeria has been nicknamed The Land of twins by the BBC.
The numbers show that twin birth rates in West Africa are
actually four times higher than anywhere else in the world. The
center of it all takes place in the sleeping little town in Nigeria
called Igbo-ora where they last recorded an average of 50 sets of
twins in every 1,000 births.
Africa is sometimes called the cradle of mankind because
there have been many fossils and tools that indicate that early
human life originates from Africa.
Africa is home to one of the oldest universities in the world
built in the 12th century. Timbuktu in Mali was once considered a
center for intelligence. The University of Timbuktu was built in
982 CE and it's one of the oldest known educational
establishments in the world.
Also in Africa, you will find one of the oldest Bibles called,
the Ethiopian Bible.
It is also believed by some that the Ark of the covenant
mentioned in the Bible is somewhere on the continent of Africa.
Africa is one of the hottest continents on the planet. Being the
largest desert in the world is truly a vast expanse. The size is 9.4
million square kilometers bigger than the USA. Another
interesting fact about the Sahara is that it's growing in size as it's
been expanding in the southern regions at the rate of half a mile
per month which equals 6 miles per year.
Africa is a distinctively unique continent among the seven
continents of the world.
According to India Today, Africa has a very diverse culture it
is rich in cultural heritage and resources. And According to me,
Africa is the home of my culture, my people, and I love it.

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