Pioneer VSX-3300 Owners Manual

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AUDIO/VIDEO STEREO RECEIVER VSX=3300 VSX=-3300S Sa | Operating Instructions ‘Thank you for buying this Pioneer product. Please read through these operating insvuctions so you will know. how te operate your model propery. After you have finished read: ing the instructions, put them away ina fe place for future refe In some counties or regions, the shape of the power plug and ower outiet may sometimes differ from that shown inthe explan atory drawings, However, the method of connecting and operating, the unitis the same. WARNING: To PREVENT FIRE OR SHOCK HAZARD, DO NOT EXPOSE THIS APPLIANCE TO RAIN OR MOISTURE, [For Canadian model] CAUTION: To PREVENT ELECTRIC SHOCK DO NOT USE ‘THIS (POLARIZED) PLUG WITH AN EXTENSION CORD, RECEPT- IMPORTANT NOTICE [For U.S. and Canadian models] ‘The serial number for this equipment is located on the rear panel Pleaso write this serial number on your enclosed warranty card {nd keep itn a secure area, This i for your security. CONTENTS-———__ BEFORE OPERATING, ADJUST THE POSITION OF THESE SWITCHES FEATURES (CHECKING ACCESSORY ITEMS SURROUND SYSTEM INSERTING THE BATTERIES INTO THE REMOTE CONTROL UNIT 4 REAR PANEL FACILITIES 5 ‘AUDIO SYSTEM CONNECTIONS 6 VIDEO SYSTEM CONNECTIONS. 7 8 0 0 FRONT PANEL FACILITIES GRAPHIC EQUALIZER CONTROLS USTENING TO THE BROADCAST ‘ACLE OR OTHER OUTLET UNLESS THE BLADES CAN BE FULLY INSERTED TO PREVENT BLADE EXPOSURE. ATTENTION: POUR PREVENIR LES CHOCS ELECTRIQUES INE PAS UTILISER CETTE FICHE POLARISSE AVEC UN PROLON: GATEUR UNE PRISE DE COURANT OU UNE AUTRE SORTIE DE ‘COURANT, SAUF SI LES LAMES PEUVENT ETRE INSEREES A FOND SANS EN LAISSER AUCUNE PARTIE A DECOUVERT. PRESETTING STATIONS. 1" ‘TO PERFORM RECORDING WITH A TAPE DECK PLAYING OTHER MUSIC SOURCES USING A TV SET TO WATCH PROGRAMS FROM CONNECTED VIDEO COMPONENTS *3 VCR RECORDING 3 VIDEO COPYING 4 HOW TO USE THE VIDEO SIGNAL SELECTOR 16 REMOTE CONTROL UNIT OPERATION 6 HINTS FOR BETTER RECEPTION 8 TROUBLESHOOTING 28 ‘SPECIFICATIONS, 2 YQ PIONEER’ The future of sound and vision IMPORTANT pom Pen BEFORE OPERATING, ADJUST THE POSITION OF THESE SWITCHES LINE VOLTAGE SELECTOR SWITCH Only mutti-voltage models are provided with thi Canadian, European. UK. and Australian mod vided with this switen. Mains voltages in Saudi Arabia are 127V and 220V only. Never use thls model with TOV setting in Saul Arabia, The tna voltage selector switches aro on the rear panel. Before your model s shipped from the factory, this switches are set to the ower requirements of the destination. Check that they are set propery before plugging the power card into the AC outlet. I the valtages are not properly set orf you move to an area where the voltage requizements fer, adjust the selector switches as fol 1. Use @ medium-size screwdriver 2, Insert the serewdriver into the groove on the voltage selector, and aciust so thatthe tip ofthe groove points tothe voltage vse ue of your area owiteh. US., are not pro- CHANNEL STEP SWITCH (Not available on U.S. and Canadian models) The unit has been Fectory preset to the channel allocation for the area in wnich tle tobe sold If thesevalues aresetincorecty, the fre quency cisplay may stop atthe wrong frequency, oF sound may be distorted, resulting in an inebilty to reproduce reception signals at ‘their proper sound quay. Fer ths reason, be sure to coatiem that the values are sot corecty belore First using the unit {100 kH2/10 kt} position: Sato this position or eress with FM reception stepof O0Kz, AN 10, ee, [50 kita/9 kt] posi Setto this positon for areas with FM wee, NOTE: When uneure about the channalallocation for your area, consult your dealer far correct information. tion step of SOKHz, AMS ‘CAUTION: TWO VOLTAGE SELECTORS ‘Medium-size ‘Ac tt | AGIRO [ac zzov | ac 240v CHANNEL STEP nee : Wa Vee EOE Je oa ete ONO Me 8 Enov| 204 220 | 240v- fi] pate a te “dy 5) EX | xP roa BY |$| tev 20v FEATURES 7 1206127 The VSX-3900 is an aucio-isual component combining the func- tions of receiver, wireless remote contol and eudiowidee selector, Raul play a cantral role in your enjoyment of audiovisual media * SURROUND FUNCTION Provided with @ surround function utitzing @ spesker matrix * SELEMENT GRAPHIC EQUALIZER The receiver is provided with a graphic equalizer which enables you to henge the sound quality as desited whan playing @ pro gram source, ‘+ DUBBING MODE For moking videotape recordings fram VOP/CDV (VideoDise or compet dise with video) sources CHECKING ACCESSORY ITEMS | * VIDEO SIGNAL SELECTOR (Simuleast function) Allows free combination of various audio and video sources during playback and over-cubbing, enabling you to produce your own original background videos. ‘* MEMORY SCAN Function The stations set in the STATION CALL switches are received in or- dr when the MEMORY SCAN switch is pressea, * VOLUME CONTROL Motor drive control wth LED indicator. [ The vsx-3300 may be supplied with CU-AV70 programmable Fra Type Antenna AN Loop Antenna L@) ae vvsx-33008 — cU-AV70 \VSX-3300 ~ CU-VSX004 Remote control unit Dry coll battery 2 VSx-33008 ~ size "AA HEC LAB/ANA-3) VSX-3300 ~ size “AAA” tecroasumg = “ARTO SURROUND SYSTEM What is surround sound? Wich ordinary stozeo, sound normally comes only from speakers in ‘rant of he listener tn a concert hall or theater, hough, sound ref lected from the walls and celling reaches the letener from al dito tions. This is what accounts for the feeling of ambionce or spa clousaess of a live performance, Surround sound works to repo ‘duce these effects to provide fuller, more "live" sound, Speaker System Placement Examples ‘Tho sound effects obtsined in a surround system depend on speaker placement. Experiment with various arangemonts to find the one most suited to your tastes, Placing the spoakors so that they are slightly higher than ear level contributes t0 sound quali. (Exampte ai} Sound sppeare to come from directly infront of listoner, Good for listening to music recordings. [Example B:) Offers most varied effects; good for watching sports programs or listening to live cecardings [Example C:] ‘Good sound clspersion; recommended for movies, ett. INSERTING THE BATTERIES Example A: ao mont Example B Example 6 FRONT opm Yh, | SZ, © fistcning sree, CA at Mi. SGRROUNO. INTO THE REMOTE CONTROL UNIT For CU-vsxo04: [1) Remove the cover of the battery compartment on the reverse Sido of the remote contol unit. This can easily be done by pressing down on the cover with your thumb and pulling iin tha direction of the ertowe {2} Take out the two size "AAA" (IEC ROB (UM4)] dry coll batteries unplied and load them ino the battery compartment, taking cera to Follow tha markings on the compartment. [3] Replace the cover of the natiry eompartment For CL-AVTO: 1] Remove the cover of the battery compartment on the reverse ado oF the remote control unit. This ean easily be done by Dressing dovan en the caver with your Thum and pulling iin [2) Take owt the twa siee suppl 8° IEC RB (AR-3} dry cell batteries ¢ and load! emerp Into the battery compartment, tl ‘caf to follaws the markings on the [a] Replace the cover of te [A] Press the RESET seit pen, ete. the root lowar eft with the tp of & 4 aRev097> cu-Av70 only Reset button Cautions for handling dry cell batteries Misusing dry csi battrlas can result in alecralyto leakage or exc plosions. Beer in rind the following peints for getting the most out of your batteries + When loading the battens into the battery compartment, make sure the plus © and minds © polarities correspond to the markings on the compartment. ‘+ Even though they may be she same shage, batteries come with aifferent voltage ratings. Do aot mix or use diferent types of batteries togeter. Use only the same tind of battrias # Do not mixup naw batleries and used battens but replace all the Delteries atthe sarme tre, + De not heat up, disassomble or stort circuit batteries oe throw them into a fe, REAR PANEL FACILITIES @ FM/AM ANTENNA terminals Uso these antonna terminals far roception of FM end AM brosc caste ® GND terminal Connect tothe ground lead of a uintable @ INPUT jacks PHONO .... Connect to the output cables from a turnta cy Connec: to the output jacks of @ compact aise player. @ VDP/CDV jacks. [MEO IN) When watching the video image from a LD player {YOP) or 8 COV player used for playback, connect its VIDEO OUTPUT jack hers. [AUDIO IN (L, RI) ‘When playing back the audio channel from a LD player (VDP) oF @ (CDV for playback, connect its AUDIO OUTPUT jacks hore, ® VOR/TAPE 1 [video oun; When recording program matetais trom the video component connected te the VDF/CDV jacks, connect tothe VIDEO INPUT jeck of the VCR used far recording, [MIDE IN ‘When watching the video Image from # VOR used for recording, fonnect its VIOEO OUTPUT jack here [auDIo OUT/REC (LR) When recording program materials from the video componect connected to the VDP/CDV jacks, o- when recording music from an audio component source, eannect to the AUDIO INPUT jacks of the VCR/TAPE 1 used for reco-ding. When connecting @ tape deck, ‘connect with the REC (input terminals of the tape deck [AUDIO IN/PLAY (LR "When watching the audio channel from 2 VER used for ecorcing, ‘connect its AUDIO OUTPUT jacks here. When connecting ¢ tape ‘dock, connect withthe PLAY (output) terminals ofthe tape deck ks @ TAPE 2/DAT jacks Connect thase jacks to the tape deck or DAT (cigital audio taps} ‘Connecting for Recording ‘Tho topo recording jack (TAPE REC) on the tape deck or DAT should be connected tothe REC/OUT side oF the TAPE jack on the receiver with 2 pin-plug connecting cord, Connecting for Playback Gormect the TAPE PLAY jack on the tape deck or DAT end the PLAYIN side of the TAPE jack on the receiver with 9 pit-alug con necting cor © REMOTE CONTROL IN/OUT jacks IN: Connect this tarminal to other Pioneer components when ‘ng those components {0 contro tis 419) OUT: Connect this terminal to other Pioneer components when Using the remote control of this unit to contol the other components, ® VIDEO OUT TO MONITOR TV jack Use to connect a TY set for watching program materials from the VCR or VOP connected to this wit Connect to 4 monitor TV or to 4 TV set with video input terminal @ VIDEO OUT TO RF MODULATOR jack Use to connect a TY set for wetehing program materials from the GR oF VOP connected to this unit Use to connect @ normel TV et. Whan performing connections, the RF MODULATOR JARS (sold separately) is required. By con: necting a0 AF modviator, video signals ean be converted tb VHF signals (U.S. channe! 3 oF 4), thus allowing this unit to be uted to View the selected source on a normal television set ‘NOTE: ‘© A "normal TV set” as noted above is ane for which RF connee- tions alone are possible. 1» Sound is not eitput from the TO RE MODULATOR jack Use the ‘speakers connected to this unit t Usten tothe sound. @ SURROUND LEVEL selector switch By selecting one ofthe three positions (L: Low, M: Mid, Hi Hah, the sound volume from the surround speakers can be changed © SPEAKERS terminals A: Connoet to firt 2 of eposkors (or the front spasker ina sur round system). B: Connect to 8 second set of speakers (or the surround speskers ina surround system) (ac OUTLETS [SWITCHED TOTAL 100 W MAX) Power supalied through these outlots is turned on and off by the receiver POWER switch, Total electrical power consumption of connected equipment should not exceed 100 W, [UNSWITCHED 200 W MAX} Power flows continuslly to this outlet, ragardioss of whether the re ceiver ie switched ON or OFF. Electrical power consumption of the connected equipment should not exceed 200 W. The equipment should be disconnected by removing the main plug from tha wall socket when natin regular use, 8g. when on vee cation. NOTE: ‘Do not connect epptances with high power consumption such as esters, irons, or television sets 10 the AC OUTLETS in order to ‘avoid overheating or fre risk This can cause the receiver o mattunction © Power Supply cord =aneio97> AUDIO SYSTEM CONNECTIONS Type AM loop antenna Fi sienna a ( To s ies may be used to connect other audio equipment if there Is ro VideoDiee or COV players Ha ve "tre iste, std insert the stopper insice the legs inte tne hole in he AB toop antenna to fx itm postion (si =) AM LOOP ANTENNA Untold al four legs of the AM loop antenna towar ‘¢ Sot tho antenna on # iaval suraee, and point inthe Gitpetion that gives optimum reception, ‘Do not instal the antenna in foetions where it teuchs the covar ofthe receiver or other metal b= [fete cr nosr 8 CD plaver, potsonal computer, oF tele Speaker sys tem A oF ont Turntable 0D plover Tape deck 1 Antenna ground ‘Aitnough grounding is not necessary for reception it is recom: manded for protection against damsge trom lightning if an out {door FM antenna is used. Grounding ie recommended as wel, to help reduce noise and humming Nore: ‘Never make the ground connection 20 a gas ploe as sparks could cause the ges ta ignite. Input/Output jacks ofthis unit are dull tieplat 0, siming at high quality. Connecting the speaker cords cuter Speaker cord & “Twist the strands a Push down. 2 Speakers Speaker sys- tem ov sur Found speak Tape deck 2 or O8T Connecting the input/output cords hen ancther stereo component (purchased separately) i con nected, note the following instructions: * Connect the plugs properly. Faulty connections can cause Rolse and sso breakdowns and failures. +» The white trminal is for tho let channel and the rod terminalis for the right channel NOTE ABOUT SPEAKER CONNECTIONS: 7 ‘When using elther A 0: B The specker systems used should have an impedance of be ‘swoen 6 and 16 ohms. When using A and ® simaitan 1 The speskor systems tween 12 and 32 oh Wen using a surround system (SURROUND switch ON). +The speaker systerns used should have an impedance of be tween & and 6 ohms. 1+ Ge sce that connections are secure. Chock to make sure that wires do not peottade fram their terminal. ‘© Bo nct allow the speaker cords to become shorted. Damage may result to your unt # Depot attempt io simultaneous'y connect two sets af speakers to. single side Var B}, When using two sets of speakers, con: net ono st to side A and one set to sida 8. iy usad should have an impedance of be VIDEO SYSTEM CONNECTIONS & Temonton 3 TV jack FRONT PANEL FACILITIES © POWER switch When this switch is pressed. power is supplied 10 the unit. Press the ewitch again to turn STANDBY. @ REMOTE SENSOR window @ MULTI OPERATION DISPLAY panel @ GRAPHIC EQUALIZER controls ‘The tone can be adjusted. The equalizer is divided into five fre quency ranges (100 Hs, 290 Hz, 1 kHz, 9.9 ke, 10 kia) to tailor mu Sie tothe individual tata of tho listener @ BALANCE control Use to adjust the sound balance between the left and right speak: fers. When turned to the L side, the sound of the right speaker de- creases, When turned to tha R sido, the sound of the loft spesker decreases, @ VOLUME control © SPEAKERS switches ( OFF, = ON) “These are used to select the speaker through which you mish tls ‘A: Whan the speakers connevted to A terminals ae i use BB: Whom the speakare connected to 8 torminals a1 in use. © Tutn both A and B speakers fo OFF position when only the headpnones are in use. © SURROUND selector switch By pressing the A end 8 SPEAKERS switches, then pressing this ‘snitch ON, you ean obtain surround reproduction. f you press this ‘ikitch OFF again, normal repraduetion from both speakers & anc wil be obtained, © PHONES jack Connect the plug oo your hesdphones to this jack. To listen to & program through the headphones, set both SPEAKERS @ and B {D SIMULATED STEREO switch “This turns monaura signals into simulated stereo sound. Use this suhen you wish to eapenonce the sensn of etarge prosenee with AM broadcasts, VOR ar other monaural signal soureas NOTE This tunctvon can also be used with stereo sources, but i wil resurt in diferent sound from the normal sireo sound 8 = ARBS7 () MEMORY SCAN Pass this ewiteh to scan the stations in the memory @ VIDEO SIGNAL SELECTOR switch When GRAPHIC EQUALIZER CONTROLS ‘The advantage of the GRAPHIC EQUALIZER over conventional one Controls fs dhat withthe five contuois ofthe GRAPHIC EQUALIZER is possible to cantal five diferent narrow, dstnet sections of the {2udio band, With conventional tone eantols a vating for a bas oF ‘weble boost or cut wil also affect the lower or upper mi frequen cies. The frequency bande controlled by the five slide controls hhave een chosen to veld the maximum possible conto! action within the eudlo spectrum. 100 He: “The 100 Hz contol is very useful in enhancing low bass notes as in oraan music. 330 He: “The 330 Hz control will allow you to vary the vr per bass frequencies. Tite ‘The 1 kHz contol isthe presence contro! and cen bbe used very atfectvely 20 empha or dh Dhasize vocatss, LISTENING TO THE BROADCAST 22 Kitz: The 3.3 kHe contrl will add billance and clerity to brass instruments sind violin, 10 kite: Tho 10 kHe contcl can be used to make up for missing high froquencios absorbed by the envi Tonment and to ade a nstural erisoness to music. range 1 gy Ozerphasiza W krequency range Chock that all terminals are properiy connected before switeh- Ing on the unit, AUTO TUNING (FM only) ‘The electronis tuning ireuit inside the unit wil search for your de- sired station automaticaly if 4 5 2 11. Tum on the POWER switeh of the unit, 2 Press the TUNER switch of the audio/video function switehes, 3. Press the FM switch, 4, Press the FM TUNING AUTO/MANUAL switch to establish the AUTO tuning mode (the AUTO tuning indicator lights). 5. Press the TUNING switch "DOWN" or “UP™ for a lower or higher froquency ae desired. Tho frequency will change rapidly curing scanning. The AUTO TURING wil step automatically when the station i ooated and the TUNED inaicetor wil ight up. Nove Won the AUTO TUNING Is in use, reception may not be poss bie over tong decances or when signals are week At these times manual tuning is recommended, 4 Adjust the votume with the VOLUME control and the tone with the GRAPHIC EQUALIZER controls. 10 = ARaN0a7> MANUAL TUNING 1 [sre"|3 6 hin. O = eee 4 5 2 1 Tum on the POWER switeh of the unit. 2. Press the TUNER switch of the audio/video function switches. 3, Select your desired broadcesting band using the FM/AM se- lector switches. 4, Press the FM TUNING AUTO/MANUAL switch to establich ‘the MANUAL tuning mode (the Indicator goes off. 5. Use the TUNING switches to locate the frequency of your station. For stop-by-stop searching, press the TUNING ewiteh once and release it immadiately. Fer continuous rapid searing Keen the TUNING switch pressed. The TUNED indicator will ight up when the desizad station is tuned in best Nore The TUNED indleator wil nor function for broadcasts received ‘ver fog distances or when signals are weak. ©. Adjust the volume with the VOLUME control and the tone ‘with the GRAPHIC EQUALIZER controls. PRESETTING STATIONS | PRESETTING 1. Tutn on the POWER switeh of the unit. 2 Select band of station to be memorized. 3 Tune in dasited station. + Sae tha AUTO TUNING section for information on reception lasing Auto Tuning. +See the MANUAL TUNING section for information on recep- tion using Manual Tuning [ When memorizing an FM station, either press the FM MODE. ‘with to fareibly memoriae the station in the monaural mode, ‘or memorize the sation in the auto stereo mode. 4 Prose the MEMORY switch. ‘© The display will ash (about § seconds} ER 10D cane DB isplay 5. Press the STATION CALL switch While the disnay Is flashing, press the switch correspond: Ing to tho station which you wish to preset or re-preset setting a siation to Mode | (@.g. preseiting a station to | By pressing the staton call switch once, the station wil bo preset fo Mode 1.1 ~ 12) inant ve UES oe Frequency x disoley Press ance: Station call switch number | Wien presetting @ station o Mode 2 (e.g. presettinga station to No. 21) By Pressing the station call switoh twice, the station wil be preset 10 Mode 2. (13 ~ 24) yar ao Hn. Frequency wenn” display O Elen Pross twice Station call switeh number 1+ Ater you press the STATION CALL switch, the display wil leah far about 3 seconss, then the station will be memorized. W you press another switch while the dspley is lashing, the station will not be memorized [ weWony Scan) Pressing the MEMORY SCAN switch, radio broadcasts praset in the ramary ate scenned in order for eanveniant contmation, The Ssenning of preset stations can be cancelled by pressing the MEM CORY SCAN switch ence more or by pressing one of the STATION CALL ewitches RECEPTION USING PRESET TUNING 1 11 Press the STATION CALL switch into which the desired sta- ton has been memorized, © Tolisten toa Mode 1 broadcast, press the switch once; anc to liston to a Mode 2 broadcast press it twice. ‘© By pressing the STATION CALL switeh, the sivtch number will be displayed, then the frequency wil be displayed. ore: 1 for example, you wish to receive the station memorited in STATION CALL stitch “12° when listening tothe station men ‘oried in switch "9", press switch “1113” twice, In this way, simole and accurate reception of any desired station is possible. Mote: ‘© Tho contents of the STATION CALL switch wil be preserved for ‘several days. avan ifthe receiver power cord is unplugged # ia preset station has been arased, reset Last station memory ‘¢ Whon the cocaivar POWER switch is pressed to turn the power on, tho last station received before the power was previously ‘ured off wil b» received again, ‘Ifthe Mor AM selector switchs pressed, when poweris ON, the last station received before the FM or AM selsctor switch was previously pressed will be received again, TO PERFORM RECORDING WITH A TAPE DECK TAPE RECORDING Sources selected with the function switchos can be recorded on TAPE 1 and TAPE 2 Howover, tape playback can not be wovorded, 11 Turn on the POWER switeh of the unit. 2 Select the sound source to be recorded. 3. Turn on (or start) the sound source to be recorded. 4, Operate the tape deck connected to the TAPE 2/DAT jacks ‘oF VCRITAPE 1 jocks. ‘+ For details of operating the tape deck, read the operating in structions of the tepe dock Tape monitoring (TAPE 2/DAT} Ha recording is being mace on 3 3-heod tape deck, the recorded sound! can be monitored through the speaker systems ifthe TAPE ZIDAT awitch is prossed, ing om whieh TAPE 2/02 jacks the tape deck is connected to. ln this cas9, bath recording and playback connections must be made, NOTE: (i you have a 2-hesd operreel deck oF cassette deck, you wil not ‘be able o monitor the recorded sound aven if you press the TAPE 2IDAT switch, Homever, you willbe able to hear the program source ‘sound. Tape-to-tape Recording The sound from the component (tape deck, ec) connected to the VCR/TAPE 1 torminals can be recorded on the tape deck connect fe to the TAPE 2/DAT terminals. The sound from ne tepe deck ‘connected to the TAPE 2/DAT terminals cannot be recorded on the ‘component connected to the VCRY/TAPE 1 terminala, PLAYING OTHER MUSIC SOURCES 3S mes Hl 1. Turn on the POWER switch of the unit Aliso tum on the over of the other audio components you wish to use, 2, Use the audio/video funetion switches as required to the desired program source. 12 ARB N97> Regeersomeh | tara ncton Toiinen to reco PHONO Tp listen compact dees oo 7 watch o etn 29 componont Gannectes fo VOPICOY ers voricov UD Biever Covet) “To wath or ls to comporant connected o VERAPET veRTape 1 fermmais, | To listen to tapes on tape deck — connected to TAPE 2/DAT tarminals ees wi) | ‘Turn ON the TAPE 2/DAT switch only when playing back the TAPE. ZIDAT Deck. Maks sure to tum ICOFF for al thar eound sources, 3. Operate the appropriate stereo component to play back the rogram sour 4. Adjust the volume with the VOLUME control and the tone with the GRAPHIC EQUALIZER controls, USING A TV SET TO WATCH PROGRAMS FROM CONNECTED VIDEO COMPONENTS _ 1,3,5/ ( 4. Connect the video components to the VCR/TAPE 1 or VOP/ DV jacks. 2. Connect the TV set © When using 2 normal TV set Connect to the TV set using the RF movtulator JARS (cold se paratei) ‘© When using @ TV set equipped with video input terminals, or a moniter TV: ‘Connect the monitor TVto the MONITOR TV jacks ofthe receive. 3. Tum on the POWER switch ofthe unt. Also tum on the power +o the video components you wish to use and TV set monitor ™. VCR RECORDING 4 /2,3,6 IAS sold separately) ) 4, Set the aucio/video function switch to the eppropriate video component to be played back 5. Play back the video component. 6. Operate the TV set to display the playback picture. © When using normal TV sits, use the RF modulator JA-RFS (sold separately, and set the TV sor channel to the same epan chen- nels selected on the RF moclator, ‘© When using 2 TY set equipped with video input terminals, set to the video input playback mode. Fofor tothe connection procedures on page 7 and refer to te VCR Operating Instructions regarding proper operation procedures. 1. Tum on the POWER switch of the unit. Also tun on the power tothe VER. idee function switch to select the desired seep for the VCRITAPE 1 and TAPE 2/087) ‘To choose » radio tuner program source, press the desirad STA: TION CALL switeh ifthe station has been preset. he desired ‘tation hes not bees preset, tune in the station using Auto or Manual tuning 3. Inserta video cassette for recording into the VCR and aust the recording level, For detals, consult the Operating In structions for the VCR used. 44 Start the program source and set the VCR to the recording mode. 4+ The volumes, Balance, and tone controls have no effect on the recording, NOTE: # Recording cannot be performed on a VCR connected to the WOPICOV jocks. + Tape 2 can not he used for VOR recording. 12 AR@097>> VIDEO COPYING ‘Standard method GEE G3 }1,3,4 ‘You can record from equipment connected to the VOP/CD jacks 10 VCR connected to the VCRITAPE * jacks ote: ‘n tis ease, copying cannot be pertormed inthe opposite direction WVORITAPE 7 t9 VDPICDY, 1. Turn on the POWER switch of the unit. Also turn on the ower to the VCR, 2, Set the audio/video function switch to the VOP/CDV. 3. Set the VCR connected to the VDP/CDV terminal to the playback mode. 4, Set the VCR connected to the VCR/TAPE 1 terminal to the recording mode. HOW TO USE THE VIDEO SIGNAL SELECTOR You can faely select arbitrary video and audio sources, and create an original video tape. It is possible for example to combine the ‘ound from an FM broadcast withthe picture from the video con» ponent connectad to the VDP/CDV terminals and record this on & ver. 1. Tun on the POWER switeh of the unit. Also, tun on the power to the components which you wish to use. 2, Set the audio/video function switch in accordance with the audio soures which you wich to listen to, then play the aur dio source, To select a radio tunes program souree, press the desired STA- THON CALL switch if the seation has bean presat Hf the desired sation has not been preset, tune in the station using Auto or Menual unio 14 3. Sot the VIDEO SIGNAL SELECTOR switch in accordance with the video source which you wish to watch, then play the video source, Each time you prose the switch, the video source will uecess- Ively chenge, oP —~ Ver — OFF. ‘Making a video recording When VOP is selected with the VIDEO SIGNAL SELECTOR, the sound of the audio component selected withthe audio/video func tion switches can be recorded on a VCR. 4, Set the recording VCR to the recording mo NOTE: ‘© The VIDEO SIGNAL SELECTOR will be cleared when the audior video function switch is pressed, Set the auctolvideo function “suitch before selecting the VIDEO SIGNAL SELECTOR. cAUTION: IW the switeh is operated during recording, do so alter setting ‘the recording VER to the pause mode. the switeh Is operated ‘ihen the tape is traveling during recording, tho recordad i ‘age and sound may be disrupted at the point the switch is op- erated. REMOTE CONTROL UNIT OPERATION ‘dock oF CD} bearing the gl mark Range of remote control ‘When the remote control unit's pointed at the remote contro! sensor window on the receiver and any of Its keys is pressed, ‘he unit and other components can be operated by remote con eo Disiance: Within a range of approx. 7 meters (23 fat) from the unit remote control sensor window Within approx. 20 degrees from the center ofthe unit remote contol sensor window ‘Angie: VSX-3300 REMOTE CONTROL UNIT {CU-VSX004) (DAN selector switch TV power key Use to tuen power STANDBY/ON to a TV. ® VOR power key Use to turn pewer STANDBY/ON to s VCR. @ RECEIVER power Key © PHONO keys, > (pLay) (STOP) For performing record playback, -. To stop record playback © Audio/Video function keys © TAPE keys (When the A/V selector is “A") Fast key (44, D>) pe isiae) Winds the tape quickly from left to right. 44(Sice Winds the tape quietly feom right to left. om Press to eliminate unwanted portions dur ing recording, or to create a non-recorded intorval between selections © (REC) Press to begin recording PLAY key (4) > (Side) Press for forward-dlrection recording or playback Sido) Press for severse-direction recording or playback Pause} Press 10 temporarily pause recording oF playback (Stop) 1» Press to stop tape travel and recording © VCR keys (When the A/V selector is “V") FAST Forward, Rewind key (4, DP D> Side(FF) ..... Advances the tepe quick 4 Side (REW) Reminds the tape quickly, @ (nec Begins recording PLAY hey > Side (PLAY) ... Begins playback a “Temporary Interrupts playback or record ing. no the present uni, the remote contol unit can also be used to operste other Pioneer components (TV. VCR, VDP, Turntable, Tape Remotw control will not be possible W there iz an ‘obstacle betwen tho remote contol unit itself and the Unit remote control sonsor window. << Sey Remote control Bringing the camote contrat unit closer to tho sensor window increases the angle thet unables remote contol 8 (S:09) NOTE: The © hoy and - side of play key do not function with VOR, Stops tape travel 45 REMOTE CONTROL UNIT OPERATION @TV keys vor Ses the TY set function to VDF. wv ‘Sete the TV set function to TY. VOU (2 57 Inerbases (47 or reduces (~) tha TV set sound vo @ BAND salector keys Used to select an FM or AM broadest (® TUNER STATION CALL Key (When the A/V selector is at “A") Stations 1 through 12 ato recalled hen pressed once. Stations 12 through 24 are recalled whan pressed twice ® TV STATION CALL key (When the A/V selector is at “V") When using « Pionear TV with the 2 mark, recalls TV channels, ® CD keys (When the A/V selector is “A") Dot Track search). When peossed once, play advances to the besgining of the nest tack: when pressed oninuouly, advaneos to further tracks 44 Track search)... Whan pressnd one, resurns t tho bagian= ing of the curently playing track; when fressod continuously, returns to earlier racks. > lay) Bagins playback isc SELECT Used to select dise number (18) for play bck NOTE: [Note that DISC SELECT hey on the accessory remote control unit y not Kanetion, depending on the CD player usedt 1 FPause! rags to temporarily pause playback (stop) Pras to stop playbact, © VOP (LD player) keys {When the A/V selector is "V") ot Scan) ‘Scanning in tonward direction Mea Sean) Scanning in raversh direction > iPlay) Switches the mode from siop (ise not ro tating) to normal playback. Returns. the mode from pause =tiltrame, of Tul Speed playback ta normal playbook, Starts chapter program playback mn Pause} When pressed, pictive and sound vanish ‘and. ploybach i temporarily interrupted. Prese ain to rleasa the pause mode, (step) ‘Stops playback NOTE: The DISC SELECT hey does not function with VDF 18 ARB 109 |B VIDEO SIGNAL SELECTOR key Has the same function asthe VIDEO SIGNAL SELECTOR owitch | VOLUME key @ TUNER STATION select key (When the A/V selector is “A") Inereases (+) or decreases (~] the tuner station number @ TV CHANNEL solect key (When the A/V selector is at "V") ‘When using a Planeer TV wit the GB] mark, ineraases (+ eases (-} the TV channel number or dec- REMOTE CONTROL UNIT OPERATION VSX-3300S REMOTE CONTROL UNIT (CU-AV70)

REMOTE CONTROL UNIT OPERATION ft Set the TRANSMIT mode selector to ADI. DECK H key: Switchas 10 the DECK I functions when using a double cassette dock TS (REC) key: Selects the recording mode. Two (ays must be pressed at the seme (PAUSE) Key: fomporaily interrupts recording or playback. Press again to resume, 4. (FF) key: Fast forwards the tape in the direc: tion of the arrows PLAY) hoy: Star's reverse playback (STOP) key: REMOTE CONTROL OF CASSETTE DECK eo ayes 4 woos co ss OS Ga co Ga ‘Stops the tap. > (PLY) hey: Starts forward playback b> (FF) key: Fast forwards the tape in the dirac- ‘ion of the rows, OIE: The TAPE (if selector switch on tape decks s0 egujpped cannot be used to control TAPE |, Use the selector switch on the deck = ‘self (if you set the switch on the deck 10 TAPE | you ean contro it with the TAPE I! keys on the remote contro! unit) © Tho 4 key can only be used with tape decks capable of reverse ploy # Some keys wil not work with at {pes of tape deck, Refer to the operating instructions for more information 48 ‘ARBIO7> [DECK fey: ‘Switches to the DECK | fun ‘hon using a double cassette deck 4 (FF) ko Fast forwards the tape in the direc- tion of the arrows. < (PLAY) key: Starts reverse playback. (STOP) key: Stops the tape, > (PLAY) key: Starts forward playback be (FF) key: Fast forwards the tape ln the direo= tion ofthe arrows. REMOTE CONTROL OF COMPACT DISC PLAYER (CD) Set the TRANSMIT ‘mode selector to AU: DIO. € DISC SEL (DISC NO) key: For walocton of particular discs MULTLPLAY COMPACT DISC PLAY- ER oquipped with a dise magazine cb FGM key: Works to switch the 1 — 10 0) Faye ‘rom the Tuner Station No., keys to "he CD Track No,, keys When select ing a CD track number, prose the CD FGM key before pressing the 1 ~ 10 (0) keys. Note that pressing the sy wil item back fom the Teack No. key seting to the Tuner Station No. key setting. “44 (MANUAL SEARCH) key: For fast backward search (PAUSE) key: Temporary interrupts pay. {STOP} key: Stop the disc +10 Key (for futuro Use this key when selecting more thon 10 vacks. This key adds 10 to the Wack number wach time it ie pressad, Example: Track 21 (10) - [Fie] - (49) - [1] REMOTE CONTROL UNIT OPERATION Het (TRAGK SEARCH) key Returns to the boginning of tho cur rant track bet (TRACK SEARCH) key: Gos tothe end of the current tack be (MANUAL SEARCH) key: For fast forward search > IPLAY) key: Begins play A ~ 10 (0) (numeric) keys: or direct solection ofa rack or prom ‘ramming of tracks NOTE: The track number key for the compact dise player is "0". The TUN EF STATION muerte hey is “10”. {CLR (CLEAR) key: Erases the current program trom memory, PGM MEMO (PROGRAM MENMO- CONTROL OF TUNER Set. the TRANSMIT CITT one Seto a0 € DV0. 10 12 (STATION CALL) koys: For direct tuning of stations stored STATION CALL memory © For tuners having 24-staion ‘memory, press onco for stations 1 = Tend twive for 13 24 BAND key: Switches between AM and FM or other STATION + (UP) key: Increases the (PROGRAMMED) sta ‘ion number STATION ~ (DOWN) key: Decreases the (PROGRAMMED) sts on number 12 DISPLAY call key: Disolay or clear the chapter end framo/time numbers on the sevoon. VOP PGM key: ‘Switchos the 1 — 10 keys from the ‘TV Channel keys to the VDP CHP/ FRLTV key To use the CHP/FA-TM keys, press this key fo switch the key functions, thon use the 1 ~ 10 keys, Note that pressing the P Koy will switch back from the CHP/FRCTN key setting to the TV channel key sating 44. (SCAN) key: For fast backward scanning 4B (PAUSE) key: Temporary interrupts video and au- cH IFRTM (CHAPTER/FRAME TIME) key: Used for chapter or trame (time) search operation. SEARCH key: Used for saarch and memory repeat operation bm (SCAN) key: For fos forward scanning > (PLAY) key: Selects playback. (EJECT) bey Playback is stopped when pressed ‘once, Pressing again causes the dise tray to open, dio playback, 1 — 10 (numeric) keys: Used for chepter and frame/time number search and far chapter pro- ram play, MOTE: The 10 koy number for VDP ‘CHPTIEAM is "0". The TV CH bey umber is 10", for canceling repeat playback. ‘number coreetion and mode re lease during search operation, and 7 for canceling program ploy. “Pam Memo (PROGRAM MEMO: RY) key: Used for chapter program play. REMOTE CONTROL OF VIDEOCASSETTE DECK (VCR) Set the TRANSMIT [I] mode “selector 0 VIDEO, > (REC) key: ‘Selecis the recording mode. Two keys must be pressad at the same time, 3B (PAUSE) key: Temporarily interupts recording oF playback producing a stil picture ‘during playback, 7 44 (REW) oy: > (PLAY) key: FRewinds the tape and allows picture Starts playback, search bo (FF) boy TVIVER ANT key: This key can bo used only for VORS with @ VOR/TV selector. switches the antenna output between VCR and TV. (STOP) key: Stops the tape Fast forwards the tape and allows picture seare. VCR CH + (UP) key: Increases to the next number in the channel memory each time it i= pressed. oR CH ~ (DOWN) key: Decreases to the next number inthe hanoel memory each time it i= pressod, 20 REMOTE CONTROL UNIT OPERATION |_REMOTE CONTROL OF TV set the TRANSMIT TP] move setctor to wo > MoE TV FUNCTION keys: Selects the TY function DUAL key: Switches sound between MAIN, SAP and MAIN/SAP during reception of ‘muitiiex TV sound, See TV operat ing instructions for deta 1 to 12 (CHANNEL CALL) keys: Used to Select channels, using the ‘CHANNEL CALL function “TV FUNCTION key: Selects 2ach function in @ eye ‘TV DISPLAY key: Puts display on TV serwen, Clears display trom sereen, STV-VOL +/— keys: For volume adjustment. CCHANDIEL + (UP) key: Increases up to the next number in tie channol memory each time itis prosced, CHANNEL ~ (DOWN) Key: (seaze a] el Sl os Dacroesee to the next number inthe channel memory each time it Is pressed ‘Note: Keys marked with “*” have the same furciion in both the AUDIO and VIDEO positions 1+ Some televisions vannot be con trolled using the TV FUNCTION key. this is he case, please use the contrllar provided with tha elevison REMOTE CONTROL OF ADAPTOR/AMP, Eee “FUNCTION SELECTOR keys: Press to select the aucio source Note: Keys merked with “*” have the same function in both the AUDIO and VIDEO postions. ADAPTOR/AMP (AMPLIFIER) se- lector: Switches between amplifier end Adaptor operation, V-SEL, (VIDEO SELECTOR) keys: Used ta select a video souree. The sources switch eyetiealy FUNCTION key: Used to select @ audio source, The sources switch ovelcaly MASTER VOLUME keys: Adjusts the overall (front and sur round) volume. REMOTE CONTROL UNIT OPERATION USE OF LEARNING FUNCTIONS Introduction This remote control unit may “learn” the commands of ather re- mote conirol unit, rogardless of manufacturecer, ae long a the other units of the infrared type. In some cases you mey sil need the original remote control unit {or special situations, But as a rule, you wil be able to uso this Pic- eer remote for most system contre! needs, including video es \well as audio equipment, ore: ‘When using the “LEARN” mode it good Idea to take the both re~ ‘mote coniol units to anothor room. This avoids problems such 2s Sualden high volume output or accidental tape oravurs that may’ ae~ cur if particuler Infrared command signals each your components, Alternatively you may wish to unplug your component system. Simply turning off the power may not be sutficent since power ont Off switching may also be remote convolable “Taansmite Pioneer SR codes oF codes from memory. SR USE RECALL LEARN Transmits Pioneer SR codes (00 memory function “The AUDIO/VIDEO mode and ADAPTOR/AMP mode both feature memory capably ‘About the Unmarked ( I) Keys The learning function lets you use these keys to store commands fom other remate contra units Until you “teach” these keys new commands, they will provide the folowing Pioneer SR command codes: BsTAPE | function (8: SLEEP ©: AUK funetion ‘Ps Tuner station mode select (1 ~ 12/13 — 24) or ANT selection, ‘©: BALANCE R [Left channel volume decrease] (©: BALANCE { (Right channel volume decrease) (@: SURROUND MODE satection @:MUTING ©: SURROUND VOLUME UP ©: SURROUND VOLUME DOWN 22 =ARBIOS7> Which keys can be programmed with new commands? By setting the SR RECALL/USE/LEARN selector to the LEARN po- sition, you can momerize codes In the AUDIO mode end VIDEO ‘mode for the TRANSMISSION mode switch. Mamorization fs also possible with the ADAPTOR/AMP switch in the ADAPTOR moda or AMP mode. {The AUDIO/MIDEO mode switeh and the ADAPTOR/ ‘ANP switch do notaffect each other.) The USE mode allaws you to Use the remota contol to operate your system components. Only Pioneer SR codes are trensmined in the SR Recall mode, and one (of the keys can be used for memory of other cades, Th Keys on the romoto contol unit change their functions according to the Setting of the TRANSMISSION mode switch. You ean switch the transmission mode between the AUDIO and VIDEO moves. You ean assign new commands to tho keys in each ofthe modes, Inthe VIDEO and AUDIO mode, all keys can be assigned new com mands When you fist start using the remot= control unt it contains intial ‘commancs appropriate for Pioneer equipment {when set to the AUDIO and VIDEO modes}. your audio and video equipment con- sists of Ploneer components exclusively you can use the comote control unit 3s is Its alse possible to wustora the original Pioneer commands ster assigning othar ccmmands. (Refer to "Returning 1 the intial Sexings” for thls procedure Other Important Notes + Atotal of approximataly 40 commands may be used for memori- zation of other codes. (This may vary depending on the com mand for mat ofthe codes ta be memorized) There are 2 REC keys on the remote control unit to prevent iss operation. Te stat recording, 0: to memorize @ command code with the REC keys, they must both be presead atthe same time, + ifthe baterias become weak, all funetlons will be stopped at ‘omatcally if the indicators no longer light or flash, ar compo: nenis do not respond to signals from the remote contol unit, you should replace the batteries with a eet of fresh once. (Ar ways use the recommended size LRB/AMD-akalin cells When pressetting keys, make sure that te remate contol units ‘of both this end the other component are loaded with fresh bat ‘aries For some special remove signal types of infared remote control units programming may be impossible. REMOTE CONTROL UNIT OPERATION {Operation example) |. Set the SR RECALL/USE/LEARN switch of the programm= able comote control unit to the LEARN position and set the TRANSMISSION mode switch to the VIDEO position + Programming is possibie with the TRANSMIT mode selector ‘with in any positon, but VIDEO Is used as an example. 2, Place the transmission sections of the programmable re- ‘mote control unit and the remote control of the VCR facing tach othe 4 10.2 inches + + remete contrat cua Unt oF the YoR Place the two units on a table, separated by 20 5 em (1102 inches) Memorzation will nt be possible if they are too close 3. Hold down the VCR PLAY key of the programmable remote control unit until the LEARN indicator lights up, then ro- lease the key. 44, Hold down the PLAY key of the VCR remote controt unit. 5. Release the key of the VCR remote control unit after making ‘sure that the LEARN indicator has gone out on the pro- grammable remote control unit. wore: IF the LEARN indicator flashes, it indicates that you aro ering to reset a key not available for the learning function, or otherwise the ‘program copacity has buen exceeded. In case the program capacity hss boon excoeded, the function programmed last will not 66 memorized correct. AU previously programmed functions, how ‘ever, sl be retained in memory and may be used as they are if the last function is nat essendal. Far reprogramming refer to page 2 “Returning 0 the nial Setings” 6. Sot the SR RECALL/USE/LEARN selector switch of the pro- grammable remote control unit to the USE position. = The previous code |Plonger uniform remate control code or code for other equipment) is erased end replaced by the new code, 7. Check that the progrom works. ‘Try actual operation ard make sure the unit works propery ‘Ifthe VCR doee not operate when pressing the key, change angle, postion anc distance between both remote contr! units an repeat the programming procedure. ‘© When programming, make sure tet the function indications for example, , PB, Mon the other remote control unit ard the programmable remote control unit a tho came. This will facilitate operation Questions and Answers about the Learning Function Q: The remote contl unit of my VCR hes two REC (recording) keys. They both have to be pressed at the same time to start re cording, What isthe earning procedure in this case? A: Hold one ofthe keys on the programmable remote eantral de Dressed (except the VCR @ kay) until the TRANSMIT/LEARN indi ‘ator lights up, end then press the two keys on the VCR remote control simultanvously Q: The remote contro! unit of my VR has a REG (recording) Key and a PLAY iplayback) key and they both have to be pressed at tha me time to stat racording, Whats the leaming procedure in tis AA: Hole one ofthe koys on the programmable ramote control do Dressed lexcent he VER @ key) until the THANSMIT/LEARN ing tetor light up, and ther cess the REC and PLAY Keys on the VCR. remote eontrel simultaneously © As described above, peossed atthe same tim keys simulansously. note: If both ofthe REC keys are not pressod sivultaneousy, the VCR key ‘cannot be marvoriced. ons which requite two Rays to be re programmed by pressing the two Operating other equipment by the programmable re~ mete control unit 1. Sot the SR RECALL/USE LAERN selector of the prograrmm- able remote control unit to the USE position 2. Set the TRANSMIT mode selector switeh to the desired po- sition (AUDIO/VIDEO}, ‘+ Set the VIDEO position for programming as described in tha example, 3. Press the key of the desired function. 4+ Tho TRANSMIT/LEARN indicator lghts up wll the remote control unit is sonding cod: NOTE: 1 When operating 2 device with the programmable remota canirol Unit abwatys set the LEARN changeover swatch to the USE pos- ‘00. * Far functions which require two kays to be pressed othe same Lime (recording et.) oF functions for which several codes are {ent simultaneous (auto functians, timer programming, et) the programming procedure is diferent and improper operation ‘may occur, + The remote contol unit will not operate when the botcry cover 's removed. ea REMOTE CONTROL UNIT OPERATION Returning to the Initial Settings ‘To return all setings to the Pioneer Uniform Remate Control Code settings, set the SR RECALL/USE/LEARN switeh tothe SR RECALL position. Proceed a follows to memorize new codes when the morory is full 1. Set the RECALL/USE/LEARN selector switch to the LEARN. position. sone of the LEARN kayo. The TRANSMIT/LEARN programmed functions far the AUDIO énd VIDEO posi tions are cleared, and the remote contol units reset to the Pioneer uniform remota contra codes. # Dornet press the keys with toe much force. Memory Clear (M-ciR) Battery Replacement Replace the betteries as soon as possible if pressing the contro! keys dovs not cause the TRANSMIT/LEARN indicator to light even ‘after the RESET button has bean prossed. Lezrned commands will be lost from memory within a short ime if batteries are removed Therefore, have now battaries ready for replacement bafare rem coving old bateres, ‘Also, be suro to always use the specified batteries (LRO/AMS alka- Tine batteries) Nore: As the units poner sustoh is connected tthe battery compact: * The unit wil not operate when the caver is off even i bateries oie loaded. ‘ Whatteries are not loaded and the cover is replaced, the memo «y wil be lost afer a few seconds. + With esters loaded! and the cover off, memory is retained for shout 30 mutes + Be very careful not to lose the battery compartment cover ea SARBi097> To control a unit other than this receiver using the re- mote controller provided © in the case of @ PIONEER unit marked £4 which is provided with @ remote sensor, operate the unit by aiming the remote contol at the remote sensor on the unt © For units with tho BEF mack, but without a remote sensor, as well 35 for uoits with the ij mark ang a emote sensor ete, ‘operation of the unit by facing tye remote conte unit towards ‘he remote sensor ofthis unit i possible with eonnaction from the CONTROL OUT jack to the CONTROL IN jack. Use a commercally-2vailablo cable with mini pluge forthe con NOTE: The remote sensor ofthe unit with connection to the CONTROL IN Jack may become inoperative, Connections for remote control When remote control unit is connected to @ PIONEER stereo. ‘component provided with 2 contro! input (CONTROL iN) jack, this system con then be operated by the accessory ramote contol unt Use the remote eantrat cord which comes withthe rospectve unit {or te connection. An examale is shown in the drawing below. So long as you connect “OUT” ~ "IN", the connecting sequence is ar bitrary: Inthe cas0 ofa urit which has only an “IN" connector, how: ‘ever, make connection to It ast, Even when using these connec tions, fa remote control unit is provided with your stereo en ‘ment, you can operate the remote control unit by Facing it towards the remote contra! sensor on the receiver. = @) £6 conTmoL HINTS FOR BETTER RECEPTION EXTERNAL FM ANTENNA ‘The main advantage of FM over AM is the quality ofthe broadeast signal In order to benoft fully from the high signal quality of FM broadcasts, i's recommencied that a special-purpose FM antenna be instal. In weak signal areas, 2 multholemant {element, Scoloment, element) antenna should be Use. FM OUTDOOR ANTENNA CONNECTIONS To get the most from the receiver performance, a 75-ohm coaxial cable is recommended since itis more impervious than the twin- lead feeder to noise and interference from external sources, If en FM antenna has already been erected outdoors, connect it refer Ing 10 the igure, GROUNDING Grounding is recommenda if reception of FM programs is iene paired by noise. To ground, connect o thick polyvinyl inaulated wire 10 the GND torminal and attach the other end toa metal water pipe or grounding bar or wind it around 2 copper plate and bury it NOTE: ‘Never connect a wire toa ges pipe for grounding since sporks may. ‘ignite the gan. EXTERNAL AM ANTENNA IF itis not possible to obtain sdequate AM reception even by ‘changing the orientation of the AM loop antenna, a separate indo- for antenna or en outdoor antenna should be installed, INDOOR AM ANTENNA Use a vinylingulated wire (58 m) and connect one end to the AM antenna terminal anc six the ather end to the wall or celing, as high as possible. ‘OUTDOOR AM ANTENNA IF reception quality i not improved suficiontly even when an indo: fr antonna Is used, a vinybinsulated wire should be installed out- Side and fixed in place. ore: ‘Do not detach the AM loop antenne when using an indoor or an outdoor AM antenna, FM outdoor antenna x a xr By | coe Conneating the 5002 feeser FM outdoor antenna Twist the strands tog RGM le 002 texrina AM wire antennal] 7 (Powyvinyt in Hh ulated wie AM Toop ame es ARe1097, TROUBLESHOOTING Incomrect operations are often mistkon for trouble and melfunctions.H you think that there is something wrong with this component, check the pints below. Sometimes the wouble may le in another component. investigate the other components and electrical expences boing used. es quble cannot be rectified even atter exercising the checks listed below, ask your nearest PIONEER authorized service center or your dealer to cory out repsir work ‘Symptom Cause ~ Remedy Power does not come on | * Power cord is disconnected. = Connect cord securely. feven when POWER switch is pressed. oo poe Wo sound is produced oven | © VOLUME contvolis sat to 0 tminimum Turn the VOLUME conteol to reise the volume ‘when audio/video function esses ive, switch is selected Speaker connecting wives or disconnscied from | ® Conneet wires to terminals securely. Speaker terminals. eet 7 Gre or both ofthe input cards ere disconsested, | « Connect input cords securely “Sound le produced irom | © The mating switch s on. ‘eTuin mating of. fone spoaker only. (TAPE 2/DAF is on S Turn off whom not using companent connected to ‘TAPE 2/DAT. |S BALANCE contol set too for to one cide or the | # Set BALANCE control to center position. other. ‘FOne of the sueaker connecting wires or input Connect wires and cords securely. conde ore discomected als produced during | ¥AN lop ares oie up ees¥icl nese created | » lace Afi Toop anion ofr away oe poseble ecaption of AM broadessts) "by swten contacts, {from ts and other companonts. ‘hon the power switch of This unt or other compe hats sumed ON or OFF Hee High note level. 1 Sin Tio rot ben tuned into cored omuancy | Tne the sian in eons ‘Sterna hae not been connected or has become | «Connect the antenne securely Gisconnected. FM reception FM reception antonna remains bundled up or | » Stretch both onds antonn taut and locate in dt itisnot pong inthe right rection ston Vielding optimum reception. att EEE Eee EEE eee ee "Weak broadeastiog station signals ‘Replace eocessory Type antonna with outdoor FM antenna = Rolss picked up fram other equipment jar In partr] @ Try altering direetion and mounting position of teler, from passing automobres) antenna, Han outdone antenna has been erected, “hilitipasn resuts hen signa ftom breadcasting | place its far away es possible from pasting taf | ie erncaniscne avectly ave mixed with | fle and replace connecting cable with 75.9hm Spnats whven save been relectes by mounteins | coaxial able. Sigh bulainge an thelr way 20 antenna, This re Sul cstorted sound and noise. AM reception PAM antenna not pointing in right direction. + Chenge direstion of AM antonna and find # post tion where reception is improved. “Weak broaisaaing aation signal, —~*~*Y (rect outdoor AM antene or connect ground “Noise being picked up from oihor oauipment jes | Stoo using appliances generating noise or remove | "peta eletia! eprianes using motor o Mur] "em rm vey of stro ecupent Bscont light amuse No suto stop. ~) sinpat signals are not song enough ‘if Type entenne fe used, changilover {0 an out ‘door antenna, | te pt Porform manual tuning, | 3 source cannot ba aoen +1 antannaenotconneiegw VER, ocennoe™ | *Canut she VOR operat rstucion: ond cor | her the WERTY fnerie| “sno a | sect enennecovecty Used. ou a attempting fo wach @ TV source using a | « Disconnect the copy system connection (TV taner | “Veith copy sytem connection. In general. function wil pers) ‘when copy system connections are made, the VCR TV tuner function ceases to operate. For | Getaits, consuit the operating instructions for [__vour Ver. Z Vide Tape copies cannot | @ Vito tape copy convections haven't been made. | s Look again closely atthe soction VIDEO Sy Te¥# [be made with the VER. | "CONNECTIONS on page 7 and connect correctly. | Sanpi0s7 SPECIFICATIONS Amplifier Section Continuous Average Power Output is 80 watts* per chanel, min., at 8 ohms from 20 Hertz to 20,000 Hertz with no more than 0.05% "* total harmonic distortion. Continuous Power Output (both channel eriven) Hs, THD. 005%, 82 sae 25 e+ 95 w Dynamic power (24/8 8) 90/185/120 Ww Total harmonic distorion (measured by Audio Spectrum Analyze) Tie, 89W, 82. ‘oot Input (Sensitivty/impedance) PHONG BN C0, VOPICDY, VER/TAPE 1 TAPE 2/DAT. Phono Overload Level (THD. 0.01%, 1.000 Hal 25 owia? 18 60 mvie2 ka PHONO tata pene: TO utpus (Lovel/impedenee) TAPE REC 180 mv/22 #8 Frequency Response PHONO Nn 20 fz to 20,000 He 20.5 4B Cb, VOP/CDY, VERPTAPE 1 TAPE 2/DAT ae 0 He to 70.000 He 4B Signal-to-Nosse Ratio (HE, short eieulted, A network) PHONO m4 sata 75.48 CD, VOPICDV, VOR/TAPE 1 TAPE 2/0AT 06 a8 Signa to Nose Rata (1A, at 1 W {1 KH] PHONO MM 7 75 06 CD, VOP/CDV, VCR/TAPE 1, TAPE 2/08 73.98 Geaphic Equalizer Hreaveney bang 100 He, $30 He, 1 iz, 2.3 RH, 10 KH, © 8 a8 * Measured pursuant 10 the Fedora! Trade Commission’ Trae Rogulotion rele on Power Output Claims for Ampiiion "+ Measured by Auda Spectrum Analyzer FM Tuner Section Frequency range Usable Seesitvity 50 dB Quiting Sansitiity 87.5 Mie 10108 Mae 70.8 6B, IHF (095 v/75.2 MONO: 15.3 481 (U5 4V/75 2) STEREO: 271 dBF (19.5 WITS 0) Inalto-Noise Ratio Mono {60 dB (at 85 ab STEREO. 76 dB (et 85 cB Distortion REO, 0.3% (1 kate) Alternate Channal Selectivity 155 dB (400 KH) 10 Separation 38 dB (1 kM) Feequoncy Peeponss SO He to 1B kite, £1 dB Opa (FM 100% MOD) REC OUT. 7 850 mv Antenna input. 300 9 balanced 7 9 unvalanced AM Tuner Section Frequency range when 94H step 500 kite to 1,700 kite 5 kite to 1802 ki IME, Loop aatonna Lien Selectivity 2648 ‘Signal-ta Noise Ratio 048 gut VA 209% MOD) FEC Our 60 mv Amenna AN Coop Antenna Video Section Input (Sensitivity Impedane VCR/TAPE L vDPICDY 1vpp/ OuiputiLeveirimpedanced VCRITAPE 1, MONITOR Ap p75 avenoy Responss 0H 6 Mi dE Isolation 9358 MMe 00 a Signal-to Nove Ratio 50 48. Miscellaneous Powe Requirements US, Canadlon model AC 120 Volts, 60 He Other models AC novo — 127/220/240 (witchable), 69/60 He Power Consumps US, and Canadian models 475 i, 615 VA Other models 695 W 420 th 20 IH)» 337 ©) m [6.8/6 WW) 4-314 A © 13-178 (Din ‘Weight without package) US. and Canadian models Other mot 2 ky (182 oa) BO kg (18 5 02) Furnished Parts FM Tyne Antena 1 ANE Lo 20 1 Opersting Instructions 1 emote coatrol unit 1 Dry cell battery wore Specilcations and the design subject to possie mociteations without notice dus 1 improvements << ARBIOOT = PIONEER ELECTRONIC CORPORATION |. teguro1-Chome, teguro-Xo, Tokyo 183 PIONEER ELECTRONICS [USA] NC, 2265 Est 220i Sveet, Long Seach, Calflora 9810, U.S.A 9. BOX 1720, Long Beach, Calforia 9080. US A PIONEER ELECTRONICS OF CANADA, ING. 505 Cochrane Drive, Mariam, Onan LOR BES, Canada PIONEER ELECTRONIC [EUROPE] N.V. Keetnerglsan |. 2740 Baveren. Belgum, TEL: 031790.08" PIONEER ELECTROMCS AUSTRALIA PTY.LTD, 178-184 Boundary Fo3d, Sasso, Vicia S195, Austra TEL [08] 580-997 oocoarrsza> Printed in Japan

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