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BUS302 Assignment Term Project Report

Submitted by
Neehal Islam Dastagir
Student ID - 18204069

Research Method in Business Management (BUS302)

Section: 5
Spring 2021

Submitted to
Mr. Jubairul Islam Shaown

BRAC Business School

BRAC University
Date of Submission – 25/5/2021
Topic – Friends
Problem – The more they unfriend people on facebook, the better their mental health
For Correlational Hypothesis Test I wrote the following hypothesis -
Null Hypothesis – There is a negative relationship between unfriending people on facebook and
better mental health
Alternate Hypothesis – There is a positive relationship between unfriending people on facebook
and better mental health
After creating these hypothesis, I simply put the data from 10 respondents into SPSS.
Necessary Data from 10 respondents:
Variable Unfriended Mental Health
Question How many people did you What is your mental health
unfriend on facebook? score?
Elliot 20 20
Tyrell 200 30
Darlene 45 40
Angela 23 50
Joanna 25 20
Philip 53 40
Scott 67 60
Irving 85 70
Dominique 94 20
Sam 43 50

After all data entry, I clicked on analyze then correlate then I clicked on bivariate and selected
both variables and conducted a 1 tailed test because It was a directional relationship. My results
are as below -

Decision - The analysis above shows that -0.027 is the r value, this is not a strong value. The p
value is 0.0470, the results show no asterisks, meaning it is not significant. This shows a weak
relationship. It is not closer to one, it is less than .5 so we consider it as weak relationship, and
also the minus sign tells us it is a negative relationship between number of people unfriended and
mental health scores. Therefore I cannot reject the Null hypothesis and conclude that unfriending
people on facebook will not lead to better mental health

For Regression Test, the hypothesis I wrote are the following –
Null Hypothesis – There is a positive relationship between having more friends and income
Alternative Hypothesis – There is a negative relationship between having more friends and
After creating these hypothesis, I simply input the data from 10 respondents into SPSS.
Necessary Data from 10 respondents:
Variable Friends Income
Question How many friends do you What is your income?
Elliot 1 10000
Tyrell 123 12311
Darlene 424454 87979
Angela 97 23423
Joanna 2343 798
Philip 56754 456456
Scott 5645 867
Irving 3453 7686
Dominique 452345 67567
Sam 3452 65457

After entering all the data, I clicked on Analyze then Regression and then click on Linear, we
then choose our dependent variable and independent variable. My independent variable was
friends and dependent variable was income because based on the number of friends I was trying
to predict their income.
I got the below results – (I Ignored the first table that appeared in results in SPSS as it wasn’t
Then I wrote the regression equation based on information from the Coefficients table –
Y = 0.109(0.082) + 65430.697
Y = variable being predicted
b = slope of line
x = value of variable you already know
a = Y intercept
R square = coefficient of determination
Now based on my results, I wrote my decision –
Decision - R square is 0.012, which indicates that independent variable can explain only 1.2% of
the change in dependent variable, this is weak. However the significance in ANOVA table is
0.765, at 76.5%. We have a weak model but it is significant. Without the strength it is not a good
model. Therefore we fail to reject the null hypothesis and conclude that this is not a good
regression model.

For Paired Sample t-test I wrote the following hypothesis –
Null Hypothesis – There is no statistically significant difference between the mean number of
friends now and 1 year ago.
Alternative Hypothesis – There is a statistically significant difference between the mean number
of friends now and 1 year ago.
We use paired sample t-test when we want to compare the mean or average scores for the same
group of people on two different occasions
Necessary Data from 10 respondents:
Variable Friends Income
Question How many friends do you How many friends did you
have now? have 1 year ago?
Elliot 25 5
Tyrell 35 5
Darlene 45 20
Angela 55 30
Joanna 65 40
Philip 75 50
Scott 85 40
Irving 95 50
Dominique 100 60
Sam 110 60

After inputting the data into SPSS, I clicked analyze, then compare means and clicked paired
sample t-test. Then choose the variables, and clicked OK. The results I got are as below
Decision - If we look at the p value under the Sig, 2-tailed column, it shows 0.000, this is below
5%, so the difference that we got is, and it is statistically significant. So, there is a statically
significant difference between the mean number of friends now and 1 year ago. Therefore, we
reject the Null Hypothesis and accept the Alternative Hypothesis.

In conclusion, thinking about the topic and writing down a Null Hypothesis and Alternate
Hypothesis was essentially Task 1. While Task 2 was all about doing data entry in SPSS, then
clicking on the right buttons to get the analysis done with results. I did a correlation, regression,
and paired sample t-test analysis to test the hypotheses I wrote in Task 1, then based on my SPSS
output, I explained my result and whether I rejected the null hypotheses or not, this was all in
Task 2.

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