Infinite Series

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owhPlep Infinite Series [EM intRopuction Infinite series occur so frequently in all types of problems that the necessity of studying their convergence or divergence is very important. Unless a series employed in an investigation is convergent, it may lead to absurd conclusions. Hence it is essential that the students of engineering begin by acquiring an intelligent grasp of this subject. [EBM sequences (1) An ordered set of real numbers, ay, dz, dy, ... @, is called a sequence and is denoted by (a,). If the number of terms is unlimited, then the sequence is said to be an infinite sequence and a, is its general term. For instance (i) 1, 3, 5, 7, ... (2n— 1), Ur, uy Gi) 1, -1,1,- (2) Limit, A sequence is said to tend to a limit I, if for every ¢ > 0, a value N of n ean be found such that Ja,-2| /.as n>. (3) Convergence. If a sequence (a,) has a finite limit, it is called a convergent sequence. If (a,) is not convergent, it is said to be divergent. In the above examples, (ii) is convergent, while (i) and (iii) are divergent. (4) Bounded sequence. A sequence (a,) is said to be bounded, if there exists a number k such that a, < h for every n. (5) Monotonic sequence. The sequence (a,,) is said to increase steadily or to decrease steadily according asa, ,,>4, or @,,, $a,, for all values of n. Both increasing and decreasing sequences are called monotonic sequences. A monotonic sequence always tends to a limit, finite or infinite. Thus, a sequence which is monotonic and bounded is convergent. ) Convergence, Divergence and Oscillation. If Lt (a,) =1is finite and unique then the sequence is said to be convergent. 365 If Lt (a,) is infinite (+ =), the sequence is said to be divergent. If Lt (a,) is not unique, then (q,,) is said to be oscillatory. Example 9.1, Examine the following sequences for convergence ¢ nf = 20 Wa, = NaF en. (ia, = 2 (ija,=3+ 00% Sotation.«) ut (#2 p28) = ue 2=2/m nove \ 3n* +n Bri/p 7/3 whieh is finite and unique. Hence the sequence (a,) is convergent. Gi) Lt (2")=~, Hence the sequence (a,)is divergent. (ii), Lt [B+ (1)"] =9+ 1=4 when nis even 3-1=2, when n is odd i.e., this sequence doesn't have a unique limit. Hence it oscillates. ESA) Examine the convergence of the following sequences Te ao 20,=1+20 6. a, =12n 6a,=1+E 17 EER series (Def. If tty tg, yy ly -- be an infinite sequence of real numbers, then Uy # Uy tg t on ty on is called an infinite series. An infinite series is denoted by Du, and the sum of its first n terms is denoted by 5, (2) Convergence, divergence and oscillation of a series. Consider the infinite series Zu, =u, + up + uy + and let the sum of the first n terms be 8, = 1, + ig + ty + Clearly, s, isa function of n and as n increases indefinitely three possibilities arise (Its, tends to a finite limit as n>, the series Eu, is said to be convergent. Gi) If, tends to +» as n> «, the series Bu, is said to be divergent. (iii) Ifs,, does not tend to a unique limit as n — =, then the series Zu, is said to be oscillatory or non- convergent. Example 9.2. Examine for convergence the series (i) 1+ 243+... n+. (i) 5-4-14+5-4-145-4-14..— n(n +1) n= Solution. (i) Here 5, = 142434 3 Lt iu Lt_n(n+ 1) +=. Hence this series is divergent. 5-4-1+5-4~1+5-4-1+..n terms 0,5 oF 1 according as the number of terms is 3m, 3m + 1,3m +2. Clearly in this case, s,, does not tend to a unique limit. Hence the series is oscillatory. (ii) Here Solution. Let Also: the series is convergent. Case Il.) When r>1, Ltr" =, Also a the series is divergent. (ii) When r= 1, thens,=14141...+1= and Lt_s, = + The series is divergent. Case III. (i) When r then the series becomes 1-1 + 1~1+ 1-1... which is an oscillatory series. (i) When r <~1,letr =—p so that p > 1. Then 7 = (- 1)! p" lar _1-C1V'o" sa oF Dea Me ee Lt_4, + - or + = according as n is even or odd. Hence the series oscillates. [EEG GENERAL PROPERTIES OF SERIES ‘The truth of the following properties is self-evident and these may be regarded as axioms : 1. The convergence or divergence of an infinite series remains unaffected by the addition or removal of a finite number of its terms ; for the sum of these terms being the finite quantity does not on addition or removal alter the nature of its sum. 2. Ifaseries in which all the terms are positive is convergent, the series remains convergent even when some or all of its terms are negative ; for the sum is clearly the greatest when all the terms are positive. 3. The convergence or divergence of an infinite series remains unaffected by multiplying each term by a finite number. [EBGH SERIES OF POSITIVE TERMS: 1. An infinite series in which all the terms after some particular terms are positive, is a positive term series. eg, -7-5-2+2+7 + 18 + 20 + ... is a positive term series as all its terms after the third are positive. 2.A series of positive terms either converges or diverges to + 2; for the sum of its first n terms, omitting the negative terms, tends to either a finite limit or + =. Eg Hoven Enonesnne Mariarics 8, Necessary condition for convergence. If a positive term series Eu, is convergent, then Lt u, =0. (P.7.U,, 2009) Let Uy + uy tus +. + Uy. Since Zu, is given to be convergent. “i Lt_s, =. finite quantity k (say). Also Lt 6, =2 But 4, Lt u, = Lt (5, ~8,-1)=0. Hence the result. ‘Obs. 1. is important to note that the converse of this result is not true. Consider, for instance, the series 1+ 75 + J + Ate Since the term go on descending, . peed 1 ty 2 ae Sn x mot ptptot pe ett tet gage les # ttn = Ut Mna~ ‘Thus the series is divergent even though Lt tu, = a? nae ned Hence Lt tin = 0i8.0 necessary but not sufficient condition for convergence of Bry. Obs. The above result leads to a simple test for divergence: If Lt ty #0, the series Sr, must be divergent. [EGG comparison Tests 1 If two positive term series Su, and Ev, be such that (@ Yo, converges, Gi) u, $v, for all values of n, then Su, also converges. Proof. Since »,, is convergent, v,) =a finite quantity A (say) Also since wy $045 Uy $ 095 ny Uy SU, Adding, Uy +uy+..4U,S0 +0, 4.040, * Let (uy tig te tug) S Lt (0, + 0, + + UA) ER. Hence the series Zu, also converges. ‘Obs. If, however, the relation u, sv, holds for values of n greater than # fixed number’, then the first m terms of both the series can be ignored without affecting their convergence or divergence. IL If two positive term series Eu, and Xv, be such that : @ Xo, diverges, (ii) u, 2 v, for all values of n, then Su, also diverges. Its proof is similar to that of Test /. IL Limit form If two positive term series Zu, and Zu, be such that Lt “* = finite quantity (#0), then Su, and Zu, converge or diverge together. Proof. Since Lt “® = 1, a finite number (¢ 0) By definition of a limit, there exists a positive number e, however small, such that ond u, (-e)v, for all n pt Cty +g tne Ug) C=O) Lt (0, + 0g + FY) Pe [By (@)) Hence Su, is also divergent. [ERA INTEGRAL TEST A positive term series fil) + f(2) +. + fin) + where fin) decreases as n increases, converges or diverges according as the integral ff feoae -+(0) is finite or infinite. ‘The area under the curve y = f(x), between any two ordinates lies between the set of inscribed and escribed rectangles formed by ordinates atx = 1, 2,3,... as in Fig. 9.1. Then P+ 2) + 2+ fn) > [" reorax 2/2) 4/18) +. + fin 2 or 5.2 J" fadde 2s, ..-0 a ‘Taking limits as n — «, we find from the second inequality that Lt s, , , $ [[ feoae +f). ‘Hence if integral (1) is finite, so is Lt ,,, ,. Similarly, from the first inequality, we see that if the integral (1) is infinite, so is Lt s,. But the given series either converges or diverges to + =, i., Lt s, is either finite or infinite as n —> 0. Hence the result follows. Solution. By the above test, this series will converge or diverge according as {~ 2 is finite or infinite, ipa, ae, gs- Lt Lh xP em 1 qrie finite for p>1 re an forp<1 Utp=1, [SF tog.x->~ this proves the result 1 2-1n . 2n — lution. =am+Dmd Solution. ()Wehave = aig rai” ah elma + a/a ‘Take v, = Un; then 14, the te 2-Un 2=0 na Uy n= (+1/m+2/n) +0040) = 2, which is finite and non-zero . both Zu, and Ey, converge or diverge together. But 3, = En? is known to be convergent. Hence Eu, is also convergent. 2 (0 Hore Me Gn + INGn + 4)n +7) (se ‘Taking v= 1, we find that 1 1 40 Jeeses) Wee Tn Now since Eu, is divergent, therefore Eu, is also divergent. 7 n” 1 a) sori win Here 5 amar ta (Ga) + imorng efit tor, Taking v,, = Un, we have Mn) a why (ante a) =u (—_). uw —1 _-1.120 no-(TFI/n) n= (sine ‘Now since Zo, is divergent, therefore Su, is also divergent. Solution. (i) We have uw, = (Yin +D + Vallyla + = Vn (+ Un)? -11 1 1 avi (et ee) a} eve ‘Taking v, = V/ Jn, we have Lt = Lt (3-d-- Bea *. both Zu, and Ev, converge or diverge together. But Ev, = E1/Vn is known to be divergent. Hence Eu, is also divergent. (éi) When x < 1, comparing the given series Zu, with Ev, = Ex", 3. which is finite and non-zero. ‘ one a ae 7 we get at ul ett be 25 0a8n a] But Zo, is convergent, so Eu, is also convergent. When x > 1, comparing Lu, with Tw, = Dx", we get u “a= ur (—1_. Bale But Lw, is convergent, so Eu, is also convergent. al When x = 1, Bu, = Pptgten which is divergent. Hence, Zu, converges for x < 1 and x > 1 but diverges for x = 1. . _ fst=1_(3y? fa-13" THe “= fai “(3) ue ay? stig wn (J ne Mn) = 22 Us (a Genz) Also since Ey, =r" where r= /872 is a geometric series having r > 1, is divergent. “. Zul, is also divergent. a+r te 5 0asno) Ment) =1_ Val +1/ny— 1nd Solution, (2) We has non. SEE n[Q+2/n 1a] Ea aE ‘Taking v, = rad we find that Le Me pp MET) — 1 val rs (a+ 2/ny 17/08) 7 (i) Wehave Lt S98") ae < Lor (og n)? 1) it j= —1 _, = (og xr? Gu) Let fon) = og ap to that f(a) = SE re ie., fx) is a decreasing function, =? (log 2?-* 2 dog 27, (- a aaa log xy? | pti Also [f fovae- ao a Ifp > 1, thenp-1=k(say)>0 la -k Thus by integral test, the given series converges for p > 1. Ifp <1, then 1~p > 0 and (log x)? 2 as x9 ff fed se. ts ETOP Up=ithen — [° fenax= [- sé Thus the given series diverges for p = 1. [reac] Glog 2 [fies aacarn which is finite = How dog 2) fp Ez] 348 Soro 1 Ray ay s Sipe 86.9 ied Saath 10. rss (Osmania, 2000 8) 2 ae (NTU, 2006 8) 18) Din? Dm) WLU, 2010; PTW, 2009) 14. FY 1Yn? +1) - n} (PTL, 2007 ; Rohtak 2003) s ‘ is, Dee er 16.) ant fort —1 7, F pares = 1 [EGE comparison OF RATIOS If 3u,, and So, be two positive term series, then Zu, converges if (i) Zv,, converges, and (ii) from and after some particular term, inet Mast Uy, Ym Let the two series beginning from the particular term be u, + ty ++... and 0, +0; +05 + Mt ay" Up Ue, then uy +uy +s + sult ») a. inst Una Uy Similarly, Zu, diverges, if (i) Lv,, diverges and (ii) from and after a particular term oat 2 8 follows : EE ‘atemeert’s RATIO TEST* Ina positive term series Zu, if Lt Mnet 1m Un =1, then the series converges for <1 and diverges for > 1. Case I. When Lt “*4 =X<1. ooo *Called after the French mathematician Jean le-Rond d'Alembert (1717-1783), who also made important contributions to mechanics. By definition of a limit, we can find a positive number r (< 1) such that Leaving out the first m terms, let the series be u, + uy + Uy +. sothat “2<7,“ <7," 1, “251, “421 and soon. 4 in’ Uy +g + Ug + Uy tn +, (vette 4 Wy yy 2u,(1+141+... ton terms) =nuy Et (uy tug to ty) 2 Lt_(nu,), which tends to infinity, Hence Eu, is divergent. Obs. 1. Ratio test fails when i = 1. Consider, for instance, the series Eu, = E1/n?. Here penne bee [| Ee ne tn lee | "eter ‘Then for all values of p, = 1 ; whereas D1/n? converges for p > 1 and diverges for p < 1. Hence ) = 1 both for convergence and divergence of Su, which is absurd. Obs: 2. It is important to note that this test makes no reference to the magnitude of , ,,/u, but concerns only with the limit of this ratio, For instance in the series 1+ 34244 to unity as ne, Hence the Ratio test fails although this series is divergent. ‘<1 for all finite values of n, but tends Practical form of Ratio test. Taking reciprocals, the ratio test can be stated as follows : In the positive term series Su,, if Lt —“*—=h, then the series converges for k > 1 and diverges for k <1 note Una but fails for k = 1. Example. 9.8. Test for convergence the series, ' 2 DUR, Aes ae % © Sas aB ea (P.DU., 2005 ; V: Fay Sead. a Gi) T+ as ox" toe + + 2003; I.S.M., 2001) (PT.U,, 2009 ; VT 2004) Solution, (@) We have u, Bam 2 (n+ 2a nv ting (DN # -a fee) |e. . us [Re avira * = 14s) Hence Eu, converges if x-* > 1, i. reat cd and vero Se? L 1 1 1 Tea = Le thens ty = ae 3 ist Taking v, = sam ewenet Le x a finite quantity. amt, aoe dtlin Both Eu, and Zv, converge or diverge together. But Sv, = —}y is a convergent series. m Zu, is also convergent. Hence the given series converges if? < 1 and diverges if? > 1. 2 1 . . 1-2 ad 7 ew ot SL oe ee oo me Bal Raw TT oes 2 a Lt 246 Ugg LEO ‘Thus by Ratio test, Eu, converges for x-' > 1 ie., for x < 1 diverges for x > 1, But it fails for x = 1. 2 2 gate 222, tes — Fares sega] emg, 2 = 1. Hence the given series converges for x < 1 and diverges for x2 1. Solution.) We have u, = at aa MG (ae yrr*? as DT! (n+ ent! Lt an = it 0-3) [oon Lt (n+) o= Hence the given series is convergent. 2! Here Ma =”! mer I sy (1+DP on” m (i) Given series is Su, () Gieensenesis “EE Yaar om ut a = (ut which is > 1. Hence the given series is convergent. noe ng) 376 Hickes Encineerna MATHEMATICS Example 9.10. Examine the convergence of the series : eee eee Tee 14x T4x9 (iy 14842, GAD Ga+D (at) Rat DGa+) O41 OF DGb+) + D2b+ 13+) ae Solution. (i) Here u,= —*— andu,,,= > 14x" 1+x"* D tegttt test! Lt = Lt j= Lt ab ee ee 1 ited Ls e150 anol pet ‘Also ty ton up [HMA ) site, ne ung, ne (Lae x” by Ratio test, Su, converges for x < 1 and fails for x 2 1. When x = 1, Su, oped e tates which is divergent. Hence the given series converges for x < 1 and diverges for x > 1. (ii) Neglecting the first term, we have 1 Rae net Tyan . Lt Mee wp ML yy btn state T= May tee edln By Ratio test, Su, convorges for b/a > Lor a b. When a =, the series becomes 1 + 1+1 + ... «, which is divergent. Hence the given series converges for 0.< a ) ohtak, 2005) rene es 24a (Madras, 2060) ra Mads ar acre pitas 0 i Ge tget set tee cip* (ENT, 2008) 58 2004) be Digs 710...3n £1)" ‘Bn+2 on Tse Gre) Q+ 2a) | roy $20) (1+ 3a) | Tsp Gepa+e)” d+pa+marsp *™ , : FURTHER TESTS OF CONVERGENCE When the Ratio test fails, we apply the following tests : (D) Raabe’s test*. In the positive term series Su,,if Lt of i}. hy ne then the series converges for k > I and diverges for k < 1, but the test fails for k = When & > 1, choose a number p such that # > p > 1, and compare Su, with the series "+ which is 7 convergent since p > 1. + Zu, will converge, if from and after some term, in P = i»! <1" or(1+4) or if, his ke ae? » a Un ed 4 Lt [p+2e=?-..] Une om or if, orif, Lt Af i.e,, if > p, which is true, Hence Zu, is convergent. ‘The other case when k < 1 can be proved similarly. (2) Logarithmic test. In the positive term series Xu, if Lt [» log 2 } then the series converges for k > 1, and diverges for k < 1, but the test fails for Its proof is similar to that of Raabe's test. (Obs, 1. Logarithmic testis a substitute for Raabe's test and should be applied when either n occurs as an exponent inuy/u,, eR evaluation of Lt becomes easier on taking logarithin of tn/tis,y a Obs. 2, Ifu./u,., does not involve n as an exponent or a logarithm, the series Du, diverges, Example 9.11, Test for convergence the Seriés 0 SBP (vw, 2009; PU, 20068) |) in ew? nel 1 ~Bn+4°x |3+4/n] x *Called after the Swiss mathematician Joseph Ludwig Raabe (1801-1859). L378 | He NS TREATS | ‘Thus by Ratio test, the series converges for 2 > 1, ie. for < } and diverges forx> }. Butt fails for x=}. 2 Letus try the Raabe's test. Now [Expand by Binomial Theorem] Lt n{ “1 |=-2 which <1. nm tat 8 ‘Thus by Raabe's test, the series diverges. Hence the given series converges for x < } and diverges for x2 }. Hae Uy F 24h x_n +1)(2n+2) 1 _22n4) 1 tnar (Wnt Go FT eye Font 2(24+1/n) 1 ss hae ee ‘Thus by Ratio Test, the series converges for x2 < 4 and diverges for x2 > 4. But fails for x? = 4. t= Hit fon 242 ae When x? = 4, (ae i}. of 2 2 -1 Thad Lt of tn ale-pet ne (Una ‘Thus by Raabe’s test, the series diverges. Hence the given series converges for 2% <4 and diverges for<*2 4, ath taeaeett 1 Sotution. He tn ana invent on” a tion. Here nat!” aD! aes Gala = te Md, orale ‘Thus by Ratio test, the series converges for < 1/e and diverges for x > Ve. Butit fails for x =Ve. Let us try the log-test. 4, e Ne — ~ Yer O41/ny" 4, Yyat log Inrinore Senves. Solution. Neglecting the first term, we have (a+) G+n) Mart= Une Dyen) Le Men uy PDN AL yy CAAA sald noting? "oe (a4n)(PHn) x x= (+a/n)(L> Bln) x x for x < 1, and diverges for x > 1. But it fails for x = 1. by Ratio test, the series converges for Ux > 1, ie. let us try the Raabe's test. tt nf -1)- I nfarrera ee ve mere noe (tags) te [inten +B) ave | fener prop +y-0-B+7- op) ty 77 eI a8 T 1 * + of . ++ +OB. | ‘Thus the series converges for 1+ y—a—B> 1,ie., for y> a+ B and diverges for y< a+ B. But it fails for y=a+. Since u,/u,,, , does not involve n as an exponent or a logarithm, the series Su, diverges fory= a+ B Hence the series converges for x < 1 and diverges for x > 1. When x = 1, the series converges for > c+ B and diverges for yS.a.+ B. eee ‘Tost the following series for convergence : (lumbai, 2009) war 1, 2008 ; J.N-TU., 2003) (Raipur, 2005) (W-T.U,, 2009.8) 9, 3:6.9.12 5 710.18.16" **"" (V.7.U., 2007 ; Raipur, 2005) (Rohtak, 2006 S ; Roorkee, 2000) atx (a+ 2x? | (as 3s) | Ps cur 2! 3t 12, <*Ulog 20 + 39 (log 9) +4 og 4923. = $9 Ee tae ViT-U, 2000) ay tee, PoP Perea i ; ay Mar 2, ofa+IXe+2) 9 M4 14 Sep MOOD ae MOTD A 5 va,p 20,250 Eo ‘Hroven Enawesnina Mantcwanics | CAUCHY’S ROOT TEST* Ina positive series Eu,, if Lt (u,)/" = then the series converges for h < 1, and diverges for > 1 Case 1. When Lt (u,)M" =2<1. By definition of a limit, we can find a positive number r (A m, or u, m. Since r < 1, the geometric series Sy” is convergent. Hence, by comparison test, 31, is also convergent. Case IZ, When Lt (u,)!*=2> 1. By definition of a limit, we can find a number m, such that (u,)!*> 1 for alln>m, or w,> 1for all n > m. Omitting the first m terms, let the series be u, + t+ Ug +... 80 that u, > 1, ug > 1, ug> 1 and soon, Uy tug tust..tu,>n and Lt (uy +a; +..+u,) 9 Hence the series Eu, is divergent (Obs. Cauehy's root test fails when X= 1. Example 8.14. Test for convergence the series 2 ; ore (ii) E(log ny GE + ay Solution. (i) We have u, = n°/3". 27m un Lt (u,)/" = Le le }- lt wi Ne » com ase 3 Jane Hence the given series converges by Cauchy's root test. (ii) Here u, = (log ny “ Lt (u,)/" = Lt log ny? =0(<1) [> Lt logn = 0] Hence, by Cauchy's root test, the given series converges. a+iyaye (ii) Here an u)w@=|—_1_| = 2 (4a/vny" asin * Lt (uJ = Lt ——1___ =}, which is < 1. Hence the given series is convergent. a m= aeiyny © Example 9.15. Discuss the nature of the following series : 2 of +(3) # +(; (IN.T.U,, 2006) ayy et x” one o tii) (e- (DU, 2006) See footnote p. 144. Inevere Semis EW Solution. (i) After leaving the first term, we find that u, wn ap (14Mn) poy lat = ue (Ft) By Cauchy's root test, the given series converges for x < 1 and diverges for x > 1. - maty4 (yy 4 nessa, a2(222) «1 (to st5) (a8) net a Lt_u, =4 40. Since u, does not tend to zero, Su, is divergent. ‘Thus the given series converges for x < 1 and diverges for x > 1. (Here (wu) Lt nin oUt w= Lt nae nae ‘The given series converges for When =1, u,= +" 1 1st) ath Taking , Lt (%)- Lt (193) =e#0 and finite. ete By comparison test both Ex, and Ev, behave alike. Iso diverges. Hence the given series converges for x < 1 But 3, = is divergent( p=). x Ea, and diverges for x > 1. wore (2) [OT] ead fo] ae * (iii) Here wos at] ry e n oe Lt GM" =1-(e-1)" lv e>u ‘Thus the given series converges. Discuss the convergence of the following series ay (P20, 2008) log n* (PLU, 2010) Ea ‘Hionen Enaneerina MATHEMATICS ALTERNATING SERIES (1) Def. A series in which the terms are alternately positive or negative is called an alternating series, (2) Leibnitz’s series. An alternating series wy ~ tg + ty— y+ converges if (i) each term is numerically less than its preceding term, and (ii) Lt_u, = If Lt_u, #0, the given series is oscillatory. The given series is uy—u, + usu, + Suppose Uy > ly > Ug > goer? yg yo AD) and Lt u, =0 (2) Consider the sum of 2n terms. It can be written as Sigg = (tly ~ hy) + (thg~ tg) + 2. + (toy Mo) (8) or as 8 gy = Uy ~ (Uy ~ Ug) — (Ug Ug). ~ Uy, (A) By virtue of (1), the expressions within the brackets in (3) and (4) are all positive. :. It follows from (3) that s, is positive and increases with n. Also from (4), we note that s,, always remains less than u,. ‘Hence s,, must tend to a finite limit. Moreover Lt Sone = Lt (oq + tans) = Lt S59 +0 Iby (2) Thus Lt s, tends to the same finite limit whether n is even or odd. Hence the given series is convergent. When Lt_u, #0, Lt ty, # Lt saq,1. + The given series is oscillatory. SRST Rae seein h iter ees LTS » i, jo ed dle A @ et a “yt orate s Fh yan less than its preceding term Also Lt u, = Lt (1/ yn) =0. Hence by Leibnitz’s rule, the given series is convergent. (ii) The terms of the given series are alternately positive and negative and = mt3 Mtl -6 8 1. “Gn” Bn 2 In <" 2n+3 ie, 4, 1.Also Lt u, = Lt 5" =120 Hence by Leibnitz’s rule, the given series is oscillatory. (iii) The terms of the given series are alternately positive and negative. Alson + 2>n+1,ie.,log (n + 2)> log (n +1) 1 1 nee Tog (r+ 3) “Tog (ni) "hE aon < Une and Lt u,= Lt ~—} non tt 9 So login +) Hence the given series is convergent. ner Semes “et 9.17. Examine the character of the seriés xis ie Soa Thx" @ + Gi) Tne p10 1. This test fails when the limit is unity. Examiple 9.18. Examine the following series for corivergence ! PEt be dng he Nh @1+ ee V.T.U,, 2006) ie 73 6 bya tid 2 1 ii) 2 La42)+ Las 2+)-Lapessins 2 £ e Solution. (i) The series of absolute terms is 1 + = + = ate +. which is, evidently convergent. 2+ the given series is absolutely convergent and hence itis convergent. (i) Here pape ES (n+ n+) apt BOSD apt _2__ = Ct, Gay). n+ An +1 2 ‘Then 4,~ 0,472 3|=—# ee ee ie iets (n+ 2P | ins iP ns oF 1 n ie, 0,41<@,Also Lt a, =) Lt =0. nin OB atm ine DE ‘Thus by Leibnitz’s rule, Za, and therefore Su, is convergent. Also Ju, |= 4—2—. Taking v, = 1, we note that Bra Cee ee dis, “sdh2q"3 Since Xv, is divergent, therefore ¥ | u,, | is also divergent. ie., Iu, is convergent but 5 | w, | is divergent. Thus the given series Lu, is conditionally convergent. | Bxample 6.19. Test whether the following series dre absolutely convergent or nat?! F oe ; . Oy eaemt f 70 ‘This is an alternating series of which terms go on decreasing and Lt u,= Lt ne ae by Leibnitz’s rule, Eu, converges. ‘The series of absolute terms is 1+ 3+ by Comparison test, Zu, diverges [- Zv, diverges. Hence the given series converges and the series of absolute terms diverges, therefore the given series converges conditionally. di) The terms of given series are alternately positive and negative. Also each term is numerically less than the preceding term and Lt |u,|= Lt [1/n (log n)*] =0. by Leibnitz’s rule, the given series converges. = 0 and finite, de | 1 1 Also | =< Caine mel, Tog 2 i.e, the series of absolute terms converges. Hence, the given series converges absolutely. [EREM Power series (1) Def. A series of the form ay + a,x + ay 2° +. +42" + nll) where the a’s are independent of x, is called a power series in x. Such a series may converge for some or all values of x. (2) Interval of convergence In the power series (i), u, = @,x". a Le he pp Sort ay (= x nam ty ne gyxt nel Oy ou (=) =1, then by Ratio test, the series (i) converges, when Zx is numerically less than 1, ie., when | x | < U/l and diverges for other values. ‘Thus the power series (i) has an interval — /l 1.

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