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Mount Merapi this morning spewed hot clouds 1.

6 km to
Krasak River
March 14 2023, 09:28 WIB

Mount Merapi on the border of Central Java and Yogyakarta Special Region
again sent hot clouds falling as far as 1.6 kilometers towards Kali Krasak on
Tuesday (14/3/2023) at 05.59 WIB. The activity of Mount Merapi was
recorded in a monitoring video by the BPPTKG which was uploaded on
BPPTKG’s Twitter, Tuesday morning.
It was also stated that the avalanche of hot clouds carrying volcanic ash was
blowing to the southeast.
Mount Merapi is still releasing hot clouds Head of the Geological Disaster
Technology Investigation and Development Center (BPPTKG) Agus Budi
Santoso said that there had been an increase in Mount Merapi’s eruption
activity until Tuesday (14/3/2023). He said the volcano was still launching hot
clouds with a distance of more than 1 kilometer. “The eruptive increase is still
ongoing. This morning, there were still 2 hot clouds as far as 1.6 kilometers,
still towards Kali Krasak,” that ash rain was still occurring in the area around
Mount Merapi.
The areas that are still experiencing ash rain are the southeast to east
towards Klaten Regency and Boyolali Regency, Central Java.
PVMBG Recommendations Considering that Mount Merapi is still showing
signs of increasing eruptions, the Center for Volcanology and Geological
Hazard Mitigation (PVMBG) urges the public to be wary of volcanic material
from this mountain. This has been conveyed by PVMBG in its official
announcement at Magma ESDM. “The current hazard potential is in the form
of lava avalanches and hot clouds in the south-southwest sector including the
Boyong River for a maximum of 5 km, the Bedog River, Krasak, Bebeng for a
maximum of 7 km,” wrote PVMBG.

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