Caro, Lauria Ella - 3-16 - Assign 2-B

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Secret Service Act

On March 13, Monday, I'm still thinking about what I should do to give service to the
person I picked.

On March 14, Tuesday, I can see that my classmate is giving chocolates or any food to
the person they picked. However, I talk to the person I picked like we are close and all.

On March 1, Thursday, I decided to give something to Alvea, which is the person I

picked, I put a notepad on her table because I can see that she really takes notes during
our lesson. And also saying goodluck to her.

In this Activity, I learned that good intentions and giving kindness to someone gives
you a good feeling and also you put a pretty smile on that person. Service is an act of helpful
activity; help; aid: to do someone a service. I guess in this activity, I give a good service to her in a
little way. I give her a face mask when she needs it and a goodluck when we have an exam on our
one subject which I guess is a helpful encouraging word for her because I saw her smile.

I learned that IO should always be kind to everyone, because we don’t know what
situation they have in life, maybe they have difficult situations at home, family, study , financial
etc. We really don’t know the situation of people around us, maybe we can see them smiling and all
but inside they are a sad soul who experiences bad things which for me, we should always spread
kindness to everyone who deserves it.

In the end, a smile is priceless, we can give it for free with others that can also put a
smile on their lips. Small things matter, no matter how small help or service you give that person, I
know that they will appreciate it, just like, My classmate gave me a snack and letter that put a smile
on my face and made my day. Be kind and spread love for everyone.

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