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Master of Science (Agriculture)


Supervisor Submitted by
Dr. Jainendra Kumar Singh Sawant Sandeep Narayan

VARANASI-221 005
ID. No. A-14004 2016 Enrolment No. 367674
Dr. J. K. Singh Department of Agronomy
Associate Professor Institute of Agricultural Sciences,
Mobile:+ 91-9450347087 Banaras Hindu University,
E-mail: Varanasi - 221 005 (U.P.)

Ref. No. …………………… Date: …./.…/ 2016

The Deputy Registrar (Academic)
Office of the Registrar,
Banaras Hindu University,
Varanasi - 221 005 (India)
Through: The Head
Department of Agronomy
Institute of Agricultural Sciences
Banaras Hindu University
Varanasi – 221 005.

I have great pleasure in forwarding the thesis entitled “Effect of age of

seedlings on aromatic rice (Oryza sativa L.) varieties under system of rice
intensification.” submitted by Mr. Sawant Sandeep Narayan, (I.D. No. A-14004),
in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science
(Agriculture) in Agronomy, Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Banaras Hindu
University, Varanasi, (U. P.) and placing on record that he has completed the requisite
residential requirements as contained in the statutes of the university.

I certify that the work has been carried out under my guidance and the data
forming the basis of the thesis, to the best of my knowledge are original, genuine and
no part of the work has been submitted for any other degree or institution.

Thanking you,

Forwarded by Yours faithfully,

(J. K. Singh)
Effect of age of seedlings on aromatic rice (Oryza sativa L.) varieties
under System of rice intensification

Sawant Sandeep Narayan

Thesis submittedin partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of


VARANASI – 221 005

I.D. No.: A-14004 2016 Enrolment No.: 367674


CHAIRMAN : Dr. J. K. Singh

Associate Professor
Department of Agronomy,
I.Ag.Sc., Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi.

MEMBER : Dr. S. P. Singh

Department of Agronomy
I.Ag.Sc., Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi.

MEMBER : Dr. M. K. Singh

Department of Agronomy
I.Ag.Sc., Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi.

MEMBER : Dr. Pravin Prakash

Associate Professor
Department of Plant Physiology,
I.Ag.Sc., Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi.


With a deep sense of devotion I bow my head and offer flowers of reverence to
Bharat Ratna Mahamana Pt. Madan Mohan Malviya, the Founder of Banaras Hindu
University, for his life time sacrifice and efforts in establishing such a great temple of
learning for the cause of millions of students like me.

It is exquisitely a jubilating occasion and unique opportunity to express my hearty

indebtedness to my esteemed guide Dr. Jainendra Kumar Singh, Department of Agronomy,
Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi. I feel extreme
pleasure to owe my profound sense of gratitude and indebtedness for his scholastic
guidance, perceptive criticism, affection and constant source of inspiration which enabled
me to complete the task with great ease and will thus continue to occupy a prominent
place in my memory.

I owe my sincere thanks to the members of my advisory committee, Prof. S. P.

Singh, (Professor), Department of Agronomy, Prof. M. K. Singh, (Professor), Department
of Agronomy and Dr. Pravin Prakash, (Associate Professor), Department of Plant
Physiology, Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi
(U.P.) for their critical suggestion, impeccable and benevolent guidance.

I express my sincere thanks to Dr. Avijit Sen, Professor and Head, Department of
Agronomy, Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, for providing all
facilities needed for completion of the research work.

My profound gratefulness and thanks are to Dr. R, P. Singh (Director), Dr. A.

Vaishampayan (Dean), and all the respected teachers of the Department of Agronomy, for
their valuable suggestions and criticism during the course of this study.

My special thanks to Mr. Vijay Pratap Singh, Mr. J. C. N. Tripathi, Mr. Nandu
Ram Yadav and Mr. Shayam Sundar for whole hearted co-operation and continues

With profound regards in a more personal sense, I owe deepest debts to my parents
Shri Sawant Narayan Vithalrao and Smt. Sawant Panchefulabai Narayan and my lovely
brother ’s {Santosh (Big B), Deepak and Jalandhar} and my family members who taught
me the value of wisdom based on erudition but without enslaved by it and their persistent
inspiration, selfless sacrifice, continuous encouragement and blessing gave untiring help
and have enabled me to be so today.

Without the help of seniors no one can learn the lesson of life and cannot teach the
same to loving juniors so, heartfelt and special thanks to my seniors Dr. Arun Chavan, Dr.
Ravishanker Pardi, Dr. Anant Madakemohekar, Dr. Ashish Latare, Mr. Ananda
Madane, Mr. Mukesh Laichattiwar, Mr. Pramod Lawate, Dr. Akhilesh Vishwakarma,
Mr. Abhinav Kumar Mr. Ravi Kant Mr. Vikram Kumar and Ms. Neha Sharma for their
co-operation during the study and investigation.

I am highly thankful to the company of my batchmates, for their moral support,

co-operation and priceless suggestions and special thanks to Ritesh Parihar, Abhishek
Shori, Aloke kumar Sonkar, Sudhanshu Verma, Sandeep Chahar, Ajoy Das, Suman
Mondal, Deshraj Yadav, Jyoti prakash Mishra, Abhishek Singh, Awadesh Singh, Ankesh
Kumar, Swati Swamprabha Pradhan, Twinkle Jena, Anwesha Dalbehera, Pooja, Puja
Kumari and other deserves my appreciation for their cooperation and help at various stages
of the investigations.

It is pleasure for me to give thanks to my lovely juniors Anoop, Darpan, Aakash,

Nirjit, Anurag and Sachin.

Before pen down, I once again confess that I do not know how to acknowledge
the help and co-operation of my Supervisor, members of advisory committee, family
members and relatives, seniors, juniors, colleagues but above feeling are followed from the
core of my heart in the shape of words and as gospel truth.

The graces of the God are always blessed to me and give me patience and power to
overcome the difficulties which came my way in accomplishment of this endeavour. I
cannot dare to say thanks but only pray to bless me always.

Above all, my humble and whole hearted prostration to Lord Baba Vishwanath,
Sankat Mochan & Goddess Saraswati for their blessings.

Lastly, I bow at the feet of “Goddess Saraswati” with whose omnipresent blessing
today on the eve of completion of my thesis. This is a long adventurous journey to the
unknown destination with a hope for future. I was not alone in this journey to accomplish
this Herculean task, and I am in a position to acknowledge all those, who helped me a lot
to cross the way in finishing the marathon work.

Great thanks to all.

Date: - 07-2016
Place: Varanasi (Sawant Sandeep Narayan)

Chapter Page(s)

Chapter I : Introduction 1-4

Chapter II: Review of Literature 5-27

Chapter III: Material and Methods 28-47

Chapter IV: Experimental Findings 48-62

Chapter V: Discussion 63-72

Chapter VI: Summary and Conclusion 73-77

Bibliography i-x

Appendices i-iii

% Per cent
/ Per
@ At the rate of
AC Adamchini
BB Badshahbhog
B: C Benefit cost ratio
C.D. Critical difference
cm Centimeter
d.f. Degree of freedom
DAT Days after transplanting
dSm-1 Decisiemens per meter
e.g. For example
EC Electrical conductivity
et al. And others
Fig. Figure
g Gram
ha Hectare
ha-1 Per hectare
hrs Hours
i.e. Id est.(that is)
Kg Kilogram
KN Kalanamak
l Litre
m Meter
m ha Million hectare
Max. Maximum
Min. Minimum
mm Millimeter
No. Number
NS Non significant
C Degree centigrade
pH Puissance he hydrogen
q Quintal
SEm± Standard error of mean
SMP Standard management practices
SRI System of rice intensification
t Tonnes
viz. Namely


Table 3.1 Mean standard week-wise meteorological parameters during

crop season (kharif), 2015....................................................................29

Table 3.2 Mechanical and physico-chemical analyses of soil of the

experimental field ................................................................................32

Table 3.3 Cropping history of the experimental field ..........................................33

Table 3.4 Treatment details .................................................................................34

Table 3.5 Details of layout plan ...........................................................................35

Table 3.6 Treatment combinations (12) tested under experiment .......................35

Table 3.7 Detail of field operations carried out during experiment ............... 39-40

Table 3.8 Chemical analyses of plant ..................................................................46


Table 4.1 Effect of age of seedlings on plant height (cm) of aromatic rice
varieties under SRI ...............................................................................48

Table 4.2 Effect of age of seedlings on number of tillers hill-1 of aromatic

rice varieties under SRI ........................................................................49

Table 4.3 Effect of age of seedlings on dry matter accumulation hill-1 (g)
of aromatic rice varieties under SRI ....................................................49

Table 4.4 Effect of age of seedlings on leaf-area index of aromatic rice

varieties under SRI ...............................................................................50

Table 4.5 Effect of age of seedlings on chlorophyll content (SPAD value)

of aromatic rice varieties under SRI ....................................................51

Table 4.6 Effect of age of seedlings on 50% flowering and 50%

physiological maturity of aromatic rice varieties under SRI ...............52

Table 4.7 Effect of age of seedlings on yield attributes of aromatic rice

varieties under SRI ...............................................................................54

Table 4.8 Effect of age of seedlings on grain and straw yield of aromatic
rice varieties under SRI ........................................................................56

Table 4.9 Effect of age of seedlings on content and removal of nitrogen by

aromatic rice varieties under SRI ........................................................57

Table 4.10 Effect of age of seedlings on content and removal of phosphorus

by aromatic rice varieties under SRI ....................................................58

Table 4.11 Effect of age of seedlings on content and removal of potassium

by aromatic rice varieties under SRI ....................................................59

Table 4.12 Effect of age of seedlings on protein content (%) and protein
yield (kg ha-1) of aromatic rice varieties under SRI .............................60

Table 4.13 Effect of age of seedlings on the economics of aromatic rice

varieties under SRI ...............................................................................61

Table 4.14 Effect of treatments on the economics of aromatic rice varieties

under SRI .............................................................................................61


Fig. 3.1 Mean standard week-wise meteorological parameters during

crop season (kharif), 2015....................................................................30
Fig. 3.2 Layout plan of the experiment .............................................................36


Fig. 5.1 Effect of age of seedlings on plant height (cm) of aromatic rice
varieties under SRI ...............................................................................63
Fig. 5.2 Effect of age of seedlings on number of tillers hill-1 of aromatic
rice varieties under SRI ........................................................................63
Fig. 5.3 Effect of age of seedlings on dry matter accumulation hill-1 (g)
of aromatic rice varieties under SRI ....................................................63
Fig. 5.4 Effect of age of seedlings on leaf-area index of aromatic rice
varieties under SRI ...............................................................................64
Fig. 5.5 Effect of age of seedlings on chlorophyll content (SPAD value)
of aromatic rice varieties under SRI ....................................................64
Fig. 5.6 Effect of age of seedlings on 1000-grain weight (g), panicle
length (cm) and panicle weight (g) of aromatic rice varieties
under SRI .............................................................................................65
Fig. 5.7 Effect of age of seedlings on panicle m-2, panicle-1 and unfilled
spikelets panicle-1 of aromatic rice varieties under SRI.......................65
Fig. 5.8 Effect of age of seedlings on grain and straw yield (kg ha-1) of
aromatic rice varieties under SRI .........................................................65
Fig. 5.9 Effect of age of seedlings on protein removal of aromatic rice
varieties under SRI ...............................................................................66
Fig. 5.10 Effect of age of seedlings on nutrient removal (kg ha-1) in grain
and straw by aromatic rice varieties under SRI ...................................66
Fig. 5.11 Effect of age of seedlings on the economics of aromatic rice
varieties under SRI ...............................................................................71
Chapter I

Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is second most important food crops of the world after
wheat. Rice is the staple food crop for people of south, south-east and eastern Asia
where about 90 per cent of the world’s rice is produced and consumed. It is grown in
114 countries across the world on an area about 160 million hectares with annual
production of 494.3 million tonnes, and total supply of 711.5 million tonnes
(Anonymous 2016). Globally, total rice consumption was recorded 491.5 million
metric tonnes in 2014-15 (Anonymous 2016). Rice is the important crop in the
country’s food security accounting about 44% of the total food grain production and
holds about 20% share in national agricultural GDP (Anonymous, 2010) and provides
43% calorie requirement for more than 70% of Indians. In India rice covers the
highest area by a single crop and it is also maximum area among all rice growing
countries. It is an important crop in India which occupied 43.9 million hectare with
the annual production of 103.6 million tonnes (Ministry of Agriculture, Directorate of
Economics and Statistics, 2015).

India is the second largest producer of rice after China. Rice is the main source
of livelihood for more than 120-130 million rural household. It is the backbone of the
Indian Agriculture. The rice plays a very vital role in the national food security. Even
then rice self-sufficiency in India is precarious.

Aromatic is the most renowned one for its quality, aroma and demand in the
domestic as well as in the international market. The major portion of rice area is
devoted to the coarse and medium slender rice varieties. However, very less area has
been given to the fine and scented rice. Rice quality is the major factor from consumer
as well as marketing point of view. Aromatic rice which has stronger aroma and
kernel elongation than ordinary rice has more demand in different countries of the
world (Bajpai and Singh, 2010). Among the rice varieties, scented or basmati rice
occupies a prime position on account of its extra-long, super fine, slender grains,
pleasant and exquisite aroma, fine cooking quality, sweet taste, soft texture, length

and breadth wise elongation on cooking with softness of cooked rice (Bhattarcharjee
et al., 2002).

Two prominent aromatic cultivars in the world market include Basmati grown
in India and Pakistan, and Khao Dawk Mali or Jasmine grown in Thailand. Among
rice traded in the world market, aromatic rice (Pakistan Basmati and Jasmine rice-
Thai fragrant) has been given the highest value. Basmati rice is the major rice exports
of India. The export values and quantities of Basmati rice are accounted for almost all
rice exports from India (2,183.50 million tonnes). The major export markets of Indian
Basmati rice are Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Iran. The exports of
Basmati rice to these three countries accounted for more than 70 per cent of total
Basmati exports from India (Napasintuwong, 2012).

In India, supply of fine and fine scented rice is very less; therefore its market
demand is comparatively high. Most of the fine and fine scented traditional varieties
are tall, low productive, low input responsive, long duration and susceptible towards
the insect, pest and diseases. Due to this, farmers are unable to make their cultivation
a profitable enterprise in this region. It is therefore important to achieve high yield
with good quality from scented rice varieties through proper agronomic manipulation.
As we know that the system of rice intensification is the most accepted method of rice
cultivation but that may be suited for high yielding, hybrid varieties, that is due to
characteristics of profuse tillering and high yield attributing characters. Generally,
scented rice varieties are having low tillering, less number of effective tillers, low
responsive to high nutrient dose. Therefore, it is need to refine the component of SRI
like spacing, number of seedling and age of seedling. The two important components
i.e. water and nutrients taking as a common component because of response of
organic fertilizer were already proved and application of water under aerobic
condition was already established for higher yield.

Aromatic rice varieties are very popular in South East Asia and gained wide
acceptance in Europe and all over the world because of their aroma and flavor
characteristics they are highly demanding and have high price in the rice market.
However, in present scenario of rice cultivation grain quality has important aspects,

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due to change in consumer’s preference for better quality. Scented rice occupies an
important status in domestic as well as in international market due to its several
outstanding qualities and therefore earns premium prices. Aromatic rice is the
premium commodity for earning foreign exchange for the country due to their aroma
and grain quality. In recent year, the sustainability of irrigated rice ecosystem is
threatened by water crisis. So, to safeguard the food security, preserve precious water
resource and to utilize the limited water most effectively.

System of Rice Intensification (SRI) was first developed by Henri de Laulanie

in the late 1980’s in Madagascar country, hence popularly called as “Madagascar
method” of rice cultivation by people of other countries. SRI is a methodology, which
increases the productivity of irrigated rice by changing the management of plants,
soil, water and nutrients. The main features of this system are transplanting of young
seedlings (10-12 days old) singly in a square with wide spacing (25 cm x 25 cm)
using organic source of nutrient (10 t ha-1 FYM) and keeping the soil moist during the
vegetative phase (Thiyagarajan et al., 2002a).

SRI was developed and tested in other countries and also in some state in India
with great success. However, the techniques followed in other places cannot be taken
as granted as set of procedures to grow rice under our local conditions. Hence, there is
an urgent need to evaluate such less water requiring alternate rice production system
as well as optimum cultural management for such system i.e. age of seedlings,
spacing, number of seedlings hill-1 and nutrient management.

Transplanting of young seedlings 8-15 days before plants enter their fourth
phyllochron of growth might have preserved the plants potential for massive tillering.
Younger aged seedling of PHB-71 hybrid (10 or 14-days old) utilized their potential
to produce significantly higher grain yield under SRI (Vishwakarma et al., 2016).
Therefore, study is required to assess the phenology of crop in respect of transplanting
of young seedlings. Besides, utilization of this plant character and age of plant to
increase tillering and adjust into planting geometry is extremely important. In India,
the water and nutrient resources are also degraded day by day so it is necessary to

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develop any techniques which require less water and nutrient to produce more yields
with quality rice.

Keeping these points in view a field experiment entitled, “Effect of age of

seedlings on aromatic rice (Oryza sativa L.) varieties under system of rice
intensification.” was conducted during rainy (kharif), 2015 at the Agricultural
Research Farm, Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Banaras Hindu University,
Varanasi With the following objectives:-

1) To study the effect of age of seedlings and system of transplanting on growth

and yield of aromatic rice varieties.
2) To study the NPK removal by the crop under different treatments.
3) To work out the economics of treatments.

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Chapter II

It is well-established fact that proper varieties, age of seedlings and
transplanting methods along with balanced nutrition are important factors to sustain
aromatic rice production, productivity as well as its quality. However, for indigenous
aromatic rice has proper management practices under SRI with balanced nutrient
management and it is the most important factor for obtaining higher yields and better
quality. Age of seedling at the time of transplanting is an important factor for uniform
stand of rice and regulate its growth and yield. Transplanting of younger seedling is
an important criterion in SRI. If transplanting of rice seedlings at the right age,
tillering and growth proceed normally and only a fewer tillers are produced during
vegetative period leading to poor yield if transplanting is delayed. A brief review of
the available literature pertaining to present investigation entitled “Effect of age of
seedlings on aromatic rice (Oryza sativa L.) varieties under system of rice
intensification.” has been presented in this chapter under different sub-headings.

2.1 The System of Rice Intensification (SRI)

2.1.1 The origin and background information of SRI

The System of Rice Intensification first originated in Madagascar around

Antsirabe in the 1980s. This methodology for growing rice was developed by a
French Jesuit priest, Henri de Laulanie, who came to Madagascar from France in
1961 and spend 34 years of his life working with Madagasy farmers to improve their
agricultural system particularly rice production, since rice was the staple food in
Madagascar. Rice provides more than half of the daily calories consumed in
Madagascar, a sign of the cultural and historic significance of rice to Madagasies, but
also an indication of their poverty (CIIFAD, 2009).

The practices that bring about this different rice plant phenotype in
physiological and morphological terms are simple, but they change radically a number
of things that rice farmers have done for several thousand years. These practices made
Review of Literature

sense because they appeared to reduce risk, but in fact, we now believe, they suppress
productive potential. According to proponents, SRI encompasses a set of five
principles in contrast to conventional system, each of them fairly simple, but working
synergistically with the others in order to achieve higher grain yield (Uphoff, 2001).

2.1.2 The basic principles of SRI practices

Satyanaranayana et al. (2007) stated the following basic element associated

with SRI practices.

1. The system of rice intensification methods give highest yield when young
seedlings (less than 15 days old and preferably only 8-12 days, i.e., before the
start of the 4th phyllocron) are transplanted.

2. Transplanting should be done carefully to avoid trauma to plant’s roots and

also quickly to avoid their desiccation. Seedlings are raised in an unflooded,
garden-like nursery and then transplanted within 15-30 minutes after
uprooting. Shallow transplanting (only 1-2- cm deep, with roots laid in the soil
as horizontally as possible) is recommended.

3. Plant density is greatly reduced with SRI compared to conventional rice

cultivation. Instead of replanting seedlings in clumps of three to six plants,
they are transplanted singly and in square system pattern. Initially spacing of
25cm x 25cm is recommended, but SRI practices improve the soil over time,
wider spacing can later give even higher yields. Sparse planting avoids the
inhibition of root growth that results from crowding and thus exposing plants
to more light and air; the system of rice intensification creates ‘the edge effect’
for whole field.

4. Seedlings are transplanted into muddy field rather than flooded with standing
water. During the vegetative growth phase, paddy soil is kept moist but never
continuously saturated because flooding creates hypoxic soil conditions that
cause rice roots to degenerate. The system of rice intensification is
recommended to maintain 1 to 3 cm of standing water on the field after
panicle initiation. However, this may be more necessary. In SRI, alternate

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Review of Literature

wetting and drying (AWD) throughout the crop cycle proved better than
continuous flooding.

5. To control weeds, use of a mechanical weeder is recommended, starting from

10 days after transplanting, with additional weeding at every 10-12 days until
the canopy is closed. One or two weedings are usually sufficient to control
most weeds. However, additional weedings are found to boost yield by 0.5 to
1.0 tonnes per weeding or more. Planting is done in square pattern which
allows farmers to weed their field in perpendicular directions, and results in
better soil aeration.

6. The system of rice intensification was originally developed using chemical

fertilizers to augment soil nutrient supplies. However, for system of rice
intensification farmers are encouraged to apply compost. The use of compost
together with other SRI practices gave even better results preferable for cash-
poor farmers. If organic matter is not available, SRI practices can be used
successfully with chemical fertilizers.

2.1.3 Effect of system of rice intensification on growth and yield of rice

Champagain et al. (2011) conducted field experiment in Japan and reported

that the system of rice intensification (SRI) was compared with conventional practices
and assessed under organic and inorganic management. SRI practices showed
significant response in root number, number of effective tillers hill-1, days to
flowering and harvest index. In addition, SRI was found effective in minimizing pest
and disease incidence, shortening the crop cycle, and improving plant stand. Grain
yield was not different from conventional method. Net returns increased
approximately 1.5 times for SRI-organic management regardless of the added labour
requirements for weed control. However, comparatively higher grain yield from
conventional-inorganic methods underscore the need for further investigations in
defining what constitutes an optimum set of practices for an SRI-organic system
specifically addressing grain yield and weed management.

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Review of Literature

Ceesay et al. (2011) the effects of SRI’s repeated wetting and drying cycles
plus different plant populations were investigated at Sapu Research Station in the
Gambia, on an alluvial soil between 2000 and 2002. The water management practices
proposed for SRI were found to be beneficial to rice growth. At 20 cm spacing,
average grain yield with SRI practice was 7.3 t ha-1 compared with 2.5 t ha-1 under
continuous flooding. At 30 cm spacing SRI practice yielded 6.6 t ha-1, while under
continuous flooding, grain yield was only 1.7 t ha-1. Even wider spacing did not
produce higher yield. At 40 cm spacing, SRI management gave 4.7 t ha-1, while
continuous flooding yielded 1.3 t ha-1. Thus overall, SRI practices gave better results
than continuous flooding.

A field experiment was conducted by Parihar et al. (2013) at Raipur and found
that the SRI + 60;40;40 NPK ha-1 along with 5 t ha-1 FYM produced higher plant
height, number of tillers m-2 at harvest. Dry matter accumulation (g hill-1) from 60
DAT to harvest, root volume and root dry weight, number of effective tillers at
harvest, panicle length, number of spikelets panicle-1, grains panicle-1, test weight,
grain yield, gross and net returns were at par with standard transplanting in most of
the above characters, while the SRI + 60, 40, 40, NPK ha-1 blending with FYM
produced higher dry matter (g hill-1) at 30 DAT, weight of panicle and grain breadth
were similar with the SRI + 15-18 days old seedling.

Suryavanshi et al. (2013) conducted an experiment during wet season in New

Delhi. They observed that grain and straw yield and net return were significantly
higher in System of Rice Intensification (SRI) over Conventional Transplanting (CT)
and Double Transplanting (DT).

The experiment was laid out by Singh et al. (2013) in New Delhi on two
methods of rice cultivation [conventional transplanting (CT) and system of rice
intensification (SRI)] and two rice varieties (Pusa Basmati 1 and Pusa 44) were used
under different crop nutrition treatments. The SRI found advantages like lower seed
requirement, less pest attack, shorter crop duration, higher water use efficiency and
the ability to withstand higher degree of moisture stress than traditional method of
rice cultivation. Results revealed that CT and SRI gave statistically at par in respect of

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Review of Literature

grain yield but straw yield was significantly higher in CT as compared to SRI. Seed
quality was superior in SRI as compared to CT. CT rice used higher amount of water
than SRI, with water saving of 37.6% to 34.5% in SRI. Significantly higher water
productivity was recorded in SRI as compared to CT rice.

Islam et al. (2014) worked at Sibbari cluster of South Garo Hills district of
Meghalaya during kharif 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the weed management practices
for system of rice intensification (SRI) and integrated crop management (ICM)
method of rice establishment for higher productivity and income. Significantly higher
plant height, effective tillers hill-1, panicle length, test weight and grain yield of rice
was obtained under SRI methods (4.63 t ha-1) which was at par with ICM (4.58 t ha-1)
but remained superior to conventional rice culture (CRC). SRI method recorded
comparatively higher gross return ( 55560 ha-1), net return ( 34526 ha-1) than ICM
and CRC.

Kumar et al. (2015) reported from Pusa, Samastipur that SRI method of
transplanting recorded higher grain yield of scented hybrid rice than the standard
method of transplanting.

2.2 Effect of aromatic varieties on growth and yield of rice

Extensive work had carried out to evaluate the performance of rice cultivars in
varying agro-climatic conditions. The yield of short grain aromatic rice varieties is
comparatively less than high yielding non scented varieties. The farmers have
switched to high yielding coarse rice because the higher yield from modern varieties
compensates for the premium price of scented rice.

A field experiment was conducted by Rao et al. (1993) at Cuttack reported

that Badshahbhog, the local scented rice variety gave the highest grain yield (3.21 t
ha-1), among the long slender Basmati grain type varieties, Kasturi, Rambir Basmati,
IET-8579 were promising with mean yield of 2.22 - 2.58 t ha-1. The varieties gave
significantly higher yield than Basmati 370 and Pakistan Basmati in dry session.

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Review of Literature

Mahapatra et al. (2004) reported from Odisha that the local variety ‘Dehradun
Basmati’, recorded significantly higher grain yield (28.9 q ha-1) than ‘Dubraj’ (23.9 q
ha-1) followed by ‘Basmati 385’ (21.2 q ha-1) and ‘Pusa Basmati-1’ (19.39 q ha-1).

Singh et al. (2004) reported that ‘Pusa Rice Hybrid 10’ recorded significantly
higher values for the yield attributes (panicles hill-1, panicle weight, spikelets
panicle-1, grains panicle-1 and 1000 grain weight), yield and nutrient accumulation
than the non-hybrid ‘Pusa Basmati-1’.

Dahiphale et al. (2004) worked at Akola, found that quality parameters viz.
kernel length (cm), kernel breadth (cm), kernel L/B ratio, kernel length after cooking,
elongation ratio and amylose content (%) were not influenced significantly among
Basmati genotypes.

Brahmachari et al. (2005) from West Bengal reported that the maximum grain
yield was recorded in ‘Kataribhog’ than other local scented rice varieties. The
performance of ‘Batraj’ was poor because of its total lodging during the later part of
its growth stages.

Mhaskar et al. (2005) reported that the number of panicles hill-1 were
maximum in ‘Sugandha’ followed by ‘Indrayani’, ‘Pusa Basmati-1’ and ‘Kasturi’
whereas the panicle length was higher in ‘Pusa Basmati-1’ and ‘Kasturi’ compared to
‘Indrayani’ and ‘Sugandha’. Other yield contributing characters i.e. number of total
grains panicle-1, per cent filled grains, weight of filled grains and panicle weight were
significantly higher in ‘Indrayani’ followed by ‘Pusa Basmati-1’ and ‘Kasturi’.
‘Indrayani’ recorded a significantly higher grain yield compared to other scented rice

Similarly in an another experiment for long slender group of scented rice

Gautam et al. (2005) revealed that rice hybrid ‘PRH 10’ registered significantly
higher grain yield than inbred aromatic rice ‘Pusa Sugandha-3’ and ‘Pusa Basmati-1’.
In between inbred rice varieties ‘Pusa Sugandha-3’ registered 27.5% higher grain
yield than that of produce by ‘Pusa Basmati-1’. ‘Pusa basmati-1’ and ‘IET 13548’

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(semi dwarf) recorded significantly higher grain yield over the mean grain yield of
‘Tarori Basmati’ (tall) a scented rice variety. They also reported that among the three
rice varieties ‘PRH 10’ recorded higher values of hulling percentage and protein
content in milled rice, whereas inbred rice varieties ‘Pusa Sugandha-3’ and ‘Pusa
Basmati-1’ were significantly superior to ‘PRH 10’ for milling, kernel length and
breadth before and after cooking.

Sarawgi et al. (2006) reported that ‘Indira Sugandhit dhan-1’ recorded

significantly higher grain yield, being 13.74% and 27.65% higher than ‘Kasturi’ and
‘Pusa Basmati’, respectively mainly due to its greater number of tillers, number of
panicle plant-1 and test weight.

Hussain et al. (2008) worked at Mymensingh, Bangladesh, to evaluate the

effect of different nitrogen levels on the performance of four rice varieties in
transplanted aman (monsoon) season. Aromatic rice varieties included ‘BRRI dhan
38’, ‘Kalizira’, ‘Badshabhog’ and ‘Tulsimala’, while nitrogen was applied at 30, 60,
90 and 120 kg ha-1. Performance of different varieties was different. ‘Kalizira’
produced the maximum number of grains per panicle (135.90). Among the varieties,
‘BRRI dhan 38’ gave the maximum grain yield (4.00 t ha-1).

Netam et al. (2008) reported that variety ‘Dubraj’ registered higher plant
height (116 cm), number of effective tillers (296.5 m-2), panicle weight (3.47 g), 1000
grain weight, grain yield (33.33 q ha-1) and straw yield (74.10 q ha-1), whereas
‘Badshah Bhog’ recorded higher panicle length (25.40 cm), quality parameters viz.
hulling, milling and head rice recovery and net return ( 15226 ha-1) because
‘Badshah Bhog’ received higher price than the ‘Dubraj’ due to short slender fineness
and higher scent in nature.

Rahman et al. (2008) conducted an experiment at Dinajpur to investigate the

influence of spacing on the yield and yield attributes of some varieties of aromatic
rice. The experiment comprised of three varieties namely, ‘Kalizira’, ‘Badshabhog’
and ‘Tulshimala’ and four different spacing viz. 8 cm x 25 cm, 12 cm x 25 cm, 16 cm
x 25 cm and 20 cm x 25 cm. ‘Badshahbhog’ produced the highest grain yield (2.90 t

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ha-1) which was consequence of the highest number of effective tiller hill -1, number of
grains panicle-1 and 1000-grain weight.

Lal et al. (2009) observed that among four fine scented rice varieties (‘IET-
17566’, ‘Badshah Bhog’, ‘Kalanamak’ and ‘Kanakjeera’), the ‘IET-17566’ gave
significantly higher grain yield (3.64 t ha-1). The ‘Kalanamak’ and ‘Badshah Bhog’
were at par (3.04 and 3.06 t ha-1) with ‘IET-17566’.

The experiment comprised at Mymensingh, Bangladesh of three varieties viz.,

‘Kalizira’, ‘Badshabhog’ and ‘Tulshimala’ and three levels of nitrogen viz., 40, 60 and
80 kg ha-1. ‘Kalizira’ was found significantly superior to ‘Tulshimala’ and
‘Badshabhog’ with respect to quality of grain and soil fertility of the post harvest soil
(Sikdar et al. 2010).

Bhowmick et al. (2011) emphasized that among the different aromatic rice
varieties tested at West Bengal variety, Kalajeera produced significantly higher grain

A field experiment conducted by Singh et al. (2012) at Behraich (U.P.) to find

out suitable varieties and economic fertility level for rice in low lands. The value of
yield attributes like panicles m-2, panicle weight and grain weight panicle-1 was
significantly higher with ‘Kalanamak’ followed by ‘Indrabhog’, ‘Jawaphool’ and
‘Badshahbhog’. Variety 'Kalanamak' produced significantly higher grain and straw
yield than rest of the varieties.

The experiment laid out in New Delhi on two methods of rice cultivation
[conventional transplanting (CT) and system of rice intensification (SRI)] and two
rice varieties (‘Pusa Basmati 1’ and ‘Pusa 44’) were used under different crop
nutrition treatments. The grain yield and its attributes of ‘Pusa 44’ were significantly
higher than those of ‘Pusa Basmati 1’ (Singh et al. 2013).

Agronomic potential, feasibility and profitability of three methods of stand

establishment viz., conventional transplanting (CT), system of rice intensification
(SRI) and double transplanting (DT) with three rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars viz.,

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‘Pusa Basmati 1401’, ‘Pusa 44’ and ‘PRH 10’ were evaluated in a field experiment
conducted in New Delhi (Suryavanshi et al. 2013). Among the rice cultivars, rice
hybrid ‘PRH 10’ gave the highest grain and straw yield but ‘Pusa Basmati 1401’ gave
the highest net return.

A field experiment was conducted by (Yadav et al. 2013) at Bijnor to find out
performance of 4 basmati rice (Oryza sativa L.) varieties (‘Taraori basmati’, ‘Pusa
Basmati 1’, ‘Pusa Sugandha 4’ and ‘Pusa Sugandha 5’) under 3 establishment
methods (direct seeding, drum seeding and transplanting). The highest grain and straw
yield was recorded with ‘Pusa Sugandha 5’ (42.74 and 56.66 q ha-1) which was
significantly superior over rest of the varieties. Increase in grain yield with Pusa
Sugandha 5 was 4.70, 9.64 and 66.49% over ‘Pusa Sugandha 4’, ‘Pusa Basmati 1’ and
‘Taraori Basmati’, respectively.

Patel et al. (2014) conducted a field experiment at Raipur, to study the effect
of combination of organic and inorganic fertilizers on growth, soil nutrient status,
quality, economics and yield. The experiment revealed that the performance of
‘Dubraj’ was comparatively better than that of ‘Badshahbhog’, ‘Vishnubhog’ and
‘Bisni’ in terms of grain yield and growth characters, with good quality and yield too.

Yadav and Meena (2014) worked at Varanasi, to study the performance of

aromatic rice (Oryza sativa L.) genotypes as influenced by integrated nitrogen
management (INM). The genotype ‘PRH 10’ recorded significantly higher dry matter
(36.8 g hill-1), panicles m-2(306.9), grains panicle-1 (133.0), test weight (22.4 g), grain
yield (5.19 tonnes ha-1), straw yield (7.55 tonnes ha-1), total N uptake (103.0 kg ha-1),
N-use efficiency (57.6 kg kg-1).

Sharma et al. (2014) carried out a field experiments at Meerut, on four

Basmati rice varieties viz., ‘Pusa Basmati-1121’, ‘Pusa Basmati-1’, ‘Pusa Sugandha-
5’ and ‘Taraori Basmati’ and find out of this ‘Pusa Sugandha-5’ was significantly
higher in panicle length (cm), panicle m-2, panicle weight, grains panicle-1, grain and
straw yield.

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Panigrahi et al. (2014) reported from Bhubaneswar that observed basmati rice
variety ‘Pusa Basmati-1’ performed better than ‘Geetanjali’ under SRI. Similarly,
crop planted at close spacing (20 × 20 cm2) improved growth, yield and profit over
those of wide spacing (25 × 25 cm2); but growth, yield and economics of basmati rice
did not vary much between the crops planted with 10 and 15-day old seedlings. The
results suggested growing of ‘Pusa Basmati-1’ at (20 × 20 cm2) spacing with 10 or
15-day old single seedlings under organic manuring or INM practice for better
growth, higher yield and greater profit.

Chetri et al. (2015) worked at Pundibari, Coochbehar with the treatment

comprised of three varieties of aromatic rice viz. ‘Gobinda Bhog’, ‘Badshah Bhog’
and ‘Kalo Bhog’ which was assigned to main plots and four zinc levels. Among the
three aromatic farmers’ rice varieties, the variety ‘Badsah Bhog’ recorded the highest
yield, yield attributes, net return and benefit: cost ratio followed by ‘Gobinda Bhog’
and ‘Kalo Bhog’.

The experiment was carried out by Islam et al. (2015) at Mymensingh,

Bangladesh with four aromatic fine rice viz. ‘Chinisagar’, ‘Chiniatab’, ‘Basmati’ and
‘Awnless Minicat’ with three different date of transplanting 20 January, 5 February
and 20 February. Among the aromatic fine rice ‘awnless Minicat’ gave the highest
yield (3.10 t ha-1) but that was at par with those of Basmati (1.77 t ha-1).

2.3 Effect of aromatic varieties on economics of rice

Netam et al. (2008) reported that variety ‘Dubraj’ registered higher grain yield
(33.33 q ha-1) and straw yield (74.10 q ha-1) than ‘Badshah Bhog’ but net return (
15226 ha-1) because ‘Badshah Bhog’ received higher price than the ‘Dubraj’ due to
short slender fineness and higher scent in nature.

A field experiment was conducted by Singh et al. (2012) at Bahraich (U.P.) on

different aromatic rice cultivars viz. “Kalanamak’, ‘Badshahbhog’, ‘Indrabhog’,
‘Jawaphool’ and ‘Neelabhat’. Among the cultivars ‘kalanamak’ was reported that
maximum net returns ( 10243 ha-1) and B: C ratio (1.99).

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Sharma et al. (2012) reported at Hissar on field experiment under different

Basmati varieties viz. ‘CSR 30’, ‘HKR 03-408’, Pusa Basmati 1’, ‘Pusa Basmati
1121’ with different nitrogen and phosphorus levels, among the varieties ‘Pusa
Basmati 1121’ recorded maximum gross return, net return and B: C ratio ( 103,720
ha-1), ( 40,790 ha-1) and (1.64), respectively than other Basmati cultivars.

A field experiment was conducted by Suryavanshi et al. (2013) at New Delhi,

that observed on the rice cultivars viz., ‘Pusa Basmati 1401’, ‘Pusa 44’ and ‘PRH 10’
were evaluated. Among the rice cultivars, rice hybrid ‘PRH 10’ gave the highest grain
and straw yield but ‘Pusa Basmati 1401’ gave the highest net return.

Panigrahi et al. (2014) reported among the two varieties ‘Pusa Basmati 1’
gave the gross return, net return and B: C ratio than ‘Geetanjali’ in both years of field

Ram et al. (2014) reported at Varanasi that among the genotype ‘PHB 71’
gave maximum net return ( 46,700 ha-1) and B: C ratio (1.56) than the cultivar
‘NDR 359’. Similar reported by Shukla et al. (2014) and Singh et al. (2013a) at
Varanasi among the genotype ‘PHB 71’ gave maximum net return and B: C ratio than
the cultivar ‘NDR 359’.

Yadav and Meena (2014) worked at Varanasi, to study the performance of

aromatic rice (Oryza sativa L.) genotypes as influenced by integrated nitrogen
management (INM). The genotype ‘PRH 10’ recorded significantly higher net returns
( 53,518 ha-1) than ‘Pusa Basmati-1’ but was at par with ‘HUR 105’.

2.4 Effect of age of seedlings on growth and yields of rice

The ultimate effect of system of rice intensification techniques has reflected in

considerably higher grain yield of rice. The potential productivity with SRI is very
high, which is more important now as the Green Revolution Technologies are
showing fatigue. Therefore, selection of appropriate age of seedlings is essential to
harvest the full yield potential.

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Sharma and Ghosh (1998) stated that younger seedlings produced significantly
higher grain (2.74 t ha-1) and straw (7.53 t ha-1) yields as compared to older seedlings
from their studies on hybrids rice. Padmaja and Reddy (1998) also reported similar

Singh and Singh (1998) also revealed that yield attributes viz., panicle number
m-2, panicle length, number of filled grains panicle-1 and 1000-grain weight
significantly increased with transplanting of younger seedlings as compared to older
seedlings. However, under late planted conditions both 35 and 45 days old seedlings
performed better for panicle number, panicles m-2, and number of grains panicle-1 than
25 days old seedlings (Channabasappa et al. 1998).

Diechar et al. (2002) in Cambodia reported that 8-12 days old seedlings
performed better and had significantly higher yield potential then those of 15-20 days
and 20-25 days old seedlings under SRI.

Gani et al. (2002) reported that young seedlings (7 or 14 days old) performed
better than 21 days old seedlings. The plants of young seedlings were taller and they
produced longer and heavier roots, more number of effective tillers and biomass.

McHugh et al. (2002) reported that system of rice intensification was

associated with significantly higher grain yield of 6.41 t ha-1 compared with 3.4 t ha-1
from conventional practices on SRI plots, grain yield were reported 6.7 t ha-1 in the
alternate wetting and drying irrigation, 5.9 t ha-1 with non-flooding irrigation and 5.9 t
ha-1 for continuously flooded irrigation.

Randriamiharisoa and Uphoff (2002) reported the results of factorial trials

evaluating four system of rice intensification practices (SRI). SRI practices evaluated
were young seedlings (8, 12, 16 and 20 days old), water management (aerated soils
and saturated soil), plant density (1 and 3 seedlings hill-1) and fertilization (compost
v/s NPK @ 16-11-22 v/s no fertilizer). They reported that SRI practices were having
advantageous effects individually as well as combined. In fact, these trials showed a
high degree of synergy among practices. However the ‘young seedlings’ was found to

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be the most important practice in these trials, none could be discarded without some
loss. With growing conditions controlled, using all SRI practices, young seedlings,
one seedling hill-1, aerated soil, and added compost gave yield increase of 140 to 245
per cent, compared to plot where only non-SRI practices - more mature seedlings,
three seedling hill-1, and saturated soil with NPK fertilizer used.

Stoop et al. (2002) while working on SRI, noticed that 8-10 days old seedlings
transplanted at 20 × 20 cm spacing performed better than 10-15 days old seedling
under 15 cm × 15 cm and 25 cm × 25 cm.

Thiyagarajan et al. (2002) reported that the modified system of rice

intensification practices, 14 days old seedling should be transplanted in puddled field
with the square planting of 25 × 25 cm, which had significant effect on grain yield of
about 5059 kg/ha to 7612 kg ha-1.

Wang (2002) stated that planting younger seedling of 15 days age of different
cultivars led to significant increase in dry matter production as compared to use of
older seedling of 20 and 28 days age and the extent of increase was 9.62 and 18.80
per cent, respectively.

Uphoff (2002a) also stated that transplanting of very young seedlings usually
8-10 days old and not more than 15 days will have better tillering and rooting and it
was reduced if transplanting was done after the 4th phyllochron usually about 15 days
after emergence.

Hussain et al. (2003) in Bangladesh obtained 7.7 t ha-1 grain yield with SRI
(15 days old seedling) while it was 5.4 t ha-1 in conventional practice with 36 days old
seedling. Tillering was an important agronomic trait, which finally determines the
number of panicles, grains and grain yield per unit land area (Liu-Guo Hua et al.

Oteng and Anna (2003) from Ghana (South Africa) observed that 10-15 days
old seedlings produced more number of effective tillers and grains per panicle than
those of 15-20 days and 20-25 days old seedlings under SRI practices.

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Vijaykumar et al. (2006) revealed that grain yield and water productivity were
significantly increased when applying SRI weeding with 14 days old seedlings
planted at 25 × 25 cm2 spacing to achieve yields of 7009 and 5655 kg-1 ha and 0.610
and 0.494 kg M-3 water productivity, respectively in wet and dry season.

SRI promises to be a significant alternative for not only raising paddy yields,
but also for managing paddy-based farming in resources-starved region. SRI
advocates often maintain that conventional research approaches to SRI evaluation
ignore what is happening in farmer’s fields and that the rapid geographic spread of
SRI is prima facie evidence of its value (Stoop and Kassam, 2005). Hussain (2004)
documented a 30 per cent yield advantage for SRI in Bangladesh and Namara et al.
(2003) shown an even larger benefit (44 per cent) in Sri Lanka.

Krishna (2006) from Dharwad reported that 12 days old seedling performed
better than 8, 16 and 25 days old seedlings in terms of yield and yield attributes, B: C
ratio, seed quality along with shoot length, root length, seedling dry weight and vigour

Porpavi et al. (2006) tested four rice varieties viz., ADT36, ADT43, ADT45
and ADT47 with using 14 and 25 days old seedlings under SRI. The performance of
ADT43 and ADT47 with 14 days seedling under SRI found better than 25 days aged
seedling. The crop duration reduced by 5 to 6 days under system of rice
intensification with 14 days old seedlings as well. In Bhutan, Lhendup (2006)
recorded maximum grain yield and other parameters with seedlings of 3-leaf stage
with 30 cm x 30 cm spacing.

Sridevi and Chellamuthu (2007) observed that the combination of single and
young seedling per hill with square planting and cono-weeding gave highest tiller m-2
and grain yield than the normal seedling or multiple seedling with rectangular
planting and hand weeding.

In Tamil Nadu, India, system of rice intensification evaluation by the crop and
soil management centres of the Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (TNAU), at

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Coimbatore started in 2000 with field experiment at the wetland farm of TNAU
assessing different methods of crop establishment, spacing and water management.
Overall yield increases realized from combined effects of these management
practices, with the highest yield obtained from SRI practices (7.61 tons ha-1). Mean
grain yield for all water-saving treatments (6.35 tons ha-1), indicating that use of
younger seedling and soil aerating weeding had a beneficial effect of particular
interest was the finding that in situ incorporation of weeds into the soil with the
rotating hoe, significantly increased yield (6.7 ton ha-1) compared to conventional
weeding (6.08 t ha-1), (Satyanarayana et al., 2007).

Krishna et al. (2008) worked on rice cv. ‘ES 18’ at ‘Gangavati’ with four age
of seedlings viz. 8, 12, 16 and 25 days and they were found that the planting of
younger seedlings (8 days) resulted in early flowering (90.5 days) as compared 25
days old seedlings (94.5 days). Also, reported that 12 days old seedlings produced
more number of tillers and productive tillers per plant at harvest compared to 8, 16
and 25 days old seedlings. However, combination of 12 days old seedling (3.25 t ha-1)
with wider spacing (30 × 30cm) recorded maximum seed yield and B: C ratio (1.51).

Menete et al. (2008) reported that higher older seedling resulted in lesser grain
yield i.e. 9.3, 8.6 and 7.8 t ha−1 as against 10, 20 and 30 days old seedlings,

Reddy et al. (2008) observed that single seedling hill-1 + 12 days old seedling
showed significantly higher no. of tillers hill-1 (28.8), dry weight hill-1 (121.16 g),
productive tillers m-2, panicle length (30.60 cm), test weight (24.33 g), grain yield
(55.83 q ha-1) and straw yield (106.66 q ha-1).

Experiment conducted by Sharma and Masand (2008) on silty clay loam soil
with rice variety ‘RP 2421’ in Himachal Pradesh and reported that among the
different age of seedling younger seedling (7-12 day) showed significantly higher
number of grains panicle-1, 1000-grain weight, grain and straw yield under SRI than
conventional system of rice cultivation.

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Krishna et al. (2009) conducted another experiment in Karnataka and revealed

that the 12 days old seedling produced more number of tillers hill-1, leaf area and dry
matter plant-1 at harvest. The 8 days old seedling flowered and matured about four to
five days early compared to 25 days old seedlings. The treatment combination of 12
days old seedling with wider spacing recorded maximum seed yield per hectare.
Significantly higher seed yield (3.27 t ha-1) and less spikelet sterility (16.72 per cent)
recorded by 12 days old seedlings.

In order to standardize the seedlings age and weed management methods

under SRI, a trial formulated by DRR and conducted during kharif, 2009 at 14
different locations. At seven locations, young seedlings of 10 days old gave
significantly higher grain yield as compared to 15 days old seedlings except at Chatha
(Jammu) centre where 15 days old seedlings yielded significantly higher grain yield
(4.18 t ha-1) over 10 days old seedlings (3.84 t ha-1) (Anonymous, 2009).

Shekhar et al. (2009) conducted a field experiment at Malan on silty clay loam
soil (pH 5.7) with rice cultivar ‘HPR 2143’ reported that in system of rice
intensification produce higher yield (10.6 per cent) with 10-12 days old seedling with
a spacing of 25 × 25 cm. They also reported increased plant height, hastened
development and maturity (6-7 days early flowering/maturity), improved yield
attributes and yield might be due to the younger seedling (10 days). When, carefully
transplanted by keeping the roots straight, encouraged vigorous and deeper root
system which in turn more vigorous and taller plants and reduced transplanting shock
to the seedling and hence advances the tillering process. (Shekhar et al. 2009) and
(Linhua et al. 2006)

Interaction effect of age of seedling and weed management practices proved

significant in production of grain yield at 4 locations i.e. ARI-Rajendranagar and
Wangbal wherein butachlor 1.5 kg a.i. ha-1 followed by one hand weeding (6.18 and
4.79 t ha-1) with 10 days old seedling (5.71 and 4.62 t ha-1) at ARI Rajendranagar and
Wangbal, respectively under SRI (Anonymous, 2010).

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Chandrapala et al. (2010) a field experiment conducted during the kharif

season of 2007 and 2008 on sandy clay loam soil-having pH 7.65 at Hyderabad. That
observed that the transplanting of 12-day old seedling of rice (cv. Rassi) under SRI at
a spacing of 25×25 cm, was recorded significantly more number of grains panicle-1,
1000-grain weight, grain and biological yield over 25 days seedling under
conventional transplanting at 20×15 cm and direct sowing of sprouted rice under un-
puddled condition.

Kavitha et al. (2010) worked with rice cv. ADT 43 on sandy clay loam soil
with pH 7.5 at Madurai. They observed that transplanting of 14 days old seedlings
significantly improved yield attributes viz., panicle length (22.82 cm), productive
tillers (456 m-2), total grains panicle-1 (142), and grain yield (8365 kg ha-1) and straw
yield (9405 kg ha-1) as compared to 18 and 21 days old seedlings under SRI.

Bommayasamy et al. (2010) conducted two years field experiment at

Killiulam and found that conventional nursery with 14-day-old seedlings had
registered higher productive tillers m-2 (449) and grains panicle-1 (129.0) in 2003-04.
However, in 2004-05, all the treatments remained at par and reported that grain and
straw yield had not influenced by type of nursery, age of seedlings and number of
seedlings hill-1. Also, recorded 5.6 per cent higher crop growth rate than SRI during
both the years.

A field experiment was conducted by Manjunatha et al. (2010) on deep black

clay soil of Siruguppa, during the kharif season of 2005 with five different ages of
seedling (9, 12, 15, 18 and 21 days). They were reported that younger seedlings of 9
days and 12 days produced significantly higher grain yield 6071 and 6018 kg ha-1,
respectively than other aged seedlings viz., 15 days (5792 kg ha-1), 18 days (5771 kg
ha-1) and 21 days (5781 kg ha-1) under SRI.

Based on the three years findings at different locations representing different

soil and climatic conditions, use of 10 days old seedlings proved effective for
realizing higher productivity as compared to 15 days old seedlings. Between the two
ages, 10 days old seedlings resulted in significantly higher yield at Arundhatinagar

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(8.57 t ha-1), Gangavathi (4.91 t ha-1), Karjat (8.39 t ha-1), Kota (6.34 t ha-1), Wangbal
(4.93 t ha-1) and Pantnagar (5.05 t ha-1) than 15 days old seedlings among rest of DRR
research centres. The higher yields were due to higher panicle number and more
panicle weight (Anonymous, 2011).

Barla and Kumar (2011) reported from Darisai, Jharkhand that transplanting
of 10 days old seedling recorded the higher grain and straw yield under SRI and also
recorded significantly higher mean gross return (Rs. 328867 ha-1), net return (Rs.
19151 ha-1) and benefit cost ratio (2.39).

Similarly, Patra and Haque (2011) reported from West Bengal. That the
highest effective tillers hill-1 (29.73), panicle length (28.13 cm), panicle weight (2.30
g), 1000-grain weight (21.18 g), grains panicle-1 (170.51), grains panicle-1 (123.30)
resulted in higher grain yield (7.11 t ha-1) with seedling of 10 days age old under SRI
due to lower sterility of grains (27.68 per cent). Transplantation of 10 days old
seedling gave 18.66 per cent and 24.99 per cent more grain yield than 18 and 6 days
aged seedlings, respectively and also seen that for every days delay in transplanting
beyond the age of 10 days caused reduction in grain yield to the extent of 4.5 per cent
ha-1 year-1.

A field experiment conducted by Sanjeewanie and Ranamukhaarachchi (2011)

in Thailand and found that age of seedling (9 days old) at transplanting had a
significant effect on number of productive tillers per hill, grains per panicle, panicle
length, 1000-grain weight, grain yield and panicle setting rate over 12 days old
seedling and also observed that the transplanting shock could be minimized with
seedlings of less than 12-days.

A field experiment was conducted by Sarwa et al. (2011) on sandy clay loam
soil at Faisalabad to evaluate the impact of seeding densities, nitrogen levels and
seedling age with 10, 20, 30 and 40- days old seedlings raised by using different
seeding rates (high and low) and N conditions (with and without) in the 2008 and
2009 rice growing seasons. The study revealed that 10-day old nursery seedlings,
irrespective of seeding densities and fertilizer application produced higher yields and

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yield attributes (productive tillers, plant height, 1000-grain weight, and straw yield).
They concluded that transplanting of younger seedlings (10-days old) produced
maximum yield, irrespective of nursery management, while significant interaction
found at later stages.

Styger et al. (2011) carried out a field experiment taking 11 days old seedling
for SRI and 29 days old seedling as the control in Africa. They observed that grain
yield recorded from the 53 SRI plots (averaged 9.1 t ha-1) was 66 per cent higher
compared to the control (averaged 5.49 t ha-1). At harvest, the number of panicles m-2
was 31 per cent higher under SRI plants than in the control plots and also shown the
single seedling hill-1 produced 50 per cent more tillers than the 3-seedlings hill-1 in the
control plots. The average number of panicles hill-1 and grains panicle-1 were 20 and
55% higher than the control, respectively.

Dahal and Khadka (2012) worked out of four aged of seedling group’s viz., 8,
15, 22 and 29-days under SRI in Nepal. The results showed that 8-day-old seedlings
produced significantly higher number of tillers hill-1 (40), effective tiller m-2 (373),
1000-seed weight (21.10 g) and grain yield (7.8 t ha-1).

Deb et al. (2012) conducted a 5 year-long experiment on a rainfed organic

farm, using short-duration upland and medium-duration lowland cultivars, following
the SRI methodology. Rice seedlings of different ages (6, 10, 14, 18, 28 days after
establishment) were transplanted at 25 cm × 25 cm spacing, in three replicated plots.
They reported that the SRI improved grain numbers per hill for ‘Tulsa’ variety with
transplanting age of 10 and 14 days whereas for variety ‘Shiuli’ with transplant age of
10, 14 and 18 days compared to single seedling technique plots with 28 days old

Hussain et al. (2012) worked on four different ages of seedlings (14, 21, 28
and 35 days) at Anantnag (J&K). Reported on the basis of pooled analysis of 2-year
data that the transplanting of 14-day old seedling produced significantly higher grains
panicle-1 (121.7), test weight (26.3), panicle weight (3.0 g) and panicle length (25.8
cm) under 14-day old seedling, whereas it was on par with 21-day old seedlings.

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However, similar trend also observed in grain (7.09 and 6.83 t ha-1) and straw yield
(7.54 and 7.66 t ha-1) during 2007 and 2008, respectively under SRI.

Kavitha and Ganesharaja (2012) reported from Madurai that 14 days old
seedling recorded significantly higher plant height and dry matter accumulation,
number of productive tillers (m-2), grain and straw yields over 18 and 22 days old
seedlings under SRI.

Parihar et al. (2012) worked with four rice varieties i.e. Pusa 44, Pusa 834,
Pusa 1121 and Pusa 1401 at New Delhi with two different ages of seedling viz. 14 and
18 days under SRI. They observed that the 14 days old seedling of rice variety Pusa
44 was recorded significantly higher grain yield over 18 days old seedling.

Singh and Singh (2012) worked out on age of seedlings (10, 20 and 30 days
old) in main plot and number of seedlings hill-1 (one, two and three) and fertility level
(125, 100, 75 and 50 per cent recommended level of N-P-K) in the sub-plots at Jamui
(Bihar) during kharif season. Among seedling age, 10-day old seedling of PHB-71
with two seedlings hill-1 recorded significantly higher grain yield (69.17 q ha-1) and
straw yield (93.85 q ha-1).

Singh (2012) worked at under different agro-climatic zone of U.P. under the
UPCAR project. Experiment on effect of age of seedlings and spacing on rice yield.
He reported that 10 days old seedling showed its superiority over 8, 12, 14 days old
seedling in respect of taller plant (120.21 cm and 117.84 cm), dry matter hill-1 (82.24
and 75.86 g).

Singh et al. (2012a) reported from Shalimar, Srinagar (J&K) that age of
seedling had effect on days to heading. They observed that the transplanting of 20
days old seedling recorded significantly minimum days to heading as compared to 50
days old seedling.

Singh et al. (2013a) reported at Varanasi under experiment on age of seedlings

with genotypes viz. ‘PHB 71’ and ‘NDR 359’ that 10 days old seedling recorded
significantly higher dry matter hill-1 (79.1 g), higher numbers of productive tillers m-2

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Review of Literature

(360.9), spikes hill-1 (17.45), grain spike-1 (215.3), test weight (23.96 g), grain (73.34
q ha-1) and straw yield (84.92 q ha-1) as compared to 8, 12, and 14 days old seedling
based on pooled data of three years.

A field experiment conducted in a farmer’s field during season 2009 and 2010
at Sundarbazar, Lamjung, Nepal. The three management factors tested were 1)
fertilizer management in the nursery, 2) seeding density, and 3) seedling age at
transplanting, using the kharif lowland rice variety Radha-4. In addition, 40 days old
seedlings produced taller plants, more productive tillers, more filled grains, and a
higher grain and straw yield (Adhikari et al., 2013).

A field experiment carried out by Shukla et al. (2014) during kharif season on
sandy clay loam textured soil at Varanasi with two different ages of seedling (10 days
and 15 days) with genotypes viz. ‘PHB 71’ and ‘NDR 359’. They observed that 10
days old seedling recorded significantly maximum plant height, number of green
leaves hill-1, LAI and dry matter accumulation hill-1, higher values of yield attributing
characters and yields than 15 days old seedlings.

Ram et al. (2014) worked on two rice genotypes with four seedling age i.e. 8,
10, 12 and 14 days old, they were found that 10 days old seedlings produced
significantly higher plant height, leaf-area index, tillers hill-1, panicles hill-1, grains
panicle-1 and 1,000-grain weight than the other seedlings ages. However, it was on a
par with 12 days old seedlings in tillers hill-1, panicles hill-1 and 1,000-grain weight,
and reported that the 10 days old seedlings gave 17.6 and 12.8 per cent higher grain
yield than 14 and 8 days old seedlings, respectively under SRI.

Panigrahi et al. (2014) a field experiment conducted during the kharif season
of 2007 and 2008 at OUAT, Bhubaneswar on basmati rice varieties under system of
rice intensification (SRI) that observed growth, yield and economics of basmati rice
did not vary much between the crops planted with 10 and 15-day old seedlings.

Imran et al. (2015) a field experiment conducted at Agricultural Research

Institute (N) Mingora, Swat, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan, during summer 2014.
On the research study “phonological traits of rice crop as influenced by seedling age

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Review of Literature

and number of seedling hill-1 in temperate zone” The experiment was three different
seedling ages 20, 25 and 30 days after sowing and with various number (1, 2 and 3) of
seedlings hill-1. That observed maximum flag leaf area plant-1 (22.26 cm2) was
observed at seedling age 25 days after sowing, more number of tillers hill-1 (17),
higher plant height (100.16 cm), higher panicle length (29 cm), more number of
primary and secondary branches panicle-1 (12, 37), maximum flag leaf area plant-1
(22.47 cm2), more number of tillers hill-1 (18), higher plant height (100.27), higher
panicle length (29 cm), more number of primary and secondary branches panicle-1
(12, 38).

Aslam et al. (2015) observed that the younger seedling also produced more
number of productive tillers due to less root damage, reduced transplanting shock,
better stand establishment and more efficient use of nutrients, light, space etc. which
increased plants hill-1 and consequently leading to increased productive tillers m-2.

A field experiment conducted on different age of seedling and different

spacing under SRI at Rajendranager, Hyderabad by Durga et al, (2015) they observed
12 days old seedling spacing superior in grain yield and also found superior for
spikelet fertility and ear bearing tillers hill-1 than other treatment.

Reuben et al. (2016), the study treatments adopted were three representing 8,
12 and 15 days old seedlings. The rice variety tested was TXD 306 Super SARO,
which was recommended by the ministry of Agriculture in Tanzania (United
Kingdom). The yield for the three treatments was also investigated at the end of the
season. No significant, differences was observed in rice yield in all the three
treatments though 12 days has a slight higher yield compared to other rice ages. The
rice yield was 8.4, 8.5 and 8.1 tonnes ha-1 for 8, 12 and 15 days old transplanted
seedlings respectively.

2.5 Effect of age of seedlings on economics of rice

Reddy et al. (2008) observed that single seedling hill-1 along with 12 days old
seedling showed significantly higher net profit ( 40,773 ha-1), B: C ratio (3.95) and
profit day-1 ( 351.49) under system of rice intensification.

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Review of Literature

Shekhar et al. (2009) reported from Hyderabad that the 12 days old seedling
when transplanted under SRI was recorded the highest net returns and B: C ratio (
58045 and 2.12, respectively) and least in direct seeded sprouted rice seed.

Dahal and Khadka (2012) reported from Nepal that out of four different ages
of seedling group’s viz., 8, 15, 22 and 29-days under SRI with 8-day old seedlings
showed significantly higher gross return ( 117000 ha-1), net return ( 71900 ha-1)
and B:C ratio (1.59) over rest of the seedling age.

Hussain et al. (2012) worked on rice at Khudwani, Anantnag with rice cultivar
‘Jhelum’ found that the highest net return of ( 53,400 ha-1) was realized for 14-day
old seedling which was comparable with 21 days old seedlings.

Singh et al. (2013a) reported from Varanasi that the transplanting of 10 days
old seedling recorded significantly higher gross income ( 54027.50 and 70880.00
ha-1), net return ( 26848.50 and 40535.0 ha-1) and B: C ratio (0.988 and 1.34)
during 2008-09 and 2010-11, respectively.

According to Shukla et al. (2014), transplanting of 10 days old seedling under

SRI exhibited significantly higher value of gross income, net return and B: C ratio
than the transplanting of 15 days old seedling.

Among the ages of seedlings, transplanting of 10 days old seedlings recorded

the highest net return ( 49.2 ×103 ha-1) and benefit: cost ratio (1.67) followed by 12,
8 and 14 days old seedlings under SRI (Ram et al. 2014).

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Chapter III


A field experiment entitled “Effect of age of seedlings on aromatic rice
(Oryza sativa L.) varieties under system of rice intensification.” was conducted
during, rainy (Kharif) season 2015 at the Agricultural Research Farm, Institute of
Agricultural Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi. The details of materials
used and methods employed during the course of present investigation are presented
here as under:

3.1 Experimental site

The Agricultural Research Farm is situated in the south-eastern part of

Varanasi city at a distance of about 10 km from Varanasi cant railway station.
Geographically, experimental site falls under sub-tropical zone of Indo-Gangetic
plains and lies on the left bank of river Ganga. It is located on 25º 2´N latitude, 83 º
03´E longitudes and at an altitude of 128.93 meters above mean sea level. The
experimental plot was homogenous in fertility having assured irrigation and other
required facilities.

3.2 Climate and weather

Varanasi experiences a humid subtropical climate receiving a mean annual

rainfall of 1100 mm and potential evapo-transpiration of about 1525 mm. Thus, there
is a moisture deficit of 425 mm. The normal period for the onset of monsoon in this
region is the third week of June and which lasts up to the end of September or
sometimes extends to the first week of October. However, occasional showers are
also common during winters. The winter months are cool whereas summers are hot
and dry. Standard week wise data on meteorological parameters were obtained from
the meteorological observatory of the All India Co-ordinated Research Project on
Dryland Agriculture, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi.
Material and Methods

A standard week-wise data on weather parameters are presented in Table 3.1

and depicted in Fig. 3.1.

Table 3.1 Mean standard week-wise meteorological parameters during crop

season (kharif), 2015.

Week Month & Rainfall Temperature 0C R.H. % Wind Sunshine Evaporation

No. Date (mm) Speed (hours) (mm)
MAX MIN Morn. Even (km/hr)

23 June 04-10 0.0 42.6 28.2 59 35 3.3 8.0 6.7

24 11-17 9.0 38.7 28.3 73 46 5.1 7.2 6.3
25 18-24 0.2 36.6 29.8 67 60 7.0 7.5 6.5
26 25-01 192.2 33.1 25.4 86 77 5.1 4.8 4.4
27 July 02-08 30.5 32.9 27.1 81 66 5.6 6.0 5.7
28 09-15 105.1 32.2 26.9 85 78 5.8 4.4 3.5
29 16-22 146.8 31.5 26.6 90 77 4.0 3.3 3.4
30 23-29 54.0 33.2 26.4 85 64 5.0 6.2 5.1
31 30-05 81.2 31.6 25.4 86 69 5.0 4.8 1.4
32 Aug 06-12 18.6 34.0 26.7 85 67 1.9 5.2 4.2
33 13-19 116.3 32.7 27.1 89 77 4.2 6.0 4.4
34 20-26 49.5 33.2 25.7 87 72 6.4 5.9 4.9
35 27-02 42.2 33.4 26.7 90 74 3.0 4.5 3.6
36 Sep 03-09 0.0 34.6 26.3 80 59 4.0 8.8 4.2
37 10-16 0.0 24.6 27.5 86 64 3.1 7.3 3.7
38 17-23 11.9 31.1 26.9 87 66 5.0 6.9 4.3
39 24-30 0.0 33.3 23.8 80 54 3.4 8.8 3.2
40 Oct 01-07 0.0 34.0 22.8 83 51 1.3 9.0 3.0
41 08-14 0.0 33.5 22.0 82 52 1.8 8.6 3.2
42 15-21 0.0 33.0 21.8 79 59 1.5 8.0 3.1
43 22-28 0.0 32.1 19.0 88 56 0.3 8.3 2.7
44 29-04 23.0 28.0 16.6 93 82 1.4 5.2 2.0
45 Nov 05-11 0.0 30.6 18.6 89 49 0.8 5.7 2.6
46 12-18 0.0 30.4 16.6 89 40 1.8 7.6 2.5
47 19-25 0.0 28.7 16.2 90 49 0.7 4.4 1.4
48 26-02 0.0 28.4 17.2 86 53 1.1 4.3 2.1
Source: Meteorological observatory, Institute of Agricultural Sciences, BHU, Varanasi.

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Material and Methods

Rainfall mm Max Temp 0C Min Temp 0C Morn RH %
Even RH % Wind Speed km/hr Sunshine hours Evaporation mm




June 04-10


Sep 03-09















July 02-08

Aug 06-12


Oct 01-07

Nov 05-11
23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48

Fig. 3.1: Mean standard week-wise meteorological parameters during the crop season (kharif), 2015.

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Material and Methods

The details of different meteorological parameters are given below:

3.2.1 Temperature (oC)

The weekly mean maximum and minimum temperature during the

experimentation ranged from 24.6 to 42.6 ºC and 16.2 to 29.8ºC, respectively. The
maximum temperature was recorded 42.6 ºC in 23th standard week in the month of
June whereas, the lowest minimum temperature 16.2ºC in the 47th standard week of

3.2.2 Rainfall (mm)

The cumulative rainfall during the period of investigation in the cropping

season 2015 (04 Jun. to 02 Nov.) was 880.5 mm. The pattern of rainfall distribution
was erratic during the experimental period. The highest rainfall (192.2 mm) was
recorded during the meteorological week no. 26.

3.2.3 Relative humidity (%)

The weekly maximum relative humidity ranged between 59 to 90 per cent and
minimum relative humidity varied from 35 to 82 per cent during the period of

3.2.4 Sunshine duration (hours)

The average duration of bright sunshine was 6.41 hours. The maximum and
minimum weekly bright sunshine duration ranged between 9.0 to 3.3 hours,
respectively during the period of investigation.

3.2.5 Evaporation (mm)

The evaporation data obtained from United States Weather Bureau Class A
open pan evaporimeter revealed that average evaporation during the crop period
ranged from 1.4 to 6.7 mm day-1.

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Material and Methods

3.3 Soil and soil analyses

Table 3.2: Mechanical and physico-chemical analyses of soil of the experimental


Particulars Value Method Reference

Mechanical analyses

Sand (%) 50.35 Hydrometer Bouyoucos (1962)

Silt (%) 27.54

Clay (%) 22.11

Textural class Sandy clay Textural Black et al., (1965)

loam (Typic triangle

Chemical analyses

Soil reaction pH (1:2.5 7.52 Glass electrode Jackson (1973)

soil: water suspension) digital pH

Electrical conductivity 0.30 Systronics Jackson (1973)

(dSm-1 at 25 oC) electrical

Organic carbon (%) 0.41 Wet digestion Walkley and Black (1934)

Available N (kg ha-1) 213.1 Alkaline Subbiah and Asija (1956)


Available P2O5 (kg ha-1) 25.6 0.5 M Olsen et al. (1954)

Olsen method

Available K2O (kg ha-1) 156.8 Flame Jackson (1973)


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Material and Methods

The alluvial soils of Indo-Gangetic plains in general are deep, flat, well
drained with low available nitrogen and medium in available phosphorus and
potassium. In order to evaluate the initial fertility status and to know about physical
and chemical properties of the experimental plot, soil samples (0-15 cm depth) were
randomly taken with the help of soil auger to make a composite sample. The soil
samples were then analyzed for mechanical composition and chemical properties and
the results are presented in above Table 3.2. It is evident from the table that the soil of
the experimental field is sandy clay loam in texture, neutral in reaction, low in
available nitrogen, high in available phosphorus and medium in available potassium.

3.4 Cropping history

The production potential of the experimental field can be judged from its
cropping history, the details of cropping history of the experimental field prior to
present experiment has been given in Table 3.3

Table 3.3: Cropping history of the experimental field

Year Kharif Rabi

2013-14 Rice Wheat

2014-15 Rice Wheat

2015-2016 Rice (Experimental crop) -

It is quite apparent from the cropping history of the experimental site that the
field has been continuously under cereal-cereal cropping sequence and its fertility set
up has not been disturbed. Hence, as such the field is ideally suited for the

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Material and Methods

3.5 Experimental details

3.5.1 Experimental design and layout

Considering the nature of factors under study and the convenience of

agricultural operations, factorial experiment was laid out in Randomized Complete
Block Design (RCBD) assigning combination of four age of seedlings (10 days, 14
days, 18 days and 21 days) and three varieties (Kalanamak, Adamchini and
Badshahbhog). The whole field was divided into three blocks each representing a
replication and each replication consists of twelve treatments of different
combination. Treatments were randomly allotted to each replication.

3.5.2 Treatments details

The classified description of the treatments with corresponding symbol in

order to facilitate their reference in the text is given in Table 3.4

Table 3.4: Treatment details

Treatments Symbol used

Age of seedling levels

10 days A1

14 days A2

18 days A3

21 days A4

Kalanamak V1

Adamchini V2

Badshahbhog V3

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Material and Methods

Table 3.5: Details of layout plan

Experimental design Factorial experiment in Randomized Complete Block


Treatment combinations 4 × 3 = 12

Number of replications 03

Total number of plots 12 × 3= 36

Gross plot size 3.5 m × 4.0 m= 14.0 m2

Net plot size 3.0 m × 3.5 m = 10.5 m2

Replication border 1.5 m

Main irrigation channel 1m

Width of Plot border 0.5 m

Spacing 25 × 25 cm under SRI

20 × 20 cm under SMP

Table 3.6: Treatment combinations (12) tested under experiment

T1 (KN-10 under SRI) or (A1V1) T5(AC-10) or (A1V2) T9(BB-10) or (A1V3)

T2 (KN-14 under SRI) or (A2V1) T6(AC-14) or (A2V2) T10(BB-14) or (A2V3)

T3 (KN-18 under SRI) or (A3V1) T7(AC-18) or (A3V2) T11(BB-18) or (A3V3)

T4 (KN-21 under SMP) or (A4V1) T8(AC-21) or (A4V2) T12(BB-21) or (A4V3)

SRI: System of Rice Intensification & SMP: Standard Management Practices

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Material and Methods

4.0 m

T10(BB-14) T3(KN-18) T12(BB-21) T10(BB-14) T3(KN-18) T5(AC-10)

Irrigation channel cum replication border (1.5 m)

T7(AC-18) T12(BB-21) T3(KN-18) T9(BB-10) T12(BB-21) T6(AC-14)

Irrigation channel cum replication border (1.5 m)

T1(KN-10) T4(KN-21) T5(AC-10) T11(BB-18) T4(KN-21) T8(AC-21)

26.0 m
T11(BB-18) T9(BB-10) T2(KN-14) T4(KN-21) T10(BB-14) T7(AC-18)
Field border (1.0 m)

T8(AC-21) T2(KN-14) T6(AC-14) T8(AC-21) T1(KN-10) T9(BB-10)

Field border (1.0 m)

T5(AC-10) T6(AC-14) T1(KN-10) T7(AC-18) T11(BB-18) T2(KN-14)

27.0 m

Fig. 3.2: Layout plan of the experiment

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Material and Methods

3.6 Seeds and Fertilizers

3.6.1 Selection of variety


‘Kalanamak’ is originated from Bangladesh. It is medium grain with strong

aroma scented rice variety. It is a tall, long duration maturity scented rice variety
recommended for cultivation areas of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. In UP, ‘Kalanamak’ is
primarily grown under tarai region by the farmers of Siddharthnagar, Basti,
Maharajganj, Gorakhpur and Gonda districts. Its maturity duration is 145-155 days;
average yield potential is 1.5-3.0 t ha-1. It is moderately resistant to bacterial blight
disease under field condition.


It is small grain with medium aroma scented rice variety. ‘Adamchini’ is

popular and grown in large areas. It is a tall, long duration maturity scented rice
variety recommended for cultivation areas of Uttar Pradesh. In UP, ‘Adamchini’ is
primarily grown under by the farmers of Mirzapur, Varanasi and Sonabhadra districts.
Its maturity duration is 135-145 days; average yield potential is 2.0-3.0 t ha-1.


‘Badshahbhog’ is also originated from Bangladesh. It is small grain with

strong aroma scented rice variety. It is a tall, long duration maturity scented rice
variety recommended for cultivation areas of West Bengal, Bihar and some part of
Uttar Pradesh and Chhattisgarh. Its maturity duration is 150-160 days; average yield
potential is about 2.0-2.5 t ha-1. It is moderately resistant to Blast, Sheath blight and
Bacterial blight disease as well as Gall midge insect pest under field condition.

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Material and Methods

3.6.2 Sources of nutrients Inorganic sources

1. Urea

Urea is most widely used N fertilizer and is produced by heating ammonia

with CO2 under high temperature (160-170 ºC). Urea contains the highest percentage
of nitrogen (46.0%) among solid fertilizers. It contains nitrogen in the amide form.
This organic fertilizer is cheaper than any other solid nitrogenous fertilizer in India.

2. Single Super Phosphate

SSP is the most widely used phosphatic fertilizer and it contains 16% P2O5,
19% Calcium and 12% Sulphur.

3. Muriate of Potash

MOP or potassium chloride (KCl) is most common and cheapest fertilizer

among the potassic fertilizes. It contains 60% K2O. Organic source (Vermicompost)

Well decomposed Vermicompost utilized in the experiment was analysed for

its N, P2O5 and K2O content prior to its application and found to contain 1.7 per cent
nitrogen, 0.8 per cent phosphorus and 0.23 per cent potassium on dry weight basis. It
was applied @ 5 t ha-1 to all the experimental plots prior to transplanting of rice

3.7 Agronomic practices

Detail of the operations carried out to get the field prepared for rice during the
entire period of investigation are described below and calendar of field operations are
given in Table 3.7.

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Material and Methods

3.7.1 Nursery raising

The nursery area was ploughed twice; levelled and described seedbed was
prepared. Soil moisture condition favourable to seedling growth was provided and bed
was uniformly fertilized. Certified seeds of rice genotypes ‘Kalanamak’, ‘Adamchini’
and ‘Badshahbhog’ were procured. The seeds were soaked in water for 12 hours and
subsequently were sown in the nursery on puddled bed by broadcast method adopting
the recommended seed rate of 5 kg ha-1 for System of rice intensification (SRI) and 40
kg ha-1 for Standard management practice (SMP). A thin film of water was
maintained continuously for two days and thereafter it was drained off. Optimum soil
moisture was maintained in the nursery for satisfactory growth.

Table 3.7: Detail of field operations carried out during experiment.

S.No. Nursery operations Date of operations

1. Nursery raising/ Age of 21-day 18-day 14-day 10-day


a) Pre sowing 04-06-2015 08-06-2015 10-06-2015 15-06-2015


b) Ploughing 06-06-2015 10-06-2015 13-06-2015 16-06-2015

c) Making of raised 08-06-2015 11-06-2015 15-06-2015 19-06-2015

bed and manuring

d) Sowing 09-06-2015 12-06-2015 16-06-2015 20-06-2015

2. Nursery irrigation

a) 1st 09-06-2015 12-06-2015 16-06-2015 20-06-2015

b) 2nd 13-06-2015 22-06-2015 30-06-2015

c) 3rd 23-06-2015 30-06-2015

d) 4th 30-06-2015

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Material and Methods

S. No. Main field operations Date of operations

3. Preparatory tillage
(a) 1st 22-06-2015
(b) 2nd 25-06-2015
4. Puddling 29-06-2015
5. Lay out of experiment 30-06-2015
6. Incorporation of vermicompost to the soil 31-06-2015
7. Transplanting 01-07-2015
8. Fertilizer application
(a) Basal application of NPK 01-07-2015
(b) 1st top dressing of N 03-08-2015
(c) 2nd top dressing of N 26-08-2015
9. Inter culture and weed management
a) Herbicide application (Pretilachlor 04-07-2015
50% EC @ 2 lit a.i. ha-1)
b) Cono weeding in SRI
1st 18-07-2015
2nd 06-08-2015
c) Hand weeding in SMP
1st 26-07-2015
2nd 15-08-2015
10. Irrigation
(a) 1nd 17-08-2015
(b) 2rd 24-09-2015
11 Varieties Harvesting Bundling Threshing
(a) Kalanamak 07-11-2015 09-11-2015 13-11-2015
(b) Adamchini 02-11-2015 05-11-2015 09-11-2015
(c) Badshahbhog 16-11-2015 19-11-2015 23-11-2015

3.7.2 Field preparation

Proper field preparation is essential for growing a healthy rice crop. The
experimental area was ploughed with tractor just after harvest of winter crop and
ploughed again in the last week of June. Thereafter, the field was puddled with cage

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Material and Methods

wheel and levelled and finally the experiment was laid out to meet the experimental

3.7.3 Transplanting

In SRI, 10, 14 and 18 days old-seedlings were transplanted on the puddled

field at the rate of one seedlings hill-1. Row spacing of 25 × 25 cm was maintained.

In SMP, 21days old-seedlings were transplanted on the puddled field at the

rate of three seedlings hill-1. Row spacing of 20 × 20 cm was maintained.

3.7.4 Fertilizer application

Fertilizer application to the test crop was done as per treatment adopting the
recommended fertilizer dose (RDF) for Varanasi region i.e. N-P2O5-K2O (60-40-40
kg ha-1). Half of the recommended dose of nitrogen through urea and vermicompost in
equal dose of nitrogen, full dose of phosphorus and potassium were applied basally as
per treatment before transplanting. The remaining half nitrogen through urea was
applied in two equal splits at active tillering and panicle initiation stages. The sources
of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium were urea, SSP and MOP, respectively.
However, vermicompost (VC) was applied 1 day before transplanting.

3.7.5 Irrigation

Irrigation was given to the crop as and when needed according to the crop
requirement and rainfall pattern. Throughout the crop period, two irrigations were
given and about ±5 cm water level were continuously maintained till flowering and
after that field were kept under saturated condition.

3.7.6 Weed control Cono weeding

In, SRI, Cono weeding was done at 17 and 35 DAT to reduce the weed
infestation, favour root and plant growth and also maintain the soil root zone aerobic.

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Material and Methods Hand weeding

In SMP, Weed management was done using Pre emergence herbicide

Pretilachlor 50% EC @ 1.5 lit a.i. ha-1 at 4 DAT to keep the field free from weeds.

Hand weeding was done at 25 and 45 DAT to reduce the weed infestation,
favour root and plant growth and also maintain the soil fertility.

3.7.7 Harvesting and threshing

The crop was harvested at proper maturity. Plants from the net plot were
harvested, bundled separately and tagged. Each bundle was weighed after complete
drying in the sun, threshed and grain yield was recorded after winnowing and
cleaning. The straw yield was calculated by subtracting grain yield from the bundle
weight and was converted to kg ha-1 based on net plot size.

3.8 Biometric observation

For recording biometric observations at a regular interval of 30th, 60th, 90th

days after transplanting (DAT) and at harvest, five hills from the net plot area
randomly selected and tagged. However, for the dry matter accumulation, five hills
were randomly selected from the sample row (border row) at mentioned interval.
Yield attributes and yield were recorded before and after harvesting as per
investigation required.

3.8.1 Growth parameters Plant height (cm)

The height of plants from five randomly selected/tagged hills were measured
at 30, 60, 90, 120 days after transplanting and at harvest from the base of the plant to
the tip of the upper most fully opened leaf. After panicle emergence, the height was
measured up to the tip of the panicle.

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Material and Methods Tillers hill-1 (No.)

Tillers were counted from 5 tagged hills at 30, 60, 90, 120 days after
transplanting and at harvest from each plot to compute average number of tillers hill-1. Dry matter accumulation hill-1 (g)

Five hills were randomly selected from the sample rows (two border rows
from the each side) at regular interval (30, 60, 90, 120 DAT and at harvest). The
plants were cut from ground level; sun dried thereafter the collected samples were
oven dried at 70ºC for 48 hours to get constant weight. The weight thus obtained was
recorded as average dry weight hill-1 (g) after dividing the total weight of five hills by
the total number of hills (05). Leaf-area index (LAI)

The leaf-area index (LAI) is the area of leaf surface per unit area of land. Leaf
area index was measured by using portable digital plant canopy analyzer at five
randomly selected sites in each plot. Days to 50% flowering

It is the duration in days taken from sowing to the 50% flowering in the total
plant population of the particular plot flowered, considered as 50% flowering, were
observed periodically and dates were recorded. SPAD meter (Chlorophyll content)

Five plants were randomly selected from tagged plants and the chlorophyll
content was measured by SPAD meter from the three leaves plant-1 and average
chlorophyll content was recorded.

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Material and Methods

3.8.2 Yield attributes

The following observations on yield attributes and yield studies were recorded
during the experimentation: Panicle length (cm)

Ten panicles were randomly selected from tagged plants and the length was
measured from the neck node to the tip of the upper most spikelet and average length
was recorded. Panicles m-2 (No.)

It was counted by placing 1 m2 quadrate randomly at two places in each net

plot at complete maturity of the crop. The number of panicles which came within the
quadrate was counted and average numbers of panicles m-2 were recorded. Grains panicle-1 (No.)

Grains of ten randomly selected panicles from each plot were separated and
counted and their mean value was expressed as number of grains per panicle. Panicle weight (g)

Ten panicles were sampled from the tagged plants in each plot and their
weight was measured. The mean panicle weight was computed and expressed in g. 1000-grain weight (g)

Grain samples were taken from the threshed and cleaned produce of each net
plot and 1000 grains were counted and weighed. Grain yield (kg ha-1)

The harvested produce from the net plot area was sun dried and threshed to
obtain grain yield in kg plot-1. Thereafter, it was computed to kg ha-1.

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Material and Methods Straw yield (kg ha-1)

The straw yield was worked out by subtracting the grain yield from total
biological yield and finally it was computed to kg ha-1.

3.8.3 Chemical analyses Nutrient removal studies

At harvest, the plant and grain samples were collected from each plot for
chemical estimation and the samples were oven dried at 70ºC for 48 hours, the plant
material thus obtained was ground with the help of grinder and passed through 40
mesh sieve and preserved separately for determination of N, P and K content. The
nutrient content was then estimated as per following methods as given in the Table
3.8. Nitrogen

Nitrogen content (%) was estimated both in grain and straw by modified
Kjeldahl method as described by Jackson (1973). Total nitrogen content in grain and
straw was multiplied by the respective dry matter yield to get the total nitrogen
removal (kg ha-1) by plants. Phosphorus

Phosphorus content (%) in grain and straw was determined by

Vanadomolybdo phosphoric acid yellow colour method as suggested by Jackson
(1973). Total phosphorus content in grain and straw was multiplied by the respective
dry matter yield to get the total phosphorus removal (kg ha-1) by plants. Potassium

Potassium content (%) was estimated with the help of Flame photometer as
described by Jackson (1973). Potassium content in grain and straw were multiplied by
their respective dry matter yield to obtain total potassium removal (kg ha-1) by plants.

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Material and Methods

Table 3.8: Chemical analyses of plant

Analysis Method Reference

Total N Micro Kjeldahl method Jackson (1973)

Total P Vandomolybdo phosphoric acid yellow Jackson (1973)

colour method

Total K Flame photometer method Jackson (1973)

3.8.4 Nutrient removal

Nutrient removal by grain and straw were calculated in kg ha-1 from their
corresponding yield and nutrient content by using following formula:

Nutrient removal Nutrient content (%)  Total dry matter yield (kg ha-1)
(kg ha-1)

3.8.5 Protein content (%) and protein yield (kg ha-1)

Protein content (%) in grain was worked out by multiplying the nitrogen
content in grain by the factor 5.75 (A.O.A.C, 1970). The protein yield (kg ha-1) was
obtained by the following formula:

Protein yield (kg ha-1) = Protein content (%) × yield (kg ha-1)

3.9 Economics

The cost of cultivation was worked out by taking into consideration all the
expenses incurred. The cost of input and price of produce prevalent at the Agricultural
Research Farm, Banaras Hindu University were taken into consideration for
calculating economics of different treatments. Gross income was worked out by
multiplying grain and straw yield with their prevailing market prices and expressed in
rupees per hectare.

The net return ( ha-1) and benefit: cost ratio was calculated with the help of
the following formula:

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Material and Methods

Net return ( ha-1) = Gross income ( ha-1) - Cost of cultivation ( ha-1)

Net return ( ha-1)

Benefit : cost ratio =
Total cost of cultivation ( ha-1)

3.10 Statistical analysis

The observation recorded during the course of investigation were tabulated

and analyzed statistically to draw a valid conclusion. The data were analyzed as per
the standard procedure for “Analysis of Variance” (ANOVA) as described by Gomez
and Gomez (1984). The significance of treatments was tested by ‘F’ test (Variance
ratio). Standard error of mean was computed in all cases. The difference in the
treatments mean were tested by using Least Significance Difference (LSD) at 5%
level of probability where ‘F’ test showed significant difference among means by the
following formula

Error sum of square

S.Em.  

Where, n = number of observations

LSD at 5% = SEm × 2  t value at 5% error degree of freedom


Source of variation Degree of Sum of Mean sum Cal. F Tab. F

Freedom squares of squares value value
Replication 2
Age of Seedlings (A) 3 3.05
Varieties (V) 2 3.44
AXV 6 2.55
Error 22
Total 35

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Chapter IV

The present investigation entitled “Effect of age of seedlings on aromatic
rice (Oryza sativa L.) varieties under system of rice intensification.” was
conducted during rainy (kharif) season of 2015 at the Agricultural Research Farm,
Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi. In this chapter
an attempt has been made to ascertain the degree of variation exhibited by the
aromatic rice crop at successive stages of growth and development due to three
different varieties as ‘Kalanamak’, ‘Adamchini’ and ‘Badshahbhog’ with four
different age of seedlings as 10-day under SRI, 14-day under SRI, 18-day under SRI
and 21-day under SMP. The observations recorded during the course of present
investigation pertaining to growth, yield and yield attributes along with nutrient
removal and economics are presented in this chapter with the help of tables.

4.1 Growth parameters

4.1.1 Plant height (cm)

The mean values of plant height as affected by different treatments, recorded

at 30, 60, 90, 120 days after transplanting (DAT) and at harvest are presented in Table
4.1. It is evident from the data that in general shoot elongation continued with the
advancement in crop age though the increase in plant height was rapid during earlier
stages of crop growth i.e. up to 60 DAT and thereafter it increased gradually and
reached to its maximum at harvest stage.

It is evident from the data that among different varieties, the maximum plant
height was observed in ‘Badshahbhog’, which was significantly higher than other
‘Kalanamak’ and ‘Adamchini’ varieties at all dates of observation.

Further, data clearly indicates that the plant height was significantly affected
due to influence of age of seedlings at 30, 60, 90, 120 DAT and at harvest. Increasing
age of seedlings up to 21-day old seedling under SMP significantly enhanced the
Experimental Findings

plant height at all the dates of observation but remained at par with 18-day old
seedlings under SRI

The interaction effect between different varieties and age of seedlings levels in
respect of plant height was found to be non-significant.

4.1.2 Number of tillers hill-1

The data on number of tillers hill-1 recorded at regular interval are presented in
Table 4.2. Perusal of the data revealed that number of tillers hill-1 increased
considerably from 30 to 60 DAT and thereafter a gradual decline was observed from
60 to 90, 120 DAT and at harvest stage.

It is clear from the table that ‘Adamchini’ variety significantly increased the
number of tillers hill-1 and found superior than other varieties while significantly
lowest number of tillers hill-1 was observed in ‘Badshahbhog’ variety.

Further, it is apparent from the data that tillers production hill-1 was
significantly affected by different age of seedlings at all the dates of observation. The
number of tillers hill-1 significantly higher was observed in 21-day old seedling under
SMP at 30 DAT only due to the reason that 3 seedlings hill-1 were transplanted and
then after 14-day old seedling under SRI over rest of the age of seedlings under SRI
and the magnitude of increase over 10-day old seedling under SRI was 4.5, 3.5, 2.9
and 4.4 per cent at 60, 90, 120 DAT and at harvest, respectively.

The interaction effect between different varieties and age of seedlings levels
on number of tillers hill-1 was found non-significant at all growth stages.

4.1.3 Dry matter accumulation hill-1 (g)

The data pertaining to dry matter accumulation (DMA) hill-1 as influenced by

varieties and age of seedlings at different dates of observation have been presented in
Table 4.3. The experimental results revealed that a consistence increase in the dry
matter production occurred with the advancement of the crop growth and reached to

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Experimental Findings

maximum at the maturity. The rate of increase in dry matter production enhanced
rapidly from 30 to 60 DAT followed by 60 to 90 DAT.

It is evident from the data that various varieties significantly influenced the
dry matter production hill-1. ‘Badshahbhog’ showed significantly higher DMA over
‘Kalanamak’ and ‘Adamchini’ were at par. However, ‘Kalanamak’ and ‘Adamchini’
were at par with each other at 30 DAT in respect of DMA. While, ‘Adamchini’ was at
par with ‘Badshahbhog’ at 90 DAT and at harvest.

Further, it is clear that DMA hill-1 significantly differ in age of seedlings.

DMA was maximum at all dates of observations 14-day old seedling under SRI than
rest of the age of seedlings. However, it remained statistically at par with 18-day old
seedling under SRI at 90, 120 DAT and at harvest.

Interaction did not turn out to be significant for DMA hill-1.

4.1.4 Leaf-area index

Leaf-area index (LAI) of rice as affected by varieties and age of seedlings are
given in Table 4.4. The results revealed that a consistence increase in LAI occurred
with the advancement of the crop growth stage and also due to different varieties and
increase in age of seedlings.

Maximum LAI was found in ‘Badshahbhog’ which was significantly higher

over ‘Kalanamak’ at all dates of observation but at par with ‘Adamchini’ at 60 and 90
DAT. The minimum LAI was recorded with cv. ‘Kalanamak’ at all dates of

It is evident from the data that leaf-area index was significantly more with 14-
day old seedling under SRI at all dates of observation than rest of the seedling ages.
However, it remained statistically at par with 18-day old seedling under SRI. The
significantly lowest LAI was observed with 21-day old seedling under SMP at all
dates of observation.

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Experimental Findings

Interaction effect between varieties and age of seedlings on leaf-area index

was found non-significant at all growth stages.

4.1.5 Chlorophyll content (SPAD value)

Chlorophyll content measured by SPAD meter, the chlorophyll content of rice

as affected by varieties and age of seedlings are given in Table 4.5. The results
revealed that a consistence difference in chlorophyll content occurred with the
advancement of the crop growth and it varied due to varieties, but no significant
difference was found due to age of seedlings.

Maximum chlorophyll content was found in ‘Kalanamak’ at which was

significantly superior over ‘Badshahbhog’ and ‘Adamchini’ at 30 DAT, while at par
with ‘Adamchini’ at 60 DAT and 90 DAT. In ‘Badshahbhog’ variety was found less
chlorophyll content among the varieties.

It is evident from the data that chlorophyll content was statistically not
influenced by age of seedlings at different dates of observation.

Interaction effect between varieties and age of seedlings on chlorophyll

content was found non-significant at dates of observation.

4.2 Phenology

4.2.1 Days to 50% flowering

Data on this aspect are presented in Table 4.6. The variations in days to 50%
flowering due to varieties and age of seedlings were found.

Among varieties, ‘Badshahbhog’ took maximum number of days to 50%

flowering than ‘Kalanamak and Adamchini’, while ‘Adamchini’ recorded the earliest
completion of 50% flowering than ‘Kalanamak’ followed by ‘Badshahbhog’.

Increasing age of seedlings had also decrease days to 50% flowering as

compared to younger seedlings. Among, the age of seedlings, 21-day old seedling

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Experimental Findings

under SMP showed the earliest flowering over 10, 14 and 18-day old seedling under

4.2.2 Days to 50% physiological maturity

Data pertaining to days to maturity of rice as influenced by different

experimental variables are presented in Table 4.6. Perusal of the data revealed that the
variables i.e. varieties and age of seedling could produce marked variation on this

It is well established fact that number of days took by varieties to 50%

physiological maturity is a genetic characteristics of genotypes. ‘Kalanamak’,
‘Adamchini’ and ‘Badshahbhog’ took about 126 days, 120 days and 136 days to 50%
physiological maturity, respectively.

Days to 50% physiological maturity of rice significantly varied due to age of

seedlings. Among the age of seedlings, 21-day old seedling under SMP significantly
took less time to 50% physiological maturity of rice crop was 124 days as compared
to rest of the ages of seedlings. However, 10, 14 and 18-day age of seedlings under
SRI were taken 128, 127, and 125 days to 50% physiological maturity, respectively.

4.3 Yield attributes and yield

4.3.1 Panicle length (cm)

Data on the panicle length of rice as influenced by various treatments are

presented in Table 4.7. A close examination of the data revealed that varieties and age
of seedlings significantly influenced the length of panicle.

Among the varieties, maximum panicle length was found in ‘Badshahbhog’

which was significantly higher than the ‘Kalanamak’ and ‘Adamchini’.

The panicle length was significantly higher with 14-day old seedling under
SRI than the other age of seedlings. However, it remained statistically at par with 10-

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Experimental Findings

day and 18-day old seedlings under SRI. Further, minimum panicle length was
observed in 21-day old seedling under SMP.

Interaction effect between varieties and age of seedlings in respect to panicle

length was non-significant.

4.3.2 Panicle weight (g)

A significant variation in the average panicle weight was observed due to

varieties and age of seedlings, (Table 4.7).

Panicle weight varied significantly due to varieties and ‘Adamchini’ produced

significantly maximum panicle weight than of ‘Kalanamak’ and ‘Badshahbhog’.
However, ‘Kalanamak’ and ‘Badshahbhog’ were at par with each other.

Among the age of seedlings, 14-day old seedling under SRI produces
maximum panicle weight than of 10-day, 18-day under SRI and 21-day old seedling
under SMP. However, it remained statistically at par with 18-days old seedling under
SRI. A perusal of the data indicates that panicle weight decreased significantly with
increasing age of seedlings after 14-day old seedling under SRI.

Interaction effect between varieties and age of seedlings in respect to panicle

weight was found non-significant.

4.3.3 Number of panicles m-2

It is evident from the experimental data presented in table 4.7 that varieties
and age of seedlings brought significant variation on panicles m-2.

Among the varieties, ‘Adamchini’ produced significantly higher number of

panicles m-2 than ‘Kalanamak and Badshahbhog’. However, it remained statistically at
par with ‘Kalanamak’.

A significant improvement in number of panicles m-2 was observed in 14-day

old seedling under SRI, which produced significantly more panicles m-2 than 10-day

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Experimental Findings

under SRI, 18-day under SRI and 21-day old seedling under SMP treatment. The
increase in age of seedlings after 14-days old seedling significantly decreased number
of panicles m-2 and the lowest number of panicles m-2 were recorded under 21-day old
seedling under SMP as the control treatment. However, it remained statistically at par
with 10-day under SRI and 18-days old seedling under SRI.

Interaction effect between varieties and age of seedlings in respect to numbers

of panicles m-2 was found non-significant.

4.3.4 Number of grains panicle-1

The filled grains panicle-1 of varied treatment of aromatic rice cultivars and
seedling ages brought significant effect on the number of filled grains panicle-1 of rice
(Table 4.7).

Different varietal treatments significantly influenced the number of grains

panicle-1 of rice. Maximum number of grains panicle-1 (183) was recorded under
‘Badshahbhog’ and produced 7.7% and 0.5% higher grains panicle-1 over
‘Kalanamak’ and ‘Adamchini’, respectively. However, it remained statistically at par
with ‘Adamchini’ variety.

Data revealed that maximum number of grains panicle-1 (190) was recorded in
14-day old seedling under SRI which was 6.14, 5.55 and 17.28% higher over 10-day
and 18-day under SRI and 21-day old seedling under SMP, respectively. However, it
remained statistically at par with 10-day and 18-day old seedling under SRI.

Interaction effect between varieties and age of seedlings in respect of number

of filled grains panicle-1 was found non-significant.

4.3.5 No. of unfilled spikelets panicle-1

Data pertaining to number of unfilled spikelets panicle-1 are presented in Table

4.7. A close investigation of the data revealed that number of unfilled spikelets
panicle-1 affected significantly due to various varieties. ‘Kalanamak’ resulted in

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Experimental Findings

significantly higher reduction in number of unfilled spikelets panicle-1 than of

‘Adamchini’. Maximum number of unfilled spikelets panicle-1 observed in
‘Adamchini’. ‘Kalanamak’ produced the lowest number of unfilled spikelets panicle-1
significantly different with ‘Adamchini and Badshahbhog’.

Data revealed that the 14-day old seedling under SRI was observed minimum
number of unfilled spikelets panicle-1, increase in the age of seedlings after 14-day
under SRI was significantly increasing the number of unfilled spikelets panicle-1.
Further increase in age of seedling though increase the number of unfilled spikelets
panicle-1 but could not reach up to the level of significance. The highest number of
unfilled spikelets panicle-1 was noted in 21-day old seedling under SMP.

The interaction effect between varieties and age of seedlings in respect of no.
of unfilled spikelets panicle-1 was found non-significant.

4.3.6 1000-grain weight (g)

Data pertaining to 1000-grain weight of rice as influenced by varieties and age

of seedlings are presented in Table 4.7.

Various varieties had noticeable influence on the 1000-grain weight.

Maximum 1000-grain weight was observed in ‘Kalanamak’ i.e. 16.34 g which was
significantly higher than ‘Adamchini’ i.e. 10.13 g and ‘Badshahbhog’ i.e. 9.74 g

Data revealed that 1000-grain weight did not influenced significantly by age
of seedlings. Interaction effect between the two factors was found non-significant.

4.3.7 Grain yield (kg ha-1)

Grain yield of aromatic rice as affected by varieties and age of seedlings have
been compiled in Table 4.8.

An examination of data further revealed that the ‘Adamchini’ recorded

maximum grain yield (2710 kg ha-1) which was significantly superior to the other
varieties and magnitude of increase over ‘Kalanamak’ and ‘Badshahbhog’ was

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Experimental Findings

11.70% and 2.46%, respectively. The lowest grain yield was obtained with
‘Kalanamak’ (2426 kg ha-1). However, ‘Adamchini’ variety remained statistically at
par with ‘Badshahbhog’ variety.

A close examination of the data marked effect of age of seedlings on grain

yield. The highest grain yield (2715 kg ha-1) was recorded with 14-day old seedling
under SRI which exhibited superiority over 10-day and 18-day old seedling under SRI
and 21-day old seedling under SMP. However, it remained statistically at par with 18-
day under SRI. The magnitude of increase in grain yield under 14-day old seedling
over 10-day and 18-day old seedlings under SRI and 21-day old seedlings under SMP
was 10.8, 3.2 and 5.3 per cent, respectively.

The interaction effect between varieties and age of seedlings regarding grain
yield could not reach up to level of significance.

4.3.8 Straw yield (kg ha-1)

The data on straw yield of rice as influenced by different varieties and age of
seedlings are presented in Table 4.8.

Among the varieties, the maximum straw yield was noted in ‘Badshahbhog’
(5900 kg ha-1) which proved significantly superior to ‘Adamchini and Kalanamak’.
‘Kalanamak’ gave significantly the lowest straw yield (4624 kg ha-1).

It is apparent from the data that maximum straw yield was registered under
14-day old seedling (5284 kg ha-1) closely followed by 21-day old seedling under
SMP (5183 kg ha-1) and 18-day old seedling under SRI. The minimum straw yield
was recorded with 10-day old seedling under SRI.

The interaction effect between varieties and age of seedlings in respect of

straw yield was found non-significant.

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Experimental Findings

4.3.9 Harvest index (%)

The data on harvest index of rice as influenced by varieties and age of

seedlings are presented in Table 4.8.

The varieties brought about significant variation on harvest index. The

‘Adamchini’ recorded significantly higher value of harvest index 35.00% and showed
its marked superiority over ‘Kalanamak’ and ‘Badshahbhog’ (34.40% and 30.94%,

Age of seedling showed significant effect on harvest index of rice during

course of study. 14-day old seedling under SRI recorded higher harvest index 34.05%.
However, it was found at par with 18-day old seedling under SRI and 21-day old
seedling under SMP. Transplanting of 10-day old seedling under SRI exhibited the
minimum value of harvest index.

4.4 Effect of varieties and age of seedlings on nutrient content and their

Data pertaining to analyses of N, P and K contents in grain and straw and their
removal as affected by aromatic rice varieties and age of seedlings have been
presented in Table 4.9, 4.10 and 4.11.

4.4.1 Nitrogen content in grain and straw (%)

The nitrogen content in grain and straw has been presented in Table 4.9.

Nitrogen content in grain and straw was found significantly higher under
‘Kalanamak’ over ‘Adamchini’ and ‘Badshahbhog’. However, ‘Adamchini' was
significantly superior over ‘Badshahbhog’ regarding nitrogen content in grain and

Data revealed that nitrogen content in grain and straw decreased with increase
in the age of seedlings up to 21-day old seedling under SMP. Age of seedlings from
10-day under SRI up to 21-day under SMP appreciable decreased the nitrogen content

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Experimental Findings

in grain and straw. However, age of seedlings regarding nitrogen content in grain and
straw was found to be non significant.

The interaction effect between varieties and age of seedlings regarding

nitrogen content in grain and straw failed to reach the level of significance.

4.4.2 Removal of nitrogen by grain and straw (kg ha-1)

Data pertaining to removal of nitrogen by grain and straw has been presented
in Table 4.9.

It is evident from the data that among the varieties, the ‘Adamchini’ removed
higher N by grain and ‘Badshahbhog’ removed higher N by straw. Nitrogen removal
by grain and straw was observed minimum in ‘Badshahbhog and Kalanamak’,

Further, a perusal of the data indicates that 14-day old seedling under SRI
registered higher removal of nitrogen by grain (26.84 kg ha-1) and straw (19.79 kg
ha-1) than the others, but no significant effect on age of seedlings.

The interaction effect between varieties and age of seedlings regarding

nitrogen removal by grain and straw could not reach up to level of significance.

4.4.3 Phosphorus content in grain and straw (%)

Phosphorus content in grain and straw as affected by varieties and age of

seedlings has been compiled in Table 4.10.

As regards the varieties, the ‘Kalanamak’ recorded the highest phosphorus

content in grain than the ‘Badshahbhog’ but remained statistically at par with
‘Adamchini’. The minimum phosphorus content in straw was found in ‘Badshahbhog’
variety. Phosphorus content in straw did not reached up to level of significant by

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Experimental Findings

Data revealed that higher phosphorus content in grain and straw was found
under 14-day and 18-day old seedlings under SRI, respectively. However, minimum
phosphorus content in grain and straw was found in 10-day old seedling under SRI.
But it was not differed significantly among themselves in respect of phosphorus
content of grain and straw.

Interaction effect between varieties and age of seedlings in respect to

phosphorus content in grain and straw was recorded non-significant.

4.4.4 Removal of phosphorus by grain and straw (kg ha-1)

Summary of data on phosphorus removal as affected by treatments are

presented in Table 4.10.

The removal of phosphorus by grain and straw was recorded significantly

higher under ‘Adamchini and Badshahbhog’ over rest of the two varieties,
respectively. In the ‘Kalanamak’ significantly lower the phosphorus removal by both
grain and straw than the other varieties.

It is apparent from the data that age of seedlings resulted into no significant
difference in phosphorus removal by grain and straw. The maximum removal by grain
and straw was recorded 14-day old seedling under SRI. The minimum removal was
noticed with 21-day old seedling under SMP in grain and 10-day old seedling under
SRI by straw.

Interaction effect between varieties and age of seedlings in respect to

phosphorus removal by grain and straw was found non-significant.

4.4.5 Potassium content in grain and straw (%)

The data shows potassium content in grain and straw as influenced by

different varieties and age of seedlings are presented in Table 4.11.

No significant effect on content of potassium in grain and straw with age of

seedlings was recorded.

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Experimental Findings

Data further revealed that statistically no significant difference among the age
of seedlings with respect of potassium content in grain and straw.

Interaction did not turn out to be significant for potassium content in grain and

4.4.6 Removal of potassium by grain and straw (kg ha-1)

The data pattern on removal of potassium by grain and straw are presented in
Table 4.11.

Removal of potassium by grain and straw was significantly higher under

‘Adamchini’ and ‘Badshahbhog’, respectively over ‘Kalanamak’. However,
‘Badshahbhog' remained statistically at par with ‘Adamchini’ in potassium removal.

Age of seedlings did not exhibit on removal of potassium by grain and straw.

The interaction effect between varieties and age of seedlings regarding

potassium removal by grain and straw failed to reach the level of significance.

4.5 Effect of varieties and age of seedlings on protein content and

protein yield

4.5.1 Protein content (%)

The data pertaining to protein content (%) of grain as influenced by varieties

and age of seedlings are mentioned in Table 4.12.

Scrutiny of the data showed that maximum protein content recorded in rice
grain with ‘Kalanamak’ which was significantly higher over both varieties
‘Adamchini and Badshahbhog’.

No significant effect among age of seedlings regarding protein content in

grain. However, the higher value of protein content in grain was found with 10-day
old seedling under SRI as compared to rest of the age of seedlings.

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Experimental Findings

The interaction effect between varieties and age of seedlings in respect of

protein content was found to be non-significant.

4.5.2 Protein yield (kg ha-1)

The data pattern on protein yield (kg ha-1) did not influence by varieties and
age of seedlings has been compiled in Table 4.12.

The interaction effect between two factors was found non-significant.

4.6 Economics of treatments

The values presented in Table 4.13 explain the effect of treatments on the
economics along with their costs, gross income, net return and benefit: cost ratio.

The cost of cultivation varied according to different varieties and age of

seedlings. Among varieties, per hectare cost of cultivation was lower with
‘Adamchini and Badshahbhog’ which was 35993/- ha-1 and maximum with
‘Kalanamak’ 36112/- ha-1. Gross income was significantly higher with
‘Badshahbhog’ than rest of the varieties. Maximum net return and benefit: cost ratio
was recorded with ‘Badshahbhog’ ( 55016/- ha-1 and 1.55, respectively) which were
significantly superior to ‘Adamchini’ ( 50965/- ha-1 and 1.45) and ‘Kalanamak’ (
48047/- ha-1 and 1.35).

Among the age of seedlings, the cost of cultivation increased with increasing
age of seedlings up to 21-day and it was observed minimum with the 10-days old
seedling under SRI 34273/- ha-1 and the highest in 21-day old seedling under SMP
40927/- ha-1. In age of seedlings significantly higher net return and benefit: cost
ratio was observed in 14-day under SRI than rest of the age of seedlings under SRI.
After 14-day old seedling under SRI increase in age of seedlings up to 21-day old
seedling under SMP could significantly decrease net return and benefit: cost ratio.
However, it remained statistically at par with 10-day old seedling in respect of net
return. Among the age of seedlings, 14-day old seedling under SRI recorded
maximum gross income, net return and benefit: cost ratio. Maximum gross income

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Experimental Findings

91114/- ha-1 was recorded with 14-day old seedling which was found significantly
better than 10-day and 18-day under SRI and 21-day old seedling under SMP.
However, it remained statistically at par with 10-day and 18-day old seedlings under
SRI in account of gross income.

The data pertaining to economics of the various treatments presented in Table

4.14 revealed that the highest net return 60153/- ha-1 and benefit: cost ratio 1.76
obtained with ‘Badshahbhog’ sown with 14-day old seedling under SRI followed by
‘Adamchini’ sown with 14-day old seedling net return 57591/- ha-1 and benefit:
cost ratio 1.72.

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Table 4.1: Effect of age of seedlings on plant height (cm) of aromatic rice
varieties under SRI

Treatments Plant height (cm)

30 DAT 60 DAT 90 DAT 120DAT At


Kalanamak 44.51 81.39 101.83 123.77 126.33

Adamchini 44.76 83.48 104.03 127.68 *
Badshahbhog 47.93 92.79 121.68 127.36 135.74
SEm± 0.29 0.24 0.19 0.36 0.41
LSD (P=0.05) 0.86 0.69 0.57 1.05 1.24

Age of seedlings

10-day under SRI 42.98 84.81 107.72 125.01 129.83

14-day under SRI 45.46 85.98 109.39 126.10 130.80
18-day under SRI 46.56 86.21 109.67 126.46 131.12
21-day under SMP 47.92 86.55 110.02 127.51 132.40
SEm± 0.34 0.27 0.23 0.41 0.58
LSD (P=0.05) 0.99 0.80 0.66 1.21 1.77

Interaction NS NS NS NS NS
SRI: System of Rice Intensification; SMP: Standard Management Practices
* - Adamchini were harvested at 120 DAT
Table 4.2: Effect of age of seedlings on number of tillers hill-1 of aromatic rice
varieties under SRI

Treatments Number of tillers hill-1

30 DAT 60 DAT 90 DAT 120 DAT At


Kalanamak 8.30 16.77 15.60 15.29 15.12

Adamchini 9.25 17.37 15.97 15.28 *
Badshahbhog 8.62 16.38 15.32 14.70 14.05
SEm± 0.22 0.18 0.16 0.16 0.11
LSD (P=0.05) 0.65 0.54 0.47 0.46 0.34

Age of seedlings

10-day under SRI 7.62 18.01 16.62 16.12 15.23

14-day under SRI 8.51 18.82 17.20 16.44 16.23
18-day under SRI 9.29 17.47 16.40 15.98 15.37
21-day under SMP 9.47 13.07 12.29 11.82 11.50
SEm± 0.26 0.21 0.18 0.18 0.16
LSD (P=0.05) 0.76 0.62 0.54 0.54 0.49

Interaction NS NS NS NS NS
SRI: System of Rice Intensification; SMP: Standard Management Practices
* - Adamchini were harvested at 120 DAT
Table 4.3: Effect of age of seedlings on plant dry matter accumulation hill-1 (g)
of aromatic rice varieties under SRI

Treatments Plant dry matter accumulation (g hill-1)

30 DAT 60 DAT 90 DAT 120 DAT At


Kalanamak 1.31 12.30 34.16 42.95 44.43

Adamchini 1.36 12.36 34.55 46.32 *
Badshahbhog 1.62 13.28 35.45 42.21 46.43
SEm± 0.09 0.29 0.35 0.27 0.51
LSD (P=0.05) 0.26 0.84 1.04 0.80 1.56

Age of seedlings

10-day under SRI 1.23 13.01 34.94 44.17 45.10

14-day under SRI 1.63 13.75 36.62 45.50 46.90
18-day under SRI 1.52 12.85 36.14 44.63 46.74
21-day under SMP 1.33 10.98 31.17 40.02 42.98
SEm± 0.10 0.33 0.41 0.31 0.72
LSD (P=0.05) 0.29 0.97 1.20 0.92 1.21

Interaction NS NS NS NS NS
SRI: System of Rice Intensification; SMP: Standard Management Practices
* - Adamchini were harvested at 120 DAT
Table 4.4: Effect of age of seedlings on leaf-area index of aromatic rice
varieties under SRI

Treatments Leaf-area index

30 DAT 60 DAT 90 DAT


Kalanamak 1.13 4.47 4.38

Adamchini 1.14 4.53 4.48
Badshahbhog 1.21 4.59 4.48
SEm± 0.02 0.03 0.02
LSD (P=0.05) 0.06 0.10 0.07

Age of seedlings

10-day under SRI 1.18 4.74 4.67

14-day under SRI 1.23 4.76 4.74
18-day under SRI 1.20 4.75 4.70
21-day under SMP 1.02 3.84 3.68
SEm± 0.02 0.04 0.03
LSD (P=0.05) 0.07 0.11 0.08

Interaction NS NS NS
SRI: System of Rice Intensification; SMP: Standard Management Practices
Table 4.5: Effect of age of seedlings on chlorophyll content (SPAD value) of
aromatic rice varieties under SRI

Treatments Chlorophyll content (SPAD value)

30 DAT 60 DAT 90 DAT


Kalanamak 33.93 36.05 34.67

Adamchini 32.41 35.42 34.56
Badshahbhog 31.71 34.24 33.47
SEm± 0.20 0.25 0.24
LSD (P=0.05) 0.58 0.74 0.72

Age of seedlings

10-day under SRI 32.97 35.66 34.27

14-day under SRI 32.83 35.49 34.40
18-day under SRI 32.68 35.12 34.48
21-day under SMP 32.26 34.69 33.79
SEm± 0.23 0.29 0.28
LSD (P=0.05) NS NS NS

Interaction NS NS NS
SRI: System of Rice Intensification; SMP: Standard Management Practices
Table 4.6: Effect of age of seedlings on 50% flowering and 50% physiological
maturity of aromatic rice varieties under SRI

Treatments 50% flowering 50% physiological

(Days) maturity (Days)


Kalanamak 110 126

Adamchini 105 120
Badshahbhog 121 136
SEm± - -
LSD (P=0.05) - -

Age of seedlings

10-day under SRI 115 128

14-day under SRI 114 127
18-day under SRI 112 125
21-day under SMP 111 124
SEm± - -
LSD (P=0.05) - -
Age of seedlings
Interaction - -
SRI: System of Rice Intensification; SMP: Standard Management Practices
Table 4.7: Effect of age of seedlings on yield attributes of aromatic rice
varieties under SRI

Treatments Panicle Panicle Panicles Grains Unfilled 1000-

length weight m-2 panicle-1 spikelets grain
(cm) (g) (No.) (No.) panicle-1 weight
(No.) (g)


Kalanamak 26.2 3.39 233 169 45.0 16.34

Adamchini 26.0 3.41 235 182 57.1 10.13
Badshahbhog 28.0 3.39 225 183 51.8 9.74
SEm± 0.13 0.005 1.14 3.27 2.01 0.03
LSD(P=0.05) 0.38 0.016 3.35 9.59 5.88 0.08

Age of seedlings

10-day under SRI 26.7 3.39 231 179 49.0 12.07

14-day under SRI 27.0 3.42 234 190 45.6 12.08
18-day under SRI 26.8 3.40 232 180 51.0 12.07
21-day under SMP 26.4 3.39 228 162 59.6 12.04
SEm± 0.15 0.006 1.32 3.77 2.32 0.03
LSD (P=0.05) 0.44 0.018 3.87 11.07 6.80 NS

Interaction NS NS NS NS NS NS
SRI: System of Rice Intensification; SMP: Standard Management Practices
Table 4.8: Effect of age of seedlings on grain and straw yield of aromatic rice
varieties under SRI

Treatments Grain yield Straw yield Harvest index

(kg ha-1) (kg ha-1) (%)


Kalanamak 2426 4624 34.40

Adamchini 2710 5030 35.00
Badshahbhog 2645 5900 30.94
SEm± 26.31 37.40 0.23
LSD(P=0.05) 77.17 109.69 0.66

Age of seedlings

10-day under SRI 2450 5088 32.62

14-day under SRI 2715 5284 34.05
18-day under SRI 2631 5181 33.77
21-day under SMP 2579 5183 33.35
SEm± 30.38 43.18 0.26
LSD (P=0.05) 89.11 126.65 0.76

Interaction NS NS NS
SRI: System of Rice Intensification; SMP: Standard Management Practices
Table 4.9: Effect of age of seedlings on content and removal of nitrogen by
aromatic rice varieties under SRI

Treatments Nitrogen content (%) Nitrogen removal (kg ha-1)

Grain Straw Grain Straw


Kalanamak 1.054 0.380 25.55 17.59

Adamchini 0.977 0.357 26.49 17.97
Badshahbhog 0.944 0.351 24.96 20.68
SEm± 0.025 0.008 0.65 0.48
LSD(P=0.05) 0.073 0.024 NS 1.42

Age of seedlings

10-day under SRI 1.007 0.366 24.61 18.60

14-day under SRI 0.992 0.375 26.84 19.79
18-day under SRI 0.985 0.355 25.91 18.32
21-day under SMP 0.983 0.354 25.30 18.29
SEm± 0.029 0.010 0.75 0.56
LSD (P=0.05) NS NS NS NS

Interaction NS NS NS NS
SRI: System of Rice Intensification; SMP: Standard Management Practices
Table 4.10: Effect of age of seedlings on content and removal of phosphorus by
aromatic rice varieties under SRI

Treatments Phosphorus content Phosphorus removal

(%) (kg ha-1)
Grain Straw Grain Straw


Kalanamak 0.384 0.0365 9.33 1.68

Adamchini 0.375 0.0370 10.16 1.86
Badshahbhog 0.356 0.0362 9.43 2.13
SEm± 0.006 0.002 0.20 0.09
LSD(P=0.05) 0.017 NS 0.59 0.27

Age of seedlings

10-day under SRI 0.368 0.0358 9.02 1.82

14-day under SRI 0.378 0.0368 10.26 1.94
18-day under SRI 0.371 0.0370 9.74 1.92
21-day under SMP 0.370 0.0366 9.55 1.90
SEm± 0.007 0.002 0.23 0.11
LSD (P=0.05) NS NS 0.68 NS

Interaction NS NS NS NS
SRI: System of Rice Intensification; SMP: Standard Management Practices
Table 4.11: Effect of age of seedlings on content and removal of potassium by
aromatic rice varieties under SRI

Treatments Potassium content Potassium removal

(%) (kg ha-1)
Grain Straw Grain Straw


Kalanamak 0.406 1.395 9.86 64.51

Adamchini 0.413 1.365 11.19 68.62
Badshahbhog 0.411 1.354 10.88 79.86
SEm± 0.010 0.015 0.28 1.03
LSD(P=0.05) NS NS 0.83 3.01

Age of seedlings

10-day under SRI 0.411 1.389 10.07 70.58

14-day under SRI 0.413 1.367 11.22 72.16
18-day under SRI 0.409 1.371 10.75 71.00
21-day under SMP 0.408 1.357 10.54 70.25
SEm± 0.011 0.018 0.33 1.19
LSD (P=0.05) NS NS NS NS

Interaction NS NS NS NS
SRI: System of Rice Intensification; SMP: Standard Management Practices
Table 4.12: Effect of age of seedlings on protein content (%) and protein yield
(kg ha-1) of aromatic rice varieties under SRI

Treatments Protein content (%) Protein yield (kg ha-1)

(Grain) (Grain)


Kalanamak 6.06 155.5

Adamchini 5.62 149.3
Badshahbhog 5.43 136.3
SEm± 0.14 7.15
LSD(P=0.05) 0.42 NS

Age of seedlings

10-day under SRI 5.79 143.2

14-day under SRI 5.71 153.5
18-day under SRI 5.67 147.8
21-day under SMP 5.65 143.6
SEm± 0.16 8.26
LSD (P=0.05) NS NS

Interaction NS NS
SRI: System of Rice Intensification; SMP: Standard Management Practices
Table 4.13: Effect of age of seedlings on the economics of aromatic rice varieties
under SRI

Treatments Cost of Gross Net return B:C ratio

cultivation income ( ha-1)
( ha-1) ( ha-1)


Kalanamak 36112 84158 48047 1.35

Adamchini 35993 86958 50965 1.45
Badshahbhog 35993 91010 55016 1.55
SEm± - 802.6 802.6 0.014
LSD(P=0.05) - 2354.1 2354.1 0.042

Age of seedlings

10-day under SRI 34273 82940 48667 1.42

14-day under SRI 34401 91114 56713 1.67
18-day under SRI 34530 88458 53928 1.60
21-day under SMP 40927 86990 46063 1.11
SEm± - 926.8 926.8 0.017
LSD (P=0.05) - 2718.3 2718.3 0.049

Interaction - NS NS NS
SRI: System of Rice Intensification; SMP: Standard Management Practices
Prevailing market price for:-

a) Kalanamak grain @ 30.5 kg-1 and straw @ 2.2 kg-1.

b) Adamchini grain @ 28 kg-1 and straw @ 2.2 kg-1.

c) Badshahbhog grain @ 29.5 kg-1 and straw @ 2.2 kg-1.

Table 4.14: Effect of treatments on the economics of aromatic rice under SRI

Treatments Grain Straw Cost of Gross Net Benefit :

yield yield cultivation income return cost
(Kg ha-1) (Kg ha-1) ( ha-1) ( ha-1) ( ha-1) ratio

T1 KN-10 2282 4527 34309 79561 45252 1.31

T2 KN-14 2512 4643 34437 86831 52394 1.54
T3 KN-18 2471 4641 34565 85565 51000 1.50
T4 KN-21 2438 4685 41135 84676 43541 1.05
T5 AC-10 2581 4950 34255 83168 48913 1.44
T6 AC-14 2876 5198 34383 91974 57591 1.72
T7 AC-18 2750 5053 34512 88107 53595 1.60
T8 AC-21 2634 4918 40823 84583 43760 1.05
T9 BB-10 2487 5788 34255 86090 51835 1.52
T10 BB-14 2756 6011 34383 94536 60153 1.76
T11 BB-18 2672 5849 34512 91702 57190 1.70
T12 BB-21 2665 5947 40823 91711 50888 1.22
Prevailing market price for:-
a) Kalanamak (KN) grain @ 30.5 kg-1 and straw @ 2.2 kg-1.

b) Adamchini (AC) grain @ 28 kg-1 and straw @ 2.2 kg-1.

c) Badshahbhog (BB) grain @ 29.5 kg-1 and straw @ 2.2 kg-1.

Plant Height (cm)

200 Badshahbhog
150 Adamchini
100 Kalanamak
30 DAT 60 DAT 90 DAT 120 DAT At harvest

Days after transplanting

Age of seedlings
Plant height (cm)

300 21 day
200 18 day
100 14 day

0 10 day
30 DAT 60 DAT 90 DAT 120 DAT At harvest

Days after transplanting

Fig. 5.1 Effect of age of seedlings on plant height (cm) of aromatic rice
varieties under SRI
Number of tillers hill-1

30 Badshahbhog
20 Adamchini
10 Kalanamak

30 DAT 60 DAT 90 DAT 120 DAT At harvest

Days after transplanting

Age of seedlings
Number of tillers hill-1

21 day
18 day
20 14 day

10 10 day
30 DAT 60 DAT 90 DAT 120 DAT At harvest
Days after transplanting

Fig. 5.2 Effect of age of seedlings on number of tillers hill-1 of aromatic rice
varieties under SRI
Dry matter accumulation (g hill-1)

60 Badshahbhog
40 Adamchini
20 Kalanamak
30 DAT 60 DAT 90 DAT 120 DAT At harvest

Days after transplanting

Age of seedlings
Dry matter accumulation (g hill-1)

120 21 day
80 18 day
60 14 day
10 day
30 DAT 60 DAT 90 DAT 120 DAT At harvest
Days after transplanting

Fig. 5.3 Effect of age of seedlings on dry matter accumulation hill-1 (g) of
aromatic rice varieties under SRI
Leaf-area index

6 Adamchini
30 DAT 60 DAT 90 DAT

Days after transplanting

Age of seedlings
Leaf-area index

12 21 day
8 18 day
6 14 day
10 day
30 DAT 60 DAT 90 DAT
Days after transplanting

Fig. 5.4 Effect of age of seedlings on leaf-area index of aromatic rice

varieties under SRI
Chlorophyll content



60 Badshahbhog
40 Adamchini
20 Kalanamak

30 DAT 60 DAT 90 DAT
Days after transplanting

Age of seedlings
Chlorophyll content

21 day
18 day
14 day
20 10 day

30 DAT 60 DAT 90 DAT
Days after transplanting

Fig. 5.5 Effect of age of seedlings on chlorophyll content (SPAD value) of

aromatic rice varieties under SRI
5 Badshahbhog
1000-grain weight Panicle length (cm) Panicle weight (g)
Yield attributes

Age of seedlings


10 day
14 day
18 day
5 21 day
1000-grain weight (g) Panicle length (cm) Panicle weight (g)
Yield attributes

Fig. 5.6 Effect of age of seedlings on 1000-grain weight (g), panicle length
(cm) and panicle weight (g) of aromatic rice varieties under SRI


Panicles m-2 Grains panicle-1 Unfilled spikelets
Yield attributes

Age of seedlings


10 day
100 14 day
50 18 day
21 day
Panicles m-2 Grains panicle-1 Unfilled spikelets
Yield attributes

Fig. 5.7 Effect of age of seedlings on panicle m-2, panicle-1 and unfilled
spikelets panicle-1 of aromatic rice varieties under SRI
Grain yield (kg ha-1) Straw yield (kg ha-1)
Yield (kg ha-1)

Age of seedlings


10 day
14 day
18 day
1000 21 day
Grain yield (kg ha-1) Straw yield (kg ha-1)
Yield (kg ha-1)

Fig. 5.8 Effect of age of seedlings on grain and straw yield (kg ha-1) of
aromatic rice varieties under SRI
kg ha-1


140 Adamchini
135 Badshahbhog


Protein removal

Age of seedlings
kg ha-1

10 day
14 day
18 day
21 day
Protein removal

Fig. 5.9 Effect of age of seedlings on protein removal (kg ha-1) by grain of
aromatic rice varieties under SRI
kg ha-1

30 Kalanamak
20 Adamchini
0 Badshahbhog
N in N in P in P in K in Grain K in
Grain Straw Grain Straw Straw
Nutrient removal

Age of seedlings
Kg ha-1

10 day
14 day
10 18 day
0 21 day
N in Grain N in Straw P in Grain P in Straw K in Grain K in Straw

Nutrient removal

Fig. 5.10 Effect of age of seedlings on nutrient removal (kg ha-1) in grain and
straw by aromatic rice varieties under SRI

50000 Kalanamak
40000 Adamchini
30000 Badshahbhog
Cost of cultivation Gross income Net return

Age of seedlings
70000 10 day

14 day
40000 18 day
30000 21 day
Cost of cultivation Gross income Net return

Fig. 5.11 Effect of age of seedlings on the economics of aromatic rice varieties
under SRI
Chapter V

In this chapter an attempt has been made to describe the possible reasons for
the variability obtained due to application of various treatments on the basis of
findings described in preceding chapter. Thus, the results obtained have been
discussed in light of general principles of agronomy and established findings to
procure sound clarification of the aims. The result have been duly supported by
references available in the literature as and where necessary.

5.1 Effect of weather on crop

The effect of weather condition during the crop season is one of the most
important factors which determine the extent of crop growth, development and its
overall performance. The weather condition have greater significance for a crop like
rice which require high temperature, humidity and precipitation during the vegetative
phase and more sun-shine duration during the reproductive phase for higher yield. A
slight deviation from the normal range in weather condition may adversely affect the
crop growth and ultimately the yield. The meteorological data as well as regular field
observation show that crop remained almost unaffected by weather variations except
few spells of short term drought at later stage of the crop. Whenever moisture stress
occurred irrigation was provided to check the moisture stress. However, in general,
good precipitation was recorded from June to November for the normal growth of
rice. As such the weather conditions were satisfactory which favoured proper growth
and development and finally the good yield of rice.

5.2 Effect of varieties

5.2.1 Effect on growth parameters

Generally the plant develops at slow rate in the beginning, because the major
parts of the plant nutrients are utilized for the extension of root system and for the
formation of new leaves with the limited availability of photosynthates. As a result,

the development of growth parameters like plant height, tillers hill-1, dry matter
accumulation and leaf-area index appeared comparatively slow at early stage of crop
growth and thereafter progress was rapid during later part of the vegetative growth.

In the present investigation the growth parameters viz. plant height, number of
tillers hill-1, dry matter accumulation (g), leaf-area index and chlorophyll content
(SPAD value) were significantly affected by different varieties (Fig. 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4
and 5.5). Among the varieties, ‘Badshahbhog’ recorded significantly higher growth
parameters viz. plant height, dry matter accumulation (g) and leaf-area index as
compared to ‘Adamchini’ and ‘Kalanamak’, except number of tillers hill-1 and
chlorophyll content highest observed in ‘Adamchini’ and ‘Kalanamak’, respectively.

The plant height increased gradually from 30 DAT to 120 DAT and remained
almost constant thereafter till maturity. Different rice cultivars varied significantly in
their stature, ‘Badshahbhog’ produced the tallest plants at all the dates of observation
whereas the lowest plants height were observed with ‘Kalanamak’. Tillering
production increased sharply from 30 DAT to 60 DAT and declined gradually
towards 120 DAT and at harvest. No increase in height was noted thereafter due to
senescence phase. This was might be due to transplanting of seedlings from younger
stage provides sufficient nutrients for vegetative growth by effective utilization of
phyllochronic concept and saved energy diverting during nursery for tillering as well
as for reproductive phase which ultimately leads to increased plant height and yield
attributes and thus increased the grain and straw yields (Krishna, 2000 and Porpavi et
al., 2006). Among the various varieties, ‘Adamchini’ recorded the highest number of
tillers m-2 than other cultivars.

In case of leaf-area index, cultivar varied significantly and the maximum

values were recorded at 60 DAT and 90 DAT of plant growth, thereafter it decreased
probably due to the drying of leaves at maturity. Among the rice varieties,
‘Badshahbhog’ registered significantly higher leaf-area index than those of
‘Adamchini’ and ‘Kalanamak’ varieties. The biomass accumulation increased with
increasing age of crop. Since LAI values were higher, it might have led to more
photosynthesis and ultimately more dry matter accumulation during these days. The

Page | 64

grain yield had a positive and significant correlation with total dry matter production
and leaf-area index. Rice variety ‘Badshahbhog’ registered the higher dry matter
accumulation whereas the lowest was recorded for ‘Kalanamak’ at all the dates of

In case of 50% flowering, flowering initiated earlier in ‘Adamchini’ and late

in ‘Badshahbhog’ probably due to genetic variation and their relative
photosensitivity. The earlier maturity was also recorded in ‘Adamchini’ and late in
‘Badshahbhog’, due to late 50% flowering.

5.2.2 Effect on yield attributes and yield

In physiological term, yield of most cereals is largely governed by source

(photosynthesis) and sink (grain growth) relationship (Evans and Wardlaw, 1976).
However, capacity of system transporting the photosynthesis and partitioning of
assimilates between their sites of utilization i.e. sink, are the major determinants of
crop yield (Gifford and Evans, 1981). Thus, crop yield and quality are net result of
interactions between the genetic structure of genotypes and external environment.

Yield attributes which determine yield, is the resultant of the vegetative

development of the crop (Fig. 5.6, 5.7 and 5.8). All attributes of yield viz., panicle
length, panicle weight, number of panicles m-2, grains panicle-1, number of unfilled
spikelets panicle-1 and 1000-grain weight were significantly affected by different rice

Significant variations on yield and yield attributes were visualized due to

various aromatic rice varieties. The maximum number of panicle m-2 was recorded
with ‘Adamchini’ whereas ‘Badshahbhog’ produced minimum number of panicle m-2.
The number of panicle m-2 depends on tillering potential of plant and varieties. In
respect of panicle length, among the varieties, ‘Badshahbhog’ produced maximum
panicle length and proved significant superior to rest of the varieties. The minimum
panicle length was recorded in ‘Adamchini’. Genotypes ‘Adamchini’ produced
significantly maximum panicle weight proved significantly more over other varieties.

Page | 65

However, minimum panicle weight was recorded with ‘Kalanamak’. Similarly

maximum number of grains and unfilled spikelets panicle-1 was produced by
‘Adamchini’ variety. The 1000-grain (g) produced marked variation among the
varieties. The highest 1000-grain weight (g) was recorded in ‘Kalanamak’ and lowest
in ‘Badshahbhog’ cultivar.

Among the rice cultivar, the variety ‘Adamchini’ registered significantly

higher grain yield over the other varieties. Such increased yield may be due to
maximum panicle weight, more number of grains panicles-1 and more number of
panicle m-2. ‘Kalanamak’ produced lowest yield probably due to lower number of
grains panicle-1 and lower panicle weight.

In case of straw yield, ‘Badshahbhog’ produced maximum straw yield

followed by ‘Adamchini’ whereas ‘Kalanamak’ produced minimum straw yield.
Variations in grain yield and yield attributing characters among varieties have also
been reported by many workers supporting the finding of this investigation (Singh et
al., 2004, Netam et al., 2008, Singh et al., 2012 and Chetri et al., 2015).

Harvest index is the ratio of economic yield to biological yield expressed as

percentage. The greater the difference between economic yield and biological, lesser
will be harvest index and vice-versa. Whereas the varieties, ‘Adamchini’ was
observed maximum harvest index followed by ‘Kalanamak’ and lowest in

5.2.3 Effect on NPK content (%) and removal (kg ha-1)

Findings also revealed marginal variability among the rice varieties on content
and removal of nitrogen. Nutrient content and their removal differed markedly due to
varieties shown (Fig. 5.10). Significantly higher nitrogen content and uptake were
recorded by grain of ‘Kalanamak and Adamchini’, respectively. This might be due to
higher grain yield of ‘Adamchini’. Whereas nitrogen content and removal was
recorded lower in grain of ‘Badshahbhog’.

Page | 66

Phosphorus content of different rice cultivars revealed that the highest

concentration in ‘Kalanamak’ and the lowest in ‘Badshahbhog’ in respect of both
grain and straw. Phosphorus content in straw was not significantly variable due to the
varieties. The significant variation of phosphorus content among the genotypes might
due to genetic makeup and their differential performance in growth and development.
The phosphorus removal by grain and straw varied significantly and higher removal
was noticed in grain and straw of ‘Adamchini’ and ‘Badshahbhog’, respectively and
the significantly lowest in ‘Kalanamak’.

The content and removal of potassium remained higher in straw than grains
which are in conformity with finding of Rao et al. (1993). No significant variation in
potassium content in grain and straw were observed and significant variation in
potassium removal in grain and straw were observed among the cultivars. The highest
removal in grain was found in ‘Adamchini’ and in straw was found in ‘Badshahbhog’

5.2.4 Effect on protein content (%) and protein yield (kg ha-1)

‘Kalanamak’ showed the highest values which significantly influenced the

protein content (%) and no significant effect on protein yield (kg ha-1) in grain.
‘Kalanamak’ might have highest protein content (%) followed by ‘Adamchini’ and
lowest in ‘Badshahbhog’ (Fig. 5.9).

Nitrogen is an essential constituent of protein and different varieties might

have varied the quantity leading thereby to protein content in grain.

5.3 Effect of age of seedlings

5.3.1 Effect on growth parameters

Transplanting of younger seedlings in rice assumes a special significance in

obtaining higher grain yields under SRI cultivation (Fig. 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4 and 5.5).
Rice seedlings lose much of their growth potential if they are transplanted, not more
than 15 days old seedling and preferably only 8-12 days before the start of the 4th

Page | 67

phyllochron (Stoop et al, 2002) emerge in the nursery. However, younger seedling
showed better agronomic potential to produce significantly the highest dry matter
accumulation hill-1 during both the years of investigation. These finding was earlier
reported by Patra and Haque (2011); Sanjeewani and Ranamukhaarachchi (2011).
This preserves plants potential for tillering and root growth that is compromised by
later transplanting (Randriamiharisoa and Uphoff, 2002).

In the present investigation the growth parameters viz. plant height, number of
tillers hill-1, dry matter accumulation (g), leaf-area index and chlorophyll content
(SPAD value) were significantly affected by different age of seedlings (Fig. 5.1, 5.2,
5.3, 5.4 and 5.5). The current results are confirmed with the finding of Ram et al.
(2014) and Shukla et al. (2014).

Among the age of seedlings, 14-day old seedling under SRI recorded
significantly higher growth parameters viz. number of tillers hill-1, dry matter
accumulation (g) and leaf-area index as compared to other age of seedlings, similar
observation reported by (Gani et al., 2002), except plant height and chlorophyll
content (SPAD value) highest observed in 21-day old seedling under SMP and 10-
day old seedling under SRI, respectively.

The plant height increased gradually from 30 DAT to 120 DAT and remained
almost constant thereafter till maturity. Different age of seedlings varied significantly
in their stature, increase the age of seedling with increase the plant height shown 21-
day old seedling under SMP produced the tallest plants at all stages of crop growth
whereas smallest plants were observed with 10-day old seedling under SRI. Tillering
production increased sharply from 30 DAT to 60 DAT and declined gradually
towards 120 DAT and at harvest. Among the age of seedlings, 14-day old seedling
under SRI recorded the highest number of tillers m-2 than other seedling ages.

In case of leaf-area index, cultivar varied significantly and the maximum

values were recorded at 60 DAT and 90 DAT of plant growth, thereafter it decreases
probably due to the drying of leaves at maturity. Among the age of seedlings, 14-day
old seedling under SRI registered significantly higher leaf-area index than those of

Page | 68

other seedling ages. Among the age of seedlings, 14-day old seedling under SRI was
found higher dry matter production. Since LAI values were higher, it might have led
to more photosynthesis and ultimately more dry matter accumulation during these
days. The grain yield had a positive and significant correlation with total dry matter
production and leaf-area index. Among the different age of seedlings, 14-day old
seedling under SRI registered the higher dry matter production whereas the lowest
was recorded for 21-day seedling under SMP as a control plot at all the dates of

Increase the age of seedlings with decreases the 50% flowering and maturity,
in case of 50% flowering, flowering initiated earlier in 21-day old seedling under
SMP and late in 10-day old seedling under SRI. The earlier maturity was also
recorded in 21-day old seedling under SMP as a control plot and late in 10-day old
seedling under SRI, due to late 50% flowering.

5.3.2 Effect on yield attributes and yield

Yield attributes which determine yield, is the resultant of the vegetative

development of the crop. All attributes of yield viz., panicle length, panicle weight,
number of panicles m-2, grains panicle-1, number of unfilled spikelets panicle-1 and
1000-grain weight were significantly affected by different seedling ages (Fig. 5.6, 5.7
and 5.8).

Significant variations on yield and yield attributes were visualized due to

various ages of seedling. The maximum number of panicles m-2 was recorded with
14-day old seedling under SRI whereas 21-day old seedling under SMP produced
minimum number of panicles m-2. The number of panicles m-2 depends on age of
seedling; younger seedlings recorded maximum tillering than aged seedlings (Reddy
and Reddy, 1991) but in 10-day old seedling under SRI produce less number of tiller
due to transplanting shock. In respect of panicle length and weight of panicle (g),
among the age of seedlings, 14-day old seedling under SRI produced maximum
panicle length and weight, it is proved significant superior to rest of the seedling ages.
The minimum panicle length and weight was recorded in 21-day old seedling under

Page | 69

SMP. Similarly maximum number of grain and unfilled spikelets panicle-1 was found
14-day old seedling under SRI and 21-day old seedling under SMP, respectively. The
1000-grain (g) produced marked variation among age of seedlings but no
significantly differ among the age of seedlings. Similar findings were reported by
Sarwa et al. (2011); Styger et al. (2011); Singh and Singh (2012).

Among the age of seedlings, 14-day old seedling under SRI registered
significantly higher grain yield over the other age of seedlings, similar research was
done under SRI with 14-day old seedling than other age of seedlings by
(Thiyagarajan et al., 2002 and Vijaykumar et al., 2006). Such increased yield might
be due to maximum panicle weight, maximum number of grains panicles-1 and more
number of panicle m-2. Transplanting of 21-day old seedling under SMP produced
the lowest yield probably due to lower number of tillers, higher unfilled spikelets
panicle-1 and lower panicle weight, similar worked done by (Kavitha et al., 2010 and
Parihar et al., 2012).

In case of straw yield, 14-day old seedling under SRI produced maximum
straw yield followed by 21-day old seedling under SMP whereas 10-day old seedling
under SRI produced minimum straw yield. Similar result found by (Kavitha et al.,
2010). Hussain et al., 2003) also reported under SRI was found higher grain yield
than conventional practices of rice cultivation.

Harvest index is the ratio of economic yield to biological yield expressed as

percentage. The greater the difference between economic yield and biological, lesser
will be harvest index and vice-versa. Whereas the age of seedlings, 10-day old
seedling under SRI was observed maximum harvest index followed by 14-day old
seedling under SRI and lowest in 21-day old seedling under SMP.

5.3.3 Effect on NPK content (%) and removal (kg ha-1)

Findings also revealed no significant variability among the age of seedlings

shown (Fig. 5.10) on content and removal of nitrogen. Nitrogen content and removal
by grain and straw were not significant variable on it.

Page | 70

Phosphorus content of different age of seedlings was that revealed highest

phosphorus concentration in 14-day old seedling under SRI but lowest in 21-day old
seedling under SMP and 10-day old seedling under SRI in case of grain and straw,
respectively. Phosphorus removal by grain was no significantly variable among the
age of seedlings and higher value obtained with 14-day old seedlings.

The content and removal of potassium remained higher in straw than rice
grains which are in conformity with finding of Rao et al. (1999). Among the age of
seedlings, no significant variation in potassium content and their removal by grain
and straw were observed.

5.3.4 Effect on protein content (%) and protein yield (kg ha-1)

The 10-days old seedling showed highest values which was no significantly
influenced the protein content (%) and no significant effect on protein yield (kg ha-1)
in grain. Protein content (%) and protein yield (kg ha-1) in grain have no significant
effect on age of seedlings (Fig. 5.9). This might be due to higher affectivity for nitrate
reduction activities in source and catalyses enzyme ‘protease’ that are associates with
synthesis of amino acid, a precursor for building block of protein in grains. These
results were supported by Krishna et al. (2008), Reddy et al. (2008) and Shukla et al.

5.4 Economics of treatments

The economics of rice crop varied markedly by influence of various

treatments which ultimately affected the overall net return and benefit: cost ratio
shown on (Fig. 5.11).

The ‘Kalanamak’ recorded the highest cost of cultivation than the ‘Adamchini
and Badshahbhog’. While, the maximum gross income, net return and benefit: cost
ratio were observed under ‘Badshahbhog’ because of higher yield under this
treatment as compared to ‘Adamchini’ and ‘Kalanamak varieties. Similar result was
reported by Netam et al., 2008 and Rahman et al., 2008.

Page | 71

Among the age of seedlings, the gross income and net return were higher
under 14-day old seedling under SRI followed by 10-day under SRI, 18-day under
SRI and 21-day old seedling under SMP, respectively. Maximum benefit: cost ratio
was recorded with 14-day old seedling under SRI.

‘Badshahbhog’ variety in combination with 14-day old seedling under SRI

gave maximum net return ( 60153 ha-1) closely followed by ‘Adamchini’ in
combination with 14-day old seedling under SRI ( 57591 ha-1). The treatment
‘Badshahbhog’ variety with 14-day old seedling under SRI recorded the highest
benefit: cost ratio (1.76), this shows that with proper integration of varieties and age
of seedlings, higher remunerative return can be obtained. This finding has been
closely confirmed by Singh et al. (2004), Chetri et al. (2015) and Islam et al. (2015).

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Photograph 1. ‘Kalanamak’ aromatic rice variety under different age of seedlings under SRI (Photograph at 115 DAT)
Photograph 3. ‘Badshahbhog’ aromatic rice variety under different age of seedlings under SRI (Photograph at 125 DAT)
Photograph No. 4: General view of experimental plot
Chapter VI


The present investigation entitled “Effect of age of seedlings on aromatic
rice (Oryza sativa L.) varieties under system of rice intensification.” was
conducted at the Agricultural Research Farm, Institute of Agricultural Sciences,
Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India during rainy (Kharif)
season of 2015 with a view to test the comparative performance of different varieties
and age of seedlings on the performance of aromatic rice under eastern Uttar Pradesh
condition to suggest better selection of aromatic rice cultivar with proper seedling
ages under system of transplanting, with the following objectives:-

1) To study the effect of age of seedlings and system of transplanting on growth

and yield of aromatic rice varieties.

2) To study the NPK removal by the crop under different treatments.

3) To work out the economics of treatments.

The soil of the experimental field was sandy clay loam in texture with pH
7.52. It was moderately fertile, being low in organic carbon (0.41%) and available
nitrogen (213.1 kg ha-1), high in available phosphorus (25.6 kg ha-1) and medium in
available potash (156.8 kg ha-1). Factorial experiment was laid out in Randomized
Complete Block Design with three levels of varieties viz. Kalanamak, Adamchini and
Badshahbhog and four levels of age of seedlings i.e. 10-day, 14-day and 18-day under
SRI and 21-day under standard management practice (SMP) as a control with
replicated thrice. These aromatic rice varieties were grown as a test crop.
Recommended dose of fertilizers (RDF) used was N2-P2O5-K2O (60-40-40 kg ha-1).
Half of the recommended dose of nitrogen through urea and organic manure as a
vermicompost with equal quantity of nitrogen, full dose of phosphorus through single
super phosphate and potassium through muriate of potash were applied basally as per
treatment before transplanting. The well decomposed vermicompost were applied
basally one day prior to transplanting as per treatments. The remaining half nitrogen
Summary and Conclusion

was applied in two equal splits at active tillering and panicle initiation stages.
According to age of seedlings seeds sown on nursery at different date was 20th June,
16th June, 12th June and 9th June, for 10-day, 14-day, 18-day and 21-day old seedlings
respectively. Under SRI, up to 18-day old seedling was transplanted on the puddled
field keeping single seedling hill-1 at a spacing of 25 cm × 25 cm. Under SMP, 21-
days old seedling was transplanted on the puddled field keeping three seedlings hill-1
at a spacing of 20 cm × 20 cm. In SRI, weed control by mechanical weeding through
conoweeder and in SMP weed control by pre-emergence herbicide Pretilachlor 50%
EC followed two hand weeding were practiced.

Various observations were recorded during the course of investigation

including growth parameters, yield attributes and yields as affected by varieties and
age of seedlings. Growth parameters were recorded at at 30 DAT followed by 60, 90,
120 DAT and at harvest which included plant height, number of tillers hill-1, dry
matter accumulation hill-1, leaf-area index and chlorophyll content and some
phenological observation like 50% flowering and 50% physiological maturity.
Similarly yield attributes viz., panicle length, panicle weight, number of panicles m-2,
grains panicle-1, unfilled spikelets panicle-1 and 1000-grain weight, grain and straw
yield and total removal of the nutrients (NPK) were also noted to assess the effect of
treatments. Besides, protein content and protein yield in grain was also estimated.

The data collected during the course of experimentation were subjected to

statistical analysis to draw valid conclusions. Finally the different treatments were
analyzed for their gross return, net return and benefit: cost ratio. The important
findings and broad conclusions emerging from the investigation are summarized here

6.1 Effect of varieties

Combined application of different age of seedlings significantly influenced the

growth parameters such as plant height, number of tillers hill-1, dry matter
accumulation hill-1, leaf-area index and chlorophyll content. Among varieties,
‘Badshahbhog’ produced significantly higher in plant height, dry matter production

Page | 74
Summary and Conclusion

hill-1 and leaf-area index as compared to ‘Adamchini and Kalanamak’. But

‘Adamchini and Kalanamak’ was significantly higher in number of tillers hill-1 and
chlorophyll content (SPAD value), respectively.

The effect of varieties on maturity stages, like 50% flowering and 50%
maturity. ‘Adamchini’ early matures as compared to ‘Kalanamak and Badshahbhog’.
‘Badshahbhog’ were long durational varieties.

The yield and yield attributing characters were also observed significantly
higher under ‘Adamchini’ as compare to ‘Badshahbhog and Kalanamak’ except for
panicle length and straw yield of ‘Badshahbhog’.

The ‘Adamchini’ resulted in maximum nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium

content and their removal by grain and observed significantly superior than
‘Kalanamak’ and ‘Badshahbhog’. ‘Badshahbhog’ resulted in maximum nitrogen,
phosphorus and potassium content and their removal by straw and observed
significantly superior than ‘Kalanamak’ and ‘Adamchini’.

Maximum protein content and protein yield of rice grain was found with
‘Kalanamak’ which proved maximum over ‘Adamchini and Badshahbhog’ but no
significantly higher regarding protein content of rice grain.

6.2 Effect of age of seedlings

In general, age of seedlings brought significant effect on all the growth

parameters at different dates of observation viz. plant height, number of tillers hill-1,
dry matter accumulation hill-1, leaf-area index and chlorophyll content (SPAD value).
Increasing age of seedlings plant height was increasing and decreasing chlorophyll
content parameters progressively from 10-day to 21-day old seedlings. Other
parameters like number of tillers hill-1, dry matter production hill-1 and leaf area index
significantly maximum with 14-days old seedling.

The effect of age of seedlings on maturity stages, like 50% flowering and 50%
physiological maturity were significant. Transplanting of 10-day old seedlings require

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Summary and Conclusion

128-day to reach at 50% physiological maturity as compared to 18-day seedling under

SRI and 21-day seedling under SMP.

Lucid effect of age of seedlings was also observed on yield and yield
attributing characters viz. panicle length, panicle weight, number of panicles m-2,
grains panicle-1 and unfilled spikelets panicle-1. Among the different age of seedlings,
the 14-day old seedling improved yield attributing characters as well as grain and
straw yield. Transplanting of 10-day and 18-day old seedlings observed at par with
14-day old seedling regarding yield attributes, harvest index and straw yield. Grain
and straw yield were higher with 14-days old seedling but remained at par with 18-
day old seedlings.

Age of seedlings did not influence content of NPK in grain as well as straw
and their removal except removal of phosphorus by grain. Transplanting of 14-day
old seedling was observed the maximum removal of phosphorus by grain.

6.3 Economics of rice cultivation

As regard the varieties, ‘Badshahbhog’ recorded maximum gross income

( 91010 ha-1), net return ( 55016 ha-1) as well as benefit: cost ratio (1.55) followed
by ‘Adamchini and Kalanamak’, respectively.

Among age of seedlings, transplanting of 14-days old seedling under SRI gave
the maximum gross income ( 91114 ha-1), net return ( 56713 ha-1) and B: C ratio
(1.67) as compared to rest of the age of seedlings.

The integration of ‘Badshahbhog’ in combination with 14-day old seedling

under SRI gave maximum net return ( 60153.0 ha-1) with benefit: cost ratio (1.76)
followed by ‘Adamchini’ in combination with 14-day old seedling ( 57591.0 ha-1)
with benefit: cost ratio (1.72). From the economical point of view, ‘Badshahbhog’ in
combination with 14-day old seedling was the best in achieving maximum net return
and benefit: cost ratio than rest of the treatment combinations.

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Summary and Conclusion


On the basis of results of the present investigation, the following conclusions

may be drawn.

1. Among the aromatic varieties, ‘Badshahbhog’ responded favorably superior

but ‘Adamchini’ was an alternate option for selection of aromatic rice cultivar
under SRI with for achieving higher yield at Varanasi.

2. The 14-day old seedling exhibited for enhancing productivity of aromatic rice
under SRI.

3. Transplanting of ‘Badshahbhog’ aromatic rice with 14-day old seedling under

SRI proved most remunerative for achieving higher net return.

Since, the experiment was conducted for one year only thus, needs further
investigation to confirm the results.

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Appendix I: Common cost of cultivation ( ha-1)

S.No. Particulars of SRI SMP Rate SRI SMP

operations Input Input ( ) (100 m-2) (1000 m-2)
1. Nursery raising
a) Nursery preparation
i) One discing One tractor (35 HP) One tractor (35 HP) 500 hr-1 50.00 500.00
for 0.1 hr for 1.0 hr
ii) Layout & raised bed 01 man day 06 man day 200 man-1 day 200.00 1200.00
b) Sowing 01 man day 01 man day 200 man-1 day 200.00 200.00
c) Manure (Vermicompost) 150 kg 150 kg 3.00 kg-1 450.00 450.00
d) Seed treatment
i) Streptocyclin 1 g 6 kg-1 3.00 24.00
kg-1 seed
ii) Carbendazin 100 per 25 g 5.00 40.00
Total 908.00 2414.00
Cost Cost
( ha-1) ( ha-1)
2. Field preparation
i) One discing One tractor (35 HP) One tractor (35 HP) 500 hr-1 2000.00 2000.00
for 4 hr for 4 hr
ii) Puddling One tractor (35 HP) One tractor (35 HP) 500 hr-1 2000.00 2000.00
for 4 hr for 4 hr
3. Layout 06 man day 06 man day 200 man-1 day 1200.00 1200.00
4. Uprooting of seedling 4-labour 5-labour 200 man day 800.00 1000.00
5. Transplanting 20 man day 20 man day 200 man-1 day 4000.00 4000.00
6. Irrigation 2 irrigation 3 irrigation 300 irrigation- 600.00 900.00

4-labour 6-labour 200 man-1 day 800.00 1200.00

Drainage 2 man day 2 man day 200 man day 400.00 400.00
a) Weeding (2 Nos.) 10 man day by cono 15 man day by hand 200 man-1 day 2000.00 3000.00
weeder weeding
b) Pretilachlor 50% EC 2 lit ha-1 352 lit-1 704.00
6. a) Manure & Fertilizers
Vermicompost (10kg N) 750 kg ha-1 750 kg ha-1 3 kg-1 2250.00 2250.00
Urea (50kg N) 109.00 kg 109.00 kg 6.40 698.00 698.00
SSP (60 kg P) 375.00 kg 375.00 kg 8.40 3025.00 3025.00
MOP (40 kg K) 67.00 kg 67.00 kg 16.50 1105.00 1105.00
b) Fertilizer application
i) 1st top dressing 01 man days 200 man-1 day 200 man-1 day 200.00 200.00
nd -1 -1
ii) 2 top dressing 01 man days 200 man day 200 man day 200.00 200.00
7. a) Harvesting & threshing 20 man days 200 man-1 day 200 man-1 day 4000.00 4000.00
b) Winnowing and bagging 20 man days 200 man-1 day 200 man-1 day 4000.00 4000.00
8. Rental value of land 6 months 3000 annum 3000 annum-1 1500.00 1500.00
9. Land revenue 6 months 120 annum-1 120 annum-1 60.00 60.00
-1 -1
10. Interest on working 6 months 14% annum 14% annum 2113.00 2399.00
Total 33859.00 38255.00

Appendix II: Cost of cultivation treatment wise

S.No. Operations SRI Input SMP Input Rate SRI SMP

( ) Cost ( ha ) Cost ( ha-1)

1. Varieties

a) Kalanamak 5 kg ha-1 40 kg ha-1 60 kg-1 300.00 2400.00

-1 -1 -1
b) Adamchini 5 kg ha 40 kg ha 50 kg 250.00 2000.00
-1 - -1
c) Badshahbhog 5 kg ha 40 kg ha 50 kg 250.00 2000.00

2. Nursery Management (Age of seedling)

i. 10 day

a) Irrigation 1 irrigation 20 irrigation-1 20.00

1 Labour for ½ day 200 man-1 day-1 100.00

ii. 14 day

a) Irrigation 2 irrigation 20 irrigation-1 40.00

1 Labour for 1 day 200 man-1 day-1 200.00

iii. 18 day

a) Irrigation 3 irrigation 20 irrigation-1 60.00

1 Labour for 1½ day 200 man-1 day-1 300.00

iv. 21 day

a) Irrigation 4 irrigation 20 irrigation-1 60.00

1 Labour for 2 200 man-1 day-1 4000.00



Appendix III: Treatment-wise cost of cultivation

Treatment Varieties Age of seedling (Nursery management) Total Interest on Total cost Total cost of
KN AC BB 10-day 14-day 18-day 21-day working of the cultivation
capital treatment (Com. Cost +
60 50 50 Irrigation Labour Irrigation Labour (@ 14 ( ha-1) Tr. cost)
kg-1 kg-1 kg-1 ( 20 ( 200 -,,- -,,- ( 20 ( 200 -,,- -,,- annum-1) ( ha-1)
irrig-1) day-1) irrig-1) day-1)
T1 KN-10 300 - - 20 100 - - - - - - 420 30 450 34309
T2 KN-14 300 - - - - 40 200 - - - - 540 38 578 34437
T3 KN-18 300 - - - - - - 60 300 - - 660 46 706 34565
T4 KN-21 240 - - - - - - - - 80 400 2880 202 3082 41135
T5 AC-10 - 250 - 20 100 - - - - - - 370 26 396 34255
T6 AC-14 - 250 - - - 40 200 - - - - 490 34 524 34383
T7 AC-18 - 250 - - - - - 60 300 - - 610 43 653 34512
T8 AC-21 - 2000 - - - - - - - 80 400 2400 168 2568 40823
T9 BB-10 - - 250 20 100 - - - - - - 370 26 396 34255
T10 BB-14 - - 250 - - 40 200 - - - - 490 34 524 34383
T11 BB-18 - - 250 - - - - 60 300 - - 610 43 653 34512
T12 BB-21 - - 200 - - - - - - 80 400 2400 168 2568 40823

* Common cost of cultivation of System of rice intensification (SRI) is 33859/- In SRI, 10, 14 and 18 days old seedling

* Common cost of cultivation of Standard management practice (SMP) is 38255/- In SMP, 21 days old seedling


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