G.O. 58

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Municipal Administration & Urban Development Department _
y^r-:T?:]-yi-1i:rpgt, corpora-tion -. Division cr""i"I w".o"iat r,runicipar
G.O.MS.No.5B. Dated: O1.O4.2O21
Read the following: _
1. G.O.tvts.No.12, MA & UD ([4A) Dept., Dated 31.01.2021.
2. G.o.Rt.No.173, ua a uo ir,,laj o"pn., ort"a Z:.Oi-:-rizt.
3. G.O.Rt.No.222, va a uo (rrraj o"btt, o"i"J os.0;.i;ii.
4. From the Dr,4A., Hyderbad, r"it". iRo..No.i1a61AliOn:i,

In the reference 4rh read above, theDirector of Municipal
Administration, r_etangana, Hyderabad, kee;in;
issue vide G.o. ts read above, has submitted
; ;;;; th" guidelines
flnat notificatjon for division of Greater wii""l"r
p.opoi"i ioiir"rrn." or
Sixty Six (66) wards.
ilr-ni.]i""i coloo'.u,,on into

?, 3ft9. careful examination of the matter, Government have decided to

issue finaI notificarion of division or c.""i"i w"iu'nJi] 'r,,iinL,p"u]i"o.por"t,on
into Sixty Six (66) wards.

3. The followinq Notification will be published in

an Extra_Ordinary Issue
of the Telangana cazette, Dated. 01.O4.2O21.

In exercise of the oowers .onferred by sub_section (1)
the Tetangana tvtunicipa]ities Act, 2019 (Act.No.t1 of 20l9)section 6 of
Telangana Municjpatities (Division of. Municipaf read with
iLies ,niolvaf iutes, zozo,
issued jn G.o.Ms.No.12. tvuni.inat
(MA) Department, dated 30.01.2021, _Adrinti-ilon ;; il;;JJu'",or."n,
tr," co*i"_"-ni J i"i".igll" n"*uv
notify the division of Greater warangat Municipat
(66) wards as described in the Annexure Corporation-inil'sirty Si,
appended to the notification with
immediate effect.
The_C-ommrs:cioner,-printing Stationary-and
Stores purchase, Hyderabad.(with
,i"'ts?.:'j:.':,,'il,'#il:i:)o;fli;;:l jr{ffl1:::1,?":5""a"iim"ntl
The commissioner, Greater warangat
Munic,paiCoiporlli-ori,-;"aranqar or re oistrict.
The coflector and District Magistrai, w"r"
i f-tr I 'c,"iriie,r, 'ror
Coov to:- "6"
The Secretary, State Election Commission,
A.C Guards, Hyderabad.
OSD to Hon'bte t4inister for N4A & IJD
OSD to Principal Secretary to Government,
MA&UD Department.
P.Afo Secretary to Government, I4A&UD Department.
9RDER// Lt""*


secrro't oFFrcER
Annexure to G.O.Msr.No.58, MA & UD (MA) Department,
Djated: 01.04.2021.


ward Boundary DeBc.iption
1 2
This Ward consists of troGe
ho numUers covered by the respectivg .evenue ward &
Ward 2An b 2814 (P), 32,1 to 32J4, 52t1 to 5214 & 5U4 of Greater
block Nos: 2719, 27110, 2a
No,1 Wa6ngal Municipal corpo polation.
North Boundary line staas
sta trom Sy.ruo 79, of [/tucharla revenue village and proceeds
all along the vrllaage boundary line of lvlucharla trll il reaches Sy No 252 of
M1lchada Village
East Boundary Lne starts
stz from Sy.No 252 of Muchada village and proceeds along
)f Sy.No 253 & 255 of Mucharla village till it reaches boundary
boundary lne of
line of apalli
pegadapa village at Sy No 136 of Pegadapaly ullage and proceeds
further along village
vill boundary line Sy No 333 of Pegadapally village and-
oss i-he sy.Nos 410/6,396,395,39'1 till it reaches Sy.No 494 of
proceeds actoss
Pegadapally villa(aoe and and proceeds along central |ne of Nala and intersects
Pegadapally villa{a;e at H.No 28{-51 and continues all along centerline of road
via H.No 28-3'1; 171 and Munrcrpat watel tank. 2Ai-179 and then Turns lett
proceeding towa €rds centre line road till it inleracts the boundary line of
Pegadapally villa lage and turns left and continues all along boundary line of
Palevelupula rev(
revenue village till Sy No 276 of Palivelupula village.
South Boundary lrneiltarts
st trom Sy.No 176 ot palivelpula Village and continues all
Revenue boundary ot Palvelupla Viuage till Sy No 359/3 and turns
along the Reven
right proceeding
eedrno allalono centre lrne ol canal till lt reaches the road crossiflg at
Sy No 411
1 of Pa
P-alvelupuia vrllage and lhen lurns left all along the centre hne ol
reacher NH 563 at DurgaTemPle.
road till it reaches

West Boundary line itarts sl from rnteriection of NH 563 and Palivelpula village road
and proceedsi all long NH 563 till it reaches H.No 33-3411 and Turns right and
proceeds all alon along c;nter line ot road till H No 32-4-97 and proceeds all along
the boundary lin of Palvelpula vrrlage tlll t rntersecls Kakatiya canal and
/ ln;
proceeds all alonoalor center hne of cana, till t leaches 200 feet road and moves
along 200 €t
teet r;ad
r tll the bund of Bheemaram Reservorr and proceeds all
along the bund nd titill it reaches Sy.No 293 and turns right and proceeds all along
the boundary' of Bheemaram
I Village tlll it crosses the canal and meets the H No
554-1177 along ong the H Nos 554-1179 till it intersects NH 563 and tums left and
proceed along ro;enier
c( line ol road hll H No 27 9_1 and turns nght till H.No 27-9_
112 and turns ,; rroht
ri( till lhe edoe of compound wall opposite H.No 27-9'80 and
turns left till H.N;2/-1068
H.N( aid proceeds atl along sy.No's 14213 9911 10712
iill it reachesi Sy No 11211 o{ Hasanpanhy vtllage and proceeds all along the
Revenue ,qe
village boundary of rnucharla tlll Sy No 792

This WariI consists ol trouge t numUers covered by the respeclive revenue wald &
Ward 28t5, 54t1 lo 54t12 of Greater Warangal MuniciPal
block Nos r 5111 to 51/6,, 2814(Pl,
c i(,n.
No.lh Boundary line !staas from Sy No ZaB of Vangaphad village and proceeds along
the village bourndary line oiVanghapadu village till Sy.NO 356(End of GWMC
limr!9 .
EaBt Boundary rineitarts
line tiom Sy.No 356 of Vangapadu village and proceeds all
along the boundary
boun of Vanghapad Village tillt intersects 200 feet road

South Boundary linene sserfs fr6m 2OOft roao at 5! lio +Os ot vangapadu village and
proceeds alongrng the center line of 2OOft road till Sy no 568 of Vangaphad village
& turns left and frrth"r proceeds along center of nala upto Kakatiya canal
aqueduct at Sv"n-d
Sy No
I 546 ol Hanamkonda vrllage & further proceeds along center
ruyi .rarn canat lill rt reacles Hanemkonda Pegadapally road and
line of Kakatiya
o H.ruo
turns left upto H Sa-g t and then turns right and moves along centre line of
;4-3-7111 and then turns left moving all along the Kakaitya
road H.No 54-3
)ompouncl wall and moves left along the centre line road till
Univeristy Com
Lnal crossing and turns left along kakatiya main c€nal till end of
mucherla canal
sy.No.?!lo! (
undla Singaram vrllage.
West Boundary trne stans f.o.n S Nt2:t of Gundla Stngaram viltaqe & proceeds all
along lhe vrllage bould.y hne of Gundlastngaram Vr age upto SyNo of jtl
Gundtastngaram Vil'age E further proceeds along the boundary tlne of
Hanamkonda village trom Sy No 298 ltlt 364 & further proceeds from Sy No 584
of Pegadapelly vrllage and proceeds to Sy No 563 of pegadapalyvitiaae and
lntersects at pegadapally roao & fLjrlher proceeds along center of th; road
torr/-ards H No 28-5-59 and turns right proceedtng towardJnala via
I H.No,s 2B-5_
78284 1284-5A & further proceeds atong canter of nala till Syno 494 of
l^ega-d-9p9u v tage & again proceeds towards nata vra Sv No
'] 495 39'1 393,410/3 496 410i4 33-3 of pegadapaly vi age and mllts
S No 161 ot vangaptad vrtjage& proceeda a alo;g the-vi age bo;;rv
I , nne
I uptoa atong center t,ne ot nata upto Sy.No 248 of Vrnghapad; vr aqe.
This Ward consists of hous; numbe.s covereOEifre respectivelevenue
wart a
brock Nos: 4711, 4712, 47t2,4714,47ts, ast,t, tstz, i,is, inii,-iiti|liri,
G.eale. Wai.lgal Municipat Corpoaation,
l6rttr I 11e 191n0_11
r,n" r.o"., ttu po,"t ot ntersecrion peddamEgadd=a
nala ano
and proceeds atons the centre rine or r"i:ru-i ibl ,pto
I' ::i,ll."r!.311._i)
!yt\o_5JU,ol pardiDaly Revenue V,llage and proceeds atoflg lhe boundary
:l.p.jl]ol!il,l .,"y":r" ,.:s: .rlgl s79t1-to 707 and then troceeds atong ltne
oounoary xne ol Sy.r^o 50.of Kolhapela Revenue Viltage
and passes
i Muntcrpat Doundary (GWMC) along the
Sy No 50 to 103 ot Kothapeta Vrtiage.
East The bounda.y r"e sta.ts trom SyNo.iO3 of t<otriper-nevenue.ittioi ano
i proceeds along the Munrcrpal boundary r e. cWt4C boundary titi Sy lfoi+S
_ I Kothapeta revenue Vitaoe
South The uo.unqary.iqe--1tarr! rrom Sy No 349 or Korhapeta-REGnueT EiE
] iiE
I::nl:o" Sy.y 1026 oJ pardrpaly revenue vilage proceej"
uiono in-E-ort",
1083 crosses the SRSP canal and the bo;ndarv
] proceeos :r Sy-No
:9rno"1 t.om Sy No.083 to Sy No.1230 of paidrpalty revenue
I passes Vr aq; and
atone ihe bund of Kotr Tank crosses the weir oi kotr tank
alone vta oumow nale and
further moves forward
-i.". -
and-ends irf"rrni''io,, ,
] Peddahagadoa Naa 8 SRSp Lanat "q*ar"t "t
west I The boundary lne
stals kom the acqueduct r.e. (rntersect6niiER-SFiEnii
]and nata) and Dasses atong the p;doamagaoa" tn"
I rntersection of Nata and new (NH 163) 2OO,roa;. "ir" "io-"o'i"i"s

This Ward consists o, h;use numbers covered by

thc respective revenie iard &
3,etP), 3/r 4(p). rn s1e1 a vr elei .i-oiiJi'iii.is:i;r;Lp"r
North The boundary tlne slarts om cenke of Canafiear-Rio-i_Ji_aET
arong the certre hre of canal and rntersects Reddypuram
*" .*tre bridqe ail l;;;;
hne ot canar upro Bh,p;-dfiiy H,;w!; ilU;'U;
EaBt The boLrndary tine starts from the centre tiie
of roaO I UiOge;aaa HXoj_lA
4/1 and proceeds atong the centre tine of road
upto U No.S_iS-tld

South The bo^r.rndary hne stais from tne H.No 3-15 ia6
centre hne of r6id,I No-il14-_
116 39-733t2 3 7-317 3 9-85 3-9.111t1
3-7-252t1,3 7_256 s-i;_l; '- '-
The boundary trne stans tro.n H No 3_t]-16 to
100'wde road and proceeds H.No 3-14-454 to
3{-1 proce!diII63E_568 to

Thi6 Ward consists ol house numbers covircd uy rhe

W.rd respective-ev-nue wara &_-
block No6:3/10, 3l11lpl, 4t,t, 4t2, 4tJ, q4, 4t6lpl, 5r'l
No.5 Corporation.
o, Grester Warangat Municipii

Nonh T ttsiarts at H No 3-14-731 near SRSP canat Gundtasingaram

all along via canat towards parkal road canal as
] border one ward which ends al
I H No 3-14-460 near SRSp banat
Easi itt starts.at HNo3-,4.461 at SRSp CanaT Mar KU eypissload ind
straight towards Reody CoJony
road ano enos at H.No
g'_i iii
H No :-rO_s6 and proceeds att abng tlre roaO
tirt H r.to
rurns nght proceeds upto H No 3-io-277 and trrns -O-S9 anO
ret proceeos ufto ti.iJ a-o_
' 67 and takes tefr p.oceeds uDro H No 4_4sS
kothur marn roao tuhs nght proceeds atong""0
i,g-hi fi;"J;rpr"
'I H No 4.4-t 34 aldand Toves atj ;bng the road r
i"rr,r, io"i
",ii a rii"Li
tf t-f.f o.s-i-f iol-
West It starts at -'110 and moves all along the road till it touches nala at
H.No.5-1-148/2 and moves
n right along the centre line of nala trll KUC Bypass
road and takes left proceeds
Pr along the centre ltne of road till H No 3_14673
and lakes right and moves
m along cenke line of Pegadapall road till lt reaches
Road over canal at H No.3'14-747/1

This Ward consists ot houae, numboas

nr covercd by the respective rovenue ward &
ward block Nos: 5/2, t3, 5r4, 5r5, 516,5r7,srE,5/9,
516 5,lo & 5/11(Pl ot G.€atet Warangal
No.6 MunicipalCiorporation.
Norrh l eounEry-tine siarts fro; tr lnlea;cton NH-563 at H.No 5-11-255 and moves
'1-268, 51'l-14911 till lt reaches
along the centre liner of road via H. Nos.5-1
H.no.5-11-295/2 and tlums rg
i ght and moves till H No.5 11-80 and turns left trll
H.No.5-11-89/1 and tu ,rns ng-ht ria H.No.5-11-85, 5-1142 till it reaches Nala
and turns left all along lhe
l centre line of Nala trll H.No 5-1-148/2

Eaa[- ftre_ aounaary tine,sarts

star trom tt.No 5-1'148t2 and moves allalong the road till
-2-351 and
it reaches H.No.5-2-31 turns lefl till Kothur main road and turns right till
it touches Markaji schooljunction
South The Boundary line itarts
s from eovt. tvtart<4i Sctloot at HL'to +O_SS ana
proceeds towards Pu blic Garden via H no. 5s-71, 5-7-81,5 9'36 & 37, 5-9-59
and ends at 5-9-116 i e , at Old Petrol pump junction (Police Head
weat 'ts froiir
Boundary line stans fr point of intersection of Warangal-Hyderabai roa9.:ltg
Hanamkonda-Karimn€ nalar'road and moves along the centre line of road till it
reaches H.No.5-11-2555

This ward consists of House Nu mUers coverca btthe respective revenue wards
ward 5r5, 6f, 6A e 7r'l(P) of greetet Warangal municipal
block numbe,r: 6r't, 6/2, 613, 614 ,
No.7 Co.poration
North The boundary line saas sl at petrot Pump Junction al Public Gardens and
proceeds along the ce cenke Ine ot the maln road upto Govt.B Ed College where
it proceeds along the centre line of the main road tlll lvlarkazi Junction, kom
Markaz r Junction lhe Iboundarv lne oroceeds along lhe cenke line ol the
towards Hanamkonda Chowrasta along
road upto Ashoka Jun ctron otoceedrnq
the centre line of the) marn road wh;re rt proceeds upto H.No 6_730.

Bq?! ]1?!e1!!9nd!.
Eaat The boLlndary line, sraaiit
stal x l.ro o-z-ias mjin noaa uanamtronaa. Proceeding
upto H.No 3
6-5-'143 wl
where it t[rrns left and proceeds upto H.No 6-5-1'1, 6-5-12
upto H.No 6-5-44 and and the boundary line proceeds along the centre line of the
road upto i 5'1, 6-5-54
H.!9lq-t5 upto H.No 6-! 6L.-
South The boundary line sta ;t",iJ irl"Cs'-o+
oo,,noa.y,lne proceeos ato"g the
roa( uoto H No 6-5_90 ano 91/2 and lne proceeds towards
centre line of the road
the Bus stand road uPoro No o-S-sa ano bounclary llne proceeds upto
H No' 6_
4-67110'1 to Anjaney.i.r, .*".u lemDle i,rncron Ihe boundary line turn left at
lett lne
H.no 7-1 323 and nirndarv
bor |ne procelds to H. No 7 1-363 and turns
pass over the Padma imaksh,h,llok proceeds up to H no 7-1-102 and it its turns
rnd runctron where rt turns lelt and proceeds along the centre
right up to bus stand
I H rtro o-r 80 In konl ol Asian Sridevr mall and
line of the main road
along the cenhe line ( the marn road proceeding upto the
re of east comer of Ptlblic
eds along the centre line of the main road upto Ambedkar
Garden and Proceedl
Junctron. Hanamkondda
West The boundary line atard
st at Ambedka,lu;ctron on the south west corn-er of
L"""oi"g-rr""g the c;ntre line ot the main road up to North
Public Gardens Proc(
west corner of the public
Pul g;rden at petrol pump junction, Hanamkonda

wa.d Thia Wa,(I consiats of house nr[nuers ciiverea uy the respective

.evenue ward t
3rr(P), 3t8,3111, 3112' 3,13 of
No.8 block No!,t 415, 1/6lPl, 1n,4,i4, 1$, 4110, 3t3,3'5, 316,
Grgaier Ullar.ngal MunicipalCo rporation.
larth Boundary llne starts from center of road of rotrrur marn ioad;t HNo4-5{/1
alor lhe center line of road till H No 4_6 31 and turns
left trll
I and proceeds all alono ( and lakes nght
H No 4-6-67 and lu.;s
iu nqht tilt reaches HNo4-6-165
I proceecls towardsi theth( H.N;3-11 18/1/B and turns left all along the c€nter line
trllhouse number H l
i.No.3-8-1 and tr.rrns rrght and proceeds till H'No 3-7-152 and
then lurns left d
and proceeds
pr till H.No 3-7_197/8 and turns-leftand proceeds all
along lhe bqundary ol orave va'o proceeds Lpto H.No.3-6 165

g and proceeds all along center lrne of

East I Boundary hne starts toim H iro 6-re3
road trll H No 3-6-2443 and lurns right till it reaches H No3-6-19 and turns left
I all along lhe road titill H.No 3-3-253/2 and reaches
the main road at amrutha
I rre4erc!qrg!. .
proceeds all along
South starts from ArYlrutha Theater Junction and
I Boundary lne starts
ipet road
I Waranqal -KaziPet r till it reaches the intersection of Kothur Main Road at
L Matk€ji school
West I Boundary
rines starrs form l\rarkaJr Schoot
Junctron and proceed!?it-ioio thi
H No. 4 5-1 and proceeds fLnher tr tt recheas H No.4_4_i36

Waad This Ward conaisG ol hou

house numbeE (covered by tle respecfive-eve,nu-
wara &
::::i::"j 3n(p), 3/4, 3/7(p), 3/e(pt & s/16 ;r G'""t:;--!i;;;;i';,;il'i,,;
North The boundary lrne stans from H.No.3.9_165/3 to centre hne roaO g-g_iOlit
I anO
road upto H.No.3 15-261 via H No.3_4_S07,3-1_242t6tA
16-201t16 &3-
The boundary tine starts from H.tto.:-tS:Ot to centre of
the rota upto-J_1&-
272, 3-16-273_upto 3-16-280/4 atong Nata upto 1OO, ,"iae
.oaO .enii" of ine
road to 3-1-337
The boundary tine starts al ariiige to J-i_SaTitong the
centreoatlte road aM
proce-eds H No.3 1-36012t1 and further
3-.1_385/C io St-iiit21"\7_i;r6i ti
3 2-7812 moves H.No.3-2-i65
lo'lldaJy trne starts from H.Noi)_Z-rOS to a-l_r:ro-irglhe Hjaji.232
uplo 3-4$07/1, 3-4-63Ot1 3-t 265t4 3-7_. 3-7 169' 3'7-184' 3'7-19111' 3'
7-217,3-j 2go, J g-111lj, 3-86 upto 3-9 1265'

Ward This ward consists of House Numbers covered

by th. .*peciive revenleiias and
ii::i$'"Ltffi;.1Lf] ' 3t2' 6t6' 7t4' 7t3.7t2,7n1;t' zrqpr,'i .i 6ii"t",-vi'"-J"ns"r )li
al H No 3-2_165 and rts orurn nsrrr ar r no 3.r_16z92
]I 11" :"]ig-rll'l:
rne lne proceeds :l"rts
along the amutha lheator road ,p tJ H.no g-Z_20
2 2gt2;;Ji id;l- s;,i_s;iii i ",J
p,""""".l""s"ilH1 :1#il
ff::":_.,:*,:1r.,:," "n-J'finl
]H no 3-1.384/. a.d ,rl:t:^f^t:,:.!.!,: -r:
lJrns nght the bor"o, i"1
ot the road up to J j-36oand { turns rghr up to h
no 3-1_350lsn
tine proceeosfron H no 3.1 328 up t; "ijui,Jia]ii
Hanamkonda warangat road and pioceeds atong
;; l;;;;";;ri":,i
H.no 3-t-381/A
H no 3 2-78|and ,t n\oves towards the H tt-o Sa_190/i l"i ,i'0r""#01 !i
tne ce"rre-ri"eii ti"e-ioao

3_1_3ozn, j_;-&#;;;;
towards H No 3-4-r72lt to 3 t-385/C, 3-i.360/ ,/t
ot CC road and it intersect tf,e NH ioaO - ' "' -
proceeds a,org the cent.e t,ne
EaBt T!:99y."dgry tr;e starts frolh H.no.rz-roa arons
at H.no.7_z-r rars ,t pi"L1o;
r,ne of the road upro .:lg-it
H No u-a-rii ino ,r turns reft
xne upto H.No 7 8-80 & /-8.8il1 lowards
";j "";,[J
"i upto il"; ?-;_3d;;;";i
lurns righl frorn HNoT-7.307 ard rt proceeds
Kapuwada Road upto H no 7-5-70
,fong fh" fin_"- oi
South ' The boundarv I ne stans from H rr proceeJs ai6ng- thE-boiidary
jlffJ"* Hirlloc( uplo H.No 7 lyl5_-]q,a.nd
2-3 and ir rurns rsht up ro i","nr,i!i-i"ipr"
i "
West The.boundary hne sta,li tr6m 111,1o 7 2-02 and trl|e proce;ds-rpto bus stand
r." ir*""i. jiI"I
road vra antaneya swary tempte
tunction, n ruo z.zoo
the centre trne or machiti uazai roao upto
il.No ? 3€a;;;-r;;;-";;ff;;;:li:
tares refl p;ceeds upro H.No 7-8-j32 and
:ll:jl: i:llrl]-"jg
proceeds upro H No 6 5 sa ano
tares tefl anJiio"";;-"
;;" ;'""1:s:;:?";X
take nghl proceeds upro H No 66_32 rouch;ng joo,
road and rakes tet proceeds atong the ;jil.iJ"a""#l""li
cent; ;; ;ilil ffiilih:j
lunctton. "f
r,, tpt. 7n @, 1 sti : iii: ;#i ;il';; ;;f.T';::T:lf ,X",Sj
Tle,Boundary trne sta.ts trom rhe rntersection pornt
of Nata ind-kuE 6iEss
ln^e peddammasadda il"r"
:"""j,.".:,:,::- rrnr,.r. ;","" iilp,c!."i.i
and trave,s atons .:::r^ c";;nJ ;;;;
the s-Rsp d;;d"ffi:,]"rli:1."il:i
The Boundary ,tr,E sLdr$ fro;
line starta rron rne
the tntersectron
intersectron oojnr
Aulonag_ar Road_ and rrave.s dowlwards
o, spqD F;;i;
point of
SRSP C,nal naaf and
atong the 80, h BT i;;;.;fff;:
""_p*"J*"ri Jr"iipi,ii
lflll:"1#I:.:?", aions,ni
orr,ce ons r," c'Cioii
and, travers,r-ojce.and^passes lil ;, ffi J
"i# # Jfl i.,l' ;oYT"T:
fl ji::""ifl i;".:,""l:LI"X::#i,,":",ffi",T.";,nm:ln:",._
Hospttai and tuhs teft at Cure wel ;tosprtal house
rurther travets atorg tt e center tine beanng ;;.;;f;;S ;i;
ol c'C Road ,,a I no."rS_ljo- anJ,o]nl
*J:;:1"1'",',1:fl"i:l"#l'::f#:". m[: ;iiii
trne or svN Road connectrng bwruc s"io olrt" iii"ir"l.-."
i,"1"'r9.tfii,,ai"i#u.";!:?"i ffi 't1*J."::: ffili?:J.Hi"':",":
colnectrns H.No. i54.364
i.e , megl1g point ot potnana i"oal
and e;oi"l i ""-
-tt,e AoLrnOirline starts from H.No. 15-4 486/A at Pothana nagar road and
kavels along ihe bund ot Badrakali Tank and passes funher along the end of
Badrakali Trnk and ioins Dhobighat and ends at Narsimha Swamy Temple
ftre goundary rines sEras from rliiiirmna iwamy temptelassing ttrrougfr
Kapuwada smart road Junctron & proceeds along the cenke line-of road-upto 7-
7-iO8/1 towards the H.No 7S-179 upto 7 8-1 towards 7-7'229 uplo 7-7'105
main road and proceeds along the centre llne of road upto Nla and centre line
of Nala uplo H. i\o.3-16-290/D lowards Aiara Hosprtal & proceeds along cenke
line of road upto interseclig! goilt 91989? y{4h ryl-.i

Ward rrris wia-nsists of house nurnbeEioverca by the iespoctive rGvenue ward &
No.l2 btock No5:11/28(P), 22t2, 2213, 2214, 2215, 2216, 22n & 2218 of Greater Wa6ngal
Municipal Corporation,
North irre uounoirv rinE atarts from Sy'69n-8 of l\rattewada Revenue .village and
.i"-"""4" tne Sv.no.sr, 79 and rntersects lhe nala of Kot'a Tank and
iran"r "[io w"ringal to lrulugu Maln road and further proceeds along the
Nala and ioins wrer ol iola Tankand proceeds along lhe bund ot Kota Tank
iurtne, tt'e oorrnOary llne intersects Deshaipel Revenue Vlllage starling with
Sy.No.77 and ends at Sy.No.24 of Desharpet Revenue village'

East -ne oounaaflrine stirts irom sv.ub.zl ot oesn-ipet Revenue v]l]as:,"1q

ijnier tiiJ"t" snii canat ana proceeds along the svNo'ls' 14 of
road lrom
oesniroei nevenue vittage and lulher proceeds along cnetre line of
HNo2i 445lo22-3-2oo vla H.Nos 22 369 & 22-3 185
South i[,e uornaa.v rinelta,tstrom H Ho.Zs-200 and proceeds-along centre line ol
io"o ,pto i. fuo.zz-z-slz via H>nos.22-2-18 22-3-221 ' 22-3-204 and lakes left
turn and proceeds along boundary line of CKM college payground and
ioo; HT line r;ad upto point of intersection of SRSP canal and
vra cKM collecge
irtlo tal oorno"rv line of D;shalpet Reverue Vlllage proceeds
irnciion. U tlo.tf-zSi-at5/D and connecls SRSP canar and along the
t"ntre fine of SRSP canel and plns the compound wall of rau/ water
trouie anO proceeOs along the centre line of 50' master plan road upto
H No.1'1-28-239i
weJt The boundary line surts from H No 11 28_239/1/1 and proceeds along.,the
,jf road upto Hno11 28-34ola a.,d takes left tum andline then
ii-"-0,.i" ,ior,t tr. i No 1'1-28-340/1 and
""r,tr".'f,"" proceeds along the centre ol
,o"J-rpro H"lfo 1r28-3a1l4 and takes left tLrrn upto 11-28 325 via HN-os'1.1-
2;-325 and then takes right turn and proceeds along the centre line oJ DMHO
centre l'ne of SRSP canalthen taKes-flghl
OtfEe road and takes left turn along-Revenue
trin Nlattwada village boundary upto sy No'78
"nJll.o"""ot "fong
This Wafu consists oi'house numbers covcred by the respectivc roYenuG waid
Uiocf Uos:ZZr & 11/23(P) ol Greater Warangal Municipal Corporation'

North ihe boundarv llne starts from CKM College lunctlon and proceeds along the
centre line of 100' HT line road E takes left turn & proceeds along the bounary
oiCk'ia'Corr.S" pr"V ground & later takes a nghtlurn near Govt'^Primary Health
cente, pr;ceeoi itong the cenlre line of road upto H'No 22-3-200'
rne u6iinaarv line starts trom H lo2z-i-zoo along the centre line of road &
co;nects the'l10' wide road (along the eleckical tower road) at Penthacoasth
Cf,rrcf, further proceeds along the centre line of CC road (that connects
"nO Dassrnq vra H No;.22-1 146/A1i2. 221-1431313. 22'1'1441c
frrth", *nn""t" thi sv t'to oOt ot Desharpel Revenue Village'
South ifre uounOirv line starts from the Sy.tl-sot ana pa ses glonS the bund of
Chinnawadd;pally Tank and takes a left turn at Sy no 264 of Oehslpet revenue
vittage and pioceeds along the road and connects Tilak road iunction at
H.n;.11 2o-277l1 via H.Nos. 11 23'1928 ' 11-23-195911 and takes a left ium at
H N;.11-23-1910 and immediately takes a left iurn at Shadrkana and
along the cenke ltne of CC road via Bharath Gas godown and tums right at
H. N;s 11-231 171 and connects LB Nagar park via H no11-23-125o'
1243 and takes left turn at LB Nagar park and proceeds along the centre line of
road upto H.No.11-23-1287 & further proceeds along he centre line of the road
upto H.No.11-24 330/1.
West The boundary lrne starts from 1'1-24-330/'1 and proceeds along-th"- 9ol]'9-"-n:
ot iocframmimaidan to CKN4 college road via H Nos l 1-23-'1672, 11-23-1719'
11-23-23101lt,11-23-2384 and loins CKM College Junctron
Ward This Ward consists of house numbers covercd ty ttre respective revenue ward &
No.'14 N.o.?, 46t,t,. 46t2, 46t3, 46t4, 46ts, 46t6, 46n, iAo, lsrS,
Greater Warangal Municipal Corporation,
+elrO, 46h1, 46112, ol

North boundary rrne stats tom the interseclion of road and SRSF ca;al
uy No.t / ot Enumamuta Vilage and continues along the centre line
canal and proceeos towarOs lasl Ihrough the bouioary trne
of tfre ,eren_ue
SyNo70.7t, tb 79 u a4 85,86. si, 88, 89, 90, ds 9/;;-i;;;;;];
Hevenue vrtage and th boLndary ltne ,ohs at H No 46-6 134 anO furthei
proceeOs towards east atong the house
bearing No 46 6_ 12a 466_9g l and th;
oounoary lrne Jotrs al Neerukulla .Oad and turlher proceeds
towards east alon;
H No4B_s_188/5s, ae.s-reersz
al [4ojiticherla road. ""0'o.*o"yi""ljil
tine starrs along the centre
tne t\rogiticheda road and turns teft
connec,ng ue road o,Reddypatern x roao pass,ig vra
i"i;rt J"";" il;:i'
Katpatatha cotd srorase. H i.jo 46s_9/B A,i;;;d
a;".y i;il ;:#;
Elumamuta revenue irlase and en;"
:!lg]T :-y31 I56 ?,.
Lqrumamuta Revenue Vr aoe "iC;-^dt6 ;j
South I The boundary rrne slads t;om Sy No 1s9 and
lorns the f num:Em-iETevEiue
] connectrns".1"9
1ss or.-Enum;ura neu"n,J virr"le
from H No 46. 16-141 rru n rrro rS_z-i7B at
junciion and p.oceeds downwarc,s connecting H;;i#"T."1;;
passrng vra H Nos46-1.1 t?,46.j1-71 ana
H No;5_;-9si ffi;r;"-;ffi:
lorns H t{q aO-r 1-.tOOn
l,:h.l""llj*ano16at H 160/4
ano proceeds rowards Jpwards "riJUi"l
H No{6-11_;;;
No 11-18 35/ turns nght and connects "tu r.ro.rr-ro_gsilj
tne bundary ,ine turtner p.oceeds upwirds at HNorr-rA-s!i
proceeds downwards
Road at H No 45_7_;75 at Katimatha
connect,ng H No45_/-995
HNos46-11-12 46 r171 and ir,"; ;ig;t,;";;;o 1;i;
torns H Noa6-1._160;l ;";'ttl#;;,';;
H.No46-11 160/a ard proceeds iowaros upwarOs
passes vra H No46_.12 .184 and at H
,;-r; i;, ;;::ii;i;'.:;
No.1i 18 3S7 tr_. rldt
H_No 11-18-358/3. tt-e oounoary jtne luriher proceeds ;J;;;;
upwards at H No.1t-lB_
358/L 316 ,6 n. Korrhngata iemDte road anO rurtnlr piJil.'i#;;;
vrvekananda cotony ar H No .l 1.18s18/c
and ar H r.r" ,r r -te:sioii
ngit and connn.res at HNoil-18595/C anO tunner proceeOJ ""j,iirr,il
I^"]l l"r-l:,.",,J.,Joves
I Xunott'rc'tilz["a6;:;;",;;""'"
rorward ro
ru nr\o'rr-rd-rzuJ/3
lorns Mogrtrcherta
and oasses via
road (Kashrbugga Road) at
. H.No.46-5 76
west rhe boun,ary line passes atono_the nala oI chinna waddepa y
tank stlaning
lrrom HNo46-5-/6 and p.oceios arong lre vr,rage ili"irJ i-"rijj.r,"r
] Desharpet ano passes ato,rg the cenrre rr-ne ot roao ira i.i.i." iz.rlii,"it zr-
' 1 146tA1t2 connecirng the En.:mamuta HT tine road or i""Iiini",
passing throush rhe desha,oet road from trii,io:L
H no 22-3-300.t" il ir".)i-5ii,lro
I Joins the intersector porlt oiSRSp canat and Kutcha road

No.r5 brockN_os:ant,isi,iii,iiiil;iiiii^",i;,::g"il,:l;r',i,iE:xl;:.12ru;olil
creater Warangat Municipal Corporaiion.
North Eounaary trne stans ?on tne d.No 4g{-169
I Mogttrcharta vrlaqe boundarv lrne t'"'
and proceeds atono tt"-
the sv' No' 527 of Mogili;harla up to lhe
eno"or sy ri6'riu'"t"r,""n]i"-i"li"l
- ,
or i/os, cFarra and proceiG abns
I the.Mogiticharla v,tase eor.,n*a'.y up io-si x6:;;"?
tJ:f:gT::d. ffi;;"il"?ffiffi,jr::o
rhe v,tase boundary ti"e r.o.n rh;"s;
] ","1s
r .rp to Sy No 43i ot pothurajupa N;l-20;:i.
lourn I ::,nrl"Jr4" r
tsounda.y t,ne starts from Sv No 431 of pori,,,,.i,,".rI ana
o-3]-ol.Potlrra;upatti -^, procelG-tong
^. ^^-:_-_ -i_ he
I v,,adp h^,,hrrj^, ,^-
vrrase.boundary uo .^
r,ne ,,^ ,.. no
ro iy -- ir s oi pitn-,2;;;li
along the.gorrekJnta vr,tage oounoary from Hilhl".Hl*t J"
uorrekunla vr age and rurther proceeds along
sy. ,io :aa Lrp to Sy NJ iiioi-
towards lhe Co-ekunla-LnJnarnuta Junctron f
the centei.t,ne 6t g Ro-ai
anO funner procee-As aLiitne
ot tt'" un,,anula 'loo feet road ends up
iffi "n" to sy. no. roror goriir-nt"

::^1111?ll"-:,fl. ftm tre sy. no. r o r or sorrerunta virrase a;d furtrer

proceeds arons rhe v,a.rse uo{,ioa,y r,ne;n"d-;ii'ii,J
leet road towards the Redoy patem up ijyi""lll,jllJii," ,oo
and,lurther proceeds atong the center t'ne
to H No 45_6_ j83 ;i; i.ti;;]ils;;
of th" r.o"o ,p,o i fil,ti-O'.iSiii,f.
!y. jo
no %o,,ijt:-*::"::ed^s
4s1 to sy
abrs lne mosrrcl,a,u ,rug!
qzz or mo[1rrc41ralros qp,J rr-],i1i"i:il6
i"i,"jlilii ;,1?

Ward This Ward consasts of house numbeE


1;rfi ii#tt?i#;mffi;
3;i:#fr :*liit jif#il.rti,,,"fi
Boundary Iine startafrom H.No:45-7-755 and proceeds along the center line of
80 feet road and along the village boundary line ot ihe Gorrekunta from the Sy
No: 131 to Sy.No:'161of Gorrekunta via H No:45-7-900 & H.No: 45''14'29 and
further proceeds towards Gorekuntia- Enumamula Junction along the center line
ofthe road and proceeds along center line of the road towards the janpaka up
to sy.no 505 stambampalli vtllage and turther proceeds along the village
bou;dary line up to sy.no 522 of stambampalli village and proceeds along the
Dharmaiam village boundary hne from Sy No 567 of dharmaram village and
further proceeds along lhe vilage boundary line up to sy. no. 247 ot
gounaaryGJstaas nom the sy.No: 247 of Dharmaram village and proceeds
along th; vrllage boundary llne up to the Sy.No. 322 of Dharmaram and
Railway track
South Bffiri* at"na rrom the sy.Nl-22 of oharmaram ina nartway tracr and
oroceeai anno tne villaqe bou;darY lne Dharmaram village boundary line up
io Sv. No 467 ;f dharmairm ano proceeds along the center line of the
Nar;ampet road encls up to Kattamallana lunctron & H No 45'7_1 136'

gound"ifline stads from the H No 45-7 1136 and proceeds alongthe center
tine oftnl Gorretunta road up to 2oo feet road and further proceeds along lhe
center iine of tne teet up to H.Noi45-'12-420/2H and ftrrther proceeds
io,"iia" H.r'lo +s-lz-qoo and further proceeds along the center line olthe
roed uo lo H No 45 12-577 ard further proceeds towards H No: 45-12_573
anJtuiner proceeOs towards the H No 45-12-569 all along the road and further
oroceeOs toral.O. tnrramula lOO leel road and fJrihe'proceeds along lhe
i"nt"r t'n" ot tn" enrlnanLla 1OO leet road up to lhe end of H No:45_7_755'

WBrd ffris WaE coniilta ofhouse numbers coverca oy te respective rer'-enue ward &
No.17 ii."r'tlo", iilr. rzrz, !7t3,3tA,3at2' 3aB, 1'trt, tttl, tttz, t'tu, a2J1, 42t2' 66t't ' 66t2'
Ctir, eell, eos ip) of Grcater warangal MuniciPal cotPo6lion'
North ih6 goundary lineltarta from th; center of the road at H'No'66-5-76 ends
pio-""-"0" ;ong th" lrne of the road up to H'No 66-4-101 and
H.No. 66-4-101. "enter
proceeds towards
The Bounoary hne starts tom tl^e H No. 66 4_1Ol and lurther
in" L,r""i ir""l al syno. 548 of Dupakunia and interse-cts a.nd furlher
. line up to Sy No: 814 of
village boundary
-it.-""rJ "li -a"a Dupikunta
"r""s-thi all along thevasanthapur village
ar".r.r"i" ,'rrioi tr-,riner proceeds
i.i"l"* r'"" fiJ. Sv.No 97 r-rp io Sy No 123. and lurther proceeds all-along
78 and
[" d"Oli"p"ff, vrttage oourdary lne'from lhe Sy No'22 up lo Sy'No:
line from the sy'no'
irrttr.i pioi"eos arr-"rong the tiollikunta village boundary
138 ends up tqsy]ro:321
Th"-B-ai".y il* sbrts rromthe sv. No: 321 of B-ollikuntl .y]!1-e-.T9
sY no' 458 and rntersect the
t'" boundary'trne uo lo
"ri""Ii. "rii""o ano "rLqe
knamma Hrghwai continuous all along the vlllage boundary line ends up lo
the Sy No:479 ol bolikunta village
-Boundarv lne starts from the Sy. No: ot aolhkunta vrllage and
wist I he
h".;;;;is;;;"y ,l; i
tn" ,rllage boundary line yp '79
tli,, ar+-lsi
i"-4-'g,? alons the villase
lorno"r.u li^i, rrp to sy t'to. 83 or bollrkunta vrllage and Iurther er9c99ds- ?l]
I"^. ,nJ C"co",Lri, ,ilLqe boundarv line from the sv No:217 up to Sv'No 285
;; iui"; co"trnuo.,s ir
along the Dupakunla village boundary line up to
lr-Hol iras of Jrp"krnravillage;nd lurlher proceeds all along the cenler Ine Ine
of the uo to sv no 457 ol dupakunta vJlage and lurther proceeds towalos
rair*"v i.irin
along ihe center 'lne of
interests anc continuous
towards the narsampet road gnd at L!.!lolq6-ry6

Ward consisE ol
This ward rrouriiiumters ioverea 6y tht re3peclive-rwenue ward &
No.1E iiJir rirz, r 'tit, t'rrt, 'r'rrs, 'r'rrs,'tttl, 16,8(P) & tGh2 or Grcater waransal
ilunicipal corporation.
-he Uounaary tine-tarts from HNo 11 7-70 and proceeds towards
i.No.ii-ei 'ri" t1.no' 11-7-37 along centre llne ol road and11-5-46,
ir,"'i fl".r i-q-l solB aong the cent;e line ot road via H'No
trrtf,", p.c;eds towads 200 feet road along the cenire line of
I road v'a H.No.1 1{-19OlN1 & I 1-1'2251F.
proieeos atong
East I ir'" o*"J"ty [n" .turts from 2oo'eet roaa and ""!11"]l'19-of
i"iai"ir"ioJritt"riri;na temple road after its intersectron further
iowarOs g.f'lo.f l-f-land naasarnpet road and further
proceeds along the
proceeds towards lhe
t"ni," t,n" ot n",."rpul road lpto H No.16_12 203 and rarlway
16-12-202 upto the
Liiwiy tracx arong cdntre Lrne of road via H.No
The boundary hne starts from the Cenkal line of railway Track near H.No.16_
l2-?q? and prlgeeds along the raitwal llack upqthe near bv H.Noj 16_8_518
The boundary tine starls from nartway tract
tne near ty HXd16-{-51g and
proceeds a,ong central hne of road towards the H No..16,8_534 and fudher
proceeds along the center rne of the road up to H.No. 16_g-570/1
and further
proceeds along the cerle'ti1e o, the road up to Narsampet
Road via H No 16-
8-234/4 and lunher oroceeds atong centre hne of Narsampet road upto
H No.l 1-6-20 and proceeds towards H.No.11-7_70 via 1tl7-49lA
aton; cenke
llne of the road

This ward conEisb of houee numbersiovErLoEy ttre rcspecilve
brock Nos:1 1,8, r 1/s,,r j no,,t1t13,,t,lJ14, ,t.l,ts, tuia,
Municipal Corporation.
i ti iri ii 6.."r"iJv-"ing"r
Nonh rlom H No 11-iB .1228 proceeds atong centre trneiiro;d
towaros H No :p1:
Ll"rld_"?.lli" 1- -18 1 130/A a1d fl,rther proceeds atong
th; center line ot th;
lowards the H No 11-'8 1201. and turther proceeds along the
center Ine ofihe
.oao towards H
No , - t8-575/2 and funher proceeOs atong tne center tine
rne,roao towards H No 1,-18.571/r and 60 feet road. vra
A No 11-.1g-573;nd
further proceeds towards the Enumamuta 100 feet roaa
afrarong the ceni[;i;-e
of road via H.Nos 1i -18 358/E, t.j,.t 8_356 & .t 1_18_11O/A,/2.
The bounoary t,ne slals from fnumahula ioo leet road
and oroceldiEtoni
No i 13 of corekunt" ,,rr"g" irnr,"iiio'"i"i"
::lH]'f_"-tl:"9 ::!gsyatong centrat
towards H.no 11-B 209/4 N;;si;;i:;:ff;"s"
trne ol road;t-a"i ""0
and funher proceeds rowards the Narsampet roaa
att atong centrat tine oirold
vra H No's 11 9-3 t t-9 32
The bounoa.y hne.rom t4e Celter trne of Narsampet roao
near bv H-No'iiE
2o.andpro-ceeds a,t atong centre trne of road upt"'V;"i;ir;;":,r;;i;;
H.No.11-15-30. ;#-
The boundary tile starts from H.No. t i -15-3;*"d"
along centrat line.of road upto Kashibugga Junction
tn" H no t t]ril
further proceqd-1ioward. H r.:o r r _te-r1'zA
of r.;J ,iiJ
"rr "rong ""ntr"ii;"
H.Nos 11-17-235 11 18-927,1t-181062, t1.18_iija
upto H.N;.ti:e:tiza
Ward Thi;.w-ard conrists othouse numbeIs covered
ty thL respective riven;a ward &
No.20 block No5:'t't/,t9 ,1tl20,ilt21 t 11tzz
lpl .r c;;6, G;;;il;;;;:;tilH;"".
No.th Bounc,ary line starts from theSy No 9 of Laxmtpuram vr age Chrnna
Wadoepali tark correr aro nei. oy H tto t t.z)_ztz
lvlogilcharta 100 leel road a[ aton; the La xmipu.am
ano i,roceljs iJwaros -
vrttage boundary |ne up to
H No.11-20638/t
East Boundary line starts fron lhe center hne of
the mogrt,cf,an6 1636 ng6;;iN;
11 3!.uY
22-265, :*o;:"::ds
via H.No t1-19 iOO
ar,_arons the cer,ter i";";,
tr;;;;;;;iiii"f i;:
Boundary trne stans lon H r,,lo HNo t , -22
Z6S unO pro""uO"
center lne ot the roao rowards H No. t r-ZZ-r re It.
"tt "lo*
the center lre of tt e .oao towards up lo H
No ,|
Weat aoun*arv rine,Ctarts rrorE"tE, rr.iri;"
iJ;a;iti,,rt#r r-z rO
pljj:^9:^1i!?19 th"^:enter iine or the road towards th; sy. N;.
Laxmrpuram vrlage ci,r"" wroo"f i"*'Jo,i".
",ra ;;i',-
212 via H.No Il-ZZ-B3Af 61t-zo-zi-ttt
"iri -i ii"Jl"y,i.",l,", r _zr_

Ward This Ward consiats of house numbeh.cove.ed

by the respeciive revenl-ward &
block Nos:,t1122(p) & .ti/23(p) ot Greater war""g"r
ilu"i"ip"i6.i;;;#;:',"= ".
North fTha BoLrndary iine starta fram H.No.1t-23,1035 pocha;;Im;idan
Marn road and oroceed-s atong tr,"
H-Nol-1-23r330,v,a d Nos 1t:23_1049 and di"" r"riirin "*tr" il No. r r"_ii_rlze
11r,li:r-T"S:0.". ,;,^j-r
"]ongzo,, and proceeds i; "i
centre tine of road upro H No rr-zs-tiia
I ;:;:::^":: :ly i
tiake ,ght turl at lB Naga. p"*
upto H.No.11-23_126s and rurther
p.oi".jsiiodil ;;r;;;;;" :'i'i.,;
Nasar park upro 11 ?3-1244 via "na
proceeds upto
proceeos uoto 11 23
1 1 2 3 .1168/1
t. 6Bt 1 tater
tarer takes
H No r r_zr_ir osJA.a;
rakes a teft turn ana
and enas !;ali ih;;a.""-
ends at Snaa.i itrana.-
East I The Boundary trne stads
frolh Shadrkhana and connect;Trta-I;r;na
r,ne or road iir-.-r.-.o";;;i&:rG
]' ?1":::j".-:]::n-::1,:e
130 aad takes a reft ru.n and proceeds -nn""i"
"nor;" i,ili.
a.righl tJrr et r,No1.22-122 and further
ri"" liiil= ##,;il"",';*?
H No 11 22 265t'1
"""t;" f.r"gi,[-h"n;',i"jl"li
South The Boundat trne srans trcm H.no t1-22 26bn
and proceeds abn! tEE-EnrrE
hne of Mogthchera road Lpto Kash bugga
WeEt noarline itartJrrom Xashibugga Junctron and proceeds along centre line
of Kash abugga to Pochammaidan road upto H.No '1'1-23-'1035.

No.22 onsista of house numbeE covered by the resPective revenue wBrd &
This Ward consls!
1l23lPl, 11124, 11t25lPl, 11127 &'11t29 ol Greater Warangal unlcipal
block Nos 11123(P)
Corporatio l._
North The uounoiry
bor Ge siarts from H No 11'2941/1 and proceeds along 50'filter
roa and travels along centre line of SRSP canal and takes right turn at
bed road
o.158, 184 of Deshalpet revenue village vra H.Nos l1-29'3/5/8 upto CKM
qe jiunction at H.No.1'1-29-2lB/1.

east I rouna".V fne starts from cKu college lunction at ri.ltott-zs'Ztait ana
he bor
proceededs towards Pochamma Maldan in along centre line of 80'wide road via
H.Nos I 1 -29-1 1 12, 1 1 -29- 1 51 1 t A, I 1 -29 21, 1 1 -29-21 5, 1 1 -24 -94' 1 1 -24-1 1 5
upto '1'1 -24-328 & takes left turn at 11_24-328 and proceeds along the centre
line the road lpto H No.1 1-23 1234viaHNos.'11-23-1497 11-23-1287 '

South The bou na-ary ii,ii staas it H.nor t-x-l-zgl ana proce os aong ttre centre tine
,o ,"
of road ri.ru"i.rr zi-rzzg, 1\-23-122711and takes left turn and proceeds
th centre line ol road hll it connects lGshibugga to Pochammamaidan
along ihe
roi via H.Nos.11-23-1052 & 11-23-139oiA & lurther proceeds along the
main road
centrer Itine ot KashiUugga-Pochammamaidan road till Gopal Swamyiemple
ion at H.No.'1 1-25-148.
Wo"t fhe UounJary tineitarts from Venu Gopat Junction and procEeds along the
centre tine
li oittero"a and takes rght turn near H No11-25_171 via H'Nos 11_
25-161, "I11 25-155 and lakes nqht turn al near H No 11-25_'171 and proceeds
th centre hne of the roaa and takes lefl turn near H No'l1-27-117
along the
proceed the centre line of the road till rt connects 80'wide auto nagar
io"o it"f""gil-zzlo and further passes along the centre line of 80' wide
road at H.r.ro
."d and takes left turn at H No.11-24-184/1 androad proceeds along
AUto li"gi,
euto NI
(Raw water
the cenl of rn" .xisting cc road till it connects 50'wide
trousel passing via H Nos 11 24-183/1,
pump hr
ptrmp 11'29-42' 11-294111'

nsiste ot trduse numutrs covered by the respective tevenue ward &

Thb ward consisl
ward iitil, t1|?:e?l, tltzatP) & 11/30 of Greater warangal Municipal
block NoE:'l'l/25(P
North bounda, line starts from H. t',lo t i -ao-as2 and proce:tlt LtlS-*itf.ll:
Thea bo
of road ii-iojr3/2 and takes nsht turn upto H'No 11-28-34-0-then
takes k ;;L H No r'.za-:ar and tak;s nghl turnMaster
upto H'No'11-30-312
Plan road upto
tal i"n tJ. and proceeds along centre
and i"["" line of
HNo'1''1t-ia-zzstl via H'Nlos.11-28 2011, raw water pump house at H'no"l'1-
East The ioundarv
bc line stans frorr 1'1-28-22911 abLtlrng to 50'wide road
t'or""t and the centre line of exstng road uplo
water,, orao
proceecis along
1 H Nos 11-30-1/2, 11'24'183t1 and boundary
line of 80'wide
tu i.l\lo.lr -za-l a4l1 and proceeds along lhe centre proceeds
auto ni and takes left turn at H No.'11-25-725l1 and
the ."nti"
cer r;* ot tf," road lrll H No 11 27-1'17 via H Nos 11-27-253
tu ri Ho r r-zz 11l adnproceeds alonq lhe centre lne of the till
H No.1 "i rr,tn", tares irght turn lill ionnecls
rt Pochammaidan MGM

Hospital!&lin "ii
South The ;"r;a"l.v ri";
b('iastriO'ugga from H No 1i-26-17 ano q99-9as along the centre
Lne ot "u*
to lvlei./l Main road upto H No.l1-26 228'
west ln; atartafrom H r'lo r t 7o-zza and proceeds lI:
lr" ir-zo-r38 and takes righl lurn and proceeds ":iE
I The boundary
br 91"1S,
of r."rJr"i"'H
roa along the
,"J"r, i,"" Govl Eve Hosprlal uptoHNol'-262l9andtakesleftturn
loor.,no "f
o_i i".oi.rong
andI Pl of Ioad and connects auto nagar Junctton and takes
I right t """tr;,
pa"l"o" centre lrne of Auto Na-g-ar lo DMHO offic€ road
"no "long
J vra H.lNo 11-25-975 E 11-30-445/1 upto H No.11-30-492

r.sioG? t ore" nrmU"rs covered by the respectivc 'evonue ward and

Thg ward consial
iin, tttz, tztt, ttts, 13t6, 1317,'t318,1212, 1213 & 1214 ol Gteate'
it-, l:
block Nos.13I1,
nicipal CorPoration
proceed toward-s Nalsampet
t'torttr ftt stans
start at Mclll Circle near H No.13_!_146/2 and
w.rd Dy, co\ i l\".f3-: 156 and 13-4-175 ends at H.No 13-4-'179 near MGM
No.2,l ""r",i"g
,t" fl r'r;.ra-n-rzg.no procee? tow.rds Bommalagudi road road and takes
Easi lt starl
"t proceed towards Yellam Bazar takes
I nght irin
tr H.rlo.i:-slo rr.om ihere
lefl lurr." "i rv".izlio Ramalayam from there moves towards Pinnavarr
"iii ""ir
I Slreet and ends at H No.12-2-179
SoutF It starts at H No '2 2.170 near prnnavan Street ard proceed-iowniowiiiE
Battala bazaar road frorn moves VenkateshwaE Swamy temple laXes eft ium
at H Nol24-75 and takes right turn at H.No..1Z+-gO from theie moves towa;i
Battala Bazar and ends al H.No..13-1,93 near Battiala Bazar road.

It staJts at H No 13 1 93 and moves towardi eVWtb roaO Oy-overing-

Frre.Staiion and H No 13,1-163, 13 3-52 ends at near H.No i !_3_146/2-aiMGM

The Ward consists of house numbeE covered by the rcspective

nEvenue ward and
1413, .tcn,
14ts, rats, fuq ils,-'c,i i'-#;tL",",
:p1_]-:".:11l1r,lrlrr ..14t1,
ULr q!9. I M u nici pat Colporation.
tCrttr- rin" I r,:o. t_rOt near r,/|C noioino proceeo towaras
| 111.U-iiurya; "Lrr" "t
Pochammamardam passng vla HNo14-1_123 1;-i-1,8-;;;;;i
Pochammamatdan Junclon near petrol pump. ""d
Ward It stans ;t pochammama,adan petrol
near pump and proceed 6rrds
No.25 .oad oy cove-ns the H.No..t4_5s4
Vivekananda Junior dottege ne-ar t-i.t/o t4 8_zoz
at CnarOouiicrols ioj.
ll starts_at H No t4-B 2Ol .ntersectton pornt o,
Narsampel ro;d proceea-down
toward Charbou I .oao by cove.ing H No t4_7_13A g_O:r
a Lir-S_Z--i;
ttiiins? n.lto g z-is ano moves towaros n.r*o=a*-ffi
""0 "t
proceed to H No 14-3 1i8 trom thetr
moves towards MGI\, ,o"O U,
Bommalagudiand end at H No t4 .t_t04 near MGIu road "ou"ino

This.Ward consists of house numbers

by the respective revenue waad &
brock No6:9/1, 9t2, 9t3. st4. 10/s. 10/6 ror,
Greeter Warangal Municipal Corporation.
rOE, r6ls, r Ori il i-ojii i;il;;ir3
North "f
lThe boundary tne sials ar H No9.5_79 and rroves towards atf;l;na the
I :1*:^,1:.,::9 :i:
H No s 2-16711, e.2_si, ro-s-oo qrru crrus
I Cross road near Narsampet road ""0-"
cL unarooull li H"t*r,
Ward ."", at charbouh Cross road .rear H No.l otljjT-aM-
, :T,j":1lo:,1-,,"e
moves att atong l.e -sans
NarsanDet .ra ,r" x"sntrlga
H No 10-13-249 near Narsampet road lr;;i; ;;f;;j""';,i
**' *{.*:l;"]f" l;;vra;,rT,
I Grrma,rper Bod.ar
ff.! i-"f o.13.)4s and movei io*" Gwards
x Nos.ro-ri-_:r-s. ;01;:;"5: ;?iJ:y[;
+r.No. o-4, os,n""
H,):,ll-l _-r"?.-"::,:ves
Radhrka rhealre and eno en";ih p"d pi,;p j;l,iRil;*"'

ar,ii"'i"[i asnl rcwar.s
at"terrarath pritror p,rmpipr,r ii*o:;o;;C"
to Pochamhamaidan Junctron road and end at H.No.9-5,79

This Ward consist6 of house numbers

l,* llhlfi jlli', ffi:1'J:ffi 11.:?H",r:1 #:,',?,'( ff *""t::#il#fu-

North ' Ji"n"-rr'g
It r.f" 1o-t .8 and n

H-No. 16-7-98/2 rhen .roves
u,o"! t-r.," l"-"t* ;=; :1"i:i"""#:i,::"1":i
prerrnum Jubrree scnoo,
"r, ar No.16-8-zr z *"iL"ooriC,,'oiy
and ends _-, _r,vv vvrvrry IJ"-d.",
East I tt starts at H No 16-8 217 Cotony Narsimpet noidaid iores
r.w,..i. ,., No 16-8 226 r,om tner.taies
I towards.H
takes teh turn towards .airway track and
,b;i;;Hil!:l i:%.d;rlil::
- - --- .,,",,
eids at H No t6-8-Sri-
It starts at H No 16 g-51/ lear Rarlwav Tr
moves a-wn
".,,^^, i"ir"i-r)ffi;
1ne. or warang"r x".,p"i .^;,...-.?"j
rhe centre hne
Uolony under bndge at H.No B-5-1/1 and t
Rarlway starron ends at sn
Krishna corony Govl. H,gh Scnoor near
T."li:: :]:: Il,:l:". ".,-.ny covr .H,sh schoor and moves roiiidsl N6 8J_
n ruo d_a-l-"ii #;J:;fi i,;-ffil.:?,,H;
:."3"J":T": lpl:,:.1r"*"',0.r.o-. ti,en mo,esiiir,i #;;J=rJjill#i";:"":,"ff
t";i: lTl..*::?;.::o t1-." fi J"*iil;Jl";iil,Ti;;t6T,i;
li::" takes rrsht i:ll
rhere ",1.":"j^";. turn 1-1 1" r1a.9!
ana eno at H r.ro.ro-i ;;ffi#;i"i.,:"1";,lJh:.:

Il":#:#'fi';i'il,;f,.'i['ff ;,',T:i,r,.Tr:ix,,?^i',:,l,:ui:'riJ,?,",H #:?#
North riierts al Bhadrekiri uund near hunGrioad ano moves tjriiowaras tlrn tlagar
all along lhe bund an takes right turn at Pothana road near H.No.'!2_8-217 and
moves iowards Hunter road and takes left at H.No 12-8-'17'1 along Municipal
drain via 12-8 Block from there takes right at H No.12-7_90 and moves all along
Ramannapet bodrai road takes nght turn at H.No.12-5'99 and moves towards
Battala Bazar road again takes rrght turn at HNo.12-5-1 from there moves
tow?rds fly over-and ends at H.No.12-1-78 nqar Battqla 8"a.1.., .-- , -,
tt su-rts
at n.No.iz-r-za near Bittala Bazar motes upwards H.No'12-7-64 from
iir.ie Lr<e. r"n tL,l.n to Ramalayam temple via Pinnavari street and takes right
lurn at H.No.99-131 and moves towards JPN road and takes right turn at
i.tto g-g-Zl from there proceeds towards Warangal Chowrasta takes leJt at
U ruo.e-iO-azrz from the;e moves towards cKl,l Govt' Hospital vra
and takes left
itt"ito tin" takes downwards Warangal chowrastaand ends at Govt'tLlrnHighat
X no.A-g-fOZ and passes along 8 3(block) houses
School near Hunter road.
it Stnoot near hLrnter road and moves down fll
"t"rt "acort nLr*Jv tia"r "1919
ov cor"nng the hunter road santhoshrmatha
irt"i.,io"].x"rr"i lntersecton
TemplJ and sarnagar ends at Khammam bridge and railway track

il""turt" ,nt"rs".uon po'nt Kham'nam brrdge and ra'lway lrack and moves
io*"rd" "t
trnt", road junctlon and ends at Bhadrakall Bund entrance neal
Hunter road.

rgvsnue ward &

This Wald consists ol house numbeE covered by lhe resPective
block Nos:15r5, 1516, riz, iire, tsls, 'tsl'to,'lst'ti of Greater w'iangal
ii u"a;a Hr.ro 15-6-2ltnear rnters;r"" plilt
ffi";Jil;;"t "li"]h,?Ll'i9^T:]:lfl
rpr",a. to paparahpet road iouches keevs academy plav
H'No 15-5-33'
giJini r.igLi inJ"ni" battala bazaar road near [lasjrd

iGtarts at H No.15-5-33;ear batt laEz;r road masjid takes bodrai road

curve at lritle
i:# ;Hil
-r"n an-J ;-ss-e-s ,rr-.rong line of the ramannapel
w"" ir. ai g.ruo.ts-tt-lal""nt"'
goes straight takes right turn again al
5-1 1'2126
i.No.1 5-1 1 -21 9/1 moves up ends at H.No 1

South tt starts from Hxo 15-11-2126 taies rrghi turn ai H Noand

12-8-144 proceeds
passes through
[r"ioi i.,1" ii-e-lor iakes left turn at 15-11-35/9
'n'-,l"ii iij-iiz- u""as right at H.No 15-10'301--q9"""" above through
municipat Orain meets poth;na road at H No'15-10-232/1
W€t ar nxo.s-10-zrzt near pottrana
tt ueoin-gins ioaoino moves straP$J:-,""'-'.:
ii6ii'iiiJ vrew restouar ano pekol bunk ends at H'No 1s-5-
2/3 near pothana Ioad

No.30 Thiswa]dconsistso'HouseNumbeEcoveredbytherespectiv.ercvenutwa]d3and
iilir'",iii"iJiiipf 1ri and'l'7 ot greater warangal municipal
Norih Tne Boundary lrne starts fro'n Amoedrar Junct" "ln,!" ll;''i1d^3"#'1'-::
"e;.'#;"j,;:;.;;; onio s"r"'"1Yo?T Rg'd
''snt "lo-11t1-Ytl",
"or'p"tr't'"a". Hrsrr schoor coverins
ilii Y;:;"";i;J;;.1; 'iL,n"
a part or
s!2 the
;:=i#&: ilil;i';;;nng iv.*o soo ano so2' ;tth"the corner or sv No
ffi;1fi i;#l&:;i; ;il;"Gli;
"l9T ::q"-
where itlurns rrght coverng the boundary rnd t'iicorner
of Sy'No 890 along the
;J;#;ij:il';",;;il;,;-ii i;"" '
rieht rowards th; Bhadrakari Bund
No 849 SY.
-covqringlhejntllq ea.rco'nEiot sv'No-26 ol ursu virlase and
i;,1;-,*;; ,in'-:i";!
and 630
prolongs intoihe SY.No 629

South The boundary line starls from the easl corner ol Sy N;658 covering
;H ;#,;-.-i,ti6;ilia.6os 60z,iga sso ssl,s'g1-tlrr
;i"ri;;bil;;;;;ii,;;i,ght sv.r"rossa 77l, -ll"-^:"+,.1li-",1--"1
778,780 of ursu virrase
lii'i'rJJ*ii-j,-""i1 gniorirat' sriore uund coverrns sv No 853' 854 862.
;fi 5r,"r;;i,Aiii5'."";J tr't tre so.,tn corner ol sv No 95s where turns len
i;;;;'i;';;-;'*r ol vana vsnana Kendrah and turns righl onto the
;;;;-"-k ir',| Lntr" r,n" oi road covering part of sv No 963'
ib1) i.ii',-diilrii5,oli
"-,; titt no,tatt' junclion or Revenue villase or
West The boundary hne stans from the Adalath .lunction proceeding towards Katol
l!nclton alonq lhe centre hne ot the 8T Road where it tums lefr towards
Nakkalagutta along the cenke line of NH 563 upto H No:7-1-.1 at Ambedkar
Junchon, Hanamkonda

No.3'l This wad consistB of House Numbe6 covered by thG respective revenue
wards and
block numbers 23/1, 23t3, 23t4, 23t5, 2312, 23t6, ,tiglpl end tZtp) oigieaieiWa;ngar
municipal Corporation
North ]l-:._-tgr-io:l_. .rom H Nol-7-B73izFrc
ano proceeas-rong tre
cenlre trne of lhe'^:,.rl4s
BT Roao rn Hunler Road ti,l Vana Vgn na Kendram;nd I
rurns ren ano proceeds towards H.Not23€_222 to H.Nor23_6_21SlB
I and it tulns
nqht at H.No 23-6-ysg and proceeds up to H No:23_6-2O6i1O
Jun@r coltege rt turns left and il proceeds along the ghadrakali
tank bund then it
i turns eft towards Jaya Women,s co ege ioad *O t rn. ;ijii
bhadrakal tank and proceeds along the buncl up to H No:23;_138/1
"g"in "i
East lh_e Boundary.rrne slarts l.orn H No. 23-6 444t4 anO itlroceEG.tono the
] :::f.,1":^,:.lll:l:1T+r srway road up to the Rartway rrack ir turns.ri;hl
oppos(e WIMS Medrcal Corlege and proceeds a""g
ml, fi""
rarrway track and turns a.ong rhe ooundary tines
of S;. N; """ti"
ieoizg jrii
"i'if1. iri
Droceeds along the boroe.s uplo Sy No 5.15
south 'Boundary t,n"-.,rn. tor" iiirs
rt oroceeds atong the ce-id thi of
"no rhrolsh the oo,aers
iii,l:pflx,:yff::.j?11. p::"llgrptoird"o.""r"riy u"isi' ",
l 517,523.532 538.543 5aa sas s+z,ss6 or sy.ruo
west The Bourdary staied at rt^e south-corner of Sy No
553 and procEediEl6iq the
sy.No 554 rh.oush sy No 55/ 560,no ,roni'ti"-#i"i'o'r
,r ru.ns.reft
iiiTii6fii. ,,,
IJ:] ll_r.n_?9^yn"L:
where ,t turns ter Jpro vrdyurh N"s",
and proc6eos upto rne-c#,]iiii, ruiji,at
tt,;,;;"5;; ;";"li ;J;!il;;T;1,1
H No 1-9-1235/72 and .r lJrns ret- at n llo 'r-g-rzisit;il V;#J';l;
g-ardens road ano rt rLr.s nght and proceeds ,ot
atong tne centre trn!
Vishnupnya Gardens BT road rrpto H N; t_9
t23t taie reft ilil ;; ;
Ll"^-fr-.?11,. a_1d risht proceeds upto n r,r" r-g+/s,C-ijtJiji
proceed -rL-ls or Hunter Road
upto H No . -7-873r2Flc

Ward The Ward conststs

consisls olot house numbers
numbeE correred by the respective aevenue
No.32 block Nos.l6/,t(p), 1612, j7t1. 1Zt2tp\ & t8lE(P) ward and
corporation. oI Gr'ater warangal Municipal
Nodh ] lt.starts ai. Kumman Sanksnha Sangam near Warangat nartway track moves
upwards Wa.anqa, ralwav trac. rakes right
rurn a fifr"._"r,eilgJ]n#h",
track rnle.secrion po,nt a"; movps towards H
No.16_1 596 vra paddy-fietds from
.,,",! iiivyE.
there rnoves up tuwdros
towards Kareemabad Mein
Main road via Sia^.thiv, High
vie sjandhiya Hi^h.e^a^^,
ends at H.No 16-T-859 near^areemabad schootand
Kareemabad road.
Eaat It sta(s at HNo16_1.g59 iear Kareemabad roaE proceeOi -owarO
tsommalagudr road by covefing SRR Thot,
teft turn to otct Bofibay
m6vEe ," " ^.,. l.lnd
m ts roa.l moves towards H N-o ra-a_sa)J]h","
mrtrs,road Fl""
Paraoathr Sangam and moves towards A;'il;"J;i:ilX1:
na,itarrnan CarO"n",rni
ends at H.No 17-, -3,6 where Dasara road hlersecfs
Souttr . I
starts. at H No t7 t-316 near Dasara road _ Kareemabld-lnGEeitroi
moves toward ursugutta vta Dasara.ol ail
s."u"v".o,ni j"'";;;,:;;";::", K";'j'.H"coverns
nanemiva sarc,en anc,

I^*1,"^:-, !i*n:rl:"ear
Khammam road and mo"es towards ursu junction
gh"t,;;,i;;ilii ;;:: ;iliff.
[:T.:n:1,:^l:l:Jl"l tp-",4.
!:g""l.yj3l"" section corony
sankshema sangam ne"|-
w"rangiinaii*Zy tr"cr
;"4:"# to Vinayaka
#l at Kummari

No.33 The Ward consiats of house numbers (
brock Nos.r6/1(p), 16/3ip,, A;;ffi;".i&;.:ilj,W":::.':i$",:,,Hji::H:;fl1.."0
North ,tt stans.,at r4tersect,on po,nt Warangat-Kaztpet
rartway traE[-nd-Thlmmam
] bypass ftyover badqe and mov(
rairway kack and e;ds ,n"
] 1'u:Yi:it"L1:T.ni|l"j|", "o,,on ", ",o,n
", " ""
East I rt berngs at H No r6-6-2 lear urder bridge
moves towardi{hanrnra-m road.
. and ends at H No 16.3-381/B near uakarastku
a ta Juncnon
South lr s6i; at H No 16-3 38tlg near-Salarasnitir:nta lunition-nO rnoves alt atong
the Sakarashikunta road and takes left turn there vra Munlcipal drain near
H.No.'16-3-8/2 from there moves towards old boundary mllls road takes right
turn at H.No 16-3 9/2/5 proceeds towards kareemabad road via HP Petrolbunk
and takes left turn at H.No.16 1_89 moves towards Sandhya l_ligh School road
and ends at H.No 16-'1 5
/A near transformer
Weat sarts at n.ruoro_l_ssgn near ti-anstormer and proceeds towards Khammam
road via Paddy fields and ends at intersection polnl railway track - Khammam
lllover !fldge.
This Ward consist6 of house numbe6 covered by th' resPective revenue w'td &
it H.tal.re++21ll nEi saGrasnr iiunta Junction at Khammam
pio"."a" io*"r0" cailway under bridge viaSBl Shrva Nagar?nd H N-o l-6-
;:;3;;;J il;; i-s;ai,,n' u1 i n.. ia-.o'tasz nea' Raluav Bridse and
of Warangal Rarlway station and ends al H'no
,oJ." to*"td" S*t-"ntrance
16-10 430.
East Ititarts at South entrance of Warangal RailwayStatron ;i Hxo' 16-10-1430 all along
Ward ]rri. ii'rri iris bt". Cilnt trrn "t-t-l t'to. 16-10-1309 and moveswhere
No.3.l Ioiura" rort ioaa and tikes Right turn at H'No' 16-10-1193
iit"-o""tt p."""os down tow;rds H No 16-4 911 there takes
from ihere moves towards Fort road and encls there at
"^a FCI
:rt near H.No 16-1!?88/1
South near rort - chinthal bridge road !-roleeds.dowJt
i"*.?" ii"... n""J;i; H no. 16-4-343 and ends ai H No 164-3431A neat
Khammam Road.
Wost ili"'i"li ".*.. 16 4-343/A ana proceeds towirds Kham'T ,yil"ls:l
ii""a LV Rudramamba Nagar and Kakatrya Heritage site and ends at
""r"r.i"s near Sakarashi Kunta Road Juncllon
H.No. 1'6-4421/i

respectivo-r-erenue wa'd t
35 Thls Watd consists of house numbe6 covered by the
iii"r-ro*rgbpt a Isnoc)o! qiealigl !u?rarr+'
entrance or waraneat fia1wa1
North i,tHL-"i-, n""i
p,li,""lJ ,ir-*1,0" cr,'"tlal enoge Roao all along the rrght side
at H'No 16-9-337
;ft;;;i Rarlvvav Track ario ends

Railway Traq!.
ii"'.#"""i', "". 16-s-337 near Ra,lw-av-
towards H'No'
Puooalaouttra and lakes nghl turn at H No 16'9_367 and
Road and ends at H'No'
ro*a'as cn'nrnar Fort
,iil"l,lJ ,."" '16-9'5/E near chinthal - Fort Road proceeds down towards
"t 0,"* io"a ,"a lakes left tu'.l LI:I-?',11j'"'^0-"?11
ilJ#:'illl;.H.*"-io-s i,sl'ornat tn"'" towards chrnthal- Fort Road.bv
!li,iii-,i iirllj,-J *;iui "no "no' H No 16-10 1163 near chrnthal tort
wesa iiTdrt. H.r.ro. 16-10-1163 near chinthal Fort *91aanoa'-"f";1s^1"::
"t l""oJi"' ,n"-'.J i"r"" nsht creaturerv towards Nala -cc road
lii5.ii ?ii waransar
H"#; ;"' ff;-;f ;'rio io'r o'ogai ?"d,T:!".1{l
H No :?Y'ds
ii",r"*v'5t ti6" ."rit.rn entrance and ends ai

W.rd t91P""ti:lfvenue wa'd &
No.36 This Wa.d consi.ts of house numbers cove'99ly lh."
;il:fiG, i;;;i6,i1ij oi Greater waranga' l'l,'':-'l-11
ifriliil': ilffi ; ri;"-aii,t' oi tn"
r.. t "-n"il*;Y t''"! l::all-"^l?:lilg
il;'; in" i"nL' rin" n"ruav rrack ""id upto near bv
t -gtolzslzzit
ir lto. rs-t
East 1 31}t?5t27 tl and further proceeds
The boundary line starls from the H'No 16_1

il"#Jrl,tji ;;iilioisin trnt'"r. p'o""eds towaros chintal 60' road via

ii-r.:"oii-i i ir oizlr f ""Jproceeds tolvards Mud f ort
Sorrth rhc h^',^.iaru lne stans from lltJo fort and proceeds along the Mud lon and
in" ron road fry over road and funher proceeds elong-the
"io-.. "r,'iorto
;,li:"I;"JiiJ::;, ;;"i
'i'[s" -o runhe' proceeds towards the
ifi;$i ;i ;;il ."4 ,p r"o u No:l6'e'1352 &
rt'luncrPar water rank'
The boJndary sra(s fron IFe IVIulicipal Water Tank and proceeds
atono cenkal
Ine or the road uo lo H.No ,6-9 1.36 and funher proceeds atong
the c;ntral
I ne up lo H No 16-9-1,57 and furlher proceeds
towards the H Ni.fO_S-i
arong lhe central hne ol .e .oao and lunehr proceeds lowards
the 1OO feei
road EH.No t6 9-1337 vra ,H No,s16_9-1200,16-S_razr j."-"-"0"
lo,wards along lhe centra, ire or the roao uplo H "noiuir,"|'
No j6_9-391i 1 anO'fL,n;Li_-
oroceeos atong the cenlra tne of lhe road up to H No t6_9_395
proceedslowards the H No.j6_9-375 atong and f;
the centraf fine ottnJioaa anJ
further proceeds along the cenkalline qf
d !p to H.No: IO_S_ili18.

Ward This.Ward consists of house numbeE_covered by

No.37 the r.Bpective aovenue wand &
brock Nos:19/,t0(pt. 20t4,2ors.2on zot,t1,2s112,2shj,;6rr;'fi;;;;;;[:i
ry!rangat Municipat Corporation. E;",",
Nonh ] tt starts al Norlh eltence of Warangat muc, fort proceeds
I consttuency boarder or pa.ker
Dy coveri;g rhe zo_i i#6:iii.i""l"
iff ifong the
fort area ard ends at easterr pan ot forl
Eist ll,stans at eesterr part o, Ion area by coverng
tne ZO_ta to ZO_1O OOcks-
Khrla Warangat ard ends at kota cie.u;u of Waiangat Fort

I lt starts at Ll No t9-to_388
trorh there moves towards H.No-19-]I_SO3
JrrmDs to muo-rort vra H No 20-2-9 and
3.9r-, ffrere t"t". rJ,,,.^-ii,,lli]
204-104 the;tak;;
a1d 204-io4 teft
rE'L turn
Lurn lowaros
H No 20 5.r'6 and enters,nto wesLrn
ii rt of Rath,kota by covenng the nghl
sroe Derr .r H N^. ,n a
20-10-46 :::
;8:,i.ii ano L::::.:"10'; L30,a1
, r,
Dy coveflrg <""uG-ft,orai-"' tam
"ivvcJ rv LE'rucr Ion vra H No
Museu.r p^.,
rowards Mr,.p,,m
and Shambunr Temple moves
Road a
"-. ""hr,".n "ii,-*;;;;;iL:,J;:i:"i,"TI";
This Ward consists ot house numbers

Itju**;r,lil\;';;,;:;,ET;;^,.:;,;:,#1,ffi ,fi t",.*i[:ijiilHf,"1

North tt, stans at p No t6-4 238 .ear..Khamman
Road and proceeds lo_wards
1 Chrnthal Fort road and rakel
p-o,ramma ren-o-J
ail",.';;',^5:,:T:" ;i,rl,H,Jfj;r"rll il, :?fl[:
16-4-145/B and passes a aton
tne mud fort as boarder and ends
entrance of in r"''ir-"_rl"o, '9 at northern
- , '--
East lt stals al Norit ern ent;nce .tf Kh,t2
,^,_-... - j.Khi,"
Warangal and proceEilowaraiGntrat
r.,.r hv.^,,--^^
rorr .oao by cove.no <"irt*" ra,""J_'i,lffi"i
10-43 enos at southe.n co,ner
or nud tort.
South tt starts at Soulherr correr of
parl ot muo ton by cross,no paY! lon 319. O'o"""Os oo'nloGtoi wiste,n
i at H No 20 9-'159 and moves towards
, H tlo. 2o-a-r2r *r'er"e il:;'
Weit ,' H No zo-u-s '' 'Yu 7u r-r3//b l|! asah lakes reft turn
""o ' near -'?0j.-56
mud fort
n .Un. id fort ana moves toGras westem
entran.E or
entrance of m,,.r
mud rod near H No 1:a: I:d. ,ci 1;;-f;',#.l
i lowards Kharnmam Road by cove
, and enos ar H No .,u"-ra,
pekot bunk & H.No. j6-4.1
No.39 ;[""Xiff ?l,1Ef i,il'ffi ,"i#;1;;;;t., iL,T,,:ffij:,i,H;Hi
North ' H No ,6-3-498/3 moves-rowards.
l-_"Fn., :t
proceed to
Sbkaraii xunE roaO_rr6m tere
I Khammam road en o ends at Sakarasikunta
-ll Khabaristan Junction near Muslim

begtns at Saka.eshtxuata runcndn h... t\r i.r:_ r'L_L-:
l s;t;i:fli;fr
via H.No.186-33 & 186-76 and
, "no. "r u,.i,i,isir,i;;;ni,t:T,i'#;"'v
West It,starts_al H NolS 9-90/1 lear
ursu dargah and moves towarlffiilEE;i;Iao
H :::T*::'1 :l!':k"s
No 18-8-88/3 t,o- h".J
-orei "'-t L;;;; a;;:;;:"";
Lrr turn ar Ram Laxman Garden neer
sansham v,a h r"o ra.e ,is i.#lriiJi)i1e]l rarakarama Parapathr
alons the Municipat drain and
elds ar sakarasr^ kLnta
"; r:,,J;.,i;::j;8:::ts
Ward The Ward consisB
c o, house numboE covered by the respective rgvenue ward and
No.40 block Nos.'l.17t2lPl, 17t3, 17t4, '.t7t5, ',17t6, 17n, 1718, 1719, 17110(Pl, 1|ll',l e l8r4 of
Greater Warralgll Municipal Corporation.
North I ffll iErts awinivafilagar Colony cross roac, near anattupatty roao ano rnoves
towards ursugutta junctron there takes right turn to Khammam road from their
Ito moves left iowards Dasara road by covering the Govt. high School -
lx, Kareemabad and ends at H.No 17 2-621 near Kareemabad - Dasara Road
Erst I I starii- H No17-2-62i near Kareemabad road and moves towards
In, road takes left turn at H No 164-143 proceeds curvaturely along
1t block near ursu dargah vra CRC building and moves toward Govt.
!4atelnity !lospi!? and ends at H No.17-11-2J3-
s*rh +#lt starts at H No 17 11273 and moves down towardi Mukunda Layout via
Monkey Food Court and ends at rnterseclon point of Khammam Road -
Gollawad road.
West It starts at Khammam Road Gollawad road intersection point and moves
cuNatlrrely to by covenng ursu cheruvu and urgugutta and ends at Vinayaka
Nagar Colony cross road near Bhattupally Road.

Ward The Ward consisis

cc oI housc numbe6 covered by thc respective revenue ward and
No.4l .18t1, 18t2, 18/3, 19,9(P), 19/r0(P) & '19/11 of Grcater War.ngal irunicipal
block Nos.'ll
North It starts at H.No.18-3-224 near Ursu Chaman moves up towards Muslim
Khabaristhan near tort road by covering Nagamaiah Temple and Kashikunta
area and ends at Wesi l\Iudfort near Mrlls Colony Police Station
East lI starts at west mud forl near l\rrlls Colony Police Stalion proceeds towards
Gavrcherla road by covenng Vishwanatha Colony and ends at G.K Laxmi
Convention Hall near Gavicherla Road
South lliiistarts at c f. Lixml conventron Hall and Gavicherla
moves towaroi xnanrrn'am noao uy
Cross road.
covenng IVluniqpalWaier tank and ends at

I.It siarts at Gavicher,a c'oss road and proceeos towalos Rangasfrapet Ltlnction
there takes left turn at H No.19-9-579 moves towards Rangashaipel and takes
righi turn at H.No.19-9_8 from there proceeds towards ursu chaman all along
th; Kareemabad Rangasharpet Road and ends at H No"18'3-224 near
Purlodaya Colony

ward conlisti of houle numbers covered bt the relpective revanue ward 'nd
The Ward c,
No.42 17t11lPl, 19t1, ',1912,19,3, 19/4, 19/5, l9/6, 19r, 19/8, & 19/9(P) ot Greater
block Nos.t:
Warangal Mlilunicipal Corporation.

Norrh I ll starts H.No.17 1O-193 near Mukundalayout and moves towards

kareernabad marn road by cover ng Ursu Govt. Maternity hospital vla H'No 17-
0-208 and ends at CPI Jlnaa Gadle near H No 17-10-214 Kareemabad

East slarts at H No.'17-10.21rt near CPI Jend, Gadde moves lowards Ursu-
Rangasharpel road takes left turn at H No 19$_263/2 proceeds to Khammam
marn_road ihere moves nght turn at H No 19'6-238 iowards to Gavicherla cross
road there takes left tow;rds Gavrcherla road from there moves towards RTA
office road by covering 19_10(P) block house and ends at Naidu Petrol bunk
South 19_5_'70 at NardJ petro Dund lunctlon and m- ves towards
I tt srarts nea"l No
Urzugutta xtrammam road by coverhg Ganapalhr. Engineering college and
end;t Inlersectron pornt Gollawada_Khammam road
West t stans at lnlerseclion point Gorlawada Kha;mam road and moves towards
Mukunda Layoutand ends at H No.17-10-193.

No.43 This Ward (consists of houac numbeG covered by the respective rcvenue rvard &
block Nos:333/1, 3312, 33/4(P). 33/5, 33/6, 33/7' 34/1. 3412, 40t1, 4012, 4013, 4014,
4016 & 40118I of Grsater waEngal Municipal Corporation.
The bouldary hne slarls rom the Sy.ro 146 ol Th,mmapur llvEiiIEvEnii
Village and proceeos lowards east along tne cenlre |ne oithe Jakfubddi road
150 wrde Khammam bypass road upio Natdu Cetrot pump
junctron and fudher proceeds atong the Sy.i\to.245 of inimmapu,
proceeds aiong lhe boundary line o, the Thtmmapur Haveli ievenue
upto Dupakunta road and further proceeds along the Thimmapur Reven;e
village lrplo SyNo.300 of Thimmapur Revenue Vr age again boundary line
starts from 150 of Nakkaapaliy Village and proceeds upto Sy.No.6 of
Na](kalapally Vrllage
East lThe Bounoiry ;,i" sla.1s lon SyNo.6 of Nakkatapatii Vr age- iroio tne
revenue boundary vrtage ot Nakkatapa y Vrtrage of Sy No 94 of Nakkat;pa y
Vllage ard tne" Droceeds a ong the Sy'No is"O of tvtamnoor R;;;v,[#
and proceeds Jplo Sy No 191 ol Mamnoor Revenue vrllage along the v,lb6e
boundary line

The boundary lne starts kom Sy.No19.1 of l/-mnoor Aevenue Vtttage and
proceeds along the v lage bolndary line intersects 150, wide Khamma;
and further proceeds along lhe lvlamnooor Revenue Vilage ,pt SV.fl" AOi
Mamnoor Revenue V llage. "j
West The boundary line starts kom the Sy.No 462 of MemndoaR€r/enue village
proceeds along the centre |ne of lhe road Upto Sy.No.62
of Mamnoor Reienue
Vrllage and takes teft turn and foilowed by the-Thtmmapur n"u"nr"
Sy no 420 o. r lr.rnap-r Revenue Vtlage uplo Sy Nos 424 . 425, 426
and turlher ( oroceeds celtre l.ne ol the road v,a H Nos.33_l-82,
& 4i;
33-1_123 33-
1 139. 33 1-'48 & 33 1.' 53 a1d .roves upto H.lto 3g S_2t,
SS_3-1O anO ;oJJs
rowaros the H No 33 I 1 atong the centre tine ofthe road and
further oroceeds
,.e ot rne Bl roao upto H No 33{_223 and fuaher proceedi
:i:19 lT:""t*.
aong rne Doundary tine of tV batal,on camp upto the 150 wtde
.oad a.ld ,Lnher moves Lpwa.ds Kiammam
alonq the centre ine of the Khammam road
upto H No 33 5 tao ano takes teft turn-and moves atong th"-;;il
road Jpto H No 33 5-2,8 l_nher proceeds atong tne viffZoe
oI nlrirnapur Havelr 10.r Sy No 241 lo i91 and takes ieti
revenue Oo-uiaari
.l turns and move!
runne. rrom tre centre tne ol tne road Lpto 146 of ThiTmapur
Revenue Vitiaoe
via Sy Nos'18/, 189 '25 126. t27 153. t35 138. 147 & il;

Ward This Ward consists of house numbers coverid by the

reepective revenu-i wrru &
No.44 block Nos:33/5(p), 33/6lp), 33/7, 39/i. 39/2,39/3, 39/4
A 39/5 of creater Warangat

North The boLndary t,ne sta(s trorn Sy No.l5 of Kadiptkonda

Vrttage anO oroceeds
]' along the
cenFe .re of the .oen. Jpto Sy.no 96 and .or"i O"o-*n*-"f"-lii"g
] proceeos towards
upto sy No r5o oliaoipiiondi virr"!" Li"" i"i,il,,-l"o
east aond the boundary tinJ of"aKadipikonda Vi ;ge
Sy.No339 of Kaoprkonoa V:llage and them hoves
upwards alona the
,.r 216 E 217 of Bharupa v virr"g"
?oj east atong the Bhatupally
I proceeds ;[J" ;,,i,i,,," ,"0
Reve;ue ""0Viff"g" ,pfo. dv fVo.iSZ
. rntersectng the 150 w,de byoass road
atorg rhe ,50 wrde bypass .oad Lpto Sy N"
at lihatupa y anO fi,.fnJr. .ii,"" ,it
i and proceeds downwaros atond the Amhavanpeta
1it;i;.;;r;;;;;i; iff; ;"d
Rdil"";;; ffi ;;"
:I^|"-.19u-"1 tll*". oer vr,,ise
east sde a,ong rhe ex,sr,.rs ,oa-o upro
t"r"s rlir'l,ii ;["
"na ir,e ay-N;'j;; "-nJ;,;;#;,ffi
Havei Rever,e vr'.age ard noves downwa.a itong
lhe road pass,ng tnrougn tne sy No 147 148 135
,h;;r,;t;;";# ii;:[i
153.1rr, ;i6.1;;. ;;;;
187 of Tl.rmnapLr Have'. Reverue Vi age and ,r,1h",
,ieleiiee v,loec uuuruary lre
]44 :,*:::".yll]:::
and further l"l^o"ry
,r,re or
moves aono ihE c-en
5v No /8.
No.-78. z"
74, zs
73, 6sloi.
69. 68. i6, a6,il
50, 49, ii.;
li, 45 &
37, 46.
w"lre line of the roac' intersecting at
I xr,"..", i'in*"ir;ir;;.i'-
ll: proceeds ft rmmapur Haveri-Gvenielir-isEE
and lowa.ds ::
"t"",:::?,:::.:f :l :y-lg.r.4r,."r
so.rh a ons rhe Knamma;-i;r;;;;il";;
of Th,mmapur Vr age $,JJ:6;

flH No 33-3 148 a1d noves
r0 and funi-e,-noves
fLnher atong
il{ffi :":lI--
tne;ntr" r,"" or r.o"a ,pil-riir'olsiiil
aro.g rhe centre ine of rn" ,""0 ,pto ri
j.oao oii-!-i'e7l"i
a.o1s tf upro N" i
33-2 1-2.O.33-2-121 ano fLrther rnoves downwarOs
ij i ia-#; [;n:,il r,f

atong tie cenir" ;;.f .;;
H No 33-r
proceeds the
and fLrrFe. nove upto H No 33_2_136 ;o
celtre lne ol lie roao of H no 33_1-.1i6 and fu,fher;;;;; lii
Sy No.424 ot h,mmaDL, Havetr V,lage
ard p."""oi
Llaver v rase ano pioceeds n"*"r.o. roto Iri."."I#
R.evenue Viltage fLrthe, tne-moues aiong
,pt" ,L'-svl. oi"ij
Ivlamnoor RevenLe Vrt,age ano takes
the centr." Ln" oi rn" r.o"jrjio-aOiii
t;fl tuln and proceeOs afonoTnJ cin-trl
tine of tne road upto sy.ruo.rbz or sinsiram vilrage;g;in the boundary tine
moves downwards along the revenue boundry village of Singa€m Village c,,um
GWMC boundary upi; Sy No 30 of Singaram Revenue village again the
boundary stiarts it Sy llo.lzs of A lrp[rra Revenue vilJage and proceeds upto
SvNo95 of Ail,oura Revenue Vrlage ard also further proceeds along the
re-venue oounoary 6' 4663v2,,pet Vrllage (r e
GWMC boundary) upto
Sv.No 333 of Ammavarrpela Revenue vrllage and proceeds towards west along
th; Kothapally RevenJe Village Jpto {50 wde bypass road ano runner
ooceeds aloriq tre l5O wrde oyoass road upto Sy'No 359 oJ Kadipikonda
ilevenue vrttaqi and'|Lrther proceecls along lhe centre lin€ ot tsl passrng
roao (re
below tne tan-k ound) ano uplo Sy No 596 ot Kadlprkonda Village
tqough Sy.Nos 229, 568 567, 594 & 595
.T;; bL;;"t l,ne stais
'rom lhe sv No 596 oJ Kadrprkonda.Revenue
v lag.e
,ni;;.;;;; i"*"iai ""+' arons-sa q-t.
tne centre line or the road via H'Nos 58-1-
ffi i:in; le-n+a. se a-es ss'z-tts & interesths
and ends
at 150' wde-
at Sy No'15 of
ivpi* ."0 rt"n"r poceeos atong thecentrerine
neuenue vrllage of Bodagutta Tat blnd
i.a'opiiqnoa ""0

Thi; ward consists of house numbe6 covercd by ih'5e'5' respective revenue wsrd &
se'6 & ss'e or Gr€ater
iiiiiitii siir, san, l,2ti,63t1,5st1, ss/2, ss/3, 5'sr4,
Warangal MuniciPal CorPoration

Kaorprkonoa Knammam o''oge mo'E along boda

cheruvu and
North ll starts al
;;; ;;- bwa'ds (ao p konda kiam'na'n 'oac' touching kadiprkonda
J,rL"oT:i';;;;; i:i
a"o ngnr ai H'No'58-3-'145 and moves rett at
Ill'il3"sa'i" "o,"s
tn. op"-n lano and takrng left and move-s lett and
"^o-tr"'oi, nlnt ar sn eeooa'r'ma Gudi and towards Battuparrv
Road and strarqht endLng at open and

It stans al open land pass,ng l"ro'gr oatl'pally khammam bypass taking rlght
;sass,"ns rer-ard'*":'9ll ?ry- l"l1 end al hills
:;?;;;;';" ;";
mommentnq and passess straght lhrough lhe Dha;masagar
I canal ll"

ti slars at open lanos and ending open hrlls

I strans ar open 'iles nov,ng slrarght takrng nght

and lefl pas-hg
ttrrougn kapil
ii#". r"l,"Ii*,n r,",.""i."0"'iz'e-toa
;ili:',;1"i:#; i;;i;;;
,l"rng left at";d
tract< ano takins risht towards
Haiumantemple and reaches kadrpikonda
IiJio,r"",'""" ,*,"n.
b dge

No.,16 I*-X'*i".lf :"n,.,,,l;,Hilliliffi
Warangal uniciPal
Sv No 1a4r
starts from sy ot MaorKonua "'-s' -- *"*;
Ioarr I rni boundary
'""" lrni boundarv |ne
lrne starls
'itt'efrom syno
l/ladrkonda "J1,",rt""-"r:"Oi'""itfi.:
r i"*'"iJt c".ialong the bounoa;y lr,re
ol "''ffi1;;'g
lhe vrllage

, i84o 1845,852.1851 ..rrn'tr* along lhe

I .-". ^1^6 ^^^ 1tr,1D .l madrronda vilaqe ano lunher proceeds
lil;; ;:;" i;-"t 1;;sy sv'ro '683 ro 16'8 ol madrkonda villase and tunher
I oroceeds atong t''e ro's 's'S'620 1621 162216f,0 uptosyno-165Eof
rhe house no's 30-'10'225' 30-s-
I il;;;;;"-;,;;s" ;"" lurrner proceeds a'ong
;i-;;; ;; 1o1nq 2330-1 :3 re'
old Polrce staton Madrkonda Lrpto
J i"r"""""""i0 -io ,"J'ulher oroceeds along lhe center hne of dharmasagar
I ii:Jo'iui n i,i"""i" *n ioz ,nJrona" 1u-nctron r e'' at h'no' 30-1-32s and
"t n" or t"l NH-202 trrr it connects the vasavi
I i;il"};;#;;; '"e "*r"i'
J matha te'ro,e'oad
NH-202 a^d p'oceeds atong the center line
.,.t I ;;; il";:, ,n" ,,"n,
towads soulh v'a house no 306669 trll it connects
. ,r"1r' 4"i""'t".p'" 'oao"o,"
I ol RarMay irack tl I
jouth along the center line of
'L'1her o'o;;ed; towards
Madrkonda v.llage ano-"nc
I ffi- ;;"-ri";;;J r,nno lroceeds along the boundary of
I .r -';;'
no'" iass.rsas,rss5 1556 uolo sY no 1553
.;*n l"rn"?,iJ",v"r"'.-e ;;' r"e !v no aas ol Rampur revenue -vrllase and
rarour vrllage along the sy'nos-350
l furthe' proceeos alorg bo:roa'v 'ne'ol
, liiiai ao I oa I oas i os oi r
qsa qaq aa5 466 46 7/3'467/1 '497'498'500
I i soa soa sos sra Jpro 75 o' Ra'rplrr revenue
The boundary lrne stads from the sy no 75 of Rarnpuatilltge and further
p:o^"::9"_:Lo!g-t1g bgundary or rarnpur vi age atong the sy n;,s 543, 547 io
549 581 589 /'2 /'a /41 lo 145 /5A to /58 11.14 to tZ ai
Oe upto sy no.+i
, ol,Hamprr vrlage aro ,-nter ofoceeds atong the boundary rtne oi Majrkonda
iMllage vra SyNos 1BO4 t8t6 ro 18j8, rSSa, tASO ,i,t" SVN".re
lVadikonda Vl laqe "f

I|T"*.1I ::-*fF gl. h_o:se_ lunlbels covered by irre respeEve

,tno: tr,1, 2sts,'zstE, waru e
.btock 1t3, 1t4, lts, 1t6,
Warangal Municipal Corporation.
zii; i 2lrii'ii CHti
Norih rro-.r- H No 2s 1r-3sorr an- proceeas-aronstre
*:.,0."^,,,13^,1:,:-:l"l:. ano rurrneijr-od;
x31ff :%,J" :,^i,.*,,:""lt,tuen-cy "[ililLffi
fi;-;";;;;;;i#t:"J,,; :;';;
illl""lo.ol .199^, l_091 _a zs t .i, ;i";; ilri:iij_,
i^lT:i; 9:.rit,:: 1a . 7i 1t!, ;, 6;,i;r;;0,' 5ulioliEol!! i61
r co-lnecrs frh;'Ni-2d2
ffi;""i fii i,;;:;
lakes nghl and procecds alonq lhe cenfr€: tne of NH-202
road upto railwey
track at sr Gabrets <.h
St r:.h,orc Schoo play-ground_
East The boundary lne starts from Ra lwav kack:at
.r^.a..i< .r^-^
an.r proceeds
and .^.,...^.. .f,"&
,H- ra,lwav
a'org rhe - sl viqwisr' rurruur
- Grabrels
r, r",,l--yy."or73 schooDhypEv qrouno
nrdhar nr^.oa^"trriouqrr sy r.]o rz3
Darga vtllage
,,- qi[_-- i{i of Kaztpet Darga and
tii, izi' ,fi; ffi""i,ft:."d"l
South rhe oor,ndary r')e slars l.on Sy No 445 of
Kazrpet Darga Vittag;;ndTr ter
proc€^eds atong rne ooJ"oa.y
of Darga v,lage
to ,59. of Darga v ttaqe ald i-nher o-roceeoi
f., m1-ad
along "iiliralj".li="
ttie bou;";;;;6 i;:;;
and ,urrner proceeds ,r",',s th"
bourdary o, BodagLtra 8 funr"er 9l6see;" "u"i."-
rii" ;rZ"iii"
trr'e oI roao te
tank lr. cornecrs Kad p rolda oroar. ,orct ,"l.o. .19. lle
bund road o, Boc,agutia
arong rhe centre Ine o, the road v,a t
SyNos637 639 640 & 641 or <adrp,konda Nimra
?t.i ciial"J."-,ji ,i]r".,,i
lhroLrgh Sy Nos 1112t1 1132 1.1'F'
anO- lr.tn"r. i.i#i.
,,r"-orl"oi', ii"e",,i,', ."""::;
"J1""rJj;?".1',10", Jlllr#i;.1,,. "t

if{fr{',;,ffi $:}1H#,:!H{,[i1'i:";ffi iq:ffi p;

No.,l8 ,?ri"fi "j,i.l,,".i,:#.':I"::#rs j:,T:,;Tffi
I slaris at St Gaoae, nrgh scnoot orounr
, tnro-gh rt's scr'oo co-rpould *1, ,.'. "TOoung watt ano 'noveiitraight

2r_4/A and.r.,oves
, prakash
at HNo z; r-.g8j.
reddy pela road dt DRDa offrce
and touches gandham Cheruvu.
I slarts from DRDA ofirce p;akash Reddv b""'d: Ntr
,'anoam L;he'Jvu ano noves ,,o"" i:."1t::d bunc' "orrege;;;re,Io
moves nghl to
Anrbedkar .t"rr" ,r".uon'i,in"'t'',sat,,rlh
I -cheruvu
and moves reft lowards raiuav
lrack ard Toves ;".,;; ;;;17r
t" ii-i--:o)'""f
strasht rhro.rsh r, il::rng the ra'llwav track and movei
'es straight through open lands and
movesnqhl sroe

It move-s_throLgr oDer rands and

rnoves strargnt tnrough
colony and moves ln,oJ91 oper tands pavannllifGaGd
ano fignt srde
ll^"..1;.3t ir""
,""0" ,-.0 .o*. .-,.llsii
uruls t"
;i. ,
tne r."i
H No 24 5-2 a1d taxes ,Jt ,"" lrac( iij-,i"!J"*"",ii
and moves besr.iF
or"r". #- ng wlth the railway kack and touches
ro I arDrma Dndge
Thia ward consi6ts of Fathimanaoar. ]
il'*f,*lrrffi *xilp"l
East ] tt sta(s at Banjara nrls ,.rncl,o1
with open prace
-";;;;; :;T::jS::.,rf"-,.jffmp"#j",1#g
""" aro .noves aj;;,rndfamma houses
strarght,n ooen ,a1d
South It staras at tnorramma rrou!-es
Uvougn open tanoi a-o rnoves straigtrt in open
lands and moves nghl through the open lands and louches the railway track.

West Crosses the railway track beside temple moves straight towards Ambedkar
statue and touches Bandham cheruv! bund moves right and moves left at
DRDA office and coming up the Prakashreddy peta road and touches NIT wall
with H No 24 4 214lA moves r€ht at H No 24-4 138 and takes right to
244-268lNG and moves along Fathima lMall and moves right at H.No 244-360
along with Fathima mall passes along the St.Anns cancer hospital and
and al
continues up to Fathima Bridge.

ward Thb Ward consi Bts of house numbe6 cove,ed by the respectivo rgvenua watd t
No.50 block Nos: lnl & 119 of Greaterwarangal Municipal Corpo,alion.

North start! at Adalath Crrcie moving along Hlnler road along master PG college
It starts
andd ends
en at Herbal Lrle products shop
East iedr
It starts at Hunter road herbal life products at H No.'1-7-873l28/C on hunter
ad procceds
road p to wards H.No 1-9-1246 and take left at H.No.1-7-875lB take
tht procceds
nght pr I
lo H No.1 123'1i 1 tiake lefl proceeds towards H.No.l-9-'1231 on
shnupnya Gardens road and takes right moving shyampet through
ihnupriya garden and taking left at Ram ral nce shop and takang rEht at Ram
ao l\runrcpa
Rao I\, park and taking left takes nght at ends al prakash reddypeta
South It start! at Prakash reddy petlroad at Eantara Hills junction and moves through
Telanggana Junction l_l No 1-9416/13/1 moves straight to ideal school moves
straighht to H No 24-3-202l1 opposite to church and moves straight to Ramalaya
templee H No 1 7 179/1 and ends at Foresl office Junction.

West It stLarts ai Forest otfice lunction moves through collector office Arts college,
DIG bunglow, Spencers and ends atAdalalh Junction.

Wad This Ward consi ai6ts ol housc numbe6 covered by the respectivo Evenue ward &
No.5l block Nos | 2-5-1 to 2-5-705, 2-5-813 to 2J-End,2-6 I to 2S-1157,26-1533 to 26-End
ot G,eate. Waran gal Municipal Corporation.

North ndary line slarts lrom 26-1533 at Trrumala Bar iunction proceed along old
Bus deepot road upto end ofAmbedkar Juncton

East I ;darylne sta.ts from Ambedk€r Junctron and proceed along Hyd road via
NPDCIL offrce Lrpto end of SBI Bank at kalol Junctron
South ary lrne stans from kaloji Juncton on Hyderabad highway and proceed
upto H .NO 2-5-6BC/1 near Lenin club shop opp arts college.

t dary lne starts lrom B No: 2-5$80/1 on Hyderabad Highway proceed
Itowarads H.No 2 5-813 on circuit holse road H no 2_5_813 on circuit house
I road and
a proceec towards KLN reddy colony road upto H.No 2-7-26 on KLN
reddy' colony road, take righl and proceed towards tirumala bar iunction upto
nd of H No 2 6-1533
the enr

Ward consists of house numbetS covered by the resPective levenue weld &
Thia Ward con6i!
No.52 block Nos: 2-2-l to 2-2-End,2-3-1 to 2-3-End, 2-4-1 to 24-712 of Grcater watangal
Municipal Corpo,
North Boundary lne sia.is from H. No.2-4-1204l6/A on 80' road near Presidency
School head tcwa'Cs Naeem nagar along the nala upto H No.2-1_872l1 iake
lefl p(
proceed uptc ll No 2 1-924, take nght proceed upto H.No.2-2'10 ends on
Iimnagar H ghway.
East Boundlary |ne s:e'ls fron H.No:2-2-10l1 and proceeds along the centre line of
Karimrnagar road tLll publc garden Junctron and takes right & proceeds upto
bedkar Junct on
South Thee Boundary _c slarts from Ambedkar Junctron and proceeds along the
Cenntre line of thc . c bus depot road till H No 24 742.
West The bboundary lllc starts from H No 2-4-742 & proceeds via H.Nos.2_4-72013, 2_
4-881 11 uplo2 t ' '159 a^d lakes righl at H No 2-4-1159 funher proceeds along
the 8( ) wrde roac v a Pres dency schoo uplo H.No 2-4'12041614
This Ward consists of house numbers covered Uy ttre respective revenue warO
block Nos: 2l'llPl, 2111,2112, ol creatcr Warangat Municipal Corporation.
No.th Boundary line starls from H No 2 12 1 and proceeds ato_ng-he centre tine of
Nl-1563 uplo H No 2-2 10/1
Boundary lne sta.ts fronr HNo22 jO/1 aM proceeda vra H -Nta rf€rC
ypt! ! !" 2 1 81211 lakes nght proceeds all atong the nala upto H.No 2-4-
1204161A on 80' road and takes nght proceeds along the center iine ol gO,
p.r?:.9d: 100 road and takes left proceed atong iOO'road proceed upto
H No2 1-28A11
Boundary hne starts kom H No 2,1 280/1 anO proceeas atonglh; cenlre line of
!o_"9 !p!o I
No 35 6-147 and rakes nght turn upto H.No.356_1/A via H.No,s
35-6 148, 35 6 149 & 35 6,15T and takes left turn and then immediate right at
H_No 2-1-1/ l13 and prcceeds atong the centre tine of road upto H.No.2_1-iO4/1
along the H Nos2 1 28 2 j-92 and takes eft turn and proceeds along center
line of copatpur road upto H No35-5 lO3andtakes righi turn upto H.io.3S_S_
302/1 via H No 35-5 72lT and takes teft turn and proc;eds upto L.frfo.SS-Z<ai
via H No',s 35 5 323 3s 5-325 35-5 302/2, 55-2i71, 55_2409,55-2.!{1
& i;
West I
Aornoary |re starts f-o- H \o 55 2 a3B and proceeds upto U.tto 2-U-t
H No's2-'12 1'9 2 '? )a,2 2,?-3Arc 2-129
This Ward consists of house nurnbers covered by lhe rlspictive rwenuo
warO a
block Nos: 5/11(p) & 5/,t2 ot creater Warangat Municipat Co;poration.
Norih BoL-dary tne slans f.o.r pa,ve p-ta ,oad canat crossin]-t Ey.No--4bg.iE
proceeds a along the cenke trne of canal ti i/lucherla Canal-crossing and
turns moves aong the centre ltne of the road trr* Aifrt
Ij:.51 : .r:d.:"*"s Toves et, a o-g t1e Kakatiya Unrversrty loL,nOary
"nO "i
arors rne ,eqq
road til
1]8 roao
!i ivewi rry the road Lruss{,g
rE rvcu crossrng or
Bouroa'y rre sra.is'o- oegaoaDat road crossing at syxo tl6 oJ Gundla-
lsrngaram vrtage a-d oroceeds a a,o.g the road tr tt intersects KU gvoass
roao and Iu''rs eq a-d proceeds atong Bypass road and lurns
nohi and
Droceeds a I a o-g ce-r.c tne o. \d a nt H NO 5 11-42 and turns r,-nrrt v,e
rH^los5-11 81 5 89/- 5.1- BA 511.295t2 and meets the road an; f;;;
ten a,ong lie ce^lre re o, ll-e -oad lo .neets lhe Kanmnagar -
.oao v,a H Nos 5 -t-255,8 Hanamkodni
South Bo!ndary trne starts from centre lrne of NH 5--i HXo.tn-42find proceeds
all atong ihe NH 563 trt t reaches the ntersection of run soianJ e,'afvJpufa
village road near Durga iemple
West Boundary tne starts f,om inlersechon of NH s6t;;a Palvelpula
road net
Durga tempe and proceed a I a ong the centre line of the road
til, the canal
road crosslng

Ward This Wa.d consists of house numbers covered by the respect'ii- reiinuEiiE&
No.55 block Nos: 3r/'t, 35/3(p), 55/1, 55/2 & 55/3 ot create. Warangal Municipal
Boundary lne starls lrorn-pornt of rnterection=SRSF Canat and proceeds
SRSP canal lDto H No 55-1 967. and takes right turn and proceeds
North cenle, tine o' rle road i gii -r"o*t]l;';d;;T;"""ffi'*o
.t" ss 1918
-oto H,\o55
roao upto I along th;
and takes right turn atoniand
Droceeds etong tFe ce- e ,ie o, NF 563 and upto H No.55:2

Bouroary lie srals J-o- F \.a 55 2 1/ / and proceeds rrpto ti-trto.

arong-tre FNos 55 2 a/ b5.? ?3/ 55_2425. 55_2_271ij, 55-2-438.
, 55-2_
441.552471 552609/1 then rakes rEht tr.rrn p,oceOs
East cerke ire o, road ,pto - No 352-3/a and takes teft "na
lurn and p|'o"".G"fongth1
cente line o. .oao Jplo F No 35-4 - 98 and then takes left frrn'rpfo i.flo. -ei
4-56 and takes nght turn upto 35 3 .1540.
aounairy tne starts frorn H.No 35-3 t54O and moves along ttreientre
tine of
South Devannapel road intersecis rarwey track

Eounaary tin starls ftom Ralway trat< Gopafur io br Devannapet road and
boundary theenlalam \riage and proceeds atong the
:l :-,l: 116upro
end of sy.No.33i of Bd;;;;;ii;
:T:"_li:,:ll1ly"l.!,ackboundary I ne of sy.N*.asz, :ir, $i,f;o,
l"j:"^'lqht^t^rj" _*"9lle
,295,294-293 160 'g'r' 66s .-1s,5gqts at NH2O2 and SRap canat.
;Ei 3M,
Thia Ward conBists of house
ho numbera covered by the respectivo revonue ward &
block NoB: 3511, 3512, 35r3(P),
351 3514, 3srs, 3U5(P), 3s/7 & 3't/3 of Greatea Warangal
MuniciDal Corcolation-
Boundary line st stads from point of lntersection of railway track and Gopalpur to
Devannapet pr( proceeds along the centre line of road upto H-No.35-4-2 then
takes left tulnr upto
L H. No 35-4-56 and takes left turn and proceeds along
road upto H No 35-4-201 and takes right turn and proceeds upto
centre line of roi
H.Nos 354-398 98 then takes right turn upto H.No 35-4-419 then takes lett turn
Norlh upto H.No 35-5-.5-326 then takes right turn upto H No.35-5-302/1 via H.No's 35-
5-323,35-5-324 125 35-5-30212 and takes nght lurn upto H.No-35-5-49 along
H.Nos.35-5-72l1l/1and takes left tlrn upto H.No.2-1-67 and takes right turn and
proceeds along rg the centre line of road upto H.No.2-1-280l'1 along H.No.35S-
135, 21-71, 2-12-1-24141A, 35-6-126 & 356'147 and intersets Fathima to KUC
iunction road.
Boundary line stiarts from H No-2-'1-286/A and proceeds along the center line of
to KUC junctiorion to Fathima road and take left turn at surplus weir and
E.st proceeds along9 lhe centre line of road up to H No 2-9-710114 along H.No 2_9-
-9-708/2, H.No 2-9-711, and takes left turn along the center line
146/'1, H.No 2-9
of to KUC ction to Fathima road upto H.No.2_9-999

Boundary linee slarts

sl from H No.2-9-999 and proceeds along the centre line of
ad upto H.No.31-3-238 and takes left turn along the WaddePally
Filter bed road
South )ng the boundary lrne Sy.Nos 870, 864, 866, M8, 847,844 of
Nala and along
/illage and intersects railway kack.
Waddepally villa
Boundary trnee starts
st from pornl of inrerseclion of bounday lire of Syl'to.SlS ana
an( proceeds along the cenhe line of railway lrack upto boundary
railway track and
West lne of \o4,1
Sy.No, of Bheemaram Village and point ot intersection of
Roi & railway Track.
Devannapet Road

ward This Wad consists of hooiriE numters covered by the respective rcvenue ward &
No.57 I 24-end,2-9-1to 2-9-197, 35-6400 to 366{42 of Greate,
block Nos:2-1(P), 2{-743 to
Warangal Municipal Corpootation,

North The boundary ine starts from Gopalpur Tank weir at 100' bypass road and
proceeds along the centre line of road upto Sammaiah Nagar Junction.

Easl The Eoundary line starts kom Sammarah Nagar Junction and proceeds along
the centre lrne of60'wide road via Presidency School upto H.No.2-4-1159 and

takes lefl and p)roceeds vla H.Nos.2-4-883 24-72013, till it connects the old bus
depo road at H.LNo.24-742.
South fhe eounaary t ine starts from H. No 24-742 and proceeds along the centre
hne of Old Bus Depol road vra Thirumala Bar Junction uplo Bhavani Nagar
Arch at H No 2-( -9-12t1
West The Boundary Gtsta,ts
I from Bhavani Nagar Arch trom H NOI 2-9-1211 and
proceeds alongr the centre I'ne of ihe road vra H.Nos.2-9_221 upto 2I205 and
iakes left via Hi Nos 2-9-196 upto 2-9-195/8 ard Ekes letl and proceeds via
H.No 2-9-376, 2-9-38215,
2 SV Convention Hall and takes right & proceeds uPto
100' road at Gopalpur
Gol tank Weir.

Ward This Ward consists of h ouse numueii covered by the respective revenue ward &
No.58 block Nos : 2-8-280 to 2 {-551, 2-9-3E4 to 2-9-€nd of Greate. Werangel MuniciPal
Corpomti( n.
North The Boundary rine
I sta,r" tto. H.No 2-10-2 at 100' bypass road and proceeds
towards waddeeDalli tank surplus welr upto H.No 2_10'1/10 and take right
proceed upto Hl.No 31-3 58/1i2, take nght ploceed upto Waddepalh church on
100' road and proceed along the centre hne of 1OO' road towards KUC upto
H No.2-9-72'1l9
Easl ttre sounaary rine starts tronr Hno-2-9-z2tl9lt & proceeds along the cenke
line of road vra H.Nos 2-S-398, 2-9-318, 2-9-30413 upto H.Nos.2-9'27612 on old
bus depo I!)aq
South The Boundary i"" itartl at H-tto z-s276D and proceeds along the Centre line
of lndira Nagar road via H.Nos.2-8-583/1 upto H.No.2-7123914

West -he Boundary lrne s6rts fro; iJi.o2'7-12394 & proceeds via H.Nos 2-8-
45414 , 2-8457 , 2-8-321, 2-7 -fiA8,lstg, 2-9- 1222 upto H.No.2-10-2 on'100'road

Ward Th-,6lvati! consisls of house

h numbers covercd b, the Es,ective reverr(le wtd &
No.59 2-6-end,2-7-'l to 2-7 -1239,2-a-5521o 2{-end and 2-9-197 to 2-
block Nosr: 2-6-1158 to 2-
gal Municipal CorPoretion.
9-383 of GireaterWaranga
North The Boundary line starts from H No 2-9-76D on old bus depo road and
proceeds via H Nos 2,9-197/A, 2-9-204, 2-9-221 & 2-9-'12 upto H.no 2-4-1056
at Thirumala Bar Junction
East Ihe Boundary ,tne sterts trorn H NO 2.5-1056 at tirum-aE--luncton procee*
vra Hnos2$,1117, 27 56tcl2 upto H.^o.2-7-28 and further proceeds via
H.Nos.2-7-1 2-5-71 0, upto H.No.2-5-738/2/1

Souih The Eoundary line starts from H.Nol-5-73872/i;nd-roceeds via l{Nos2_5_

741,2 5 748,2-5-766 lpto SubedariJunction.

West TheBoundarylinestartsf romSubedariJun-it-onanolroceEZ-ETIoi-liG

7 1174, 2_7-1248, 2_8_573 upto H.No.2_9_276l2 at otd Bus
55'1, 2-7-513lA, 2
Depo road

Ward This Ward consists of house numbeE coverea Ly ttre.espEctive rwenue

ward E
.block Nos; 2-7-1240 to 2-7-End, Z-B_1 to 2-8_28ti, Z-rO_t io Z-rO_inJ'oi Greater
Warangal Muricipal Corporation
The Boundary line startJirom New Suu registciaBice on 1OOft Bypass
take right proceed along loo,feet road upio waddepalli church, take right
H to.21A-2 & proceeds via H Nos 2-i0_b4, 24A_47, 2_7_13BA, 2-8-32'1
H.No2 7-123914
The Boundary ltne starts from H.NoZ-Z-f23Sr' tn 60feet road, proceed
H.Nos.2-7-1222, 2 7 1il4, Z-t-516, 2_1O_SSI and enas at SubeOari'Junltion.
The Boundary line starts fiom suUeOarilnition ana proceeOs via H.Nos':
2-10-868,2-10 873 upto Tnvenisuper Marketat H No.2_io_g45.
The Boundary l.ne starls fror H No 2-,0-945 (frivenr Supei ma*ett
p1:c::ds via H Nos2 .0-429. 2-10_309 upro Sub.Regrstrar Omce ai' rOO:

Ward This Ward consists of house numbeE coverea by tv the

ttr reepective
block Nos:1/{ of creater Warangat Municipat Coapo;ation.
revinui- ira-E
No.lh The boundary tlne starts frorn Sv.No_B-4s
Sy.t:o.OaS ot WaOOepatty Vittageina proceeOs
towards tasl atong the bounoarytrne ot Sy No.. eloi ea', d5:i6ol6itiii
of Waddepaly V lage rpto bund road ot iv"Oo"p"rry f"nr
100'road i.e ai H No 2 1O-2
East The boundary tine starts from aiH irto Z-tOf anO prbceeG
aEng tG;entre
upto sub Resistrar offi*. sno. w"i""g"r:rJ f;i,.r.
proceeds . atong
towards south the ce;tre tine of tn"r""o iif iii""."L"t" liH )bf
a-t H.No.1-1-1l1.
South The boundary line starts from H.No 1-t a/1 and furrhe;;roceeda
along the centre line of NH 202.oad upto Carmel Baptist
tor;As west
Church bearing
West n.r.ro r r_ro+z ano proceeos towaroi noru,aons-
lne centre l,ne ::.::i:^Iom
ol tne roao of FCt codowns m";;".d;il;;;;'Jil;"T:
li::::* ^"l1lg. ii"^ "-yt::::Tq"-,,1q
wal of the Fcre"to,* pi"*"l"
F-cr-rra;k tir.ir intersects t Lir,lv n:"iiii'",'uil[r.[",i
R:llll '*i ,iT[:::]":::1..,il9i9
,r, *Fl;'"i,*;l
ljy n9: 845 ofWad;epaly vilase
" ;;; iL*,';:ij,;:;
Ward This Ward consists oi nouselumuirs covered bi ttre
No.62 block Nos:'ll2, 1t3, 25t1, 25t2, 2Si3 and 25A of Greater respictive rwinuE wara t
Co.polation. Warangal Municipal
North The boundary |,ne sta(s from Sy No.763 ;f SomrOi Revenue
WEge aM
tl,"^bj!ld".y trne somdi Revenue vird;
sy no.62 to 66,70,71, 74 to ,,85,9s,96 an; 101
t" io6b;;;;h;;;:"=""."Ji
along ihe boundary line of Waddepa y revenue vtllage
from sv no:77} to 77;
/,/o€n0 proceeds upto the raJlway track at Sy.no:775 ot WaOOepatty
East .,":]::: rr-om- h.y nozTs or rivauoepariy
proceeds towards "::n south atong thi center lrne ot
revenue-irrase and
;;; ;;i#i#;N1l;
Delhr) t,ll it rntersects tne FCt ;iway track ana ru.tnei pro-deeO-s-aiffit;;";
rartw_ay.track and along the outer compound
the FCt main road and turther proce;ds along the
center trne ot tre i6l riiri
ril connecis rhe NH 2oi at H n" r_r-ioli'i."., -ia,ri"i
Bapthist Church
South The boundary tile stals fam H No i-1-1627 te.,
carmet Bapth isl.ElEFand-
further proceeds lowards west alonq the centre
line of NH 202 road upto
Kazipetjunction i.e at H.No. f-3-fCO
The boundary line starts from H No 1-3-180 and proceeds towards north along
the cenlre line of the road somidi road upto H.No.25-5-1/A and further
proceeds along the boundary line of 25-3 ward block and 25-2 ward block till it
connects Talla Padmavathi college road end further proceeds along the
boundary line of Somidi village upto Sy.No 763 of somidr Village

This Ward consists of houae numbers covered by thg respective rcvenue ward &
block Nos: 114, 115, 1l6lPl, 2515, 2516, 2517 & 25l10lPl of Greater Warangal Municipal

The boundary line starts from the intersection point of 815 of lvadrkonda Village
I Sy.No.273 of somdi Village and proceeds along the boundary line of 25-2
and 25-3_ward block,upto H No.25-51/A
The boundary line starts at H No25-5-1/A and further proceeds along the
center line of somid road trll il connects NH-202 at Kazipet junction ie at
ftre Uounitary tinL starts tronr Hflo.t+O7 and procaeds towards west along
the center line of the NH 202 upto H.no:1$-198 i.e, at Govt High school and
proceeds via H.no's:25-10-158/1,25 10-'16,25-10-135 25-'11-21A,25 11-3 25-10'
123 uplo 25-10-127tA and proceeds along ihe sy.no:1002,907 and 908 of
madikonda village and further proceeds along the boundary of west
constituency upto sy no: 909 of madikonda village.

ih; baGd", tine sta?i torn 9og of madikonda village along the
boundary ot the west constituency "y.no
upto sy.no:837 of madikonda village.

This Ward consists ot houae numbeE covercd by the rcspective revenue ward &
block NGr:26r1, 2612, 2613, 26t4, 641,6412, 5413,64,4, 30r2(P), 3013, 30,4, 3015, 30/6,
30n and 30rE of Greeter Warangal MuniciPal CorPor.iion.

The boundary line starts from Sy.No.470 of Unikicherla Vlllage and proceeds
towards East along the boundary line of the uniki cherla village from sy.no s:
473,474,490 to 496, 25 to 28, 82 lo 84,86, 87, 105, 106, 130, 131, 135 to
139 365, 193, 194, 21 9 1o 221, 223, 225, 226, 23 1, 2351 3 235 12, 235 1, 237,

236, 240 , 242, 334 335, 336/1, 340/3, 34012,34011and 349, 351 to 355
The boundary line starts from the boundary of madikonda revenue vrllage via
sy.no'si772,773 774, 175, 791 793,792 800,80'1,802, 814 upto 8'15 and
takes tu.n towards south and proceeds along the boundary line of wardannapet
consiiuency till it connects NH-202 at h no:255-34.
South lfri tine suas from H.No:25S-34 and proceeds towards west along
the cenler lne of the NH-202 trll it antersects the dharmasagar road at h.no: 30-
2-1237 and further proceeds along the center line dharmasagar road upto
h.no:30-7-90 and proceeds along the h.no's:30-7-112,30-8-27,30-8-36,30-8-
66,30-8-75,30-8-108 upto h.no:30-8-118 and tudher proceeds along ihe
boundary of sy.no's:1655,1657,1656,1661'1662,'1663,1699 and 1700 of
madikonda revenue village and further proceeds along the bund road of tank in
sy.no:1701 of madikonda village and further proceeds along the boundary line
oi sy.no's: 17'10, 1711 1713, 1714, 1748, 1757 1A75, 1A12, 1A71,1870'
1858, 1857 1856, 1855, 1854, 1853, 1844113, 1A44114, 1A44115, 1844116,
1844/17 1843 upto sy no:1842 of madikonda revenue village.
-me boundary line starts flom sy.no 1842 ol madikonda village along the
boundary ol madikonda vrllage along the sy no's: 1902,1903,1904,'1906,1911 to
1918 335 to 337,339,342,347, 348,487,488, 490, 492,493 upto 495 of
madikonda village.

This Ward consists of hou3e numbeE covered by the respcctive ,evenue ward &
block Nos: 29f1, 2912, 2913, 2914,2915,3112, 5311, 5312, 53'3, 56/1, 5612, 56'3, 56'4, C5'1
& 65/2 of Greator Walangal Municipal corporation

a?runUaryrine Status torm sy.No.86 of Yellapur and proceeds along the village
boundary line to sy. No.'158

eoundary Llne Stitus rr.. sfr'to,tsa yettapui vittage atong the boundary line
up to Sy.No.273 of yellapur vlllage and agaln status from Sy.No.477 of
Chinthagattu village and procees along the village Further status form
Sy.No.337 of Bheemaram village and proceeds along the Village boundary up
to Sy.No5O7 of Bheemaram vrllage Again statirs from Sy.No8'10 oJ
WaaJdepally village proceede along the center lne of railway track Sy No 788
ofWadOepally village
Boundary Lrne slals lror rarlway track ,n Sy-No788 of waadEpatty vrttage ana
proceeds along Sy.No 786, 785,777,778 ol waddepa y village. And proceeds
along village boundary lne of Devannapet village upto Sy.No..l9g of
Dgvqln?pi! Yl!1q99
Boundary t rne Status 1om Sy.No 194 of D"r"nn"pJ- !" unil*JJ"
along the village bolndary line up to Sy.No368 of Devannapet vrllage And
West a!gain status from Sy.No332 of Chinthagaflu vi age and proceeds at;ng the
vilillage boundary o[ chinthagatiu viltage up to Sy.No.469/1 of yefiapur viitage
arnd proceeds along the viltage boundary up to Sy.No 85 of ye apur vi age

Ward This Ward cronsists of house numbers covered Uy ttre respecEvC revcnue wara a
No.66 block Nos:
oai 2711,
2 2712, 2713, 2714, 2715, 27t6, 27t7, 27t8, 271,t1, 27t12,27t1|3, 27t14, oI
Greater WaIa
WaIangal Municipal Corporation.

North eounaarline starts trom S.llo:15 at inteisection-i Hasanpartfry cfreru UunO

an c, allalong the nala till Sy.No.787/t ot Hasanparthy
vi age.
East Boundary line staft fiom S.No787/1 of Xasanpartfry viffige &lroceeds ala
along boundary lrne of Hasanparthy vilage ti 112l1. of Hasjnpadhy Vt age
South Boundary lne starts f.om Sy.No fi2-lr ot lasanparttty vittage & proceeas
across Sy No'112/1 of Hasanparthy village across Sy.no gg/1 tiil it reaches the
road behind H-No 27-10,39,27-1040 acioss S.No.i42l2 and proceeds along
the road and turns ietl trll it reaches the H.No 27-8-86 and turns aght to mee_t
the road at H.No 27-9 80 and proceeds atong the road tilt H.No.27_9_112 and
tufl left and proceeds t.tt rt reach NH 563 and turns tett and proceeds allalono
the centre line ot NH-563 t.lt il reaches H No.2/-.14_3 and turns right an;
ptoceeds via 27,1441 lilt it reaches the canal.
West oundary line starts from at center ot canat
Bo neaiHttojZ+_gg anA turns rigttt
nd.proceeds all along lhe boundry of hasanparthy revenue village till S.No.3-15
of Flelqlle4lyllEsE

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