Dustin Kern - Canadian Immigration

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Canadian immigration

In 1904 445 men from india immigrated into canada. In 1906 a brief surge brought
4700-5000 people from india into canada mostly coming to B.C. there are lots of
indians still coming to canada just in 2022, 118,095 indians migrated into canada.
1.9 million indians have immigrated to canada in total that’s 18.6% of Canada’s
population that are immigrants from india.
Problems indians faced when they started immigrating
Some of the problems that indians face when they first started immigrating to
canada was racism, employment opportunities, housing, weather, cultural
differences, transportation issues, language because none else spoke their
language, and raising children was hard
Living in canada compared to india
Canada is better than living in india because canada has a better standard of
living high salaried jobs, a low crime rate, free health care services, public
infrastructure and better quality education than india
Indian culture and traditions

Hindus celebrate Diwali, Holi and makar Sakranti muslims observe eid, baisakhi
(crop harvesting) is a Sikn festival, jains commemorate mahavir jayanti and
buddhists mark Buddhas birthday birthday. Christmas and good friday are
celebrated by christians too. Then there are festivals to honour saints public
figures and gurus.

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