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Jake And


Isbn 104894
Printed in Colombia
Version 1
May 2023
© Tomas Martinez

Prologue –

Amelia had always loved bicycles. Ever since she was a little girl, she had spent
countless hours riding around her neighborhood, feeling the wind in her hair and
the freedom of the open road. As she grew older, her love for bikes only grew
stronger, and she began to dream of all the places she could go and all the
adventures she could have.

One day, she decided to set out on a bike trail that she had never been on before. It
wound through the woods, following a river and crossing over bridges and through
tunnels. As she pedaled along, she felt a sense of exhilaration and freedom, as if
nothing could hold her back.

It was then that she saw him. A tall, handsome man with a shock of brown hair and
a friendly smile, riding along the trail on a sleek road bike. Their eyes met, and for a
moment, everything else faded away. They rode side by side, chatting and laughing,
and by the time they parted ways, Amelia knew that she had just met someone

Little did she know, that chance meeting on the bike trail would change her life

The start of the journey
Once upon a time, in a small town nestled in the countryside, there lived a girl
named Amelia. She was a free-spirited and adventurous young woman who loved
nothing more than exploring the great outdoors. One day, as she was taking a
leisurely stroll down the winding dirt path that led to the outskirts of the town, she
came across a young man who was riding a bicycle.

The boy's name was Jake, and he was just passing through the town on his way to a
nearby city. Jake was tall, with tousled brown hair and sparkling green eyes that
seemed to twinkle in the sunlight. He had a friendly smile and an easygoing
demeanor, which immediately put Amelia at ease. As they struck up a conversation,
Amelia discovered that Jake was a bicycle enthusiast who loved nothing more than
exploring new places on his trusty two-wheeler.

Amelia was immediately intrigued by Jake's passion for cycling, and the two of them
soon found themselves swapping stories about their favorite cycling routes and the
joys of exploring the countryside. As they talked, Amelia couldn't help but feel a
spark of attraction growing between them. There was something about Jake's easy
confidence and carefree spirit that drew her to him, and she found herself wanting
to spend more time in his company.

Over the next few days, Amelia and Jake spent more and more time together,
exploring the countryside on their bicycles and enjoying each other's company. As
they rode, they talked about their hopes and dreams, their fears and anxieties, and
the things that made them feel truly alive. They laughed and joked together,
enjoying the simple pleasure of each other's company and the beauty of the world
around them.

As the days turned into weeks, Amelia and Jake began to realize that they were
falling in love. There was something about the way they moved together on their
bicycles, the wind in their hair and the sun on their faces, that seemed to bring them
closer together. They would race down the winding country roads, laughing and
shouting with joy, and then slow down to admire the breathtaking views from the
top of a hill or the edge of a riverbank.

As they rode, they began to discover new things about each other. Amelia learned
that Jake was a talented artist who loved to draw and paint, while Jake discovered
that Amelia had a hidden talent for playing the guitar. They would stop by the side
of the road and take out their instruments, playing and singing together as the birds

chirped and the sun set over the horizon.

Eventually, the day came when Jake had to leave the town and continue on his
journey. Amelia was heartbroken at the thought of losing him, but she knew that
their love was something
special and worth fighting for. So, with tears in her eyes, she told Jake that she wanted to come
with him.

Together, they set out on a new adventure, exploring new places and experiencing
new things together. They rode through bustling cities and sleepy towns, across
rolling hills and sparkling rivers, always with the wind in their hair and the sun on
their faces. And through it all, their love continued to grow stronger and deeper,
sustained by the simple joy of being together and the thrill of discovering new
things together.

Years went by, and Amelia and Jake continued to ride together, exploring the world
and making beautiful memories along the way. They faced challenges and obstacles,
but they always managed to overcome them with the power of their love and their
shared passion for adventure. And as they rode, they knew that they had found
something truly special in each other, something that would sustain them through
all the ups and downs of life and make their journey together a joyful and fulfilling

As Amelia and Jake continued to spend more time together, their feelings for each
other grew stronger with each passing day. They spent hours exploring the
countryside on their bicycles, riding down winding dirt paths and admiring the
beauty of the world around them. And as they rode, they began to discover new
things about each other, sharing stories of their pasts and their dreams for the future.

One day, as they sat by the edge of a riverbank, watching the sun set over the
horizon, Jake turned to Amelia and said, "You know, there's something I've been
wanting to do with you for a while now."

Amelia raised an eyebrow. "What's that?" she asked, her curiosity piqued.

"I want to take you on a real ride," Jake said, grinning mischievously.

Amelia's heart skipped a beat. She had never been on a long-distance bicycle ride
before, but the thought of exploring new places with Jake filled her with
excitement. "Where would we go?" she asked.

Jake shrugged. "Anywhere we want. We could ride for days, explore new towns and
cities, and see things we've never seen before."

Amelia smiled, the prospect of adventure beckoning to her. "I'm in," she said.

Over the next few days, Jake and Amelia made preparations for their first long-
distance bicycle ride. They gathered supplies, packed their bags, and planned out a
rough route that would take them through some of the most scenic parts of the
countryside. And as they prepared, their excitement grew with each passing hour,
until finally, the day arrived when they were ready to set out on their adventure.

As they mounted their bicycles and pedaled down the dirt path that led out of town,
Amelia felt a sense of exhilaration wash over her. She was embarking on a journey
with the man she loved, a journey that would take them to new places and
introduce them to new experiences. It was a feeling unlike anything she had ever
felt before, and she reveled in it as they rode into the unknown.

Their first stop was a small town that was nestled in the hills, surrounded by fields of
wheat and barley. As they rode through the town's narrow streets, Amelia and Jake
marveled at the old buildings and quaint storefronts that lined the road. They

stopped at a local café and sat outside, sipping coffee and watching the townspeople
go about their daily business.
As they sat, they noticed an old man sitting at a nearby table, staring at them
intently. After a few moments, the man approached them, his weathered face
creased in a smile. "I couldn't help but notice your bicycles," he said. "You two look
like you're on an adventure."

Amelia and Jake smiled, introducing themselves to the man. His name was Henry,
and he was a retired carpenter who had lived in the town his entire life. As they
chatted, Henry regaled them with stories of his own adventures, recounting tales of
bicycle rides through the mountains and across the deserts.
"I envy you two," he said wistfully. "I wish I was young enough to go on an
adventure like yours."

Amelia and Jake exchanged a look, then turned to Henry. "Why don't you come
with us?" Amelia asked.

Henry's eyes widened in surprise. "You mean it?"

Amelia and Jake nodded. "Of course. The more, the merrier."

And so, with Henry in tow, they set out once again, riding down the winding dirt
path that led deeper into the countryside. As they rode, they talked and laughed,
sharing stories and admiring the beauty of the world around them.

The work offers
As the days turned into weeks, and the weeks turned into months, Amelia, Jake, and
Henry continued their journey, exploring new towns and cities, and seeing things
they never thought they would. They rode through the mountains, across the
deserts, and through the countryside, and with each passing day, their bond grew

But as they neared the end of their journey, a sense of sadness began to creep in.
They had become so accustomed to each other's company, and the thought of
parting ways filled them with a sense of longing.

On their final day together, they rode through a field of wildflowers, their bicycles
weaving in and out of the tall grass. The sun shone brightly overhead, casting a
warm glow over the countryside. As they rode, Amelia felt a sense of peace wash
over her. She knew that this journey had changed her life forever, and that the
memories she had made with Jake and Henry would stay with her forever.
As they rode, they approached a hill that loomed in front of them, its peak shrouded
in mist. Jake turned to Amelia and Henry, a mischievous grin on his face. "You guys
ready for one last adventure?" he asked.

Amelia and Henry exchanged a look, then nodded. They knew that whatever lay
ahead, they would face it together.

And so, with their hearts pounding with excitement, they pedaled up the hill, their
bicycles soaring through the mist. As they reached the top, they let out a whoop of
joy, their arms raised high in triumph.

At that moment, Amelia realized that this journey had been about more than just
bicycles and adventure. It had been about love, about finding someone who shared
her passions and dreams, and who was willing to stand by her side no matter what.

As they rode back down the hill, Amelia felt tears welling up in her eyes. She knew
that this journey was coming to an end, but she also knew that the memories she
had made would stay with her forever.

When they finally reached the bottom of the hill, they dismounted their bicycles
and embraced, tears streaming down their faces. They knew that they would never
forget the journey they had taken, and the love they had found along the way.

After the journey ended, Amelia receives bad news, That she will have to move city
due to her father’s work, this makes her very upset, She goes to Henry and Jake’s

house to tell them the bad news, This makes both Henry and Jake very upset also.
Jake, Amelia, and Henry are creating a plan to convince Amelia’s father to change
his mind and not to move, So what is happening is that Amelia’s father found a work
offer at another city that has a better payment.

They plan to change Amelia’s father mind by finding another work offer at the same
city they actually live that has a better payment that both actual work of him and
the work offer he saw.

And they found a better work, Being the director of a recognized bank corporation,
Amelia’s father has experience being the director of many corporations, so they
thought the work fitted perfectly for Amelia’s father, so Both Jake and Henry tell
Amelia to ride on a their bicycle to Amelia’s house, So they do it. When they arrive
to the house, Amelia tells her dad that she needs to talk about the work offer and
that she found a better work offer on the same city that pays much better than the
work offer in the other city.
Amelia’s father thinks about it, and tells Amelia:
“I am going to contact the Bank to see if they can hire me”
“If they hire me, We are staying here”
“If not, We will move”

So, Amelia’s father calls the bank, He scheduled an interview next day.

Chapter 4
The interview

Amelia’s father is going to the interview of the work offer at the bank.

He has arrived to the bank’s headquarters.

The Bank’s CEO welcomes him to the main office on the headquarters, Gives him a
coffee and starts asking questions:
Bank CEO: “Do you have experience working as a director?”
Amelia’s father: “Yes, I have worked for many corporations as a director, My current
job is director at the real state”

Bank CEO: “Great, So you might know how a bank works”

Amelia’s father: “Yes, A real state business is very similar to a bank”
Bank CEO: “Could you please hand me your folder with your curriculum”
Amelia’s father: “Sure, Here it is”

Bank CEO: “I will check it out, I will send you an EMAIL if you get hired, thank you
for choosing us!”

Amelia’s father: “Great! I will be very happy to work for the bank”

So, Amelia’s father comes back to the house and tells Amelia about the interview.

A few days later…

Amelia’s father receives an EMAIL saying:

“Hello there, I am the Bank’s CEO, I have checked your curriculum and your profile,
and I am happy to tell you that you are now the official director of the Bank, we can
schedule another appointment to introduce you to the bank”

Amelia’s father is very happy about the EMAIL he has received, He goes to tell
“Amelia, I am officially the director of the bank, we aren’t moving from the city”
This makes Amelia very happy and takes a ride on her bicycle to Jake and Henry’s
houses to tell them the good news.

Jake and Henry are very happy about the news they have received, so they decide to
take a ride on their bicycles to the nearest restaurant to eat. The years pass, Amelia,
Jake, And Henry are enjoying what they do and they ride on their bicycles every

Chapter 5
A lifetime adventure

Date: 25/04/2023
Years had passed since Amelia and Jake's fateful meeting on the bike trail, and they
had been inseparable ever since. They had ridden thousands of miles together,
exploring new places and discovering new trails, their love for bicycles and
adventure growing stronger with each passing day.

On a sunny day in the middle of summer, Jake took Amelia to their favorite bike
trail, the same one where they had first met. He led her to a beautiful clearing, filled
with wildflowers and surrounded by tall trees. As they dismounted their bikes and
took in the scenery, Jake turned to Amelia, a look of love and devotion in his eyes.
"Amelia, I have something to ask you," he said, taking her hands in his.

Amelia's heart raced as Jake got down on one knee and pulled a small box from his

"Will you marry me?" he asked, opening the box to reveal a beautiful diamond ring.

Tears welled up in Amelia's eyes as she nodded yes, throwing her arms around Jake's
neck and kissing him deeply.

They were married in the same clearing, surrounded by friends and family and the
beauty of nature. Their bikes were decorated with flowers and ribbons, and they
rode off into the sunset as husband and wife.

As the years went by, they continued to ride together, exploring new places and
creating new memories. They faced challenges and hardships, but they always faced
them together, their love for each other and their shared love for adventure carrying
them through.

They biked through the deserts of Arizona, the mountains of Colorado, the forests of
Oregon, and the beaches of California. They traveled to other countries and biked
through Europe, Asia, and South America. Every year they planned a new
adventure, a new journey, a new destination.

As they biked, Amelia's heart swelled with love for Jake. She knew that he was the
man she was meant to spend the rest of her life with, and she felt so grateful that
they had found each other through their shared love for bicycles.

One day, as they were biking through the French countryside, Jake turned to
Amelia with a mischievous grin.

"Hey, remember that first bike race we did together?" he asked.

Amelia laughed. "Of course, I do! You beat me by a mile."

Jake chuckled. "Well, I've been training, and I think I'm ready for a rematch. What
do you say?"

Amelia smiled. "You're on."

They biked through the winding roads of the French countryside, pushing
themselves harder and harder, each determined to come out on top. The race was
close, but in the end, Jake emerged victorious.
As they collapsed onto the grass, panting and laughing, Jake turned to Amelia, his
eyes sparkling.

"You know, Amelia, I never thought I would find someone who loved bikes and
adventure as much as I do," he said. "But then I met you, and everything changed.
You've made my life so much better, and I'm so grateful for every moment we've
shared together."

Amelia's heart swelled with love for Jake. She knew that he was the man she was
meant to spend the rest of her life with, and she felt so grateful that they had found
each other through their shared love for bicycles.

And so, they continued to bike through life together, facing every challenge and
every joy with the same determination and spirit that had brought them together so
many years ago. They biked through the ups and downs of life, always holding onto
each other and the love that they shared.

In their old age, they would often sit together on their front porch, watching the sun
set and reminiscing about their many adventures.


This is where this beautiful story ends, this story tells us about how a simple adventure
could end being a lifetime adventure, we hope you have enjoyed this beautiful story,
Amelia and Jake are living happy forever.

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