Physics 2nd Half FSC Part 2

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 Write short answers to following questions:

1. Differentiate between crystalline, amorphous and polymeric solids.

2. Define coactivity
3. Write few applications of photo diode.
4. What is mean by open loop gain of op-amp
5. Why ordinary silicon does not emit light?
6. Write two postulates of special theory of relativity.
7. What is pair production?, give example
8. What is bohr’s second postulate?
9. What are biological effects of radiations?
10. What are advantages of laser over ordinary light?
11. Explain working of Solid state detector
12. Differentiate between fast and thermal reactors.

Write extensive answer to following questions:

1. Write note of Geiger muller tube.
2. Calculate longest wavelength of radiation for paschen series
3. Write note on photoelectric effect

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