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Hearing colours

ij ,/ ork in pairs. Discuss the following questions.

What gadgets or devices do you use?
B Match the sentences from the video (1-8) with the
- Are there any new gadgets or devices you want to buy? strategies (a-d) in the box.
3 Have you ever been to a technology fair or exhibition?
Why/Why not7 Recounting events

• ► Watch the video. Are these sentences true (T), false (F) We often recount events. To do this effectively we use a
or not given (NG)? number of strategies.
a signalling the start of a story. For example,_
1 Harry is off sick from work. T/F/NG
b giving the background to a story. For example, _
2 The cafe was very busy in the morning. T/F/NG
c evaluating parts of a story. For example, _, _
3 Emily was about to leave the Tech Fair when
d sequencing events in a story. For example,��_,_
a woman approached her. T/F/NG
4 The device looked like headphones. T/F/NG
s The first thing that Emily saw on the screen QsPEAKING HUB ____�
was a red square. TI FI NG
6 Emily agrees that Sam should go to the Tech Fair. TI FI NG A PLAN You are going to tell an interesting anecdote
to a partner. You can choose one of the following
topics or use your own idea.
PEAKING SKILL • a strange coincidence
Work in pairs. Put the following sentences from the video • a great event
in the order they are spoken.
• an unforgettable trip
□ Well, I was at this big Health Tech Fair earlier B PREPARE Make notes on how you are going to
today, right? sequence the events in your anecdote.
D But hang on, I'll get to that.
D Tell me about it. I've had a bit of a strange
C DISCUSS Work in pairs. Tell your anecdote.
Change roles.
one myself.
D [The woman] asked me to step inside a large
So I'm th.i.nki.n_q to myse.lf th.i.s i.s l£ke.
strn.i:gh.t ov1.t of c,1 Hollywood movi.e..
box. So I did.
D [I'm] thinking about heading out when all of D REFLECT Work with a new partner and retell them
the sudden, this woman stops me. your previous partner's anecdote.
Overall it was a strange but unforgettable
I was just about to ask her what it was when
she slammed the door on me!
So I'm standing there saying 'Excuse me .. ,
what's going on' and thinking what on earth
have I got myself into.

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