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‘construeson and Bullaing Mavis 303 (2021) 124463 Contents ists available a SeienceDiret Construction and Building Materials journal homopage: www.clsevier.comilocate/conbuildmat Effect of waste corn stalk ash on the early-age strength development of fly ash/cement composite 2 Qinfei Li‘", Yao Zhao", Heng Chen“, Piqi Zhao", Pengkun Hou", Xin Cheng *, Ning Xie" * shang Moll ay Laborato Preprtonand Meare of Bullingdon and Eager the Unter of aan non Sandon 250022 Cine * Se ey Laeayof ren Rag Mer, Beling, PR China ower FRleement pcm Meehan property Ryerson proces 1. Introduetion was reported tha the production of Portland cement accounts for ‘over 20 percent of total industrial greenhose gas emissions and poses severe envizonmental problems worldwide (1,21. To redce the carbon, footprint and overcome the ecological and environmental challenges because of Portiand cement production, i is compeling to partially oF ‘even thoroughly replace Pordand cement by using supplementary ‘cementitious materials (SCMs) [5-5)- The most widely used. SMS Inchide: fy ash (FA), ground granulated blast-furnace slag (GBS), and sili fame (SF) due to their pozzolanic reactivity. It has been widely accepted that the addition of the SCMs is beneficial ro enhance the ‘durability of cement concrete products (69). It was claimed tha the ‘sddition of FA ean significantly regulate the fluidity of eement slurry [10] while adding FA can redice the hea of hydration to prepare cn ‘rete with high compressive strength and good corresion resistance [11,22], SP ean fill the pores of the matrix, and form dense hydration products to improve the performance ofthe concrete material [13,14] Although the notble benefits of the dursbilty enhancement, the ‘reduction of the early-agestrengdh has confined its applications, espe cially forthe low-calcium FAs, which have limited pozzolani reactivity and will not contebute to the strength development until about 144 hydration [15]. For solving this problem, previous studies have tested tnanosilica to enhance the pozzolanic reactivity of the FA/cement sy tem, and the results showed that the addition of the nanasilicn is * Conesponding abot Ball addreser: se sien @uj.ediuen, xening@hiceduen (NX) psd. org/10.1016/conbullmat.2021.124463 ‘To alleviate the challenges hom the ealy-age suength shortage of Ay ash/eement syste, she com stalk ash, on gcc waste, was used to expedite the evy-age stength development ofthe Ay asheement stem. The ‘mechanical propesty was tested and the mlcrostucture was analyzed ro undestand the hydration mechani of this system, Besides, tbe Gibbs Energy Minimization Software (GEMS) was apple to further understand the hydration proces. Ir canbe deduced from the results tar the eon stalk ah accouted forthe Increase o he enter ofthe amoxphous pise ai the redieton ofthe ele hyde effective in mitigating the low early age strength problem. It was re Ported that, with 2% adaltion of nano sie, the early-age compressive strength and durability ofthe coment conerete produets ean be consi. erably enhanced even with the FA content as high as 40% 10 60% [16] Similar results pointed out thac the early-age strength of eonerer, whieh was mixed with FA in the range of 15% t0 30%, can be significantly improved by adding 5% nano silica (17). The mechanism ofthe nano- silica reinforcement has been widely accepted as 1) they can react ‘quickly with Ca(OH), to form CS-H phase, 2) they ean serve as the ‘ele to form dense hydration produits, and) hey ill the fine pores in concrete [18 Although the nano-siica has shown its promising benefits ‘o enhance the ealy-age mechanical properties of the FA/ceaent sys tem, the high cost of the nano silica has sigaificantly confined its wide applications inthe leds. As result tis compelling to find out new replacement materials (© mitigate the early-age strength reduetion problem of the FA/cement system, ‘Burning agricultural residue is critical origin that accounts for environmental problems. After buming, most ofthe agricultural residue shes were dteety released into the ar or landfilled, which pases severe tir and water pollution [19-22]. Therefore, how to effetively mitigate the environmental problems that are derived from the buraing of the agricultural residue is remaining & critical challenge, Previous studies hheve demonstrated that the chemical compositions ofthe burned agt- cultural residue ashes are mainly silica, potassium oxide, and calcium oxides, and the erystalinity of them was significantly determined by the Received 26 Mach 2021; Receved in sevised foun 24 July 2021; Accepted 4 August 2021 ‘Avallaleoniae 14 August 2021 (0950°0618/© 2021 Elsevier Lid All ight reserved, Quel ‘combustion conditions [28,24]. These findings suggest that the burned agricultural residue ashes ean be potentially used aS SCMS for ‘manufacturing green conerete products. AS a result, using combustion ‘agricultural residue ashes as SCMS has two folds benefits, namely reducing the consumption of the Portland cement and reeyeing the ‘waste agricultural reside ashes Previous studies have demonstrated that agriculral waste ashes Ihave good pozzolanie reetivity (23,25-2/]. Compared with SF, wheat ‘sa ash (WSA) andre sraw asi (RSA) lave higher water adsorption ‘apacity [28-30]. Meanwhile, it was found hat the concrete samples ‘containing WSA or RSA had sini compressive strength compared (0 those containing SF [31], The agro-waste materials can be activated via ‘calcination temperature in only haf ofthe cement mamufactaring (2) It ‘as reported thatthe optinial calcination temperature is about G00 °Cto ‘brain the Ingest specific surface area and the lowest residual cesbon ‘The collocted agro waste ash had a good pozzolanic reactivity, which is beneficial to improve the mechanical properties and durability of eon- crete (23). In addition tothe rice husk, wheat stra, and agro-waste, the com, stalks another important branch ofthe agricultural esidve, World com, production in 2017 was 1.06 billion tons (32), and kept increasing nally. A few studies have reported that che com stalk ash (CSA) contains reactive Sid, which provides good pozzolanie reactivity, and ‘ean be reyeling used as promising SCMs (3,34)-Itwas claimed thee the ‘orn stalk ash conteibuted tothe mechanical properties enhancement of concrete products. With @ 25% replacement of the cement, the ‘compressive strength of corn cob ash blended conerere was higher than, that of eonteol concrete after being cured for 1204 and 1804 (35) “Another study found chat the conerete produets, which were mixed with ‘com stalk ash up 59 of cement, had higher compressive strength than, the control samples after being cured for 28d followed by cure in sl fate solution for another 180 days (35) Although it has been realiaed thatthe com stalk ashes have po2z0. lanie reetivity [35,36]; the knoveedge gap of the synergistic hydration ‘mechanisnis of the corn stalk as, Portland cement, along with FA have ‘confined its applications. As a result, tis imperative to find ox how the ‘cor stalk ashes reacted with the FAZcemrent system and thus inerease the efficiency of up-cyeling using the low-quality FA and the corn stalk ‘ashes as SCM in manufacturing low carbon conerete products. 2. Material and methods 2.1, Materials ‘The P1. 42.5 cement (provided by China United Cement Corpora Low), standard sand (Chinese standard GB/T 17671-1999) and Class F fy ash were used forthe preparation ofthe paste and mortar samples. ‘The com stalk, which was received from Heilongliang Chins, was manually chopped and followed by ealenation at 600 °C for 6 h. After calcination, the postders were collected and sieved with 200 mesh (75, in), The water-tedueing agent was a polyearboxylatesuperpastcizer. “The X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer (RIGAKU ZX Priums) was applied to measure the chemical composition ofthe Portland cement, FA, and ‘com stalk ash, and the average particle size and discibution of raw materials were tested on a laser diffraction particle size analyzer (GGeckman Counter LS 13 320) The contents ofthe reactive SiO, in both FA and CSA were deter: ined aecording o Chinese standard: Methods fr chemical analysis of ‘cement (GB/T 176-2017). In this method, 0.5 gash was mixed with 200 ml saturnted ealeium hydroxide solution, ad 35 wit nite acid wae used to dissolve the erystalline SiO» inthe dried ashes, after this proces, the potassium Quoride was added to form potassium fuoslicate pre ‘ipiation. The aeld in the fate was titrated with a standard sodium, hiyécoxide solution under an indicacor of phenolphthalein, and the content of reactive SiO, was determined. The obtained data were the ‘average vl from tree times of testing. The testing result revels that arc an Baling Maer 3092021 124469 the reactivesiliea in FA and com stalk ash s 2096 ad 15%, respectively 22. Samples preparation ‘The FA, CSA, coment, and standard sands were mixed for 3 min ne cording to the mixture design. The mixture proportion of the mortar samples with various dosages of comn stalk as is shown in Tsble 1. The 8d, 7d, and 284 samples were prepared withthe same w/b ratio of Ot ‘The mortar samples with a size of 40 mim > 40 mm x 160 mm were cateflly compacted to mininiize the amount of entrapped ait. The samples were de-molded after being cured at room temperature fr 24h nd followed by euting for 34,74, aud 28d witha relative humidity of 99% at 20 °C. The paste samples were soaked in 2 propanol and fol loved by vacuum drying to stop the hydration for measuring the fo loved microstructural characteriztions. The compressive strength was tested on the Universal Compression Testing Machine (MTS-CDT1305- 2) according tothe ASTM C109 with a loading rate of 0.5 mm/min 2.3, Mierosricrre characterization ‘The 3d, 74, end 284 paste snipes, which were prepared with aw/b ratio of 0.4, were soaked in 2 propanol and followed by vacuum drying to stop the hydration. after that the paste samples were ground ad sieved wih #75 un sereen mesh forthe microstruc observation and phase composition deterination. The hea of hydration was mieastred by TAM Air isothermal ealorimeter withthe inner mixing made at 25°C “he thernograviuetie analysis (TASDT-Q600) was in the range of 30 °C co 800 °C. The Quantatve Xray Diflewtion(Rigeku Ute 1V) was used to deter the pase composition ofthe hydration products (x Ka radiation (k = 1.5406 A) with 40 KV was performed, and the Aitraction angle was raged fom 5 0 8D: with 0.0 as the Sep size “he corundum (a-Alz0s) with a mms fection of 20% wes mined with the powder samples as standard internal substance. A Geld emission SEM (ISME7610F, Oxford) was used forthe fracture surface observation. 3 mensional imaging onthe cement pastes with and withont comm stalk ash was obtained by Xray tomography (ZEISS Xradia 510 Versa) Inthe measuring process, the applied volinge was 6O KeV, the power was 5, the expostte time was 2s, and the projection aunber wes 9601 24, Simulation work ‘The Gibbs Energy Minimization Software, which was developed by the Laboratory for Waste Management of Paul Scherrer Institute, was used as the thermodypnite model to investigate the hydration of the A/cement/com stale ash system. The GEMS modeling considers the theriodynamie parameters ofthe singes during the cement hardening process [57-39] ‘The phase assemblage in the samples at 284 hydration was ea lated by GEMS combined with the cement database CEMDATATS.1 and the theemodynaniie data from PSL-GEMS database 40-2). The primary constitutes of the Portland cement (C38, G35, CsA, C,AF, and gypsum) ‘nd the main components ofthe FA and the corn stalk ash (CAO, SiO2, [Als ete.) were selected asthe inputs in the GEMS. The quantitative X ray diffraction results after 284 of hydration were verified with the ‘Table 1 ‘The muxre proportions of movtar samples Searls Foiled FA comealh weercdny noel cama we (wea WE NS) acne) der ” * rate ‘Nove all senples were prepared with a w/b — 04 Quel simulation from GEMS, The XRF results of ray materials in Table? were ‘sed as the input in the GEMS program for simulating the hydration rode at 28 The simulation of GEMS assumes the reaction degree of the cement was 8035, sid the reaction degree of the FA and CSA was 17.59% and 70% at 284, respectively (#3). The QXRD data were used to simulate the phase assemblage, except forthe calcite in the GEMS pro ‘grant. The main content of the amorphous phase was caleulated by subtracting the other phases, which can be calculated through the QXRD data 2. Results and discussion, 1. Raw materials ‘The XRF testing results of OPC, CSA, and FA are listed in Table 2. AS ‘demonstrated inthis table, comparing te chemical composition ofthe FA and the com stalk ash, the contents ofthe SiO, C40, FesOs, aad SOx fare similar. In contrast, the contents of the Al,O3, MgO, and KO ar significantly diferent. The contents ofthe K:0 an MgO in the cor stalk share distinctively higher than PA and eement due co the utilization of ‘agricultural fertilizers, while the Alj0s is considerably lower then the ‘ones inthe FA, In aaltion, as can be seen fom the table, the content of the alunina is about 9.4%, sehich is anuch higher thea previously re ported dats [3]. This is mainly beeause the raw material was the as received ash fran the bared cor stalk in the field directly. The reason ‘why the rv materials wore not washed before burning is tose mate rials that agree with the real burning conditions inthe field Asa result the alumina content inthe CSA might originate from two pats. One part Is from the remained sol on the corn stalk, ad another parts from the ‘orn stalk itso ig: gives the laser diffraction particle size measurenient (Beckman ‘Counter LS 15 320) ofthe FA and the corn stalk ash powders. As can be ‘seen from this Figure, the average particle size of the corn stalk ash is ‘about 22 yu, while the Aly ash is about 10.5 jm. The Seanning Electon Microscope (SEM) morphologies and the XRD patterns of te com stalk ‘ash after calcination at 600°C and sieved with 200 mesh (75 ym) and the ‘oceived FA powder are shoven in Fg. 2. As illustrate inthis figure, the ‘com stalk ash exhibits a random shape while the fly ashes are mostly spherical n the XRD pattern, due tothe Quarze peak is quite high, iis hard to distinctively observe the existence of other minerals in the CSA. In the FA pattern, however, itis palpable o observe a small amount of Mullite and Galeium Alumina Siete phases. 412. Mechanical properties The compressive streagth of the cement/FA-based mortars mixed with com stalk ash is illustrated in Fly. 9. At the age of Sd, the compressive strengths of the CSA0, CSA2, CSA4, CSA, and CSAS are 1.85 MPa, 31.46 MPa, 92.50 MPa, 31.09 MPa, and 25.17 MPa, respectively. At the age of 74, the compressive strengths of the CSA0, (CSA2, CSA4, CSAG, and CSAS are 47.11 MPa, 42.01 MPa, 38.82 MPa, 40.52 MPa, snd 35.58 MPa, respectively. AC the age of 284, the ‘compressive strengths of the CSA0, CSA2, CSA4, CSAS, and CSAS ‘Table 2 RE rests of he Portland cement com stalk ash and FA, Ads 46 oa aa Ko 2 6s as Mio 22 a1 on Fede as 29 a3 HO esto) is 42 37 OL Ges onignton) 1.0 15 88 arc an Baling Maer 3092021 124469 ee me m ~~ Cumulative < volume (%) —/ a we f | coon ai :,,™=— % a Fy ash 0 : mone [ol 5. = | ai eae Particle diameter (um) Fig. 1. Laser ditactionpateesze measurement ofthe com stalk ash andthe A ponders slowed with 200 sesh reached 54.87 MPa, 52.56 MPa, 49.37 MPa, 50.17 MPa, and 50.00 MPa, respectively. As can be seen from this figure, the 3d compressive strengths ofall samples, in which part of the Portland cement has been replaced by the com stalk ashes, have similar values asthe contol one. ons reported from previous stdles that the addition of PA would significantly reduce the early-age compressive stength of the ceent based mortars [44-7]. However, in this FA/CSA/cement system, the compressive strength testing results revealed that a proper content of CCSA addition is beseficial to maintain the early-age strength of # PA cement system. The primary reason for the 34_ compressive strength enhancement is derived from the synergistic effet of the various types Df ashes, especially the structure of siliestes, which determine the reactivity of these ashes [98-50]. Apart from the structure ofthe sl cates, alkalinity i another critial factor that detertines the reactivity of the ashes. As demonstrated in Table 2, the K content is about 6.59%, Which is muck higher than the FA. As a result, the addition of the corn stale ash will lead to 8 higher alkalinity envionment than the control sample, resulting in the enhancement ofthe early-age strength 3.3, Hydration heat Fig. 4 demonstrates the isothermal calorimetry cusves of Portland cement/FA samples mixed with cor stalk ash. Fis. 4a) shows the total heat curves of the samples. As demonstrated in this figure, the addition of com stalk ash has considerably influenced the hydration process of| the Portland cement/FA system. With the corn stalk ash dosage of 2%, the total heat ofthe sample CSA2 has slightly redueed, and with the corn stalk ash dosage increased to 4%, a sharp inerease ofthe rol heat ean be distinctively observed. After that, with the dosage of corn stalk ash increased to 6% and 8, the total heat start to fctiate ig. 4b) shows the hea flow evaluation of the samples mixed with corn stakash, whieh was obtained from the same data group of Fig. 4a). As demonstrated in this figure, the addition of 436 com stalk ash caused a slightly rapid hydration reaction process. This figure is well agreed with the 3 Compressive strength of the samples shown in fig. 3, in which the addition of 49% of corn stalk ash reaches the highest compressive strength comparing withthe others, As shown in ig. 4b), the frst peaks fre corresponding to the rapid dissolution and hydration of C34. The height of the second peak isthe heat released from the hydration of the CC phase. As ean be observed from Fig. 4), although adding fly ash could significantly reduce the heat flow evolution of cement at the ealy tage [51], the height of the second peaks (around the 10 h point of the hydration time) areal lower than the control one because the com stalk ash can react with the ealeium hydroxide and then promote the yer tion of C3§ ar the early age. After 24-hour hydration, the heat flow of all samples with corn stall ash i higher than that ofthe control group de Quel arc an Baling Maer 3092021 124469 Aes ee Cornstatk Ash Fly Ash ium Alumioum ‘Silcate "Quarta Quan ATS. ‘Quaitz axel Quartz Quanz »” ig. 2. SEM morphology’ of 8) coon stalk ash 28-day E 7-day 77) 3-day] Z 2“ ae. ace : 2 Y PTD bal V an PLL . SAO CSA2—CSA4—CSAG. ig. 2. Compressive srenghs of mortar specimens CSA8 tothe pozzolanic reaction between portandite and corn stalk ash and ly ash, 3.4. Thermogpavimetrc analysis ig. 5. a)-c) shows the thermogravimetric analysis of dhe fy ash/ ‘cement pastes inthe ptesence of corn stalk as at 8, 24, and 284, respeetively, As ean be sten from these figures, the fst main peaks (ocate at about 100°), which represent the ettringite, have become ‘apparent with the inereasing content of the com stalk ash, Besides, the ny 20(°) ») fy ash, and) thelr Xay dithaetion patterns, oo height ofthe second peaks (oeate at about 450°C), which represen the portlandite, show a distinctive attenuation with increasing contents of the com stalk ashes. Pig d) illustrates the quantitative analysis of the portandite content as a function ofthe dosage ofthe comm stalk ashes. As demonstrated in this figure, at the 84 age, the highest mass ratio of the portlandite Toeatos ar de dosage of2% corn stalk ash and then decreased linear with increasing dosage ofthe comm stalk ashes. At the 74 and 284 ages, the mass rato of the portandite of the samples with 23 corn stalk sh is higher than the control one, With increasing the cor stalk ash dosage the mass ratio ofthe porlandite starts o stanply decrease with the dosage increase to 494 and followed by a slight Aucuation in the range of 2%6 to Sth, and Si ta 7%, respectively, corresponding to the com stalk ash dosage increased from 49% co 8%, The variation trend of these two main peaks is primarily originated from the hydration degree development of the materials system It can be deduced that the ozzolani reactivity of the fy ash has been activated by the relatively high alkalinity corn stalk as, whieh enlianees the hydration degree and produces more C--H than the normal FA/eement system, These are well agreed with the results from several previons studies (52,95), Ie was found that, with the synergistic effect ofthe lkal activator, the addition ofthe blast furnace slag could enhance the hydeation degree of the Portland cement (94), and the contents of the portnudite decreased with increasing com stalk ash content due to the pozzolanie reaction 55], One thing dha has to be noted here isthat the CH content in the 2. day somuple without the addition of CSA is higher than tha of the 7-day sample, Tis is mainly originated from the early age pozzolanic reaction between the reactive silica and alumina in the FA and the OH ions Que oman nd alin Maral 08 (2024 2468 Hydration ine Hydration ine) Fig 4 Hoan ea eve the 4 spe incorporating on sak sh ofS a em) lw Sie : sr ay = Temperature) Temperatare(O) Ss © “ samples cared for 3 sae E a rpcart 78 ee re de

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