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Lesson Plan for Preschool-Grade 2

Name All About Me

School/Grade: Pre-k
Content This lesson covers the content area of Literacy , through literacy they will work on their
area(s)/developmental domains.
domain(s) addressed Social-emotional: Students will be able to form connections with peers by sharing parts of their
family and their traditions.
Physical: students will work on their gross and motor skills while making their journal. They
will use their hands to cut family pictures and grab the pencils to write. While using their fingers
students will stick the cut out pictures to the journal.
Approaches to learning: Students will expand their learning by getting to know other families
and their traditions. As well as new vocabulary words (traditions, ethnicity, culture).
Brief description and The students will create a journal that represents their story while sharing parts of their families
rationale for the lesson components and traditions. Early literacy helps children develop a rich vocabulary, self-
expression, and reading comprehension—tools they need to become successful readers and
lifelong learners. - The National Institute for Literacy
This lesson is:
* A new concept/activity * A continuation of a previous lesson/activity

* A review of a previous * A conclusion of a concept

15-20 minutes per group at the table
Objective(s) of the activity What will children know, or demonstrate as a result of this learning experience?
Students will be able to demonstrate their ability to recognize different ethnicities, cultures and
traditions through text.
Students will be able to create a journal about themselves.
Connections to standards Which NYS Early Learning Guidelines or Next Generation ELA Standards are addressed? Are there
other standards used?
Lesson Plan for Preschool-Grade 2
PK.ELAL.19. [PKSL.1] Participates in collaborative conversations with diverse peers and adults in small and
large groups and during play.
PK.EL AL.20. [PKSL.2] Interacts with diverse formats and texts (e.g., shared read aloud, video clips, oral
Language Objectives What language/vocabulary, communication, or literacy skill(s) do I want my students to develop in
this lesson?
- Students will touch on their vocabulary skills, by sharing with the class all about themselves.
They will be sharing who is in their families and what's their favorite things to do.

Resources/materials needed: journals books , color pencils, pictures

(Include any worksheets or
sources of evidence for
children’s learning you will use
during the activity)
Technology inclusion (if None
Procedures (step by step) Objective(s) :
- Students will be able to demonstrate their ability to recognize different ethnicities, cultures
and traditions through texts.
- Students will be able to create a journal about themselves.
Anticipatory Set (Connection/Motivation) What will you do to get children’s attention, or to
introduce children to this learning activity?
- To get the kids motivated , get their bodies moving with the song “ Shake your sillies out”.
- I will then ask students to have a seat on the rug.
- Then, I will share with the students a book.
- As we read the book , students will be ask questions to connect with the book
- After the book , students will give a chance to ask questions
- Then, students will be asked to move to tables as a group to begin working in their journal.
- After the journal , they will be able to share with their friends what they created.
Lesson Plan for Preschool-Grade 2
Instruction/Mini Lesson (Outline the procedures or sequence activities that will make up this
learning experience;
- We will read a book “There’s only one you” by Kathryn Heling.
o Throughout the book, I will ask if they recognize any of these ethnicities.
o I will ask students who have the same hair as the people in the book.
o Students will be asked what feelings are mentioned in the book.
- After the book, I will ask children if they can identify how they can relate to something
mentioned in the book.
- I will ask them where their families are from , what holidays they celebrate and what's their
family favorite dish.
Independent Practice (during small group activity, working with partners, or independently)
- In small groups of four , children will work together to create their own individual .Journal.
The journal will include pictures of their families. Each page will tell a story based on the
student families. They will first introduce their family , then continue by sharing where they
are from and continue with traditions and dishes .While working on it, the students will also
write what they call their parents and other family members.
Closure (sharing/reflection, next steps)
- Have students show their journal to their peers.They will share with their table what all their
images represent and who’s in their families.

Method of assessing Pre-assessment Assessment of Student Assessment of Children’s

children’s understanding of Learning. Language Learning
lesson/activity/objective(s) I will show students pictures of
people and places from around In the text, I will assess students'
As a method of assessment , the world. I will ask students, if understanding by responding to I will listen to vocabulary
Students will do an activity as a they recognize the photos and questions such as: connected to text such as
class. We will create a chart in what connections do they have What does the word tradition unique, color skin , hair,
which they will add who in their with it. mean? celebrations.
family. We will then have a class What are some traditions followed
discussing to see who has the by the people in the pictures?
Lesson Plan for Preschool-Grade 2
same amount of members in the Where are those people from?
Plans for differentiated Supporting children with Supporting English Language Learners, a culturally
instruction/instructional identified delays or responsive pedagogy, and anti-bias/anti-racist curriculum
modifications disabilities (i.e., IEPs and 504 What modifications should I make to the activity to ensure all
plans) students are included and engaged in all steps required to meet
In plan to assist struggling What considerations should I the lesson’s objectives?
learners. Small groups activities keep in mind regarding
will be available for students. cultural relevance, age - Translate instructions to students native language.
They will be able to sit with a appropriateness, and ability - Find connections in the classroom about different
teacher and ask any questions , levels for all learne ethnicities, cultures and traditions if they are ELLs. If
and will get support to complete possible, have another student who might know the same
their portrait. - Have them create a page with language help them understand the task.
the pictures of their families - Try showing images about different ethnicities, cultures
In a plan to assist advanced and traditions instead of a and traditions for visual learning.
students , I will have them journal.
answer all my family - Cut the pictures prior so all
questionnaires at the end of they need to do is place them.
their journal. This will include -Provide lots of assistance and
question like: guidance as needed, adding glue
and placing the pictures.
● My mom favorite food is -Students' IEP/ 504 plan will be
● My day is applied, to assist them and make
● My family loves to the lesson assecible.

Follow up/Extension How can I provide an opportunity to remediate, reinforce, or expand on students’ learning today in
activities class?
Lesson Plan for Preschool-Grade 2

Create a sorting game. Children will be able to sort out and identify different ethnicities to see if
they recognized any of them on their own. They will then identify which one they belong to, we
will as a group talk about each of them as an inclusive activity.
Family Engagement Activities

How can I support families in extending the learning in their home environment?

Send home an activity that involves searching for traditional dishes. Along with their parents the
children can print out a picture of a traditional dish they eat at home. They can bring it to class
and share with their peers.

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