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selected Job Id Operation Status Server

28936 VM Admin Job(BackRunning ONPSRVC4VC

28937 VM Admin Job(BackCompleted
28938 VM Admin Job(BackRunning
28939 VM Admin Job(BackRunning
28940 VM Admin Job(BackRunning
28941 Backup Running ONPWPSDBP01
28942 Backup Running ONPPCSRVP01
28943 Backup Running ONPPCDBP01
28944 Backup Running ONPPCIHSP01
28946 Backup Running ONPFNETP01
28947 Backup Running ONPBMONDBP01
28948 Backup Running ONPWPSDBP02
28949 Backup Running ONPWASP02
28950 Backup Completed ONPSRRSRVP01
28951 Backup Running ONPWAS2IHSP02
28952 VM Admin Job(BackRunning ONPSRVC4VC
28956 Backup Running ONPWAS2IHSP01
28958 Backup Running ONPWASP01
28959 VM Admin Job(BackRunning
28960 VM Admin Job(BackRunning
28961 VM Admin Job(BackRunning ONPSRVC4VC
28962 VM Admin Job(BackRunning
28963 VM Admin Job(BackRunning
28964 VM Admin Job(BackRunning
28965 VM Admin Job(BackRunning
28966 Backup Running onpsrvdfs01
28967 Backup Pending ONPPRD01
28968 Backup Running ONPPRD04
28969 Backup Running ONPPRD05
28970 Backup Running ONPPRD06
28971 Backup Running ONPBDIPN01
28972 Backup Running ONPBDIPN02
28973 Backup Waiting ONPBMDBP01
28974 VM Admin Job(BackRunning
28975 Backup Waiting ONPPMSRVP01
28976 Backup Waiting ONPPMDBP01
28977 Backup Running ONPODMSBDP01
28978 Backup Running ONPODMCBDP01
28979 Backup Waiting ONPBMDBP02
28980 Backup Running ONPPMDBP02
28981 Backup Waiting ONPPMSRVP02
28982 Backup Waiting ONPODMSIHSP02
28983 Backup Running ONPWASIHSAPP01
28984 Backup Waiting ONPPORSRVP01
28985 Backup Running ONPFNTCEP01
28986 Backup Running ONPQA03
28987 Backup Waiting ONPBMSRVP01
28988 Backup Waiting ONPPMIHSP01
28989 Backup Running ONPFNTCNP02
28990 Backup Running ONPFNTIHSP02
28991 Backup Waiting ONPODMDMP01
28992 Backup Running ONPFNTCEP02
28993 Backup Running ONPFNTIHSP01
28994 Backup Running ONPBMIHSP02
28995 Backup Running ONPFNTCNP01
28996 Backup Running ONPFNTDMP01
28997 Backup Running ONPODMCBDP02
28998 Backup Running ONPODMCIHSP02
28999 Backup Completed ONPODMCIHSP01
29000 Backup Running ONPODMDCP02
29001 VM Admin Job(BackRunning ONPSRVC4VC
29002 Backup Running ONPODMDCP01
29003 VM Admin Job(BackRunning ONPSRVC4VC
29004 Backup Waiting ONPODMRULP01
29005 Backup Waiting ONPPMIHSP02
29006 Backup Running ONPWASAPP01
29007 Backup Completed ONPWASDMAPP01
29008 Backup Completed ONPODMSBDP02
29009 Backup Running ONPWASAPP02
29010 Backup Waiting ONPODMRULP02
29011 Backup Running ONPWASIHSAPP02
29012 Backup Running ONPPORIHSP01
29013 Backup Running ONPPORDMP01
29014 Backup Running ONPPORDBP02
29015 Backup Running ONPECP02
29016 Backup Running ONPPORIHSP02
29017 Backup Waiting ONPPORSRVP02
29018 Backup Running ONPWLSPR
29019 Backup Waiting ONPBMSRVP02
29020 Backup Waiting ONPODMSIHSP01
29021 Backup Running ONPBMDMP01
29022 Backup Running ONPBIP01
29023 Backup Waiting ONPPRD03
29024 Backup Waiting ONPPORDBP01
29025 Backup Running ONPBMIHSP01
29026 Backup Waiting ONPSRVDM01
29027 Backup Running ONPECP01
29028 VM Admin Job(BackRunning
29029 VM Admin Job(BackRunning
29030 VM Admin Job(BackRunning
Agent type Subclient Backup type Plan
Virtual Server ONP_Malla_Intel_Vmware_PRD Incremental PLAN_ONP_Malla
Virtual Server ONP_COT1_BK_AUDITVAULT Incremental PLAN_ONP_COT1
Virtual Server ONP_COT1_MALLA_G_VMWAREIncremental PLAN_ONP_COT
Virtual Server ONP_COT1_MALLA_G_VMWAREIncremental PLAN_ONP_COT
Virtual Server ONP_COT1_Backup_Cisco Incremental PLAN_ONP_COT1_
AIX File System ONP_COT1_UNIX_FS_onpwpsdbIncremental PLAN_ONP_COT1
AIX File System ONP_COT1_UNIX_FS_onppcsrvpIncremental PLAN_ONP_COT1
AIX File System ONP_COT1_UNIX_FS_onppcdbp0Incremental PLAN_ONP_COT1
AIX File System ONP_COT1_UNIX_FS_onppcihsp Incremental PLAN_ONP_COT1
AIX File System ONP_COT1_UNIX_FS_onpfnetp0Incremental PLAN_ONP_COT1
AIX File System ONP_COT1_UNIX_FS_onpbmondIncremental PLAN_ONP_COT1
AIX File System ONP_COT1_UNIX_FS_onpwpsdbIncremental PLAN_ONP_COT1
AIX File System ONP_COT1_UNIX_FS_onpwasp0 Incremental PLAN_ONP_COT1
AIX File System ONP_COT1_UNIX_FS_onpsrrsrvpIncremental PLAN_ONP_COT1
AIX File System ONP_COT1_UNIX_FS_onpwas2ihIncremental PLAN_ONP_COT1
Virtual Server ONP_MALLA_Intel_Vmware_QA_Incremental PLAN_ONP_MALL
AIX File System ONP_COT1_UNIX_FS_onpwas2ihIncremental PLAN_ONP_COT1
AIX File System ONP_COT1_UNIX_FS_onpwasp0 Incremental PLAN_ONP_COT1
Virtual Server ONP_COT1_MALLA_VMWARE_QIncremental PLAN_ONP_COT
Virtual Server ONP_COT1_MALLA_VMWARE_QIncremental PLAN_ONP_COT
Virtual Server ONP_MALLA_Intel_Vmware_QA_Incremental PLAN_ONP_MALL
Virtual Server ONP_COT1_MALLA_G_VMWARE_ Incremental PLAN_ONP_COT
Virtual Server ONP_COT1_MALLA_G_VMWAREIncremental PLAN_ONP_COT
Virtual Server ONP_COT1_MALLA_VMWARE_PIncremental PLAN_ONP_COT
Virtual Server ONP_COT1_MALLA_VMWARE_PIncremental PLAN_ONP_COT
Windows File System COT4_FS_WINDOWS_onpsrvdfs0Full PLAN_COT4_Unix
AIX File System COT4_UNIX_FS_onpprd01 Incremental PLAN_COT4_Unix
AIX File System COT4_UNIX_FS_onpprd04 Incremental PLAN_COT4_Unix
AIX File System COT4_UNIX_FS_onpprd05 Incremental PLAN_COT4_Unix
AIX File System COT4_UNIX_FS_onpprd06 Incremental PLAN_COT4_Unix
AIX File System Unix_FS_ONPBDIPN01 Incremental PLAN_COT4_Unix
AIX File System UNIX_FS_ONPBDIPN02 Incremental PLAN_COT4_Unix
AIX File System COT4_UNIX_FS_ONPBMDBP01 Incremental PLAN_COT4_Unix
Virtual Server ONP_COT1_MALLA_VMWARE_PIncremental PLAN_ONP_COT
AIX File System UNIX_FS_onppmsrvp01 Incremental PLAN_COT4_Unix
AIX File System UNIX_FS_onppmdbp01 Incremental PLAN_COT4_Unix
AIX File System COT4_UNIX_FS_ONPODMSBDP0Incremental PLAN_COT4_Unix
AIX File System COT4_UNIX_FS_ONPODMCBDP0Incremental PLAN_COT4_Unix
AIX File System UNIX_FS_onpbmdbp02 Incremental PLAN_COT4_Unix
AIX File System UNIX_FS_onppmdbp02 Incremental PLAN_COT4_Unix
AIX File System UNIX_FS_onppmsrvp02 Incremental PLAN_COT4_Unix
AIX File System UNIX_FS_ONPWASIHSAPP01 Incremental PLAN_COT4_Unix
AIX File System UNIX_FS_onpporsrvp01 Incremental PLAN_COT4_Unix
AIX File System COT4_UNIX_FS_onpfntcep01 Incremental PLAN_COT4_Unix
AIX File System UNIX_FS_ONPBMSRVP01 Incremental PLAN_COT4_Unix
AIX File System UNIX_FS_ONPPMIHSP01 Incremental PLAN_COT4_Unix
AIX File System COT4_UNIX_FS_onpfntcnp02 Incremental PLAN_COT4_Unix
AIX File System COT4_UNIX_FS_onpfntihsp02 Incremental PLAN_COT4_Unix
AIX File System COT4_UNIX_FS_ONPODMDMP01Incremental PLAN_COT4_Unix
AIX File System UNIX_FS_ONPFNTCEP02 Incremental PLAN_COT4_Unix
AIX File System COT4_UNIX_FS_ONPFNTIHSP01 Incremental PLAN_COT4_Unix
AIX File System COT4_UNIX_FS_UNIX_FS_ONPBM Incremental PLAN_COT4_Unix
AIX File System COT4_UNIX_FS_ONPFNTCNP01 Incremental PLAN_COT4_Unix
AIX File System UNIX_FS_ONPFNTDMP01 Incremental PLAN_COT4_Unix
AIX File System COT4_UNIX_FS_ONPODMCBDP0Incremental PLAN_COT4_Unix
AIX File System UNIX_FS_ONPODMCIHSP02 Incremental PLAN_COT4_Unix
AIX File System UNIX_FS_ONPODMCIHSP01 Incremental PLAN_COT4_Unix
AIX File System COT4_UNIX_FS_ONPODMDCP02Incremental PLAN_COT4_Unix
Virtual Server ONP_Malla_G_VMWARE_PRD_0Incremental PLAN_ONP_MAL
AIX File System COT4_UNIX_FS_ONPODMDCP01Incremental PLAN_COT4_Unix
Virtual Server ONP_Malla_G_VMWARE_PRD_0Incremental PLAN_ONP_MAL
AIX File System COT4_UNIX_FS_ONPODMRULP0Incremental PLAN_COT4_Unix
AIX File System UNIX_FS_ONPPMIHSP02 Incremental PLAN_COT4_Unix
AIX File System UNIX_FS_ONPWASAPP01 Incremental PLAN_COT4_Unix
AIX File System UNIX_FS_ONPWASDMAPP01 Incremental PLAN_COT4_Unix
AIX File System COT4_UNIX_FS_ONPODMSBDP0Incremental PLAN_COT4_Unix
AIX File System UNIX_FS_ONPWASAPP02 Incremental PLAN_COT4_Unix
AIX File System COT4_UNIX_FS_ONPODMRULP0Incremental PLAN_COT4_Unix
AIX File System UNIX_FS_ONPWASIHSAPP02 Incremental PLAN_COT4_Unix
AIX File System UNIX_FS_ONPPORIHSP01 Incremental PLAN_COT4_Unix
AIX File System UNIX_FS_ONPPORDMP01 Incremental PLAN_COT4_Unix
AIX File System UNIX_FS_ONPPORDBP02 Incremental PLAN_COT4_Unix
AIX File System COT4_UNIX_FS_ONPECP02 Incremental PLAN_COT4_Unix
AIX File System UNIX_FS_ONPPORIHSP02 Incremental PLAN_COT4_Unix
AIX File System UNIX_FS_ONPPORSRVP02 Incremental PLAN_COT4_Unix
AIX File System COT4_UNIX_FS_ONPWLSPR Incremental PLAN_COT4_Unix
AIX File System UNIX_FS_ONPBMSRVP02 Incremental PLAN_COT4_Unix
AIX File System COT4_UNIX_FS_UNIX_FS_ONPB Incremental PLAN_COT4_Unix
AIX File System UNIX_FS_ONPBIP01 Incremental PLAN_COT4_Unix
AIX File System UNIX_FS_ONPPRD03 Incremental PLAN_COT4_Unix
AIX File System UNIX_FS_ONPPORDBP01 Incremental PLAN_COT4_Unix
AIX File System COT4_UNIX_FS_UNIX_FS_ONPBM Incremental PLAN_COT4_Unix
AIX File System UNIX_FS_ONPSRVDM01 Incremental PLAN_COT4_Unix
AIX File System COT4_UNIX_FS_ONPECP01 Incremental PLAN_COT4_Unix
Virtual Server ONP_COT1_MALLA_VMWARE_QIncremental PLAN_ONP_COT
Virtual Server ONP_COT1_MALLA_VMWARE_PIncremental PLAN_ONP_COT
Virtual Server ONP_COT1_MALLA_VMWARE_QIncremental PLAN_ONP_COT
Size Start Elapsed Progress
1.01 GB May 18, 2023 10:00:10 pm 12 minutes 4 seconds 9%
5.96 GB May 18, 2023 10:00:10 pm 11 minutes 10 seconds Completed
13.51 KB May 18, 2023 10:00:10 pm 12 minutes 26 seconds 2%
0.00 B May 18, 2023 10:00:10 pm 11 minutes 38 seconds 1%
16.48 MB May 18, 2023 10:00:10 pm 12 minutes 32 seconds 0%
74.94 GB May 18, 2023 10:00:11 pm 11 minutes 13 seconds 45%
23.53 GB May 18, 2023 10:00:10 pm 11 minutes 14 seconds 51%
27.47 GB May 18, 2023 10:00:11 pm 11 minutes 12 seconds 36%
27.98 GB May 18, 2023 10:00:11 pm 11 minutes 51 seconds 69%
0.00 B May 18, 2023 10:00:11 pm 11 minutes 22 seconds 0%
27.96 GB May 18, 2023 10:00:10 pm 11 minutes 14 seconds 41%
25.62 GB May 18, 2023 10:00:11 pm 11 minutes 54 seconds 71%
2.81 GB May 18, 2023 10:00:11 pm 10 minutes 18 seconds 31%
22.96 GB May 18, 2023 10:00:10 pm 11 minutes 41 seconds Completed
25.35 GB May 18, 2023 10:00:11 pm 11 minutes 10 seconds 38%
29.22 GB May 18, 2023 10:00:15 pm 11 minutes 40 seconds 29%
47.63 GB May 18, 2023 10:00:11 pm 11 minutes 12 seconds 60%
8.90 GB May 18, 2023 10:00:17 pm 11 minutes 36 seconds 33%
655.51 MB May 18, 2023 10:00:16 pm 12 minutes 26 seconds 34%
350.42 MB May 18, 2023 10:00:16 pm 11 minutes 18 seconds 35%
1.78 GB May 18, 2023 10:00:16 pm 11 minutes 46 seconds 16%
181.17 MB May 18, 2023 10:00:16 pm 11 minutes 9 seconds 16%
13.05 MB May 18, 2023 10:00:17 pm 11 minutes 37 seconds 4%
0.00 B May 18, 2023 10:00:17 pm 12 minutes 2 seconds 1%
0.00 B May 18, 2023 10:00:17 pm 11 minutes 45 seconds 2%
0.00 B May 18, 2023 10:00:17 pm 11 minutes 15 seconds 0%
0.00 B May 18, 2023 10:00:17 pm 0 seconds 0%
3.64 GB May 18, 2023 10:00:17 pm 11 minutes 8 seconds 17%
0.00 B May 18, 2023 10:00:17 pm 11 minutes 16 seconds 0%
0.00 B May 18, 2023 10:00:18 pm 11 minutes 16 seconds 0%
0.00 B May 18, 2023 10:00:17 pm 11 minutes 16 seconds 0%
0.00 B May 18, 2023 10:00:18 pm 11 minutes 15 seconds 0%
0.00 B May 18, 2023 10:00:18 pm 1 minutes 43 seconds 0%
12.07 MB May 18, 2023 10:00:33 pm 11 minutes 17 seconds 4%
0.00 B May 18, 2023 10:00:18 pm 1 minutes 26 seconds 1%
0.00 B May 18, 2023 10:00:19 pm 1 minutes 29 seconds 0%
3.24 GB May 18, 2023 10:00:19 pm 11 minutes 22 seconds 0%
14.10 GB May 18, 2023 10:00:22 pm 12 minutes 13 seconds 78%
0.00 B May 18, 2023 10:00:22 pm 1 minutes 8 seconds 0%
3.42 GB May 18, 2023 10:00:22 pm 11 minutes 4 seconds 1%
0.00 B May 18, 2023 10:00:23 pm 1 minutes 52 seconds 1%
0.00 B May 18, 2023 10:00:22 pm 5 minutes 35 seconds 13%
4.87 GB May 18, 2023 10:00:23 pm 11 minutes 1 seconds 25%
0.00 B May 18, 2023 10:00:23 pm 1 minutes 4 seconds 1%
0.00 B May 18, 2023 10:00:22 pm 11 minutes 12 seconds 0%
0.00 B May 18, 2023 10:00:23 pm 11 minutes 11 seconds 0%
0.00 B May 18, 2023 10:00:23 pm 10 minutes 53 seconds 25%
0.00 B May 18, 2023 10:00:23 pm 5 minutes 10 seconds 10%
9.83 GB May 18, 2023 10:00:23 pm 11 minutes 24 seconds 38%
10.60 GB May 18, 2023 10:00:23 pm 11 minutes 12 seconds 42%
0.00 B May 18, 2023 10:00:23 pm 1 minutes 31 seconds 4%
9.99 GB May 18, 2023 10:00:23 pm 11 minutes 24 seconds 49%
11.59 GB May 18, 2023 10:00:24 pm 11 minutes 5 seconds 46%
14.60 GB May 18, 2023 10:00:24 pm 11 minutes 55 seconds 83%
12.80 GB May 18, 2023 10:00:24 pm 11 minutes 30 seconds 39%
14.46 GB May 18, 2023 10:00:25 pm 11 minutes 3 seconds 57%
10.49 GB May 18, 2023 10:00:25 pm 11 minutes 56 seconds 84%
9.14 GB May 18, 2023 10:00:27 pm 11 minutes 37 seconds 90%
10.20 GB May 18, 2023 10:00:27 pm 11 minutes 25 seconds Completed
0.00 B May 18, 2023 10:00:27 pm 1 minutes 51 seconds 3%
117.61 MB May 18, 2023 10:00:33 pm 11 minutes 39 seconds 4%
0.00 B May 18, 2023 10:00:28 pm 1 minutes 48 seconds 2%
5.76 GB May 18, 2023 10:00:33 pm 12 minutes 8 seconds 24%
0.00 B May 18, 2023 10:00:27 pm 1 minutes 23 seconds 3%
0.00 B May 18, 2023 10:00:27 pm 4 minutes 0 seconds 8%
13.83 GB May 18, 2023 10:00:28 pm 10 minutes 58 seconds 49%
8.75 GB May 18, 2023 10:00:28 pm 10 minutes 10 seconds Completed
8.82 GB May 18, 2023 10:00:28 pm 9 minutes 54 seconds Completed
9.50 GB May 18, 2023 10:00:28 pm 10 minutes 57 seconds 52%
0.00 B May 18, 2023 10:00:28 pm 1 minutes 18 seconds 3%
11.25 GB May 18, 2023 10:00:28 pm 10 minutes 53 seconds 59%
0.00 B May 18, 2023 10:00:29 pm 11 minutes 6 seconds 0%
0.00 B May 18, 2023 10:00:28 pm 11 minutes 6 seconds 0%
13.99 GB May 18, 2023 10:00:29 pm 10 minutes 57 seconds 66%
12.18 GB May 18, 2023 10:00:29 pm 11 minutes 55 seconds 81%
0.00 B May 18, 2023 10:00:29 pm 11 minutes 5 seconds 0%
0.00 B May 18, 2023 10:00:29 pm 1 minutes 15 seconds 3%
0.00 B May 18, 2023 10:00:29 pm 2 minutes 55 seconds 2%
0.00 B May 18, 2023 10:00:29 pm 9 minutes 8 seconds 16%
0.00 B May 18, 2023 10:00:32 pm 5 minutes 34 seconds 19%
0.00 B May 18, 2023 10:00:32 pm 11 minutes 3 seconds 0%
3.96 GB May 18, 2023 10:00:32 pm 10 minutes 59 seconds 19%
0.00 B May 18, 2023 10:00:33 pm 2 minutes 2 seconds 3%
0.00 B May 18, 2023 10:00:33 pm 1 minutes 29 seconds 1%
9.73 GB May 18, 2023 10:00:33 pm 10 minutes 53 seconds 48%
0.00 B May 18, 2023 10:00:33 pm 3 minutes 36 seconds 21%
11.90 GB May 18, 2023 10:00:33 pm 10 minutes 49 seconds 57%
153.69 MB May 18, 2023 10:00:33 pm 12 minutes 7 seconds 18%
0.00 B May 18, 2023 10:00:33 pm 12 minutes 12 seconds 2%
173.35 MB May 18, 2023 10:00:33 pm 12 minutes 9 seconds 27%
Error description
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Failed to start phase [Scan] on [ONPPRD01] due to network error [Remote system [*ONPPRD01*8400*
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Storage Policy [PLAN_COT4_Unix_PRD_Diario_2], Copy [Primary]: All device streams configured to this Storage Policy includin
Not Applicable
Storage Policy [PLAN_COT4_Unix_PRD_Diario_2], Copy [Primary]: All device streams configured to this Storage Policy includin
Storage Policy [PLAN_COT4_Unix_PRD_Diario_2], Copy [Primary]: All device streams configured to this Storage Policy includin
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Storage Policy [PLAN_COT4_Unix_PRD_Diario_2], Copy [Primary]: All device streams configured to this Storage Policy includin
Not Applicable
Storage Policy [PLAN_COT4_Unix_PRD_Diario_2], Copy [Primary]: All device streams configured to this Storage Policy includin
Storage Policy [PLAN_COT4_Unix_PRD_Diario_2], Copy [Primary]: All device streams configured to this Storage Policy includin
Not Applicable
Storage Policy [PLAN_COT4_Unix_PRD_Diario_2], Copy [Primary]: All device streams configured to this Storage Policy includin
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Storage Policy [PLAN_COT4_Unix_PRD_Diario_2], Copy [Primary]: All device streams configured to this Storage Policy includin
Storage Policy [PLAN_COT4_Unix_PRD_Diario_2], Copy [Primary]: All device streams configured to this Storage Policy includin
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Storage Policy [PLAN_COT4_Unix_PRD_Diario_2], Copy [Primary]: All device streams configured to this Storage Policy includin
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Insufficient free space available to create a snapshot of virtual machine [FOGLIGHT03]. Please check the available free space o
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Storage Policy [PLAN_COT4_Unix_PRD_Diario_2], Copy [Primary]: All device streams configured to this Storage Policy includin
Storage Policy [PLAN_COT4_Unix_PRD_Diario_2], Copy [Primary]: All device streams configured to this Storage Policy includin
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Storage Policy [PLAN_COT4_Unix_PRD_Diario_2], Copy [Primary]: All device streams configured to this Storage Policy includin
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Storage Policy [PLAN_COT4_Unix_PRD_Diario_2], Copy [Primary]: All device streams configured to this Storage Policy includin
Not Applicable
Storage Policy [PLAN_COT4_Unix_PRD_Diario_2], Copy [Primary]: All device streams configured to this Storage Policy includin
Storage Policy [PLAN_COT4_Unix_PRD_Diario_2], Copy [Primary]: All device streams configured to this Storage Policy includin
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Storage Policy [PLAN_COT4_Unix_PRD_Diario_2], Copy [Primary]: All device streams configured to this Storage Policy includin
Storage Policy [PLAN_COT4_Unix_PRD_Diario_2], Copy [Primary]: All device streams configured to this Storage Policy includin
Not Applicable
Storage Policy [PLAN_COT4_Unix_PRD_Diario_2], Copy [Primary]: All device streams configured to this Storage Policy includin
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable*ONPPRD01*8400*8402]. Communications Service returned error when executing remote command [ifind.exe] arguments [-j 28

o this Storage Policy including their multiplexing factor are in use. Advice: Please check the jobs currently running to this Storage Policy. Cu

o this Storage Policy including their multiplexing factor are in use. Advice: Please check the jobs currently running to this Storage Policy. Cu
o this Storage Policy including their multiplexing factor are in use. Advice: Please check the jobs currently running to this Storage Policy. Cu

o this Storage Policy including their multiplexing factor are in use. Advice: Please check the jobs currently running to this Storage Policy. Cu

o this Storage Policy including their multiplexing factor are in use. Advice: Please check the jobs currently running to this Storage Policy. Cu
o this Storage Policy including their multiplexing factor are in use. Advice: Please check the jobs currently running to this Storage Policy. Cu

o this Storage Policy including their multiplexing factor are in use. Advice: Please check the jobs currently running to this Storage Policy. Cu
o this Storage Policy including their multiplexing factor are in use. Advice: Please check the jobs currently running to this Storage Policy. Cu
o this Storage Policy including their multiplexing factor are in use. Advice: Please check the jobs currently running to this Storage Policy. Cu

o this Storage Policy including their multiplexing factor are in use. Advice: Please check the jobs currently running to this Storage Policy. Cu

eck the available free space on the virtual machine's datastores, and verify that the subclient option 'Perform datastore free space check' h

o this Storage Policy including their multiplexing factor are in use. Advice: Please check the jobs currently running to this Storage Policy. Cu
o this Storage Policy including their multiplexing factor are in use. Advice: Please check the jobs currently running to this Storage Policy. Cu

o this Storage Policy including their multiplexing factor are in use. Advice: Please check the jobs currently running to this Storage Policy. Cu

o this Storage Policy including their multiplexing factor are in use. Advice: Please check the jobs currently running to this Storage Policy. Cu

o this Storage Policy including their multiplexing factor are in use. Advice: Please check the jobs currently running to this Storage Policy. Cu
o this Storage Policy including their multiplexing factor are in use. Advice: Please check the jobs currently running to this Storage Policy. Cu

o this Storage Policy including their multiplexing factor are in use. Advice: Please check the jobs currently running to this Storage Policy. Cu
o this Storage Policy including their multiplexing factor are in use. Advice: Please check the jobs currently running to this Storage Policy. Cu

o this Storage Policy including their multiplexing factor are in use. Advice: Please check the jobs currently running to this Storage Policy. Cu
nd [ifind.exe] arguments [-j 28967 -a 2:327 -t 2 -d c4pxycvlt01*c4pxycvlt01*8400*8402 -r 1682737215 -ab 0 -i 0 -cs canviacvault4 -s "COT4

ning to this Storage Policy. Current job will run once a stream becomes available.<br>Source: canviacvault4, Process: JobManager

ning to this Storage Policy. Current job will run once a stream becomes available.<br>Source: canviacvault4, Process: JobManager
ning to this Storage Policy. Current job will run once a stream becomes available.<br>Source: canviacvault4, Process: JobManager

ning to this Storage Policy. Current job will run once a stream becomes available.<br>Source: canviacvault4, Process: JobManager

ning to this Storage Policy. Current job will run once a stream becomes available.<br>Source: canviacvault4, Process: JobManager
ning to this Storage Policy. Current job will run once a stream becomes available.<br>Source: canviacvault4, Process: JobManager

ning to this Storage Policy. Current job will run once a stream becomes available.<br>Source: canviacvault4, Process: JobManager
ning to this Storage Policy. Current job will run once a stream becomes available.<br>Source: canviacvault4, Process: JobManager
ning to this Storage Policy. Current job will run once a stream becomes available.<br>Source: canviacvault4, Process: JobManager

ning to this Storage Policy. Current job will run once a stream becomes available.<br>Source: canviacvault4, Process: JobManager

m datastore free space check' has the desired setting. [[c4_3p2kp2_ssd_onpcls04_id044] 3.4%]<br>Source: canviacvault4, Process: JobMa

ning to this Storage Policy. Current job will run once a stream becomes available.<br>Source: canviacvault4, Process: JobManager
ning to this Storage Policy. Current job will run once a stream becomes available.<br>Source: canviacvault4, Process: JobManager

ning to this Storage Policy. Current job will run once a stream becomes available.<br>Source: canviacvault4, Process: JobManager

ning to this Storage Policy. Current job will run once a stream becomes available.<br>Source: canviacvault4, Process: JobManager

ning to this Storage Policy. Current job will run once a stream becomes available.<br>Source: canviacvault4, Process: JobManager
ning to this Storage Policy. Current job will run once a stream becomes available.<br>Source: canviacvault4, Process: JobManager

ning to this Storage Policy. Current job will run once a stream becomes available.<br>Source: canviacvault4, Process: JobManager
ning to this Storage Policy. Current job will run once a stream becomes available.<br>Source: canviacvault4, Process: JobManager

ning to this Storage Policy. Current job will run once a stream becomes available.<br>Source: canviacvault4, Process: JobManager
-i 0 -cs canviacvault4 -s "COT4_UNIX_FS_onpprd01" -jt 28967:4:4:0:0:5544 -mountPath -seb -ffe 0 -lf 15991 -li 20445 -ls 0 -attrEx 0 ].].

, Process: JobManager

, Process: JobManager
, Process: JobManager

, Process: JobManager

, Process: JobManager
, Process: JobManager

, Process: JobManager
, Process: JobManager
, Process: JobManager

, Process: JobManager

anviacvault4, Process: JobManager

, Process: JobManager
, Process: JobManager

, Process: JobManager

, Process: JobManager

, Process: JobManager
, Process: JobManager

, Process: JobManager
, Process: JobManager

, Process: JobManager
91 -li 20445 -ls 0 -attrEx 0 ].]. Will attempt to restart. Please check if this product's services are running on the remote host.<br>Source: ca
he remote host.<br>Source: canviacvault4, Process: JobManager<br><br>Network Problem<br>Source: canviacvault4, Process: JobManag
viacvault4, Process: JobManager

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