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Name: Bantayan, Gellirose S.

LESSON 6 Lesson 1: Assessment Tasks


Create an educational video clip discussion the following:

1.What is portfolio assessment?

2.What are the types of portfolio and the purpose of each type?

3.What practices must be observed for portfolio to be used effectively?


1.“Testing gives you a snapshot .Portfolios give you a movie” Explain the adage in a 500 word

The quote says that testing gives you a snapshot because tests usually take place at a specific
time. Giving a test to your students gives you an idea on how they prepare for their tests, if they
studied well for it, if they review their notes or not, and how they feel about taking the test, if
they are excited or not. The snapshot, like a photo, captures the moment quickly. Porfolio, on
the other hand, gives you a movie, because Portfolio is a compilation of works with a variety of
evidence on how students learn. It is a progression of images in the students' overall progress
and development over time.

Like a movie, your students' stories will be revealed in their portfolios, together with their
thoughts, feelings, and reflections on what they have learned. The students themselves are the
characters and authors of their own learning.

2.Give the essence of a portfolio by a way of acrostic .Use the word PORTFOLIO.

P - urposeful collection of student's work

O - ne of the best tools to ensure quality learning

R - ational, comprensive and conceptual thoughts

T - ells more about activities, accomplishments of the students.

F -orms, from notebooks filled with documents, notes, and graphics to student-created

O -only intended to evaluate learning progress

L - ists of learnings put all together

I - integrated into the school’s academic program

O -nly provides valuable information.

3.Construct a rating scale or rubrics for evaluating a student teaching portfolio with the following
elements to assess:

3 2 1

Outstanding Average Poor

Cover letter Reflect awareness Reflect awareness Shows limited

of portfolio goals of some of the awareness of
portfolio goals. portfolio goals

Table of contents The writing is The writing is good The writing is poor
clear, accurate and with few error s with many errors.
nearly that do not affect The presentation
flawless .The understanding. is lacking in some
presentation The presentation aspects and not
format is neat and format is mostly really organized
highly organized. neat and
organized with
some attention to
its appearance.

Introduction Defines the Adequately Does not define

purpose of the defines the the purpose of the
portfolio in a purpose of portfolio.
proffesional and portfolio.
accurate manner.

Entries Indicates clear Indicates some There's no

personal strengths and personal
information to weaknesses of information
easily identify. personal learning.

Reflections Reflections Reflections reveal No reflections and

provides the examination of analysis to show
participant an multiple variable the impact on the
opportunity to for proffesional
summarize the outcomes .Structu develepment
document in the red reflections activity on teacher
portfolio and revealed insights ,growth and
trace how the regarding student student learning.
documents and and teacher
the training learning that are
activity captured used to inform
and portrayed future practice.
integration and

LESSON 6 Lesson 2: Assessment Tasks

Answer the Following:

1.What is an e – portfolio?
An electronic porfolio (e-portfolio) is a structured collection of sample student work, demonstrations,
and artifacts that demonstrate students' learning progression, achievement, and evidence of what they
can do. Essays and papers (text-based), blogs, multimedia (recordings of demonstrations, interviews,
presentations, and so on), and graphics can all be included in the collection.

2.Discuss the learning theory that supports the use of e – portfolio

ePortfolios fall under the purview of social constructivism, a learning theory that proposes, in part, that
learning occurs most effectively when students construct systems of knowledge for themselves rather
than simply having information presented to them.

3.Distinguish among the types of an e – portfolio.

A developmental e-portfolio can show the advancement of skill over a period of time. The main purpose
is to provide an avenue for communication between student and instructor.
An assessment portfolio will demonstrate skill and competence in a particular domain or area.
A showcase portfolio highlights stellar work in a specific area, it is typically shown to potential employers
to gain employment. When it is used for job application it is sometimes called career portfolio. Most e-
portfolios are a mix of the three main typesthree main types of portfolios, development, assessment,
and showcase, to create a hybrid portfolio.

4.What steps must you take to ensure effective use of e – portfolio?

Incorporate assessment into the curriculum and align it with learning outcomes and assessment criteria.
Integrate the use of the ePortfolio into your assessment plan rather than using it as an afterthought.
Students should be shown standards and criteria that are clearly outlined.
Clarify rubrics and expectations for students and assessors in marking guidelines.

Form a group with four to five members. Create an e-portfolio for this subject for any subject of your
choice using Google sites.

Portfolio link:

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