Grace and The Prince Escape From The Palace

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GRACE and the PRINCE ESCAPE ‘At home in Monaco, Rainier— like any man=is at his office all day, and Grace more and ‘more is assuming her neces- sary offcial duties. They are with their baby in the morn- ing, and they see her at ‘noon, bathe her and put her to sleep in the evenings, But | there is s0 seldom a whole day in the nursery, and sweet little Caroline is just at that age when she's learning so many new things to de- light Mommy and Daddy. In Switzerland, though, they would have time for that. ... And eagerly they planned their escape from the palace. They took a chauffeur—but only to take care of the ear when the Grimaldis tweren't in it! On the road to Switzerland the chauffeur sat in the back seat while Rainier drove and Grace held the map and looked for the road signs At 4:30 in the afternoon, they arrived. And then began the most precious ‘moments of all, the times Caroline laughed in their arms and took her first steps and her first tumbles on the grass of the farm high in the mountains, -FROM THE PALACE here eee ae ee Peo roe ager Sees ee eos: ee eee See ee er eee Sees te ee ae ee one Sa ee ae ere Se ee gear mae ae eee eee So ae ao crs a ee can yearn for a last honey- ‘moon. That's why Rainier and Grace announced suddenly that they were going ‘somewhere in Switzerland’ for a few weeks. They weren't too specifle about where, for this was no official visit, This was-their last honeymoon, continued The farmhouse had wood paneling and cotton curtains and rag rugs on the floor. It was no place for a ball gown or a full-dress uniform. Grace climbed into maternity slacks and Rainier threw away his shaving brushes, and their only contact with the outside world was the overseas edition of The Herald Tribune—and the market where Grace, her hair in pincurls, shopped. On their first trip into town they asked where they could find a Catholic Chureh. Grace wore the black lace | scarf she wore for her audience with the Pope—whick | she now treasures as her most precious possession. In a simple farmhouse high in the Swiss Alps the Grimaldi family find their most precious moments ‘Above: Then, too soon, it was the night before Grace and her husband went home. Grace put on a skirt, and Rainier knotted a tie below his proud new beard. They drove down to the village for dinner. With no one to stare, they ate, danced + « dazodled over their coffee, for tomorrow they would be home and Rainier’s beard would come off—in the interests of proprietyand Grace's slacks would go back into the closet. Bul the memories would stay, held together by love. - END

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