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Listen to the conversation between Marcia and a real estate

agent. Circle the best answers.

Track 1-78

1. Marcia wants to live ___a___.

a. by herself b. with her family c. with other people
2. She has ___a___ furniture.
a. no b. some c. too much
3. She is ___c___.
a. a bus driver b. an office worker c. a student

B. What type of home is Marcia looking for? Listen again and
complete the form.

Track 1-78

Housing request form for: Marcia Wheeler

1. Wants: house apartment
2. No. of bedrooms: 1 2 3
3. Type: furnished semi-furnished unfurnished
4. Furnishings: bedroom living room dining room other: _______
5. Located close to: university downtown subway bus routes
6. Monthly rent: up to $_____________

C. Listen to the conversation. Circle the best answers.

Track 1-79

1. The first time Tim went to America was when ______.
a. he was a student
b. he was visiting friends
c. he was just a child
2. Tim has a friend who ______.
a. lives in Arizona
b. is married to an American
c. loves living in Boston
3. Tim went to the Grand Canyon on his ______
c trip to the United States.
a. first
b. second
c. third

D. Listen again. Write two words Tim uses to describe each place.

Track 1-79

expensive exciting beautiful

cold huge hot

E. Listen to the weather forecast. Write the name of the city and the
forecast temperature in the spaces.

Track 1-80
F. What words are used to describe the weather in each city?
Listen again and write two words from the box for each city.
Some words may be used twice.

Track 1-80

1. _______cool_____, ______sunny______
2. ______rain_____, _______cold_____
3. _____cloudy______, ______cold_______
4. _____cloudy______, ______warm_______
5. _____rain______, _______humid_____

G. Listen to the conversations and answer the following questions.

Track 1-81

Conversation 1
The bookstore is ___a___ the post office.
a. across from b. behind c. next to

Conversation 2
The ___b___ is next to the department store.
a. bus station b. subway station c. taxi station

Conversation 3
The ___c___ is at the corner of Third Avenue and Pike Street.
a. hotel b. park c. gas station

H. Listen again. Write down all of the streets that you hear in the
conversations. (skip)

Track 1-81

First Avenue, Main Street, Pine Street, Pike Street,

Third Avenue


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