Module 05 Answer - Impante Miguelito - Emerging Leader's Program

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Emerging Leader’s Program

Module 5 BOC School of Leadership

1. Winning the lost is the very heartbeat of Jesus Christ. What does it mean for
us to be a part of winning the emerging leaders to bless and build this country?

Answer: We need to saw the “seeds” on them (emerging leaders) so that

when they become one, they will pass it on.

2. What is the value of working with “old Christian leaders” in the

Philippines? How can we partner with them to inspire the young leaders to
love and build this country?

Answer: Their experiences will serve as inspiration and their endeavors will
challenge us to continue. To continue their mission and vision to inspire the
young leaders to love and build this country.

3. How can we powerfully communicate our vision and passion for our
emerging leaders in building this country and not threaten those who are not
yet ready to move with us?

Answer: I will prayerfully and patiently teach them and do this by God’s
grace and allow God to move them.

4. How can we cultivate a more meaningful relationship with our emerging

leaders in the PNP and in our communities?

Answer: Treat them as a family.

5. What does it mean for us to maximize technology as we cultivate a deeper

level of connectedness among our young officers who are constantly moving
from one assignment to another?

Answer: We have to invest on them, we have to spent time to communicate

and use the technology we have to inquire of their well being.


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