Module 04 Answer - Impante Miguelito - Police Ministry Perspective & Paradigm

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Police Ministry Perspective & Paradigm

1. Our world is continually evolving without morals.

How can we stop this down ward spiral?

We have to stand for the truth, and this truth must be spread.
through us.

2. Our ministry perspective and paradigm starts our home. How can we win and build stronger homes and families starting in our
churches and expanding it with the PNP?


We are to strengthen our family, children and the church

when it comes to our biblical stand. We need to educate
them so that they will not be deceived and tempted .
3. Humanistic worldviews has become popular in the academic
world. How can we stop this?


We need to realized that it is only God who can open their eyes
from blindness, our job is to share the gospel and to pray that
the holy spirit will convict them.

4. What does it mean for you to embrace God’s mission as

Christ’s ambassador and God’s minister to the PNP?


It is important that the mission is clear to us. We are to reach

those men and women in uniform with the Gospel of Christ.
5. The Officer Led Movement can only happen within the
context of a high trust and high level of commitment. Are you
ready to commit yourself to years of cultivation?


Yes. By God’s grace and mercy.

6. How can we pursue a more meaningful partnership among

church leaders in raising home-grown leaders?


We need to be committed on our mission to reach them. Let us

pray for one another as church leaders help one another and
build each other up.
7. Difficult and challenging times are now being unfolded. How
can we further enhance the partnership that are happening
among our police officers and pastors nationwide so that we
may be able to bless and build our communities?


We need to entrust our police officers to God that God can work
through them.

8. God’s training program in preparing David to become a king has been surrounded by
many godly people. What does it mean for us to adopt this model and build a growing
network of godly people so we can surround our MBKs with prayer warriors
and God fearing advisers?


It is good that we follow this biblical model. We will learn a lot from the life and
experiences of David.

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