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On Being a Part of God’s Family

Module 6 BOC School of Leadership

1. Look at this graph. The story

of the Kingdom of Israel is a
painful narrative of evil rulers
reigning for generations that
resulted to God’s severe

On Being a Part of God’s Family (OBPGF) Graph 3

*What does it mean for you to embrace your prophetic calling to this
movement? What kind of legacy would you like to leave behind?

Answer: By accepting the responsibilities as part of this movement to to join

and learn from the BOC. Producing good leaders who fears and obey God.

* Faithfulness to God and not success is the motivation of the prophets with
the kings of Israel and Judah. Are you willing to follow this prophetic calling
in this ministry? Explain your answer?

Answer: Yes. By God’s grace and mercy. I know I will be accountable to God
with the ministry.

* Thekings of Judah are able to pass on godly legacies. How can we promote
and adopt godly leadership based on their biblical narratives?

Answer: by following the good kings who walked in the way of the Lord.

* This ministry has an encompassing effect on building this nation. How will
you convince other pastors to join us in this prophetic role?

Answer: Encourage them to be one and to share to them the great need the
mission and vision of BOC.
2. What is/are personal lesson/s that you can take after reading Mao’s

Answer: Do not be weary in well doing for in due season we shall reap if we
faint not. There are many Maos’ out there who needs the Lord.

3. If Mao’s meaningful bond with our brothers in this movement became his
refuge when he was recovering from family trouble. How can we best
encourage and inspire others to “bond or connect” with other responsible and
mature officers?

Answer: Do not get intimidated with them. They are people who needs
people. They must be surrounded by godly people.

4. “Mao’s relationship with Jesus Christ and with God-fearing brothers made
the difference.” What does it mean for you to follow this example?

Answer: That’s the only way we can have a godly leaders so we must follow
that example.

5. What is your personal take or understanding of this phrase? “Death ends

can become a great door of opportunities in God’s hands.”

Answer: Most of the difficult times that we had become the turning point in
our lives where God moves.

6. Creating a balance between family and career demands is difficult. What is

your plan in addressing this constant challenge in the service?

Answer: Time management and avoid procrastination.I use my time well.

7. What are the lessons you learn from Cookie’s article (A Time for

Answer: Use our time well. Time management is important for us so that we
will not experience burn out. Avoid procrastination.
8. Many have realized that they can do better in their jobs when they get their
inspiration from those who are dear and precious to their hearts. Putting Jesus
Christ at the center is the key. Do you agree with this statement? Why?

Answer: Yes. It is good to know that our love ones back us up pushing us to
do well especially if our motivation is always for the glory of God.


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