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The most important period in my country’s history

Romania- an European country

Name: Matei Ana - Maria

Age: 14

Institution: Clubul Copiilor Filiași

Coordinator’s name: Stanciu Oana

Personally, I think that everything in the world has a history and my

lovely country has, of course, a very interesting history, but the most important
period, in my opinion, is the year 2007.

The year 2007 represents the integration of my country, Romania, into the
European Union. This so expected integration came true at the beginning of 2007,
on January 1st. From now, we can be officially called Europeans, now, we have the
same rights and obligations as citizens and we are all equals in Europe continent.
We must be proud because our country, Romania, is officially a part of the big
European family.

Let’s have a short coming back in the past!

Although European Union was the result of the efforts made by its founders,
with the beginning of 1950, the Romanian dream became true far grater late, only
at the beginning of 2007. We know that Romania was the first country of post-
communist Europe to have official relations with the European Community.
During the 2000s, Romania implemented a number of reforms to prepare for
European Union accession, including the consolidation of its democratic systems,
the institution of the rule of law, the acknowledgement of respect for human rights,
the commitment to personal freedom of expression, and the implementation of a
functioning free-market economy.

On December 17th 2004, the Brussels European Council of confirmed the

conclusion of accession negotiations with Bulgaria. The 26 September 2006
monitoring report of the European Commission confirmed the date once more, also
announcing that Bulgaria and Romania would meet no direct restrictions, but
progress in certain areas — reforms of the judicial system, elimination of
corruption and the struggle against organized crime — would be strictly

And lastly, after a long period, the 26th September 2006 monitoring report
of the European Commission confirmed the entry date as 1st January 2007.

In my opinion, the Romania’s entry into the European Union in 2007, has
been a significant influence on its domestic policy. As part of the process, Romania
has instituted reforms including judicial reform, increased judicial cooperation
with other member states, and measures to combat corruption.

In conclusion, seven years ago, European Union was being just a dream for
us and now, our dream came true and we should be happy, because we can travel
in all the European countries, we have more opportunities to choose a job or a
career here and also, to study in Europe.

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