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Home About cancer Laryngeal cancer Stages, types and grades of laryngeal cancer TNM and number
stages for laryngeal cancer
TNM and number stages for laryngeal cancer
The stage tells you how big your cancer is and whether it has spread. The 2 main systems doctors use
to stage cancer of the voice box (larynx) are the TNM and the number classification systems.

Staging for laryngeal cancer in the area above the vocal cords (supraglottis)
There are different ways of staging cancer in the area above the vocal cords (supraglottis). The 2 main
ways are the TNM system and the number staging system.

Staging for laryngeal cancer in the vocal cords (glottis)

There are different ways of staging cancer in the vocal cords (glottis). The 2 main ways are the TNM
system and the number staging system.

Staging for laryngeal cancer in the area below the vocal cords (subglottis)
There are different ways of staging cancer in the area below the vocal cords (subglottis) The 2 main
ways are the TNM system and the number staging system.

Last reviewed: 09 Jun 2022Next review due: 09 Jun 2025

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