RBI 2021 Objective Descriptive and Revision Timetable Lyst3788

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Sr. No. subject chapters

2 Percentage
3 simple interest
4 Compound interest
5 profit and loss
6 Time speed distance
7 time and work
8 pipes and cisterns
9 ratio and proportion
10 Data interpretation
average, mixtures
11 and alligations
12 approximation
13 Quadratic equation
14 ages
15 partnership
16 Blood relations
17 Directions
18 Arrangement
19 syllogism
20 number series
21 input output
22 puzzles
23 ranking
24 coding decoding
25 data sufficiency
statement and
26 conclusion
27 cause and effect
statement and
28 assumption
strong and weak
29 arguments
30 decision making
31 Inequality

32 comprehension
cloze test and
33 parajumbles
34 common error
35 phrase replacement
36 critical reasoning
37 sentence correction

38 combining sentences
Focus on Objective
Sr. no. Questions chapters Focus
Management keywords, concepts, definitions

1 organization theory 75 pages

2 miscellaneous theories 14 pages

3 mooney and reiley 4 pages

4 contingency approach 12 pages

5 Graicunas 5 pages
6 Introduction to OB 15 pages
7 values, attitudes, johari, TA 18 pages

8 generational and international values 6 pages

9 emotions, emotional intelligence 6 pages

10 personality- 3 parts 40 pages

11 perception and decision making 23 pages
12 motivation 61 pages
13 leadership 50 pages

14 conflict 14 pages

15 conflict and negotiation 9 pages

16 authority, power, stress, learning, Obmod 16 pages

17 classical conditioning 5 pages

18 organization culture 24 pages

19 OCTAPACE, org climate 5 pages
20 group dynamics, change 15 pages
21 change management 30 pages
22 theories of group formation, quality circle 3 pages
23 intro to HRM, models 17 pages
24 strategic HRM 7 pages
25 best practice vs best fit approach 3 pages
26 intro to HRD 3 pages
27 evolution and goals of HRD 3 pages
28 emerging dimensions in HRM 3 pages
29 HRM vs HRD 3 pages
30 HR planning 10 pages
31 recruitment and selection 5 pages
32 induction and orientation 2 pages
33 movement of personnel 2 pages
34 employee turnover 5 pages
35 realistic job preview 5 pages
36 psychometric tests 2 pages
37 delayering 3 pages
38 Job analysis 10 pages
39 job design, job evaluation 22 pages
40 potential appraisal 7 pages
41 fringe benefits 7 pages
42 incentives 6 pages
43 theories of compensation 6 pages
44 TQM, kaizen 12 pages
45 Lean systems 23 pages
46 Quality of worklife, collective bargaining 8 pages
47 Employee welfare 3 pages
48 Morale 5 pages
49 employee counselling 9 pages
50 industrial relations 11 pages
51 grievance handling, disciplinary action 13 pages
52 communication 34 pages
53 corporate governance 40 pages
54 organization control 18 pages
Sr. no. Focus on Descriptive Questions Chapters Focus
Management, Ethics keywords, concepts, definitions

Evolution of management; theories from classical to modern;

1 management functions; managerial roles; nudge theory
concept of OB; personality - concept and models; perception;
motivation- concept and process theories; leadership-
2 concept and theories
3 emotional intelligence
analysis of interpersonal relationship- transactional analysis,
4 johari
5 conflict
6 organization change
7 organizational development
organisational change, theories of change- Lewin’s change
8 model, Action research model, Positive model
meaning of ethics, reasons for ethical problems, theories of
9 ethics
weighing social cost and benefit, rights and duties, justice
10 and fairness,
11 Integrating utility, rights, justice, caring
12 alternative to moral principles- virtue ethics, theories
13 moral issues in business
ethical principles in business, organization structure and
14 ethics, role of board of directors, code of ethics
Corporate Governance- factors effecting CG, mechanisms of
15 CG
Communication, steps in communication, channels of
16 communication, barriers to communication, role of IT
organization culture; OCTAPACE, org climate; group
17 dynamics; theories of group formation, quality circle
evolution and goals of HRD, HRM vs HRD, recruitment and
selection, employee turnover, Job analysis, job design, job
18 evaluation, potential appraisal
Focus on Objective
Sr. no. Questions chapters Page numbers Focus

1 Important terms 195 pages Concepts, keywords, facts, recent changes

2 intro to financial system 12 pages

3 reforms in indian financial system 17 pages

4 money and capital market 21 pages

5 stock indices 14 pages

6 depository receipts 6 pages
7 mutual funds 17 pages
8 rbi- intro, structure, CAMELS 9 pages
9 rbi subsidiaries, monetary policy tools 19 pages

10 Monetary policy meets- different stances 8 pages

11 rbi currency mgt, debt management 19 pages

12 SEBI history, functioning, responsibilities 12 pages
13 NABARD 6 pages
14 NHB 10 pages
15 SIDBI 9 pages
16 RRBs 4 pages
17 credit rating agencies 10 pages
18 negotiated dealing system 8 pages
19 EXIM and ECGC 7 pages
20 bi monthly monetary policy basics 8 pages
21 foreign exchange market basics 20 pages
22 history of forex market 3 pages
23 special drawing rights 19 pages
24 FEMA 8 pages
25 foreign currency accounts 2 pages
26 currency convertibility 2 pages
27 forex risk 2 pages
28 fx-retail 2 pages
29 history of banking system 10 pages
30 classification of banks 17 pages
31 priority sector lending 8 pages
32 PSL for RRBs 1 page
33 MCLR video
34 FEOA 2 pages

35 measures of money supply, money multiplier 8 pages

36 SARFAESI act, CERSAI 4 pages
37 universal vs niche banking 4 pages
38 balance sheet of RBI and commercial banks 4 pages
39 BPSS, electronic payment systems 10 pages
40 payment and settlement system act 10 pages
41 prepaid payment instruments 14 pages
foreign exchange transactions by
42 commercial banks- concepts and laws 5 pages
43 Inflation 9 pages
44 stagflation 7 pages
45 theories of inflation 4 pages
46 imported inflation, deflator, misery index 3 pages
47 debt market and types of bonds 8 pages
48 bonds concepts 7 pages
49 yield curve 4 pages
50 Masala bonds video
51 FCCB, FCEB 3 pages
52 derivatives 19 pages
53 FPI 6 pages
54 FDI 4 pages
55 disinvestment 20 pages
56 participatory notes 3 pages
57 IBC 15 pages
58 NPA 12 pages
59 BASEL 16 pages
60 PCA 13 pages
61 basics of GST 3 pages
62 finance commission 4 pages
63 FRBM 5 pages
64 15th Finance commission 8 pages
65 financial inclusion 16 pages
66 alternate source of finance 9 pages
67 public private partnership 9 pages
68 private and social cost benefit 4 pages
69 fiscal policy 13 pages
70 revenue and capital receipts 4 pages
72 Risk management in Banking
Sr. no. Focus on Descriptive Questions chapters Focus

Regulators of Banks and Financial Institutions; rbi

subsidiaries, monetary policy tools; RBI Functions and
Monetary policy; Monetary policy meets- different stances; bi
monthly monetary policy basics; measures of money supply,
1 money multiplier; RBI Structure; CAMELS definitions, concepts, keywords
Financial Institutions- NABARD, SIDBI, NHB, RRBs, Credit
2 rating agencies, SEBI
Structure of Indian Banking system; history of banking
system; classification of banks; priority sector lending; PSL
for RRBs; MCLR; SARFAESI act, CERSAI; universal vs niche
banking; balance sheet of RBI and commercial banks; BPSS,
electronic payment systems; payment and settlement
3 system act; prepaid payment instruments
4 Impact of Global financial crisis and Indian response
reforms in indian financial system, money and capital
market, Instruments in primary and secondary markets,
5 recent developments, Mutual funds
6 Risk management in banking
7 Global financial markets & International banking
8 financial inclusion
9 alternate source of finance; public private partnership
Corporate governance in banking; e-governance; role of
governance in reducing corruption and increasing inefficiency
10 in government sector
Union budget; concept; current affairs; fiscal policy; revenue
11 and capital receipts
Inflation; stagflation; imported inflation, deflator, misery
12 index; balance between inflation and growth
13 Fintech
14 FPI; FDI; disinvestment
16 finance commission; FRBM; 15th Finance commission
Focus on Objective
Sr. no. Questions chapters Focus
Finance Numericals Formulas
Financial management- TVM, PV and FV,
1 Least importance NPV, IRR, COC,
2 Least importance Bond Valuation
3 Least importance Leverage analysis
4 Least importance CVP analysis
5 Least importance Accounting ratios
Focus on
Sr. Objective
No. Questions chapters Pages Focus

1 Important terms 121 pages concepts, keywords, facts

2 micro vs macro, circular flow, depression 12 pages
3 Macroeconomic identities 7 pages

4 Purchasing manager's index, IIP 8 pages

5 new method of NI accounting 7 pages
6 BOP, forex 26 pages

7 BOP- autonomous vs accomodating 5 pages

8 Fiscal policy- receipts and expenditures 13 pages

9 tax and non tax sources of revenue 4 pages

10 Union budget 63 pages

growth vs development, sustainable
11 development 24 pages

12 environment conventions and treaties 12 pages

13 international organizations 31 pages

14 regional organizations 22 pages
15 India before 1991- impact of colonisation 14 pages
16 Agriculture 17 pages
17 Industry 17 pages
18 foreign trade and foreign capital 9 pages
19 India after 1991 21 pages
20 Social sectors in India- employment 11 pages
21 poverty 7 pages
22 population 9 pages
23 gender 5 pages

24 education 9 pages
25 aser report 2018 and 2019 20 pages
26 AISHE 6 pages
27 education policy- draft and new 10 pages
28 social movements 8 pages
29 urbanization 6 pages
30 migration 8 pages
31 census, secc, nfhs, migration data 23 pages
32 PLFS 12 pages
33 india state of forest report 12 pages
34 Economic survey
35 Government schemes
Focus on
Sr. No. Questions Chapters Focus
Writing skills,
Poverty alleviation and employment keywords, points,
1 generation in India multiple dimensions
2 Sustainable development vs growth
3 Environmental issues
Economic history of India- changes in
Industrial and labour policy, Monetary
4 and Fiscal policy
5 Reforms of 1991
6 changes experienced since reforms
Priorities of Economic Survey and Union
7 Budget
Recommendations of Economic Survey
8 and Union Budget
Linkage of money and financial markets
9 with the economy

10 Role of Banking and RBI in development

Indian Agriculture, Manufacturing and
11 service sector
BOP Crisis, changes in BOP Policy since
12 reforms, components of BOP
Regional economic cooperation efforts
13 and achievements
14 Global economic issues
15 Demography of India
16 Urbanisation- trend and challenges
17 Migration- trend and challenges
18 Gender issues
19 Social movements in India
20 Human development
21 Fiscal policy- receipts and expenditures
22 tax and non tax sources of revenue
23 Union budget
growth vs development, sustainable
24 development
25 environment conventions and treaties
26 India after 1991
27 Social sectors in India- employment
28 poverty
29 population
30 gender
31 education
32 education policy- draft and new
33 Economic survey
34 Government schemes
RBI PHASE 1 & 2 Current Affairs

Phase 1 Current Spotlight + Morning tales Revision for enrolled students

Phase 1 Static GK Course
Indices and reports Revision series
GDP forecasts Revision series
Union budget and Economic survey Revision series

Phase 2 Current:
ESI current PIB 247 Revision for enrolled students
Government Schemes Course Revision for enrolled students
Indices and reports Revision series of Phase 1

Finance current RBI 247

RBI FAQs Course Revision for enrolled students
RBI Reports Course
Sessions by Anuj Sir RBI Phase 1 and 2 Exam
Time- 8PM (tentative)
27th January English Descriptive Session 1 Youtube

28th January English Descriptive Session 2 Youtube

30th January English Descriptive Session 3 Youtube

31st January English Descriptive Session 4 Youtube

3rd February ESI Session 1 Enrolled students

5th February ESI Session 2 Enrolled students

8th February ESI Session 3 Enrolled students

11th February Finance Session 1 Enrolled students

13th February Finance Session 2 Enrolled students

15th February Finance Session 3 Enrolled students

17th February Management session 1 Enrolled students

19th February Management session 2 Enrolled students

21st February Management session 3 Enrolled students

23rd February Descriptive writing session 1 Enrolled students

25th February Descriptive writing session 2 Enrolled students

27th February Descriptive writing session 3 Enrolled students

28th February Descriptive writing session 4 Enrolled students

6th March EXAM

9th March Ethics and Governance Session 1 Enrolled students

11th March Ethics and Governance Session 2 Enrolled students

14th March Ethics and Governance Session 3 Enrolled students

16th March Finance Session 4 Enrolled students

18th March Finance Session 5 Enrolled students

21st March Management Session 4 Enrolled students

23rd March Management Session 5 Enrolled students

25th March English Descriptive Session 5 Enrolled students

27th March English Descriptive Session 6 Enrolled students

1st April EXAM

Sessions by Neha Maam Time 10 AM

5th February Spotlight Revision January Youtube

12th February Static GK Revision session 1 Youtube

19th February Indices and Reports, GDP Forecasts Session 1 Youtube

26th February Spotlight Revision 1st to 15th February Youtube

3rd March Spotlight Revision 16th February to 28th February Youtube

Sessions by Manish Sir Time 8 AM

1st February Union budget coverage full day

8th February PIB Revision Session 1 Youtube

15th February PIB Revision session 2 Youtube

17th February Indices and Reports Session 1 Youtube

22nd February Indices and Reports Session 2 Youtube

24th February Government scheme revision session 1 Youtube

28th February Government scheme revision session 2 Youtube

1st March Economic Survey Youtube

Sessions by Kasturi Maam Time 6 PM (tentative)
27th January HCF Quantitative Ability
28th January LCM Quantitative Ability
29th January Coding and Decoding Logical Reasoning
30th January Averages Quantitative Ability
2nd February Percentage Quantitative Ability
4th February Ratio and Proportion Quantitative Ability
6th February Directions Logical Reasoning
8th February Simple Interest and compound interest Quantitative Ability
10th February Syllogism Logical Reasoning
12th February Blood relations Logical Reasoning
14th February Time distance and speed Quantitative Ability
16th February Trains Quantitative Ability
18th February Boats and streams Quantitative Ability
20th February Quadratic Equations Quantitative Ability
22nd February Time and Work Quantitative Ability
24th February Wages Quantitative Ability
26th February Coding and Decoding Logical Reasoning
1st March Inequalities Logical Reasoning
3rd March Profit and Loss Quantitative Ability

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