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According to our statement, I think one of the reasons for making life

difficult is domestic violence, which women are the victims of. Domestic
violence survivors can face ongoing and challenging effects after
enduring physical, mental, and emotional abuse.
Sura 16 Ayat 90

Allah commands justice, the doing of good, and liberality to kith and
kin, and He forbids all shameful deeds, and injustice and rebellion: He
instructs you, that ye may receive admonition

According to an estimate approx. 70 to 90 % of women are subjected to

domestic violence in Pakistan. The factors associated with domestic
violence in Pakistan are the low-economical status of women, lack of
awareness about women’s rights, lack of education, falsified beliefs,
imbalanced empowerment issues between males and females, male-
dominant social structure, and lack of support from the government.
There are so many women who are suffering from great trauma in their
life they live in a domestic violent environment. An estimated 5000
women are killed per year by domestic violence,  Law enforcement
authorities do not view domestic violence as a crime and usually refuse
to register any cases brought to them. Given the very few women's
shelters in the country, victims have limited ability to escape from
violent situations.
Abusive partners make it very difficult for victims to escape
relationships. Sadly, many survivors suffer from abuse for decades.
The holy Qur’an contains tens of verses extolling good treatment of
women. Several specifically enjoin kindness to women
“Under no circumstances is violence against women encouraged or
allowed. (2:229-237; 4:19; 4:25).
“O believers treat women with kindness even if you dislike them; it is
quite possible that you dislike something which Allah might yet make a
source of abundant good (An Nisa 4:19).
Arabian society at the beginning of Islam sanctioned appalling violence
towards women. Far from giving permission for wife beating Allah
Subhanahu watala prohibited or at least severely curtailed excessive
violence against women. Allah (swt) repeatedly says in the Quran to
show love, kindness and warns that they should not harm their wives
even after divorce. Allah (swt) has even forbidden us to call each other
by bad names and to humiliate. The abusive behavior does not reflect
the kindness and love for their spouses. Still, some men justify their
behavior knowing that they are disobeying Allah’s guidance…”

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