A01285969 - Key Activity - First Partial Period Delivery - 1

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Key Activity - First Partial Period Delivery

Gabriel De Anda Alanís - A01285969

Individual Essay

World War II was an international conflict between 1939 to 1945. Thanks to this war, we
have a better way to see how to solve solutions by getting a word agreement, because
Germany after the war had a lot to pay, and a really high debt for all damages and
destruction they made between those years.

Some of the causes that led to World War II are the Treaty of Versailles following WWI, the
worldwide economic depression, failure of appeasement, the rise of militarism in Germany
and Japan, and the failure of the League of Nations. The effects that World War II left behind
were the cities laid in ruins. The combat and bombing in the city destroyed everything, and
the punishment to Germany was really big, because of all the damages they did in the war.

For the essay I will use the perspectives of the Nazis to understand better the reason and
the mission behind why they wanted to conquer Europe, and also use the perspective of the
ones who didn't want the war and fought versus Germany so they could live better.

“Defend Paris to the last, destroy all bridges over the Seine and devastate the city.”

Adolf Hitler—August, 1944

Here in this citation we can see one command that he gave in the war, we can argue that he
was frustrated because maybe he was losing territory, and wanted to prevent that as early
as possible by trying to devastate the city so no one could stay in there. Also we can see
how he expresses straight commands and also feels like he is afraid, trying to do as many
as possible, so they didn´t lose that much territory, and have time to prepare for their next

“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”

Franklin D. Roosevelt, March 4, 1933—Inaugural address

This phrase was one of the many he said in his Inaugural Address, and was years before the
World War II even started, but we can conclude that maybe we was knowing things about
how in Europe was everything, and that they should be prepared, and not fear anything
because they were good as they are.

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