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Ajanae Peterson


Saegert Elementary 2nd

Reading comprehension skills

With this being my last as a teacher's aide has come to an end, I am thoroughly able to

compare my lesson taught from my past year to this current year. From last year I taught math

which was a struggle as far as ensuring the students were able to fully understand the lesson to

regaining their focus, my understanding of the TEKS, planning my lesson plan by myself and

having the lack of confidence. This year I taught the subject of Reading and the skills of

comprehension. I opened up my lesson by having the students look at the cover of the book and

write what they may think the book will be about. By me doing this it helps me create an idea of

how the students will in take the book along with me seeing if the students are able to create an

idea over what the book will be about, I came to my conclusion that if the students can create an

idea just based on the cover of the book without it being read to them, it can set a solid line for

them to further later create a mental image.

Which brings me to the point of the major goal of my lesson, Creating mental images.

With the introduction of my lesson going as planned, I did run into some altercations with the

one or two students that have a hard time creating mental images, students getting distracted by

other people coming in and out the classroom. However those issues were easy to resolve by me

regaining their attention saying “ clap twice if you hear my voice.”, asking them “if you were to

do what the character did in the book what movement, expression would you see yourself doing”
after the student tells me what they would do u ask them how you would draw it? Then they

would draw it and I would see a light bulb go off and their expression of “I got it now “which

lets me know they just created a mental image and understand what I am asking them to do.

The next challenge was getting the students to understand why it is important to use

comprehension skills which is to understand what you are reading so you can make connections

and predictions in the story. I asked the class why it is important, and some did have a relatively

close answer to my question, another altercation was a few students didn’t know what theme

meant. I had to pause to give the whole class a short lesson over the word theme and later asked

what theme they would create for the story and draw a picture that represents their theme.

Something I would critique in my lesson for me to teach it again would be a little clearer

for their grade level in the directions I listed, do more research on how to get the students that

have a hard time visualizing the story without me pulling them aside making the student feel as if

they aren't as smart as their peers, because I believe in every student has a capability of learning

you just have to figure out how they learn. As I look back on my old lesson that I taught I see my

personal growth as a teacher's aide in my lesson planning, being less afraid of being direct and

not being scared of having the students think for themselves.

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