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Agreement Symbol: <ETH01/2021/0000000931>

Project Performance Report (End-year Progress Report)


Project title:  Provision of Durable shelter construction, shelter material and distribution and distribution of CRI and shelter
kit for Benishangul Gumuz.(IDPs)
 Provision of Sustainable Housing and Settlement implemented in Afar Semera
 Shelter and Infrastructure for refugees and IDPs in Gambella
 CRI distribution, construction of durable shelters & provision of shelter material in Oromia region of Nekemt
and Gujji
 Construction of transitional shelters at west Guji and gedeo zones
 Shelter and infrastructure work in Somali region Liben zone of Melkedida
 Provision of shelter and NFI assistance to Internally Displaced people in Somali and Oromia region of Jijiga.
 Provision of protection and assistance to POC

Budget Year: 2022

Situation(s):  1900 annual budget ExCo
 1900 annual budget ExCom
 4,900 Annual budget EXcom
 1900 annual budget ExCom
 900 Annual budget EXcom
 900 Annual budget EXcom
 4900 Annual Budget ExCom
 1127 Annual Budget ExCom
 4127 Ethiopia emergency
Operation: Ethiopia
Population Planning Group(s):  Internally displaced people (IDP)
Goal(s): Protection and Mixed Solution

Cost Centre(s):  12066 Ethiopia, Assosa

 12073Ethiopia, Semera
 12062 Ethiopia Addis Ababa
 12063 Ethiopia, Gambella

Agreement Symbol: <ETH01/2021/0000000931>
Project Performance Report (End-year Progress Report)
 12062 Ethiopia Addis Ababa
 12072Ethiopia Addis Ababa
 12065 Somali and Oromia/Ethiopia
 12073 Ethiopia Mekelle,
Partner Code: 1073057
Submitting Partner Name: Action for the Needy in Ethiopia(ANE)
Reporting Period: 1st January – 31ST December, 2022
Date of Report: May 18 , 2023

1. Provision of Durable shelter construction, shelter material, and distribution of CRI , shelter kit for Benishangul Gumz.

Results Chain
Population Planning Internally displaced people /IDPs and refugee
Goal: Protection and mixed solutions
Rights Group: Basic Needs and Essential Services

Objective Name Durable shelter construction, maintenance and distribution of CRI and kit
Problem Description: In 2022, due to the security issues in and around Gure Shombola and Tongo refugee camps, refugees in the camps were
relocated to Tsore camp. During the emergency caused by the relocation, the ANE Assosa field office, in close
collaboration with UNHCR and RRS immediately responded with emergency intervention programs that provide people
of concern with the access to emergency services.

Output Status Update on Progress Achieved

Shelter and infrastructure
In this program, ANE, as a shelter and infrastructure partner, has completed the following critical emergency response

Performance Site/Location Performance Target Actual progress

Agreement Symbol: <ETH01/2021/0000000931>
Project Performance Report (End-year Progress Report)
Benishangul Gumz IDPs Project

Core Relief Items Bambasi, Sherkole and Bildiglu 3654HHs All are completed

Construction of Filtu, Deka suftu & dollo Ado 109 All are completed
Transitional Shelter made
of wooden poles & Mud-


2. Provision of Sustainable Housing and Settlement implemented in Afar Semera

Results Chain
Population Planning Group: Internally displaced people /IDPs
Goal: Protection and mixed solutions
Rights Group: Basic Needs and Essential Services

Objective Name  Supply of potable water

Problem Description:  conflict affected people residing in Afar different woredas and Jointly ANE with Regional DRMO and UNHCR
identified most priority IDP area and activity that need urgent emergency support.
 The following are Identified IDP intervention and Program implemented areas that were need urgent support and
engaged by ANE through UNHCR

Output Status Update on Progress Achieved

: Emergency shelter provided  Construction of communal kitchen
 Installation of family tents and handover
 Construction of communal shelter

Agreement Symbol: <ETH01/2021/0000000931>
Project Performance Report (End-year Progress Report)
 Construction of weather-friendly maternity shelter, communal elevated shed, health post and educational shed
completed and handed over

Afar IDPs Project

Performance Indicator(s) Site/Location Performance Target Actual progress
 150 HH family tent pitched at Guya completed
Construction /pitching of
 374 UNHCR Family tent construc-
Emergency family tent Afar Semera in Agatina IDP sites

 2 public infrastructures are rehabil- completed

Rehabilitations of 3 existing itated
public infrastructure Afar Semera in Agatina IDP sites  1 public shower and toilet room is

 Site selected and cleare completed

Construction of emergency  15 emergency communal shelters
Afar Semera IDP site
communal shelters constructed
 Site selected and cleared completed
 Material purchased and
Construction of Emergency Afar Semera Agatina IDP sites transported
communal kitchens  14 communal kitchens are
Provision of shelter kits For Zone two 500 HH Shelter kits are provided for both completed
Berhale and Koneba Koneba and Berhale.
Provision of Repair and Abala woreda 40HH repair /reconstruction kit (Able completed
reconstruction kits bodied) is provided
110 HH repair / reconstruction kit
(Vulnerable) is provided
Rehabilitation Double storey Samara IDP camp, Samara Rehabilitation of 1 Double story building is completed
building (women compound) completed
in Samara IDP sites

Agreement Symbol: <ETH01/2021/0000000931>
Project Performance Report (End-year Progress Report)
Rehabilitation of 1 block of Samara IDP camp, Samara Rehabilitation of 1 block of office building
office building in Semera IDP is completed completed
Rehabilitation of 2 blocks of Samara IDP camp, Samara Rehabilitation of 2 blocks of primary
primary school (men school is completed
compound) in Semera IDP
Cleaning of premise in Samara IDP camp, samara Cleaning of premise is completed
Semera IDP site
Rehabilitation of female Samara IDP camp Rehabilitation of female compound is
compound (distribution) completed
Distribution of ES/NFI For Afar zone displaced IDPs 12,500 ES/NFI are distributed for different
Provision Multipurpose Cash Semera Logia 110 HH IDPs are supported completed
Provision of Cash for shelter For IDP returnees in Agatina 1740 HH are supported through Cash completed
Distribution of clothes and For Samara IDP Camp 2150 HH are supported through sanitary
sanitary pads for 2150 HH napkin and cloth
Distribution of clothes and For Agatina IDP camp 226 HH are supported through sanitary
sanitary pads for 226 HH napkin and cloth
Distribution of clothes and For zone 2 (Berahle, Koneba, Abala and samara 3500HH are supported through sanitary
sanitary pads IDP returnee stadium IDPs) napkin and cloth
from released ROF for
Distribution Mosquito net For (Ewa, Awura, Yallo and Gulina) woreda 5600 Individuals are supported through
Mosquito net distribution
Provisions of fire wood Semera, Agatina IDP sites 80 KG fire wood are distributed completed
2 maternities shed constructed and
CCCM basic Capacity
Samara delivered to health cluster and protection Completed
building training
Site development and 2 health post constructed and delivered to
Semera and Agatina Completed
improvement in IDP Health cluster
settlement Agatina 1 educational shade constructed Completed
Samara 5 Communal elevated shade constructed Completed
Agreement Symbol: <ETH01/2021/0000000931>
Project Performance Report (End-year Progress Report)
2 maternities shed constructed and
Samara and Agatina delivered to health cluster and protection Completed
 82 IDP representative formulated
per cluster 20 in Agatina and 62 in
Community participation and Semera IDP sites
Samara and Agatina Completed
self-governance  Conduct 10 community
mobilization and sensitization
Camp-level Regular service monitoring
Samara and Agatina
Camp coordination and conducted and shared
information management Samara Camp level regular meeting
Samara and Agatina Weekly cluster level coordination meeting


As ANE Afar 2022 IDP pillar 4 intervention we only conclude the commitment by realign through budget flexibility of UNHCR.
 After having a discussion with UNHCR and ANE agreed to Revise/change the remaining and unrelated activities due to Returnee of IDPs
and different other external factors. And also, some commitments are increased in their resource and number of reach due having high
demand of assistance. As far as UNHCR and ANE concerned to apply Flexibility in order to implement the activity for right people of
This are Line of activity changed/revised to other commitment after mid- year review.
 Remaining 5 emergency communal Shelters (Semera). Samara IDP camp (15D)
 Total 15 Construction of kitchen blocks. samara IDP camp (15D)
 Remaining 850 Construction of emergency tents at Guya. (15D)

Agreement Symbol: <ETH01/2021/0000000931>
Project Performance Report (End-year Progress Report)
 Total 33 Construction of kitchen blocks. Guya IDP camp(15D)
 Remaining 126 Construction of emergency tents at Samara. Agatina IDP camp(15D)
 Remaining 3 communal kitchen (samara), Agatina IDP camp (15D)
 Total of Material cost for Construction of Agatina IDP site fence. (15D)
 Total of Labour cost for the construction of Agatina IDP site fence. (15D)
 Total of Construction of Emergency shelters. (15D)
 (Distribution of emergency shelters Kit). (15D) Increased in amount of commitment
 Support costs for cash for rent payment for 500 HHs, including targeting & monitoring
 (Distribution Cost for 10000 CRI Kits). 15O Increased in amount of commitment (2500HH)
 Remaining 201,600 kg Procurement of cooking fuel for 1600 HHs displaced IDPs residing in Afar region. (15K)
 Total of Procurement of fuel saving cooking multi-Flex stove.

Realigned Activity (New added)

Above list of activity resources realigned/ changed by activity listed below.

 Distribution of clothes and sanitary pads for 2150 HH

 Distribution of clothes and sanitary pads for 226 HH
 Cost for loading unloading of clothes bale/bandle and sanitery pads
 Support cost for cash for shelter for 2393 HH including targeting and monitoring
 Rehabilitation Double storey building (women compound) in Semera IDP sites

Agreement Symbol: <ETH01/2021/0000000931>
Project Performance Report (End-year Progress Report)
 Rehabilitation of 1 block of office building in Semera IDP site
 Rehabilitation of 2 blocks of primary school (men compound) in Semera IDP sites
 Cleaning of premise in Semera IDP site
 Rehabilitation of female compound (distribution)
 Distribution of Shelter kits for IDP returnees for 500 HH
 Dismantling of all shelter facilities and compound clearing in Agatina IDP Site
 Transportation and distribution cost for Mosquito net
 Distribution and transportation cost for Shelter kits in IDP return place
 Replacement of new doors in Semera IDP sites for the existing structures
 Distribution of clothes and sanitary pads IDP returnee from released ROF
 Transportation and loading unloading of clothes and sanitary pads

3, Provision of Core Relief Items and Dignity Kits in Gambella

Results Chain
Population Planning Group: Internally displaced people /IDPs and refugee
Goal: Protection and mixed solutions
Rights Group: Basic Needs and Essential Services
Objective Name  Durable shelter and construction of access road
Problem Description:  As Covid -19 pandemic spreads globally various enhancement and new construction works are crucial to
capacitate the prevention of the spread of the crucial for South Sudanese refugees residing in Gambella
operation .ANE in partnership with RRS/UNHCR have taken urgent response to mitigate the risk.

Output Status Update on Progress Achieved

Performance Indicator(s) Site/Location Performance Target Actual progress

Agreement Symbol: <ETH01/2021/0000000931>
Project Performance Report (End-year Progress Report)

Gambella IDPs Project

# of core relief item Lare, Jikawo, Gog and Wantawo
distribution 10,000 10,000 were distributed

# of dignity kit distribution Lare, Jikawo, Gog and Wantawo 2500 2500 were distributed

# of Awareness creation on Gambella town, Lare, jikawo,Gog,Ababo,Jor, 4 All are completed

PSEA programmers Mawey and Itang special woreda

2 All are completed

# of Capacity building Lare, Jikawo, Gog and Wantawo

# of Establish Community Lare, Jikawo, Gog and Wantawo 4 All are completed


4.CRI distribution, construction of durable shelter & provision of shelter material in Nekemt and Guji
Results Chain
Population Planning Internally displaced people (IDP)
Goal: Protection and mixed solutions
Rights Group: Basic Needs and Essential Services

Objective Name Shelter and infrastructure established, improved and maintained

Agreement Symbol: <ETH01/2021/0000000931>
Project Performance Report (End-year Progress Report)
Problem Description:

Output Status Update on Progress Achieved

Durable shelter In the year 2022 UNHCR has funded ANE to construct durable shelter for IDPs of Oromia, West Wollega Zone, Gimbi
maintained and Nejo woreda. Previously, it was planned to construct 138 mud wall shelters but by considering the areas topography,
soil type, durability of shelter and protection UNHCR and ANE have proposed to change the construction from mud wall
to HCB shelter. Due to shortage of budget from UNHCR side the shelters reduced to 39 HCB durable shelters and 4
latrines @ Gimbi Woreda, 10 HCB durable shelters and 2 latrines @Nejo woredas Wollga zone.

Site/Location Performance Target Actual progress
# Of constructed durable Oromia, West Wollega Zone, Gimbi and 55 Completed
shelters and latrines Nejo woreda

Output Status Update on Progress Achieved

Core relief items provided In 2022 fiscal year ANE has received CRIs from UNHCR that will be distributed for 10,000HHs and fully completed the
distribution for east wollega,horro guduru and west shoa zones of Oromia region.
Site/Location Performance Target Actual progress
# Of HH receiving CRI East wollega, Horro guduru, and west 10,000HH Completed
showa zones


5.Construction of Transitional shelters at West Guji and Gedeo Zones

Results Chain
Population Planning Group: Internally displace people (IDP)
Goal: Protection and mixed solutions
Rights Group: Basic Needs and Essential Services

Agreement Symbol: <ETH01/2021/0000000931>
Project Performance Report (End-year Progress Report)

Objective Name  Shelter and infrastructure established, improved and maintained

Problem Description:  Most of the transitional shelters constructed are aged due to long service and need significant maintenance and
few of them are severely damaged and need new construction work to improve the condition of dwellings of the
owners. There is a need of transitional shelter in west guji and Gedeo zone of Oromia region

Output Status Update on Progress Achieved

Transitional shelter  In 2022 project year ANE with UNHCR Constructed Transitional shelters at West Guji and Gedeo Zones

Performance Indicator(s) Site/Location Performance Target Actual progress

# of constructed transitional West guji, Gedeo and Konso(Gelana, Yirga 377 completed
shelter chefe, Bule hora, Gedeo and Karat zuria)

6.Shelter and Infrastructure for in Somali region Liben Zone of Melkedida

Results Chain
Population Planning Group: Internally displace people (IDP)
Goal: Protection and mixed solutions
Rights Group: Basic Needs and Essential Services

Objective Name Construction of Improved Transitional Shelters

Problem Description: The limited number of shelters in the operational area severely affects the safety and security and other related issues of IDPs
at Filtu,Deka suftu and Dollo Ado at Melkadida.

Output Status Update on Progress Achieved

Transitional shelters  Construction of Transitional Shelter made of wooden pole & Mud-plastering
Site/Location Performance Target Actual progress

Agreement Symbol: <ETH01/2021/0000000931>
Project Performance Report (End-year Progress Report)
# of constructed Filtu, Deka suftu & dollo Ado 68 Completed
transitional shelters


7, Provision of shelter and NFI assistance to Internally Displaced people in Somali and Oromia region of Jijiga
Output Status Update on Progress Achieved
15Q; Sustainable housing  ANE in collaboration with UNHCR purchased, provided full shelter kits and also covered labor cost for the
and settlement construction T-shelter for the Returned IDPs
Site/Location Performance Target Actual progress
# Shelter provided  Somali, Sity Zone, Shinle 462 T-shelter  50 T-shelters are
woreda completed and handed
 Somali, fafen zone, Kebribeyah  50 shelters at Sity zone over
woreda  112 shelters at Fafen zone  112 T-shelters are
 Somali, Dolo zone, warder completed handed over
woreda  125 shelters at west Dolo zone
 125 T-shelters are
 Oromia, west hararge zone,  66 shelters at Bordede, gendelami ongoing
bordede woreda, gandalami  66 T-shelters
kebele construction are
 Oromia, west hararge zone,  50 shelters at Bordede burka anane completed handed over
bordede woreda, kebele Burka  50 T-shelters are
anane kebele completed handed over
 Ormia, west hararge zone Meiso  59 shelters at Meiso  Construction of 59 T-
woreda shelters are completed
handed over

Agreement Symbol: <ETH01/2021/0000000931>
Project Performance Report (End-year Progress Report)

Output Status Update on Progress Achieved

 ANE/ UNHCR provided full Shelter Kites and also covered labor cost for the construction of shelter for the Returned
10U; emergency shelter IDPs
provided/maintened  ANE/ UNHCR providing full Shelter Kites and also cover labor cost for the Rehabilitation of communal emergency
living block for the IDPs

Performance Indicator(s) Site/Location Performance Target Actual progress

# Emergency shelter  Oromia, west hararge zone Meiso woreda  100 emergency shelters  100emergency
constructed shelter construction
# Emergency shelter maitened  Oromia, west hararge zone,hirna woreda  66 emergency shelter are completed and
handed over
 Rehabilitation of
emergency living
blocks are
completed handed

Output Status Update on Progress Achieved

13S; core relief item
Performance Indicator(s) Site/Location Performance Target Actual progress

Agreement Symbol: <ETH01/2021/0000000931>
Project Performance Report (End-year Progress Report)

• ESNFI distributed
for385HHs or
10,000HHs for ESNFI
• Fafan, kebribeyah and Jijiga area 2600individuals
• 385HHs for ESNFI
• Fafan, Tuluguled woreda • ESNFI distributed for
• West hararge, mieso, Tulo, bordede, 761HHs or 2861 individual
• 761HHs for ESNFI
• Fafen Babile, DEGEHABUR, • ESNFI distributed for
DEGEHABUR, warder 859HHs or 3266
• 859HHs for ESNFI
• Somali, Erar, Nogob zone, Fiq, Qubi, individuals
Duhun, Ayun woreda • ESNFI distributed for
# HH received CRI • 2065HHs for ESNFI
• West hararge zone, Gemechis, Guba 2065HHs or 13557individuals
Qurica, oda Bultum, Habro, Daro Labu, • ESNFI distributed for 2000
• 2000HHs for ESNFI
Burka Dimtu, Hawi Gudina woredas. Drought affected HHs or
distribution to Drought
• East hararge, Deder, Jarso (East 10365individuals
affected IDPs
Hararghe), Chinaksen, Meyu Muleke, • ESNFI distribution for
• 1500HHs for ESNFI
Qumbi woredas. 1500HHs or
• NFI distributed for
2500HHs or 15314

Agreement Symbol: <ETH01/2021/0000000931>
Project Performance Report (End-year Progress Report)
Output Status Update on Progress Achieved
IETA00710W; Provision of  Construction of Transitional shelters are completed
Transitional shelter

Performance Indicator(s) Site/Location Performance Target Actual progress

# T-shelters provided  94 T-shelter Construction of 94 T-
 Somali, Libon zone,Deka • 39 at Filtu shelters are completed and
suftu,Filtu,Dollo Ado • 25 at Deka Suftu handed over
• 30 at Dolo Ado


 In according to 2022 PPA it was agreed to construct transitional shelter in Fafan zone of Somali Region and by the request from UNHCR and
DRMB a change have been made on site location, which is shifted to Somali region of Dollo Zone, Warder woreda, in Robdaay kebele.
 We asked UNHCR to construct 100 emergency shelters, but we have not yet obtained a site (There was no any emergency situation to be
 From request UNHCR and DRMB an additional activity in Somali Region K/beyah woreda at Durwale site where 126 Shelters were originally
planned to be built (for vulnerable relocated IDPs, fully constructed by ANE). 14 remained IDPs during the project implementation period
despite not relocated. So we have constructed as well as completed 112 shelters.
 A masonry foundation was constructed for 50 shelters as a new activity by modification at the Shinille woreda at Jadane site in the Somali
Region, taking into account the area's propensity for flooding and exposure to termites.


Results Chain
PPG: IDPS project Tigray Region in Mekele and Shere Area

Agreement Symbol: <ETH01/2021/0000000931>
Project Performance Report (End-year Progress Report)
Goal: Protection and mixed solutions
Rights Group: Basic Needs and Essential Services

Objective Name 150 Maintenance of damage commercial/ emergency shelter (Duplex shelter) for IDPs in the project area617 conduct
maintenance of duplex emergency shelter, 100 HHs provision of emergency shelter kits, Maintenance of damage
commercial/ emergency shelter (Duplex shelter) for IDPs in the project area, 20,000 NFI distribution, 10,000
Distribution of Dignity kits to IDP, 100 capacity building training on site management and support for local IDP
committees include GBV and protection, 7 strengthen site profile and IDP’s movement tracking system collaboration
with other actors, 7 undertake site coordination meeting and assessment in collaborate with protection cluster, 7
conduct supervention, monitoring and evaluation, 4 Rehabilitation of public infrastructure and 6 construction of
commercial kitchens
Problem Description:

Objective Name
Problem Description:

Output Status Update on Progress Achieved

provision of emergency ANE maintain duplex emergency shelter
shelter kits  Provision of emergency shelter
 Damage commercial/emergency shelter
Performance Indicator(s) Site/Location Performance Target Actual progress
conduct maintenance of Tigray IDPs in Mekelle 617 617
duplex emergency shelter
provision of emergency Tigray IDPs in Mekelle 100 H.H 100 H.H
shelter kits or emergency
shelter material and
Maintenance of damage Tigray IDPs in Mekelle 150 150
commercial/ emergency

Agreement Symbol: <ETH01/2021/0000000931>
Project Performance Report (End-year Progress Report)
shelter (Duplex shelter) for
IDPs in the project area.

Output Status Update on Progress Achieved

Core relief/cash ANE distribute NFI AND DIGNITY KITS TO IDPs
Performance Indicator(s) Site/Location Performance Target Actual progress
NFI distribution Tigray IDPs in Mekelle 20,000 20,000

Output Status Update on Progress Achieved

coordination &capacity  Capacity building training on site management
development implemented  Strengthen site profile and idps movement
 Undertake site coordination meeting
 Conduct supervision, monitoring and evaluation
Performance Indicator(s) Site/Location Performance Target Actual progress
Capacity building training
on site management and
support for local IDP Tigray IDPs in Mekele 100 100
committees include GBV
and protection
strengthen site profile and
IDP’s movement tracking
Tigray IDPs in Mekele 7 7
system collaboration with
other actors
undertake site coordination
meeting and assessment in
Tigray IDPs in Mekele 7 7
collaborate with protection
conduct supervision, Tigray IDPs in Mekele 7 7
Agreement Symbol: <ETH01/2021/0000000931>
Project Performance Report (End-year Progress Report)
monitoring and evaluation

Status Update on Progress

Integrated and sustainable human ANE rehabilitate public
settlement planning and development infrastructure and construct
provision commercial kitchens
Performance Indicator(s) Site/Location Performance Target Actual progress
Rehabilitation of public infrastructure Tigray IDPs in Shire 4 4
construction of commercial kitchens Tigray IDPs in Shire 6 6


8.1 Amendments

Time extension of the end project.


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