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Journal Identity
:  Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs
- Journal
:  Islamic Law, Secular Law, and Societal Norms: The Recognition of Islamic Legal
- Tittle
Practices in the Netherlands and the Protection of Muslim Women’s Human
:  Eefe De Kroon
- Writer
:  2016
- Year
:  Tandfonline
- Publisher
- Website
:  in the introduction section explains how people can respect and obey the law,
which here especially the law needs to reflect the norms and values of society. in
this case there is also a feud regarding gender equality which on the one hand and
respect for ethnic religions, and cultural differences on the other hand are
increasing because ethnic and religious diversity in Western Europe seems to be
:  according to my observations while reading, researching or writing this by using a
qualitative description method by collecting data using the results of observations
found by the author.
:  the discussion in this paper is divided into the first sub-chapters in part 2 with the
chapter "the parameters" with sub-chapter
2.1 "migration and the diverse ducth Muslim population"
2.2 favored in Islamic law
2.3 methodology of legal pluralism
then in part 3 with the chapter "Islamic law and Muslim divorce in the netherlands-
study findings" with the sub-chapter
3.1 legal dimensions of islamic law in the netherlands
3.2 how domestic courts deal with Islamic law
3.3 case law and the balance between gene equality and religious freedom
in section 4 "lesson from the UK's experiences" with sub-chapters
4.1 some social and political reflection
4.2 the legal framework
4.3 sharia councils
4.4 what the UK and Ntherlands can learn from the UK's situation
then in part 5 "the future of Islamic law in the Netherlands" with sub-chapters
5.1 the powers of formal courts
5.2 the dutch sharia councils
5.3 reconciling religion law with practice.
:  The results of this writing are divided into several parts, namely:
the first, at point 2.1 explains the Muslim population in the Netherlands and also
explains how the Muslim community in the Netherlands views Islamic law.
the second, in section 2.2 explains the Islamic rules on divorce and understands the
tension between various regulations and religious values that are confronted by
law today.
then in part 3. This section examines the extent to which the Dutch court upheld
and balanced the values of secularism, freedom of religion/minority rights, and
women's rights in the field of Islamic divorce.
In the next section, we look at what led to the establishment of the Sharia Council,
what it is and what needs to be done. It also explores English law and case law
regarding Muslim divorce. While it should be noted that the UK has a different
historical background and (Muslim) demographics than the Netherlands, the next
section will explore the secular European countries face in dealing with Muslim
diversity. Identify common difficulties, especially divorce. . This will give you
information on what the Netherlands can learn from the UK in section 4.4 and the
future of Islamic law in the Netherlands in section 5. 
:  the conclusion of this paper is to say that there is no easy solution as to how best
to combine freedom of religion and women's rights and simultaneously make
every community and individual happy, safe and committed to a cohesive and
legal Dutch society. gender equality and religious freedom demand that women are
free to choose the religious rules they adhere to, and free to decide how they want
to do so. Government policies in this area should be based on impartial and
independent research into the experiences and consultations of Muslim women to
ascertain their needs and desires.

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Martin Edelman, “The Creative Conundrum: Law and Social Values”, Polity,
Vol. 13, No. 1, 1980, pp. 113-125: Werner Menski, “Muslim law in Britain”,
Journal of Asian and African Studies, Vol. 62, 2001, pp. 128-163, 128.
For example, articles 18 and 27 of the International Covenant on Civil and
Political Rights.
Laurens Bakker, et al., “Sharia in Nederland. Een studie naar Islamitische
advisering en geschilbe-slechting bij Moslims in Nederland”, Nijmegen:
University of Nijmegen, 2010.
Maurits Berger, “Sharia in Nederland is vaak keurig Nederlands”, Ars
Aegui, 2007, Vol. 6, pp. 506-510, 506.
CBS (Centraal Bureau voor de Statistick), Jaarrapport Integratie, Den Haag, CBS,
Office for National Statistics, 2011 census. Available at
tem903A77-306085. Last visited 10 September 2014.
Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau (SCP), Moslim in Nederland, Den Haag, SCP,
2012, p. 11. Ibid.
Laurens Bakker, “Shariarechtspraak in Nederland. Realiteit of fictie?”, Recht
van de Islam, Vol. 25, 2011, pp. 47-58, 55.
Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau (SCP), op. cit.» P- 14. Uan Maurits Berger,
Klassicke sharia en vernieuwing, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2005,
pp. 7-8.

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