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Electric power failure (at sea)

The grey parts “on board specifics” are to be completed for each ship

A general black-out will immediately cause the propulsion system to be stopped and various navigation
instruments to switch on emergency power.

Change to manual steering and steer (using the magnetic compass if there is any doubt about
the gyro-compass)

Start (if it has not already started) the steering motor which is supplied by the Emergency
Switchboard (ESB)

On board specifics: Number of the steering motor supplied from the ESB :

Set the Bridge Telegraph on STOP

Call the Master

Take advantage of the residual way to keep clear of dangers and other ships

Call the Engine Duty Officer and/or the Chief Engineer

Shows shapes and lights “Not Under Command” (2 black balls or 2 red lights)

In narrow waters, send a crewmember ready to drop anchor

In restricted visibility, sound the prescribed audible signals ( )

Acknowledge the various audible alarms

Refer to Card No. Em’cy-020 “Propulsion failure”

Re-establish electric power and the propulsion system as soon as possible.

(Refer to ENGINE MANUAL Procedure Engine-651)

When Electric power is restored :

Check that the various navigation instruments are switched back to their normal supply

Restart instruments which stopped and check that they function correctly

Check and adjust if necessary the HEADING on all the radars and the gyro-repeaters

Check the position and speed information on the ARPA and ECDIS

On board specifics: List of the bridge instruments to be restarted and the inspections to be carried out

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