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31ftlrtm'I ~rullll~
Adrt, Seuions Judge
Misc. DJ/ASJ No: 35/2023 1/l'~rq rmm 0 •TT111'Wl
Spec:al Fact Tl'8CII, C uurt
U/s: 138 NJ.Act a,-,:i~l '1 fl07 ~11>7 ilil<!,

Rajesh Kumar v/s Ajay Singh Room No 607.. Dwerkll Couru

Present: Appellant in person along with Id. Counsel

Sh. Anirudh Yadav.
Respondent in person along with ld. Counsel
Sh. Rahul Dabas.
Appellant has offered to settle the case for a
lumpsum payment of Rs. 10 lakhs, out of which first installment
of Rs. 5 lakhs shall be paid by him on 13.04.2023 and second
installment of Rs. 5 lakhs shall be paid by him on 15.05.2023.
The said offer made by appellant is accepted by
respondent, who has expressed his no-objection to the restoration
of the appeal.
Accordingly, the application moved by appellant for
restoration of appeal is allowed and appeal file is restored to its
original number. Miscellaneous file be tagged with the same.
Keeping in view the interest of justice, the sentence
awarded to appellant by ld. Trial Court is suspended till the next
date of hearing.
Now to come up for payment of first installment
towards settlement as offered today for 13.04.2023.

(Lokesh Kkar Sharma)
ASJ (SFTC) Dwarka Courts
Additional Sr,s~ions Judgo
(Sptcial F.:ist Track Court)
Dwarka Courts, New ~

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