Stress Management

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Stress: normal reaction to demand or challenges.

Symptoms. Sleeplessness, Irregular eating, low energy, lack of concentration, loss of interest, over-

N/B: Chronic stress destroys brain cells and damages hippocampus (responsible for memory formation)

Ways of coping.

i. Talking to family and friends/counseling.

ii. Reading-poetry, story books, novels
iii. Engage in social activities
iv. Exercising
v. Eating healthy- water, fruits etc.
vi. Spiritual support- beliefs
i. Take time to relax- Recreation, nature walks, vacations.
vii. Join support group
viii. Listen to music
ix. Be patient with self.

To cope effectively, you need to recognize stress and how it affects you.
___Examine the causes of your stress, your thoughts, how you feel about it
and how you respond.

How do you manage stress? point them out/Note them.

Start keeping an emotional journal- write down on emotions and basic activities or events during the
day; Affirm a positive attribute to any negative event experienced.

Next week.

Techniques for stress Management.

Physical exercise, sports and yoga have immense value in preparing for relaxation. Apart from these
there are Systematic methods:

1. Relaxation techniques.
2. Cognitive techniques
3. Meditation
4. Building confidence (Self-esteem)
5. Avoiding unhealthy escape routes (drugs)

Psychological resilience (mental toughness, hardness, emotional resilience, resourcefulness)

An individual’s ability to adapt and cope with stress and adversity.

We demonstrate resilience when we face difficult moments.

Resilience is sustained and developed by:

1. Ability to make realistic plans and take steps to follow through steps.
2. Positive self-concept and confidence.
3. Communication and problem-solving skills
i. Defining the problem
ii. Generate alternate solutions-list of solutions
iii. Evaluate and select an alternative- series of considerations
iv. Implement and follow up on solutions
4. Ability to manage strong impulses and feelings. Anger management etc.

Factors promoting resilience:

ii. Seeking help- counseling, family support, friends support etc.

iii. Social support- friends, family social interactions, connecting with family
iv. Spirituality
v. Optimism- finding positive meaning in trauma/ Belief in self that one can cope
vi. Coping positively with stress- opening up, seeking help, exercising, meditation(yoga), social
Unhealthy ways: alcohol, overindulging, overeating, sleep deprivation or patterns.
vii. Proper communication and problem-solving skills.

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