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Techniques for stress reduction.

Physical exercise sports and yoga – are of immense value in preparing a person for relaxation.

1. Deep muscle Relaxation.

2. Biofeedback
3. Cognitive strategies.
I. Systematic desensitization.
II. Thought stopping.

Strongly saying “stop” results in getting the thought out of the individual’s brain for a minute. Repeated
regularly. Slowly and steadily the individual starts to improve and keep the thought away from him/her.

III. Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT)

Helps individual to think rationally and realistically.

Self-talk is used in preparing the individual. E.g. A person who has poor memory can say to themselves:
“My memory has become better, nowadays I am able to recall better”

Homework: Analyze your environment and find how people are supporting you. Find the positive and
negative points.

4. Time Management:
Time budgeting- Considering priorities determined by familial goals, professional goals. Divided
into short- and long-term goals.

Time acts as a pressure if many things are done simultaneously.

a) Efficiency in doing things improved by using simple notes, check lists

b) Planning: Preparation, goal setting, scheduling events
c) Prioritizing: Sequencing as to what should be done first before making arrangements

5. Distribution of work
6. Meditation
7. Physical exercise and nutrition.

Walking, jogging and skipping.

All work and no play make Jack a dull boy.

Nutrition: 8-10 glasses of water every day, Healthy regular diet keeps mind and body healthy

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