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Hello Sinopec, I am a freshman in high school in the United States and I would like to tell

you about the problem that your factories are causing. I am unhappy because you are burning
fossil fuels to make oil/gas causing pollution and global warming because you are a really big
factory company. Since I am young and I am part of the future I want to live in a good/habitable
planet free or at least have less pollution. You may be an oil/gas company and you are just
doing your job but you alongside with other factories/companies are ruining the environment
and the future of this planet.

The reason I say this is because in the article China’s oil giants punished for environmental
failings which focuses on everything that happened in china, you have been banned from using
new refineries or expanding current ones for failing to meet emissions targets. This means you
have already been causing more CO2 than needed to and now you have been banned from
using new Materials to make oil/gas. Although this source is out of date the reason its still valid
is because you are still making a lot of CO2 emissions and are using a lot of fossil fuels when
you could use less. Also other sources like Sinopec Completes China's First Megaton Scale
Carbon Capture Project say you are still trying to expand the amount of oil you make. Although
you have plans for causing less CO2 emissions in the future you are still causing even more
and more CO2 emissions.You are also located in China, one of the world's largest contributors
to CO2.

In the same article Sinopec Completes China's First Megaton Scale Carbon Capture Project
although it says you are trying to be better your company still causes 144 millions tons of CO2
while one of the biggest oil companies in America still only causes 120 million tons of CO2. The
article also states that in between 2021 and 2025 Sinopec will build another megaton CCUS
demonstration project in partnership with Sinopec Nanjing Chemical Industries Co., Ltd. in its
affiliated Sinopec East China. Which leaves me to believe that what you guys are doing is an
extra amount of pollution not necessary.

In the article Former Sinopec Chairman Says Chinese Executives Think Climate Change Can
Wait made by Eamon Barrett in 2019, a recent year it says that the chairman says Chinese
executives think climate change can wait so this means you don’t want to solve climate change
due to the Chinese executives. You can fight against these beliefs using facts and evidence why
climate change is bad and can’t wait. You know this is bad but you continue to make a lot of
CO2 emissions that cause changes in the environment and temperature of the planet, harming
animals and eventually us.

In conclusion all these sources are telling me that you should stop causing this much CO2
emissions because It’s bad for the environment and can damage the area where you plane to
get oil from. Although this goes for the same for other company’s the largest is sinopec, which
should lead as an example to other companies on what a successful oil company is.

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