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PAPER 3: Personality, Stress and Coping

A. Reflect on your personality based on the interplay of ID, EGO, SUPEREGO, and ORAL
STAGE and ANAL STAGE of Freud's Psychoanalytic theory.
Ever since I was having a consciousness on my own thoughts and routine, I had a time to time
tracked of shaping my own personality. In times of desperation, my Id strikes at level of
assertiveness that it lead beyond superficiality and seek out the deeper truths in life. This gives
me a conviction in a certain topic that it need to stand up for my ideas, even in the face of
disagreement. In this case, i may not afraid to break some rules or risk disapproval and in fact,
rather enjoy it. This is always present in a situation where I always take the opportunity to be
with someone, or else letting my time to spend with people to unwind and getting away with
my productivity for a meantime. It's difficult for my ego to practice it, I can get lost in my own
self thought and overwhelmed me to a degree where I think that I hold the absolute truth in all
matters. This can cloud my perspective of reality and narrow minds and restrict growth in that
way. However, I still able to set boundaries with this perspective that could helped me find my
moral value as a person. Though, by allowing my super-ego in absolute control, it's still difficult
for me to find satisfaction in a certain situations because I constantly seek control over some
things that might not need it. For example, in the most difficult time, I tend to avoid putting the
work in earliest as possible, as it affect my efforts to defy expectations that it lead me to put
pressure or worst ended up neglecting the desired responsibility.
My mother told me, during my oral stage, I tend to behave and abide on the situation, mostly I
seek oral stimulation through eating what someone has to gave me. Somewhat, I acquire the
oral traits on 8 months that shows a deeper connection on the psychological needs that
develops my sense of trust and comfort at the present.
During my anal stage, im dependent upon the way of approach to a certain training. My mother
used to gave me a praise and rewards after gaining something. Even if in a small matter of
accomplishment, from learning to write and read for an early school summer, this became my
motivator to finish the work without a valid limit. Nevertheless, this set me a retentive traits at
developing my approach in organizing and filling the gap between my standards and desired
B. Identify your stressors, defense and coping mechanism
Most of my stressors affecting my environmental growth in the present. It's always a hindrance
to acceptability and change. And it's always the predecessor to unjust control and prolonged
afflict on the approach of my daily routine. Growing up from a househould where it valued more
a silent treatment, it affects me a lot in the present. I'm unable to express my thought in any way
possible even if I had to spoke out on my sentience, there's still a barrier that lead me to
discomfort and a quest to value in a relationship. Thereby making this as a source for some type
of stressors that it's difficult in processing my accountability, including personal and background
In this case, I didn't notice that I develop repression that defend myself from the negative
reason of experiencing those thing and instead focusing on the positive aspects of the
circumstances. This gives me a distraction to get things out of the box, considering I just need
to be understanding to accept the situation or else particularly escaping the root of the
For the reason of growing into it, i'm aware of my stressors and the need to cope with this
difficulties. Rather than putting a distraction to a negative situation, i'm practicing the problem-
focused coping on progressing my action to built a better version on myself. In this case, I will
held accountable with my priorities to equipped the components of hardiness in applying the
right discipline on my behavior. Thus, it will lead me to growth and adaptability.
C. Reflect on how your personality may have influenced your answers in B.
For years, these stressors, defend and coping mechanism influenced my personality to have
strength and weaknesses on my behavior. I realized that my childhood experiences brought me to
have a reserved, complacent and private connection toward others. And I often has a problem on
handling my time management to get my priorities fixed. In this case, I tend to find a greater
form of understanding on myself to meet a greater sense of value.

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