.Archivetempp5 - Soil Chemical Characteristics 2023

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PRACTICAL 5 – Soil Chemical Properties, Soil pH and Liming & Soil

Name Bench Date

In this laboratory you will investigate the chemical properties of soil and explore the
relationship between soil texture and soil pH buffering capacity to help you better
understand why soil acidity is a problem in Western Australia.

The practical today will involve four key activities:

i. Firstly you will investigate soil buffering capacity and calculate lime requirements for
pot experiment soils.
ii. Measure soil pH and EC, in your pot experiment and Wongan Hills soils.
iii. Finalise the analyses for your Wongan Hills soils for Assessment 1
iv. In your own time, measure growth and development in your plants in the glasshouse to
determine if growth has been affected by your different soils.

Specific Learning Outcomes

By the end of the activities you should be able to:
1. Explain why soils differ in terms of their buffering capacity.
2. Calculate lime requirements for different soil types.
3. Understand the impacts of soil salinity on the ability of plants to extract water from the soil.
4. Investigate if different soil types affect plant development.


Moore, G. (ed.) (2009), Soilguide: A Handbook for Understanding and Managing Agricultural
Soils, Bulletin No. 4343, Agriculture Western Australia, Perth. (online).

Gazey, C., Davies, S. and Master, R. (2014) Soil Acidity: A guide for WA farmers and
consultants. Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia, Perth. Bulletin 4858.

Soil Quality: 4 Soil Acidity (Apple ibook).

iLime app (Apple and Google Stores)

Activity One: Soil pH buffering capacity
The soil pH can be determined in the laboratory using a pH meter. It can be measured in a
number of ways such as in water (H20), a dilute (0.01M) solution of calcium chloride (CaCl2) or
a CSIRO field test kit. The pH of a soil is a measure of its acidity or alkalinity. The pH of
different soils may vary from highly acidic [3.0] to highly alkaline [9.0]. Soils that are near
neutral [6.5 to 7.5] are usually the best for cultivated crops and pastures (Table 5.1).

Soil acidity is a measure of the concentration of H+ ions in the soil solution or soil extract and
has a direct effect on plant growth. It can be measured in a 1:5 soil:solution ratio of either
water or a dilute (0.01M) solution of CaCl2.

Table 5.1 Effect of pH on plant growth

Soil pH Description Effect on plant growth
>8 Alkaline soils Plant growth is limited

5-7 Acid to neutral soils Most plants grow well

< 4.5 Very acid soils High Al and Mn - toxic to

sensitive plants

Plants vary in their tolerance to acidic soils with soil acidity also affecting the availability of
plant nutrients as shown in Figure 5.1 below. For example, aluminium is more soluble in acidic
soils and can result in reduced plant growth and toxicity.

Figure 5.1 Effect of soil pH on nutrient availability (Source: Illini FS, Inc (2020):


The pH buffering capacity of a soil is its ability to resist change in pH. Soils are a mixture of
mineral and organic matter, with often large, chemically reactive surfaces. Soil water contains
many compounds and chemicals that can bind to the soil surfaces. Not all hydrogen ions are in
solution however as both hydrogen and hydroxide ions also adsorb onto the surface of soil
constituents. The amount of these ions on soil particles determines the pH buffering capacity of
the soil. The higher the organic carbon and/or clay in the soil, the greater its buffering capacity
and its ability to resist pH change.

Knowing the soil pH is 4.5 tells you that you have a problem, but not how quickly the pH will
change if you add lime or other similar material. For example, the same amount of lime will
change one soil to pH 4.8 and another to 5.6. More lime is needed to increase soil pH in a soil
with a high buffering capacity. The higher the buffering capacity of the soil the harder it is to
change pH. However, raising the pH too high creates new problems which may also be difficult to

Typical pH changes for high, moderate and low leaching soils are:

High (sand) 0.5 - 0.7

Medium (loam) 0.3 - 0.5
Low (clay) 0.2 - 0.3

Soil acidification is a part of the nature of any cropping system. Lime plays a key role in our farming
systems as soil pH is increased. The addition of lime can:

 Increase rhizobium survival and nodulation of legumes, which generally survive poorly in low
pH soils;
 Increase plant availability of nitrogen, phosphorus, and molybdenum;
 Decrease available aluminium levels;
 Have the adverse effect of increasing the incidence of take-all and Rhizoctonia solani in
susceptible areas, and decrease plant availability of copper, manganese, and zinc.



Work in pairs to set up the test tubes for this assay. Each bench will complete the buffering
capacity, for two of the pot experiment soils. Each pair will set up four of the eight test tubes for
one of the pot experiment soils in this assay. When your demonstrator allocates them to you,
record the soils you will be working on today below:

Which two pot experiment soils have your

bench been allocated for the pH buffering
capacity assay?
Which tubes will your pair complete for the pH
buffering capacity assay?

1. Label the tubes from 1 to 8 include the soil(s) and your bench number.

2. Weigh 5 g portions of the respective soil into each Tubes 1-8. When the diluent is

added, this makes a 1:5 dilution. Your demonstrator will show you which tubes or

containers to use for each part of the experiment.

3. Add distilled (DI) water or 0.04 N (0.02 M) Ca(OH)2 to each test tube according to

Table 5.2.

4. Place the test tubes/containers on the shaker and shake for 30 mins at 250 rpm.

5. Remove the test tubes from the shaker and allow to settle for 10-30 minutes before

measuring the pH. There will be several types of pH/EC meters available. Your

demonstrator will show you which one to use for each test.

6. Complete Table 5.2 and 5.3.

7. Using the graph paper provided and Table 5.3, plot the pH on the Y axis and the mL

0.04 N (0.2 M) Ca(OH)2 on the X axis for your pot experiment soils. Give your graph a

title and label the axes appropriately (your demonstrator will check this).

Table 5.2: Set up and analyses for Pot Experiment Soil buffering capacity.
(Remember: each pair will set up and analyse 4 of these tubes for a total of 16 tubes per
Soil _____________

Tube Distilled Water (mL) 0.4 N Ca(OH) (mL) pH

1 25 0  

2 24 1  

3 23 2  

4 22 3  

5 21 4  

6 20 5  

7 19 6  

8 18 7  

Table 5.3: Bench data for buffering capacity for all four pot experiment soils (you will need to
collect the data for the other soils from the bench opposite you)
Soil _____ _____ _____ _____

0.4 N Ca(OH) (mL) pH pH pH pH






(from Table 3.3)
Bulk Density
(from Table 4.3)  


Explain the relationship between soil texture and pH change.

Which of the soils investigated would require the least amount of lime to change pH?
List four benefits of adding lime to an acidic soil


Agricultural lime can be used to ameliorate acidic soils. The most commonly used agricultural
limes in Western Australia are limesand, limestone and dolomitic lime (dolomite). Additionally,
some growers have access to domestic ‘lime’ in the form of highly alkaline Morrell soil. They
are natural, mined products comprised mostly of calcium carbonate with some magnesium
carbonate. The best lime is the cheapest per unit of neutralising value purchased, delivered
and spread on farm. Sometimes it is better value for money to transport a higher quality
product further. If you are liming to recover acidic soil, a high proportion of fine particles is

The process by which lime sand affects soil pH is given in Figure 5.2.

Figure 5.2. Reaction of limesand in soil to treat soil acidity


The plot of the buffering capacity of your pot experiment soils can be used to calculate lime
requirements for these soils (if necessary). A worked example (adapted from SST3005-UPM FoSS)
is included below:

Example soil:
In this worked example below, the soil in question needed 10 mL of 0.04 N (0.02 M) Ca(OH)2 to
raise the current pH (5.0) to the target pH (5.5). (Note: N = normal)
Current pH: 5.0
Target pH: 5.5
Amount of 0.04 N (0.02 M) Ca(OH)2 to reach target pH: 10 mL
Bulk Density top 10 cm: 1.5 g cm -3
Lime neutralising value: 90%

Step 1. Calculate the amount of Ca(OH)2 required for 5.0 g soil

Milliequivalent (me) of Ca(OH)2 needed = Normality x volume (mL)
= 0.04 x 10
= 0.40 me Ca(OH)2 / 5.0 g soil
= 0.40 me CaCO3 / 5.0 g soil

Step 2. Calculating the weight of soil in 1 hectare (to a depth of 0.1m)

Bulk density is 1.5 g cm-3 (1.5 Mg m-3 or 1500 kg m-3)

Weight of 1 hectare soil is 1500 kg m-3 x 10,000 m2 x 0.1 m

= 1.5 x 106 kg
Step 3. Calculating the lime (CaCO3) required in a paddock (per hectare)
1 me of CaCO3 = 50 mg of CaCO3
Therefore, 0.4 me CaCO3 = 0.4 x 50 mg CaCO3
= 20 mg CaCO3 per 5.0 g soil
So, 5 x 10 mg (or 5 g) soil needs 20 mg CaCO3
Then 106 mg (a million mg) soil needs = 106 mg x 20 mg CaCO3
5.0 x 103 mg soil
= 4000 mg CaCO3 (per kilo soil)
= 4000 ppm CaCO3

Therefore 1 hectare soil needs = 1.5 x 106 kg x 4000 mg CaCO3

106 mg
= 6000 kg

Step 4. Adjusting liming requirements based on a neutralising value of 90%

= 6000 kg CaCO3x 100
= 6667 kg CaCO3 per hectare soil

These calculations have been simplified for you in Equation 5.1.

Using the worked example, and assuming a neutralising value of 90% calculate the lime
requirements to increase the pH of for your pot experiment soils to pH 6.0 and include them in
Table 5.4 below.

Table 5.4 Lime requirements for pot experiment soils

Soil A B F J
Lime requirements (t ha-1)

Additional space for working out calculations:

Eq 5.1

Activity Two: Soil pH and Salinity (Electrical Conductivity)

Each pair will complete the pH and EC of one of the pot experiment soils and their Wongan
Hills site (2 soil depths) that they were assigned in Practical 3.

What pot experiment soil has your pair been

allocated for the pH and EC assays?



1. Label the tubes from 9 to 14 include the soil(s) and your bench number.

2. Weigh 6 g of soil into Tubes 9-14. When the diluent is added, this makes a 1:5

dilution. Your demonstrator will show you which tubes or containers to use for each

part of the experiment.

3. Add distilled (DI) water, or 0.01 M CaCl2 (30 mL) to each test tube according to Table


4. Place the test tubes/containers on the shaker and shake for 30 mins (Tubes 10, 12 &

14) or 60 minutes (Tubes 9, 11 & 13) at 250 rpm. You need to shake the EC samples

longer than the pH samples to get an accurate reading.

5. Remove the test tubes from the shaker and allow to settle for 10-30 minutes before

measuring the pH or EC. There will be several types of pH/EC meters available. Your

demonstrator will show you which one to use for each test. Make sure to note the

units for the EC in the respective table.

6. Complete Table 5.5 and 5.6.

Table 5.5: Set up and analyses for Pot Experiment Soils and Wongan Hills soil pH and EC
(Remember: each pair will perform the pH and EC on one of the pot experiment soils plus
their Wongan Hills soils)
Distilled Raw EC
Water 0.01 M CaCl2 (include
Tube Soil (mL) (mL) units) pH

9 30

10 30

11 WH _______0-10 cm 30  

12 WH _______0-10 cm 30  

13 WH _______10-30 cm 30  

14 WH _______10-30 cm - 30  

Table 5.6: Bench data pH for all four pot experiment soils
Soil _____ _____ _____ _____




Salinity affects growth by reducing plant root ability to extract water from the soil, and chloride
toxicity. Salinity damage varies from season to season due to variations in soil salt concentration as
waterlogging increases salinity effects. Salinity is measured as electrical conductivity (EC) by a
conductivity meter at 25oC on a 1:5 soil:water suspension (Rayment & Higginson 1992b). To relate
the effect of salinity on plant roots under field conditions, the suspension salinity (EC1:5) must be
converted to saturation salinity (ECe): where ECe (mS/cm) = EC 1:5 (mS/cm) X conversion factor
(Table 5.7) where the subscript e refers to the saturation extract of the soil. The measure takes into
account soil texture differences. Sand particles will not hold as much salt from the water as will clay.
Therefore, sand will give lower readings than clay even though the soil water (part affecting plant
roots) is the same. Note that proper measurement of the ECe is a laboratory technique, and

Table 5.7. Conversion factor for different soil textures (DPIRD 2021).

Soil texture factor

Sandy soils 15
Sandy loam 12
Loam 10
Clay loam 9
Light-medium clay 8
Heavy clay 6

Salinity measures and classes https://www.agric.wa.gov.au/soil-salinity/measuring-soil-salinity

Salt tolerance of plants

Salt tolerance of plants is affected by other factors than the soil salt reading; waterlogging, soil
type, sodicity, depth to water-table, salinity of the water-table, rainfall and other factors.
Waterlogging interacting with salinity is probably the most important influencing factor on most
sites. https://www.agric.wa.gov.au/mycrop/salinity

Most 'measures' of salinity use electrical conductivity to estimate salinity of soil and water. You
need to know if you are measuring in deciSiemans per metre (dS/m), which is equivalent to
mS/cm. You need to know the unit of measurement to relate that to the level of soil salinity.
 mS/cm (milliSiemens per centimetre), equal to dS/m (deciSiemens per metre)
 mS/m, which is equal to mS/cm X 100
 µS/m (microSiemens per metre), which is equal to mS/m X 1000.

Use the following conversions for moving between units (Moore 2004, p 154):

1 mS/m = 10 us/cm = 1000 uS/m = 0.01 dS/m = 0.01 mS/cm = 5.5 mg/L or ppm
dS/m = mS/cm = mmho/cm


In your pairs you measured the raw EC for the pot experiment soil and the Wongan Hills soils
assigned to you. Collect the EC values for the other three pot experiment soils and enter
them into Table 5.9 along with your own results from Table 5.5. Additionally, include the
results for your Wongan Hills soils from Table 5.3 in Table 5.9 and calculate the level of

salinity of all these soils. Use the conversion for the soil texture in Table 5.7 and estimate the
level of salinity using Table 5.8.

Table 5.8 Salinity levels

0-200 mS/m is non-saline

200-400 mS/m slightly saline;
400-800 mS/m moderately saline;
800-1600 mS/m highly saline;
>1600 extremely saline.

Table 5.9 Salinity concentrations for the soils studied (including your pair’s WH soils)

Soil A B C D E F
Raw EC (1:5) Soil texture Conversion ECe Level of
EC (1:5) (mS/m) (See Prac 3) factor (BxD) salinity
Inc. units (Table 5.7) (Table 5.8)

WH ___0-10 cm

WH __10-30 cm


Are any of the soils investigated saline?


List three methods to determine if a soil is sodic.

Describe some strategies to manage saline soils.


Activity Three: Effect of soil type on growth stage
If applicable, use Zadoks’ code to determine the average growth stage of your plants, or measure
the plant height.

Complete Table 5.10 for the treatments used in your experiment only.

Table 5.10 Average Zadoks’ code or plant height (mm) for all soils investigated.
Treatment and Average Zadoks’ code/ height of each plant Average
Replicate /Median
1 2 3 4 5 Zadoks’

 You may like to attempt a basic ANOVA on your data to see if there are any statistical
differences between the treatments.

 Think about how you would graph these results and the type of graph you would use.


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