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+oo Puthon has simple suntay iillar to the Ergisb
NocO conmol panne | AdminishdHfve
PyMon nas Sitax n a t dllows Aeveloper s to
go Ho Is manoge
we prdgram wim fewer i n e s than SoTne
DHner Progommn
pytnon sun5 on an
iotrpreter syshem, means
thar code cen be execurec as soon a s i is

wthen This medns prototyeina Can be vemy quld

s Python Can be trearec in a procedurad usay,

Python s simple oniect-oienrea S Cmpt n

obiec -osenea)

of PyHnon
wcy Or a fonchdna way.

1 anquage. More than scripHng we Can do many Easy as ir is witen i n Simpe thc i s h leina
ings because ir has lorge ser oP 4ibro'sieg. 2 Expressiy e ean easily undessand e o r me ssages
T i s most popules yfree & open sounce softwce Free opensource Slu
is vsed for- 4 High1evel ianguage.
web development (Sersu ers-Side) Porta ble L r e TvM, ir hus PvM (y thon virdual med
50fruwore developmenk 6Objech -Oien ed langudge
snathema tics Extensible w e Cn imp modules we wanF
Ay sysem scriping 8Embeddable Combnin g w i t other }anguages
wha Pyhon cen do a Interpre hee
PUton c n be usec on a senye to Creare web 10 Lorae standard SDruy
Ppico4ion develope aames.(o6o for s/u developmen
}Langusge developme) GUL proqamming
pyhon wn be useel alog side sofruttre to 1Dyncamt cel iy pecd tore dcake tyPe
(redke orkPlous dutomaHally,nerel nor
Pyhon con connech fo daa bas e sysrem. T Can to qhve cler ype.
olso yeod modiy Gles. Rules o Pyhon-
Pytnon (an be vsed to hndle hic dareA p e Thee ts no tusty bTaces to deine a block of s atema
Cermp)ex mdthe mel S, No necesso to 0se semicolon (;)

pytnon con be vseal for Yapic rotouPin we need to vse colon (:) ar +he beginoin of
OT for production -Teady sokwne evelopment eNem block of shahemenk or f e h o d , însheole
wby hon:- oFopening closîng Cusy lbraces.
Python uov3 on derenr Plat forms ihe 4shinq Yalues aTe encloseel wih 5inee or
windocos maC Linu, Raspberry Pi, etc) double g r hpple doubie quoels (for muHTine
21ogice opencatovs a r t not Symbojs(4 ! 11
Page No.
>> a = b:c = 10 assignrnen aar chcune
3oPython those care ods(and or hOt)
Variable must be iniHalizeel, w e a no 7 Print (45:56) 1 pho Hn Nalue aven
ony define Vordbles (ex eno X, eno =101 4S56

y t o n is dynamicouly yped iangudae PPrint (23) prinin mulHpliceation

daBu tòr varnkh 6 (can do amtnmdhc oenap
we need nor to give my types
exint eno- , eno 21 ) >Y 10 +5 1 can be done +nis w e dSS
Nonable name snoud stcIrr wih chaacker 15

and (underscoll Symbol) also.

but should nor sioTr oith number. Or Loo
c l o s s nome Can s o y wiAh capi tad lethem 1 For pinting3 1+o 10 numbers
ariobles Values Ove Case 6ensiive ,
D>foriin range t1o)i
10 Basie displcI Cormmand in puthon s Piot)
Priot tshweha*)
11ituil1 prnt o to g
ython cem be in Uays
Pytnon promt (intkerocive mode W e Cen also ume (for printina 1 +o 10 numbei)
ii notpao c m o pror
forf i in range (1,11)for inigeN
Pmnr ( i " , ' 1 ) I we hewe to put
ea. py charn, Pydey ,ee)
Stmna onlu we
Examples i=
(an pur t ) pulse sian
> n0 =401 vaiable m+Hadi2a4i on in between
no / eheeliny -Value oP no"
to 40
> a,b,c a
0,20 30 1 mulHple Nordble nHal"
a for sinale line Com S Use
#Alote anet #
for mulH lin e Commen ae have +o 0 s e u nn)
in Stayi o endina Comment.

hile Loop
2 a,b b, a / Suwapping d lues
>> Print fa) Print Statenen for vunable wlhile i<1o):
yaue Pint () hen mn no. i's invalrd'
Print (' ncto uworld ") 1nninq Sta temem
Helbo cwold els e:
Pinr no. is iovalic )
Page No. Page No.
Date Date
DcHe tgpes
I-else These DatatyPes r e inbuilt in python, by ce
by defaulr i t tores doto Agpe automoticauy
age - 24
>7 if (age>= 18):
eligible Ao vo e') Text Aype St
P n t you oe
|9 NUMeNc TyPes 1nt, Hoat, Complex
Piot you ave no t eliqmle to NoFe) Squen ce Types 1st tuple, range shing
Mappng_ TyPe dict
i E wil ppot uOUY Oe eligible tu Voe"
5 6et TSPes Set frozense
6 Boolean TyPe bool
EX t -etse sing oicod
Bnay Type . bytes, byreoay ,'memoryvie
>>> age + 24

ueignt =60
i f Coge zA8) and (weiah>=50) Function/method
PrinF y o u omre eliable t o donde bloo TO define Function/method weUse one kelu
else. Cclled det
Priot you are no el ig dble to dondhe. b}ooc)
d e f add (i ,3) i o +his woy e Con e F

wi take inpuY frornU6 e Teturo + metho

e > Print(add (2)
adeiopuenT Jaur aqe)) to CheckTf{pe
sinpuY(en res your vveignr') Peio(yee(age)) add (2,3 i c a n also mnn
i (age >=18 ) and (uigh>=50).
Prin you ore eligible to dona te bloo ) ex-
def cubéCoe), findina cube
Prin (ou ore no eligibe to donave bboo)
cube (s)
Prinr (cube(5)
Res ed oTde
Ond 04sext ConHnues for from no fn anonymous functhon
Wohe An e ferS unCHon
def reck ecepr g1oble cats e declarecl
del tloss exec
with no nAme A Lambda faoctioo
mporY TefuO Can tare any numben of Crumens but +n ey
eliF else fincdly arnbed Pass lhii Conreain only a
single express1on
Page No. Paga No.
| Date Date
er Pythoo = TUe cl2e -ndme z N n e
ex d = lambela T x*
def dle)
etum E * 2 P r n k (a (2) intPytnon) = =1
Op d : Janmbda e, e* 2
St Py thon T rUe'

Types of Vanablees 4 Lists

Plodrs To deine LisY n puthon, uTi e a Variahle
4 Pyhon iiegers
name s assign i e n p y square brockess Tn +hs
IntéqeNS are
number5, and fHoes are
decimccd numbens Definio i n e e s oT any w We Cn Ccare
emphy Pynen ls
h e r upe n python foT ir iS Nem easy, ex nome L
Simply he fype Vamdble name lssian
name =
s huwer
shweesh' ' Akshay'

OTden to access n elemenr in a ish , ue

S numericau value.
0se S omAhino coell ec An indey is an
ex index
rtSulF = 46 ntege Value statin from o wnich CosesPond
elemenr o LisH
Ju one
Shings i name lo] p *shwera
We make Vse of shings to sqmbolie }exb Stinq TF we udn o delehe so element +hen Usc
Ottteraeitaal COn be deineS ,USin singe uoe del ndme L o o/e [^shueesh Aeshe
double auoES»
ey- S Dic4ondies
2*hao".Capnize 1) -=*Hello DicHonames simíles to Shuctme 'n C'
eHg Fepleee =AMella" Aangudge hey e ser of mukple da ra {Pe
3hello" .iselpnal) = = Toue Combn e c in shuctunt (funchdn)
4hell".srplace (o',i)=: he: SU eys ValuLs în
925"isdia t) = = TTUe Honme s.
essoY = i dme" "$hwero"
3Booleci None Mu Pensonaid":25467
Boolean indicove3 tue feedback": None
ortoat\st Nalue
u co a q n any ld iable do be u e
Ortc]se 3 ceasnq a oble as Directmes aye Usetul fo stoe some i n d oF

oolecAn- dctra.
Page No. Page No.

Types of t o oT Diyision - nhe divísion oF opec nds

OpencOTs Python
where the result s
Ariahmeic quoen in uhich
+he díalYs
2Componson( Relationcl) a fre the ecim C point gm
3Assignment emov ed BUt E one OFFhe opern os is
aLogiced neaeHVe tne resul is floo rec. i e
Bituise Tounc ed dwey foOm zero toword3 -Ve

6Membership Naue/i0HN) .
Ideniis ex
2 . 0 / / 2.0 4.0
-11 /3 4 11/o//3 = 4.0
4Arahmetic oPeraHor
2 Pyth on Compaison dpenci tOS
b 20

Operator DeScnpion Example These operelers Compare t h e Vuue en elh

1 AddiHon ( | Adcl values on eithes c+b 20 ides of +hem decde he relcaHon amond
Side of operaOT hem They ae ellSo cealle c relctioncd ap r

Subshacdon subs tract righ) nand a-b -10

Opesoncl From efr hand prto Descmphun ExamPie
Pendhd oHcwo Bpesands aye (ab) s
ecucal,nen the e»ndiaion i6 tue
ulkiplicotion (MulHplies calue on eithes b 200
Side oF the b) Ss
openeater TF Vellue of tuo operond s are noC= =

ecqul, then condiHon become tue

Dvision (7) |0rsicde left honc openanl / o 2
ighr hune Scme as ( a b ) is
Smodulus C) pesfesrn diyision bla O f Value o lett o penands s ale >a). true
1ues ne emendes then riah the Condid 10n s me

EXponent *pertorro erponented eft oPeruned is Smalle a ) : fals

Cowe) Calculaion o ne poce ot 20- +Hcn ignh the CendiHoo is frue
Page No. Page No.
Date Date

FVlue of lefr opevand is g T d e a = b Aekes PneuluS 9sia

- ealse
Anen oY equcd to 4ne ighr opein penfosms exponenHou (power cA*
men conciiUn is u e CalculoHon on
operortOTS OSSgnequal to
Value o m e lef+ opeund
Value sf lef+ openanc is dass
than o r equcl to riqbr oprun Aue = PEoforms Ploor division on ell= o is
he Condi tíon is ue opes dHOrs aSSiam Vgtue tolequcil o
he 1ef operano CECla

Ayth on Ass ignmen OPerrcios

X-a =1o b: 2
ABitise OpersatOr
opeTt DeSCopHon ExarmPle BiHse opesa Or Onks on bír 3 perfoorms
Assigns Naues fsom ighr sidelc =a+b essiq biby bit eperreltiN22 16 3 4 2 1
pEnds to letSide oPeTand Value ofat b e a =60 o011 1100

into b 1 O00O 1101

+ odd ads iar opeson to e opond c+=a is equl AND a&b 00 Oo 11 o o

AND qssian Desul o let opeane to C= Cta OR alb 0011 1101 /

XOR an b 0011
Sab T Sybsrach Tign ofeand fsom h C-=a is equd NOS 1 1 00 0 1 one's comph'men
AND left epevand assian resul to 1 1 11 o oO o 1/ f negative no,
ef oPerand tigb shift a>> 2 o0 00 11 1 1 hen add 1
alHely ignt sperand from lefrle*= a is e a 5 Logicce Opercutor
osSrn esul ro e operamd e x - a= 10 Sb = 20

pemto Descoîption Example

T7deufde tt lePr opcrrand both the operseineds CiYe +ue then (a b ) s
AND Tf sue
trigny assiam TUsth do teft to c= cla Condi 4ion becomes tmuue

non-zena b) is
any oP he ttoo s
r Asres Moeu los oSte duyo gpoc1nd OR f te
. = a i5 ¬o(a
asin ne resul 40 etf to C= C7.a then c oneditioo become
Acefes e t t s peH¥ormS MOT Usec to revense the togicet Ste a£b) s
epanetia of sopenand fale
Pege No. Page No.
Date Date
6 Memberrship openatos Avwaus
The membenship tor membeahi Tt i6 a
0er deinead
opendtor des Noiable to StOre
Such as Shincgs, lisks, OT tu ples similer)
n Seouence Pes Elerments in a Conse(utive
Oprh0T DeSLmpton Exomple mernbeT locaion.
in Evaluts do tue if ir X in Y Here ns Ecch jrem sBored n an
aTsay s ceuleol an

nds o Varoiohle in ne Tesults ina i elemern

x is member o
Speciied sequence The Lo ces Hon o an elemem in en a r u y hus a
tolse hasUSe ume Cel 1ncex, wnlch i5 Osed to identiy the
positton of Hme elemen
n o t in Evalues to sue F X not i Y, here mponan Poîn}s
does nor Hnds a
amoble not in result ina Index sU with o
in the specie Secuene #estt ia 1 * 's 2 w e Cen eccess ECIch elemen ja S index

ase othenus e nor a member of The ength oF he arsuy deines +he (apuiy
Sequen ce Y to stoe the elemenks
some besie Oy opeaHons
7 To denti ty opera tors. TraNarse 7 priors the elemenrs one

en+jrY peators Compe he mermDy by onne

1ocetions of two obiecs. There dretwo jadeniM 2Tnsertion - T a d d an elemen eA thne
persatDrS p \ u n e d belo. iven ndex.
operatoT Descmpnon ExTnple Deenon Tr dele +es n elenmen er he

is Evoluaes to tue he is Y> Here 81 ven index

Vanobles on e i h e r 5ide o i s resu1 o an elemen 0S)n
Sec rCM
Se orches
he Value
he openaies poin to the 4 d(*) he g'ven index oT by
ame bjeck and fdlse equls id (Y) 5 polate pclahes an elemen at the
Otheuise Ven index.

|The C y Con be Ceakelin py +hon by

s nor Evaluses to false if modUle to he
1s not mpovH ne he omey
Puthon POgUam.
fom a y impoTt*
CIryName a m y type code ,
Page No. Page No.
Date Data
for acc eSsioc O r T i ele menYYs Difference between Lis Aray
ex tmport osuy aS cn

o .aray (i',[2,t,6,E)) Ara Lisr

P n t r s t elenenr:",aTo) 4 only Consis of elenen rs |Can Consis of etemen1s
i n ( s e cond elemeny:" o t 3 ) belongin9 +o the same belonging to differenr
y( Second 1as etem en a-)) ora ype dortypes
T o chdnge or adel elemenys 2 Need to expliciHy imporr|o need to expMci+ly mpo
ex mpor aTuy as a module tor declera ion a module for ce claration
Dumber aT.amy EP, [1,2,3,5,T 103)
change s elemeo CaNPet direcHy hanedle Cannorha ndle direcy,
numbes ] > o Omthme tic operotrs eA Hh-mepc o percie
honge Te +o Sth elemem rmus conin either clcn be nes eol to co ntai
number[2:6] = amr.amay f,4,8,8 [) of type
nesed elemens sarne differen of elemenk
foor(number zepre fferec for onger Pre ferseel for &norrer
equence of ddta irems Sequen(e f dara {tems
o delek eemen from ers
5Less flexibiihy since Ctrec re flexibiliny Ulos
number u.o y'L1,2,3,34|) dddition, dele Hon nus to easy modiffcetion of day
del numbes [ ] be cdone elemenr wlse ie (aiddlfson olelehon)
n r {numbe)
o aouyle, 6.Al0p has to be tormed The enne tis can be
Ue Churacter
To hnd ength oP arssay We can nek uSe tO Ponr or accesS he inel witmouy any
ex en (oruy- name Shng value in Componenis OF explici oopin
Pyahon oTSay
Concatenate Compa YaHyely more consumer Aorqe memON
T meuns for easy addihion of
Comninin ruS Ogthn rp pac inmem oy s2e
e Con ed5il Concatenae elemenvs.
osuy's vssmq
(+ 5yrno. - aaragrey (' [a,2,2,4)
Eanrc. are )
Phnt Aro C-" )
Pege No. Page No.

Sequence tpes synay-Lish1 [1,2,3,47

Sequences. ore o qen eic e m for an OToered List2 r e d ' , *blue'black'
Serwhich means the order tn cwnch we
iopuE Lisr 3 hello ,'100','3.1' L1,2,3]]
the iems will be 4he 6ame when we access them Lists are mutobe uSnich mat3 ireasier
Fython Suppors diftCnv types of sequence3 o change a nd we Can quickly modiy d 1sr
by di recaky a ccessin it_
ShmngS Tuples 5by cuy
2 lists b y e sequence s Tange oh ecs. List= 10,20,80,40
ListL1) lDo
9tings Prn (1is)
Shings r a
qroup of cnaracRrs 0100 , 20,uo
inse a
single or
duble quotees
r9tnon does nor haye a characer tyPe
so a
sing'e charactes inside quoeks is also Tuples ore cueo sequencee of pyhon oecs
Consideyed Tuples Cred rec by Separatog rems
ex 1nome TechNid an" =
w h COmme
type ename) They can be optionculy put nside th e ()
<class *Sr' > faTan+nesis but i is , bur r is nessecey
Stongs ae payanthesis tn nn
immutoble in naure so we on Ao Pur
empty tuple
eassg OVaridble to a ne srinq but
A5inele em tuple sho uld 0Se a CoMmu.

we Con'} mdke any ehdnge j o me Shnq in he end.

2 Cituy= china' tup= ()

Printlcity f ) Pint (ty pe (tup))
tup- 23,4,5)
1p 1eree psek aaremtm up (" F8 Svee , 38, 48 26)
inr (tup)
2 Lists Olp 4¢lass tuple>
Pyton ists re 6imi)ar to dn anruy bu A8 shreer 38
he llou s to Crcase o netroqeneous Tuples are odso immatet ble like strin so
(iterenr) ¬olleohHon of îkems nsde a is Cee Con only Teessign he Nonable we

A is Coneto numbers
Con ceinnoF ehirge add ar emoye elemenrs
Shong5, 1isks
tuples , diteadian dictianorie3 ohiro ee om Ahe tuple .
Lists ore declo rees S i n g Square bra chels
around p m m a seperaèal items.
Page No. Page No.
Hands-ON Kuthon 1 Date Date
end= énd-1
1 2 [stard end wi) mafe s chnuncter celpeu.
S e t e h
ato] = S 7a[otD.dppes 94at] shwer' p stu
19 possi4ion
2h - 11
a [a:1 = S o to(1-1) =* Shwehesh
[o: 2] =3h 1o to (2-1) e 01 7 Count (s) ouny no.of s o/p 2
Shwe te o to 6- 1 ) i o,12,5.4,5 CouNF('e',o.6) / no of e' Steynq fsom o tol6-
[o:6 =

ato:-1= Shweres 1/ o to
(-1 -1) ie o1,2,3,4,S, 6 > . encode Cencodinq Uf-8) /
a =Shuekesh whale wora
- \t
= Shuwerc\t 123 olp> shuerea 123

a:: = Swtss take almote s neval of

1 o/p hue
huee heoline : \
ato.4:2 = sw 11o tol4-1) and inkved of 1 7 a shwere \n shuee
a - 1 =hsetewhs eNeTSe
e v e i s e uDTd+ intesVc o > a - 'Shuerl.15 Smcrt
of-= heeh Olp |0 -*
i win fînd h e
al-3J = ht reveNSe cwOTd + ntemvCU uF2 > a, Hnd (Smort)
a o] =
tewh w sholo indent
40-1 te wh 4F O méans +o 1 AeNSe frdex (\smen') leo
diphabe N NU
> a = Shwera is good Gtir) isaloum) Folse chece

>.CapiBcudize () print (a.capikdize ))

jsalpha c) 1 Tue check -aphdber ono
lp Shwea to good a 45IeHeir copied..
chece-digi x not
make the hole senkre| s elgik) alse
> a . CoseBolod ) )Fwi
+etwe ee
ascicdue on nok
> isascti) rue
0 . opper) BppeT cage

false idenriKer r nun

> a. louer t) 1 lowes cossee ais identifies )
shrom Left to righ) t check pmohle
> Lusk( 2 , ) | . 1sprinteahleC)
Ternoinina l l pnn i 207h posi ny Splce r nd
11 felse
>> just (20, *) om a h icl | a , isspcie e)
hm ** Shwettt
I flse S eher Capiret
ng to lePt) >>>.stle muke iHe f h e o che«
atilec). is AitHe re
Page No.
Page No.
Dete Date
>>.3opper chech fox Upeer Calse 1 5 jmutoble we can no dhectly chonge the chaicreno
>>> a lower check Fer oue Case f sins etln dPe cas ir into isr ancd nen change
a =helloe wOTld > b = lisr(a)

a.sph hello', uworl' >=b

o] = k

joinit* heo','uo ) lk hello*womd Pinr(c) l e - eete' I ' e ' , ' ' 1 ' , o J
i d CK) now caderess oF K.
¥.oin hello 'h*e*]*)]fo >> appeno ('mi)
nt () [h'e 1','0',°m'
> a . SpliH ines )
a.Shp word 77 lis(thello')
alstop (helio') = a . CoPyC) / i r wll copu i s r i d a Ao
Doke 5/8/22
» a My name is shwele
|| \hello wo ld'
a.TEMOvE Prefix( My') l name s Shuea
list (a)
a.Temove sufix ('shuee') lp My ndnme is
hello cwosld
elto ld' 7 t p e (a), tupe(b) /tyee of dhes
a.rplace ('0',m') ol Hell tomtd olp clesss4' <class lis )
a-9 b. Count ( ' ) _
a 2 H1 (10) p o oo 00 09 b.index ('L') lp 2

m a re trans("ha resh', 'shwekesh )
>> = a makehrtuns(harresh', shwees
>>> b= 'hello woTd3'
> extend CJ)
b. tronsate ti)
Olp sello o(r "1'o' ' ' 1,2',3E|
bjnser 9,1 inGen-1 on posik
, e,'T',','L'0'
Page No. Page No.
Date Data
7 list (ronge (a,0,-1))
>bremove -19
1 iwin pop vemoV-e 8 tom

iwin print lish sn revedseddoy Cs,2,7,6,543, 2,1

> b TEVeTse ()
sOT he lis io orde forin a
I i r cu
bur we need only int loply cha break
0o mixeal doa ype T hdaagn
c L40,2,.4J
Pmor ( successful exccutian')
.sor (Ttvese » false)
> c . s o r k (reven3e = T U e ) )P L13,)o42J
Csome for hellow ucme)
> C cleay () oT i în Tunge EO,iO ,2), p A*** ***kA* - k
iot " , Cen}es(so *")} ini loop O
>>del c t o deett eres drr
uword')) Pint(in i loop',i) nloop
C . append (1is(hello
p e cosin for kin Tonge (0): nitoop
Pnor In loo p " k)
[ 42,3,[o','b', hello'],4,5,6
t o r i,enumerdhe(a)
fa',heVo' Pinr (i,3)

O n i o n E au
> [1,2 3,4
o b= La2,4 intersechor oly (omron

for looP 1,2,3,4
> o . indensechion(b)

a TOnae(o,) 23,4
Tor i i n a >>> for in a a . d i ference (b)
Pon ) 13
el6e difference (a)
nr sucoeskuA) 1 00
Pege No. Page No.
Date Date
> . add ( 5S) PoP( slno')
>>C a.copsO
deptno: none oc none3
P o Pi hem
i1,2,3, 4,5F
lo , none)
Se theoy

> -2,-1,0,1,2,3,4,5 G,7,8,9 0 ", 12%,4,15} depBno none f

>>>a- 1/2,3,4,56,-1f
>>b = 2 ,3 , 4 1 0 o

C o 0 , 2oo ,3o0,4oof 2deptno' 10, s m o : 1 loct: cnencui"

.6erdefaur(region ,' southerm?

a . s d i sjoin (c *Yue s0uthem'
. issupen5er (o) TruJe

a 1ssubseY (E) True 2deptno':1o ,Slno' 1'loe': *chennci' 'region' Southern

> a diteycnce -opda Be cb) 5 4 51613
. smmeh c -differncelb) N 1 , 1oo,5 ? Only el While loop
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