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:First role play

,Hello Ahmed
My name is doctor IBRAHIM, one of the doctor's in charge
Nice to meet you
?What seems to be the problem
I am real sorry to hear this. It must be very stressful
......So, let me get this straight
?What do you think might be causing your symptoms

?Can I help you with any thing else

If you don't mind, I'd like to go over again what we've talked
......So, to cut this story short
Thanks for coming to see me
I wish you all the best

:Second role play

,Good afternoon Ahmed

My name is doctor IBRAHIM; I am the treating physician for
.you today
Nice to meet you
?What brings you here today
I am real sorry to hear this. You seem quite upset, but there is a
.solution for every problem
.......So, you are here today because
What are your thoughts about the likelihood cause of your

?Do you have any other inquiries

?Do you want me to recap what we've discussed
Here take my card and please feel free to contact me if you have
any further queries
I hope you feel better soon
:Second time visit

Good afternoon, you are looking better today

How do you feel? Or
?How are you holding up
You brought your son along I see

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