Practice 4 BJT

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REALIZE DATE: 2.05.2023

DELIVERY DATE: 6.05.2023

COMMENTS:     _______________________________________

- Identify the terminals of a transistor with the multimeter.

- Analyze the main polarization configurations of the BJT.

- Set the most stable setting with temperature.

- Analyze the importance of β (beta) in the polarization circuit.

- Interpret the results obtained in the circuits used.


1 Experimentation board (Proto Board)

4 x 1.5 m Banana-Cayman Cables

2 Transistors 2N2222

2 BC547C transistors

2 BC557C transistors

4 Resistors 560 Ω

3 Resistors 470 kΩ

3 Resistors of 220 Ω

2 Resistors of 1.2 kΩ

2 Resistors of 4.7 kΩ

1 matchbox or 1 lighter


1 Power supply.

2 Digital Multimeter.

BJT (bipolar junction transistor) transistors are one of the most widely used electronic components
today. They were invented in 1947 by physicists John Bardeen, Walter Brattain and William
Shockley at Bell Labs in the United States. BJT transistor is mainly used as a signal amplifier and as
an electronic switch in electrical circuits. Well, here we have the bjt transistor. The B is mainly
used to amplify the signals, such as oscillators, switches, rectifiers, etc.

A PNP BJT has one PN junction between emitter (N) and base (P) and the other PN junction
between base (P) and collector (N). The gaps flow through the emitter to the collector.

the main difference between PNP and NPN transistors is the polarity of the charge carriers. In an
NPN transistor, the charge carriers are electrons, while in a PNP transistor, the charge carriers are
hollow. In addition, PNP and NPN transistors have opposite polarities at their collector and emitter

In this practice we will test the stability as operational amplifiers of the following circuits, so we
can know how they will actually work, how much is their gain in voltage and current amplification
and which of the three circuits is more stable when there are variations in voltage and

The BJT transistor has three main operating regions: the active or working region, the saturated
region, and the cut-off region.

The active or working region is the region in which the transistor is properly polarized and can
amplify input signals. In this region, the collector current is proportional to the base current and
the transistor acts as a linear amplifier.

The saturated region is the region in which the transistor is polarized in such a way that the
collector current cannot increase further, even if the base current is increased. In this region, the
transistor acts as a closed switch, allowing the maximum possible current to flow through the

The cut-off region is the region in which the transistor is polarized in such a way that the base
current is zero and therefore no current flows through the collector. In this region, the transistor
acts as an open switch, preventing current from flowing through the collector.

Valor de la Beta de los transistores

Medir mediante el multímetro en la opción de

transistores (hfe pnp npn) la beta de cada uno de

los transistores.



1. What is the reason for the polarization of the transistor?

The bias of the transistor is essentially necessary to allow it to function as an amplifier or switch.
Polarization ensures that the transistor is operating at its quiescence point, meaning that it is in
the center of its operating range and can therefore respond effectively to input signals. If the
transistor is not polarized properly, it cannot function effectively and can be damaged.
2. What does the transistor β (beta) represent to us?

transistor β (beta) represents the current gain of a transistor. It is the ratio of the collector current
to the base current, and it indicates how much the collector current will increase in response to a
change in the base current. A high β value indicates a high amplification capability of the
transistor, while a low β value indicates a lower amplification capability.

3. What does the α (alpha) of the transistor represent to us?

α (alpha) is the ratio of collector current to emitter current in a transistor. It is a measure of the
proportion of electrons emitted by the emitter that reach the collector. The α value is determined
by the physical characteristics of the transistor, and it is typically very close to 1. In practical
applications, the α value is not usually used directly, but it is used to calculate the β value of the

4. Which of the above bias circuits is more stable with temperature?

The emitter stabilizer circuit is more stable to temperature variations than the other two circuits.
The emitter stabilizer circuit uses a feedback resistor to stabilize the output voltage, making it less
sensitive to variations in transistor parameters. The voltage divider circuit, on the other hand,
provides no feedback and is more susceptible to variations in transistor parameters. The fixed bias
circuit is also susceptible to variations in transistor parameters, and its stability largely depends on
the accuracy of the bias voltage.

5. Mention what the transistor operating point is

the transistor operating point is the center of the active region of a transistor's characteristic
curve. It is the point where the transistor is biased for the desired level of operation. The operating
point is typically specified in terms of the collector current and the collector-emitter voltage, and it
is important for ensuring that the transistor operates in a stable and predictable manner.


Pérez Reyes Sergio Adrián:

Guillermo Pineda Cuellar:

In this practice we were able to test everything we learned in the classroom. We had already been
seeing from the beginning how transistors worked, we learned a little about their composition and
the P and N type materials. Some time later we were able to land this knowledge when the BJT
transistor was introduced to the course for the first time. We saw its function in some exercises
that we solved, and the most obvious thing is that it increases the current of the base in an
incredible way. We can get more current from the input thanks to it. It also helped us understand
how the PNP transistor works, which works a little differently than NPN. In the same way, we
learned to work with both, and we saw that what makes them stand out from each other is their
earnings, a factor by which the incoming current will be multiplied. A most interesting practice.

Portocarrero Rodríguez Habid:

In this practice, we can conclude that transistors will be of vital importance for our career and for
future projects. From what we saw here, our BJT transistor has the function of acting as a signal
amplifier or as an electronic switch in an electrical circuit. the main difference between PNP and
NPN transistors is the polarity of the charge carriers, and the transistors can fail when exposed to
intense heat.

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