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The geological action of water

Water is the main agent that shapes relief on the continents.
Liquid water acts in different ways: rivers, surface runoff or flood waters, streams, torrents and groundwater. There is also the
action of waves that shapes costal relief.

4.1 Fluvial shaping

Rivers are currents of water that flow on a fixed riverbed.
We can distinguish three zones:
 In the upper course: the erosive action makes the riverbed deeper. This is where we find ____ _____________ .
There are many rapids and waterfalls.
 In the middle course: meanders are common
 In the lower course: sediments are deposited. There are two types of river mouth.
o A delta is body of sediment at the river mouth as the river enters the sea.
o An esturary is where the sea enters the river at the river mouth, with less sediment.
Complete the following box
Upper course: waterfalls Middle course: meanders Lower course: Ebro delta Lower course: Tajo estuary

4.2 Groundwater

Ground water forms part of the water cycle. It comes from infiltration of water from _______, ________ or _______ into the
Aquifers are layers of rocks or sediments that contain and circulate groundwater.

Complete: Aquifer balance = - = variation of _______________

Overexploitation and contamination are the main risks connected with the exploitation of aquifers.
Explain it:
 Overexploitation happens if the volume of water discharged is higher than the amount naturally recharged.As a result, the
quantity of water in the saturated zone decrease an the water table goes down.
 Contamination happens when contaminated water can reach aquifers from different sources: agriculture and intensive
livestock farming industry, urban residues or salt water from marine intrusion.

Complete the following diagram and study the diagram.

This is a overexplotation of coastal aquifers.
As the water table goes down, due the increased usage, salt water from the sea infiltrates the aquifer to occupy the space that is
left by the fresh water.
4.3 Karst
Karst is a spectacular landscape formed by the action of surface water and groundwater on rocks such as salt, gypsum-, and
limestone rocks

Karst landscapes are very important in ´Spain due to the abundance of limestone in the east of the peninsula and Balearic Islands.


4.4 Shaping from surface runoff and torrents

Surface runoff or flood waters flow without a fixed course. Their action is intense in sub-desert zones where there are sporadic
precipitations. This accelerated soil erosion causes desertification.
Torrents are sporadic bodies of water with a fixed course, where there is a big break in the slope between mountainous area
and a flat area. .
Water basin: area where rainwater collects.
Drainage channel: narrow course of water that evacuates and sediments.
Alluvial cone: situated at at the foot of the mountainous area where the torrent
loses energy and deposits its sediments.

4.5 Coastal shaping

The geological action of the sea is seen especially on the coast. Here we can see. :
 The movements of the sea: waves, currents and tides.
 Differential erosion of different types of rock.
 Sediments from rivers that the sea extends
 Intense human action.
 Recent changes in the sea level due to glaciations.
The erosive action of the sea is carried out by waves, particularly waves formed in storms. Erosion is intensified when the direct
action of the waves is combined with abrasion caused by the impact of materials carried in the waves.

Why is not advisable to build on a cliff.

Due to the impact of materials carried in the waves the base of cliffs is undercut. Therefore, the cliffs collapse and recede,
leaving behind a wave-cut platform.

Costal landforms

Like other agents, the sea creates landforms from erosion and deposit.
Erosion landforms:
Deposit landforms:
+ Beaches:marine deposit landforms. Depending on the size of the sediments, there are Sandy beaches, whic are the
most common, and beaches with gravel or pebbles, rounded by the continous movement of the wáter.
+ spits: sand bars when they are joined to the coast on one side
+ tombolo: when they connect an island with the mainland
+ Lagoons:_if they isolate a bay from the open sea

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