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Name: Imene

First name: Bouzira

Group: 02
What is Phobia ?

Phobias are extreme and irrational fears that can have a significant
impact on a person’s daily life. They can also have a significant impact
on mental health, leading to depression, anxiety, and social isolation.
There are effective treatments for phobias, such as cognitive-behavioral
therapy (CBT) and medications such as SSRIs and benzodiazepines. It
is important to seek professional help if you are experiencing significant
fear or anxiety in a response to a particular object, situation, or activity.

Translating terminology from English to Arabic :

Avoidance behavion : ‫سلوك التجنب‬

Panic attacks : ‫نوبات الهلع‬
Irrational fear : ‫خوف غير عقالني‬
Mental health : ‫الصحة العقلية‬
Symptoms : ‫األعراض‬
Depression : ‫االكتئاب‬
Anxiety : ‫قلق‬
Social isolation : ‫انعزال االجتماعي‬
Panic disorder : ‫اضطراب الهلع‬
Generalized anxiety disorder : ‫اضطراب القلق العام‬
Treatments : ‫دواء‬
Psychotherapy : ‫العالج النفسي‬
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) : \‫العالج المعرفي السلوكي‬
Medications : ‫عالج دوائي‬
Bipolar disorder

Bipolar disorder or manic-depressive illness is a mental health condition

that affects millions of people worldwide. It is characterized by extreme
mood swings that include episodes of elevated mood or mania and
episodes of depression. It is thought to be a result of a combination of
genetic,environmental,and neurobiological factors. There are several
types of bipolar disorder, including bipolar 1 disorder, bipolar 2 disorder,
and cyclothymic disorder. During a manic or hypomanic episode,
individuals with bipolar disorder may experience a range of symptoms,
including increased energy,elevated mood, decreased need for sleep,
racing thoughts,impulsivity, and reckless behavior.
It is important to seek help if you or someone you know is experiencing
bipolar disorder. Early diagnosis and treatment can help prevent
complications and improve outcomes.

Translating terminology from English to Arabic :

Manic-depressive illness : ‫مرض الهوس االكتئابي‬

mood : ‫المزاج‬
Episodes of depression : ‫نوبات االكتئاب‬
Cyclothymic disorder : ‫اضطراب دوروية المزاج‬
The illness :‫المرض‬
Hypomania : ‫الهوس الخفيف‬
Major depression :‫االكتئاب الشديد‬
Sadness : ‫الحزن‬
Hopelessness :‫اليأس‬
Antipsychotic mediation : ‫مضادات الذهان‬
Antidepressants : ‫مضادات االكتئاب‬
Cognitive behavioral therapy : \‫العالج المعرفي السلوكي‬
Psycho-education : ‫التربية النفسية‬
Diagnosis : ‫تشخيص‬
Mental healthy : ‫الصحة العقلية‬
Anxiety disorders

Anxiety disorders are a group of mental disorders characterized by

excessive fear, anxiety, or worry that is out of proportion to the situation
or circumstances. Advances in neuroimaging, genetics, and
psychoneuroendocrinology have increased our understanding of the
neurobiology of anxiety disorders. This paper reviews the current
literature on the neurobiology of anxiety disorders, with a focus on brain
imaging studies, genetic studies, and psychoneuroendocrinology. It
discusses the brain regions and circuits involved in anxiety, the genetic
factors that contribute to anxiety, and the role of the HPA axis, the
hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, in anxiety disorders. The etiology of
anxiety disorders is complex and multifactorial, involving a combination
of genetic, environmental, and neurobiological factors.
Treatment options are available, and many evidence-based treatment
options are available.
Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and pharmacotherapy are the most
effective treatments for anxiety disorders. CBT focuses on changing
negative thought patterns and behaviors, while pharmacotherapy can
have side effects. Complementary and alternative therapies such as
mindfulness-based interventions, exercise, relaxation techniques, and
herbal supplements may also be helpful. It is important to seek
professional help to manage anxiety symptoms and improve overall
quality of life.

Translating terminology from English to Arabic :

 hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal = ‫كظرية‬-‫غدة نخامية‬-‫هيبوثاالموس‬

 neurobiology = \‫علم االعصاب البيولوجي‬
 mindfulness-based interventions = ‫التدخالت القائمة على التأمل‬
 excessive fear = ‫خوف متكرر‬
 neuroimaging = ‫التصوير العصبي‬
 characterized = ‫مشخصة‬

People with PTSD haveintense, disturbing thoughts and feelings related
to their experience that last long after the traumatic event has ended.
They may relive the event through flashbacks or nightmares; they may
feel sadness, fear or anger; and they may feel detached or estranged
from other people. There are effective treatment use for the PTSD as
CBT (CBT) is a talking therapy that can help you manage your problems
by changing the way you think and behave. Also ,Eye movement
desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) is a type of therapy used to
treat the symptoms of trauma.

Translating terminology from English to Arabic :

Post-traumatic stress disorder : ‫اضطراب ما بعد الصدمة‬
Mental health : ‫الصحة النفسية‬
Traumatic event : ‫الحدث الصدمي‬
Re-experiencing : ‫إعادة المعايشة‬
Avoidance : ‫تجنب‬
Negative change : ‫تغير السلبي‬
Mood : ‫المزاج‬
Hyperarousal : ‫فرطة اليقظة‬
Flash back : ‫ذكريات الماضي‬
Nightmares : ‫كوابيس‬
Physical symptons : ‫أعراض جسدية‬
Cognition behavioral therapy: \‫العالج المعرفي السلوكي‬
Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing: ‫إزالة حساس\\ية العين وإع\\ادة‬
Depression is psychological disease that affects negatively the helath of
the human being and his daily activities.
It may be caused by a variety of causes: gentic, environmental or
biological factors
Treatments for depression depends on medicaments and psychotherapy
People can evoid depression by seeking help from mental health

Answering questions attached:

1) Depressionn is a mental health disorder that causes persistent
feelings of sadness, hopelessness and loss of interest or pleasure
in daily activities.
2) Risk factors:
- genetic factors
- environmental factors
- family history
- biological factors
- substance abuse
- chronic stress or trauma
3) Treatment for depression often involves a combination of
psychotherapy and medications
4) Common risk factors include a family history or depression, chronic
stress or trauma, substance abuse and certain medical conditions
5) It is important to seek for mental helath professional in order to
early evoid depression befor it is too late

Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a mental health condition in

which a person believes they are better than everyone else. While many
people have narcissistic traits, people with NPD have problems that
affect their lives, relationships and everyday life.As with many personality
disorders, the exact cause of NPD is unknown. It is probably a mixture of
genes, early childhood experiences and psychological factors.

Early childhood risk factors include excessive praise or judgement by

parents, trauma or abuse.People with NPD have a very exaggerated
sense of their own importance. Key symptoms include:

feelings of grandiosity (being superior)

fantasising about power, beauty.
Treatment for narcissistic personality disorder is talk therapy, also called
psychotherapy. Medicines may be included in your treatment if you have
other mental health conditions, such as depression.

Translating terminology from English to Arabic :

Self-awareness: ‫الوعي الذاتي‬
Psychotherapy : ‫العالج النفسي‬
Emotional support: ‫الدعم النفسي‬
Symptoms : ‫أعراض‬
Self-importance : ‫األهمية الذاتية‬
Lack of empathy for others: ‫عدم التعاطف مع اآلخرين‬
Gentic: ‫جيني‬
Environmental: ‫بيئة‬
Social factors : ‫عوامل االجتماعية‬
Trauma : ‫الصدمة‬
A sense of entitlement : \‫الشعور باالستحقاق‬
Cognition behavioral therapy : ‫العالج المعرفي\ السلوكي‬
Antidepressants : ‫مضادات االكتئاب‬
Anti-axiety : ‫مضادات القلق‬

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