Ejerc Nutrition

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1- Activity foldable/ flipchart nutrients:

You need to create a foldable as following the example in the picture: You have to use

one flip for each nutrient

add the most important information that you should know.
Use the following link to help you in this task.
2- Differences between eating and Nutrition
3- Sistems involved in NUTRITION
4- What are organic and inorganic NUTRIENTS?
- What type of molecule is it?
- What means HDL and LDL and what do they do?
6- How many aminoacids are there? What are essentials and not essentials? Give
examples. What do they form?
7- What is the GLUTEN? And what is CELIAC DISEASE?
8- What is OSMOSIS? Explain these drawings if these cells are in your blood
9- How a GOOD DIET should be?
10- Choose the correct answer

11- What are nutrients? Where do we obtain them from?

12- In which foods can we find the following nutrients?


13- What can happen if we don’t obtain enough mineral salts, water and vitamins?

14- In which foods can we find the following nutrients?

a) Vitamins
b) Mineral salts
c) Water
15- Complete the sentences.
a) _________________________ form the bones and teeth.
b) _________________________ are needed in very small quantities.
c) Water regulates our _________________________ temperature.
d) Mineral salts regulate the functioning of the _________________________
system and muscles.
e) _________________________ is the most abundant molecule in the
f) Vitamins can be water soluble or _________________________ soluble.

16-Classify the following terms into nutrients or foods: Cholesterol, potatoes, meat,
starch, sugar, proteins

17- Order the following nutrients from lowest to highest according to their caloric
value. Proteins, lipids, carbohydrates

18- Identify the three types of needs nutrition covers. Find one food that meets each of
the needs.

19- List all seven food groups:

20- Why is the Mediterranean diet a healthy diet?

21-Identify the illnesses related to the consumption of:

a) Foods with no fibre:
b) Large amount of energy food:
c) High cholesterol foods:

22- Identify unhealthy food habits that are frequent in developed countries
24- What is a food intolerance? Find an example.

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